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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 324 KB, 584x424, Screenshot 2020-03-09 at 15.02.48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17722180 No.17722180 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine being such a dumb newfag that you think an economic and social disaster is actually bad for Bitcoin and crypto. Thats Plebbit level shit right there. Fucking normies...

>> No.17722203

This is the most normie post on here all day you faggot

>> No.17722272

im waiting on the stimulus to pump it. When they go nuts with the money printing is when btc will shine

>> No.17722322



are all those crypto currency thingies dependent on electricity and computers ?

so assuming some planet wide EMP burst civilizations goes back a few decades before modern medicine etc

and computers ?


people are fighting and killing each other for a dead horse to eat, and some antibiotics raided from the hospital

your stupid computer shit is a distant memory

>> No.17722350

I’m with you but
>imagine finding yourself unable to save an image from google search so you reality to screen shorting it. You are an embarrassment to your family.

>> No.17722368
File: 443 KB, 1078x587, 9DED6D85-C244-4A3E-88F9-0E673805A745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The plebbit normie are the ones “shorting the banks” with muh digital gold store of value retard

>> No.17722372

Fucking autocorrect.

>> No.17722456

This thread confirms to me that the flood into crypto in 2017 peak is top retard tier. I actually thought biz was smarter than reddit...sweet god..

>> No.17722538

Even the most mainstream noob media doesn't repeat this tard level shit about there being no electricity in a disaster. Jesus...

>> No.17722574

the blockchain would be picked up where it left off if all the computers on earth are without electricity for a while
which they wouldnt be
because there will always be neets with generators and satellite connection

>> No.17722617
File: 490 KB, 1200x3100, catalog2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mainstream noob media

wut ?

boogaloo over to /k/

before it's too late....

>> No.17722630

half the world in living in poverty. They still have fucking electricity. People are such dumb fucks thinking some kind of Madmax scenario is gonna happen where the sky is scorched and electricity stops existing. Fucking can't deal with this pleb level shit anymore.

>> No.17722636

>crypto is a hedge

I don't have to tell you to kill yourself.

>> No.17722946

kys you adrenal doomer that has the patience of a feral rat.

>> No.17722969

You're the one that sounds like a dumbass. Have fun chasing your cryptos to zero