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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 41 KB, 532x535, trumpcute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17718621 No.17718621 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.17718687


>> No.17718767

Reeee i was gonna say that and post the bog twins

>> No.17718790

Based orange man giving us opportunities to buy low.

>> No.17718813
File: 157 KB, 1023x682, BANE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17718834

not a chance in hell this guy is re-elected. you really thing average ppl aren't going to play "blame the president"? ESPECIALLY since Trump has over the last 3 years constantly taken credit for the economy?

>> No.17718859

>Don't worry *cough* we have the best healthc*cough*care and the best economy. Trust me. There is nothing to *cough* worry about. Thank God for the hard work of the private sec*cough* sec*cough* sector and government.

>> No.17718902

Hollly shit

>> No.17718931

He seemed short of breath during the speech, maybe its just the cheeseburgers though.

>> No.17718953
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>> No.17718985
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>> No.17718998

The funny thing is he probably thinks he nailed it

>> No.17718999

Biden's gonna fuckin' die, homes.

>> No.17719029

checked and honestly every remaining candidate has a 1% chance of dying

>> No.17719078
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No wonder shes stayed in the race.

>> No.17719107

God I want to sniff her arse.

>> No.17719109

fuckin checked


>> No.17719144
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>> No.17719181
File: 103 KB, 950x611, trump-as-bane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was not getting reelected part of your plan?

>> No.17719186


>> No.17719205
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Oh shiddddd

>> No.17719245
File: 930 KB, 1276x659, he looks horrible today.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Acknowledges that situation in China/SK is getting better
>Will unban Asian travel early
>Bans Europe travel

Based orange retard. He understands China has contained the virus and that the true problem is E*rope. This must make /pol/ seethe.

>> No.17719277


>> No.17719282
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>> No.17719304

what the fuck are you talking about redditard. He should have banned asia travel right off the bat and the virus wouldn't have made it here as fast/much as it did in the first place. Is not being wacist more important to you than not dying?

>> No.17719407
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>> No.17719458

China are lying.

>> No.17719527

Frikking epic fresh memes! Have a based (tis how we upvote around here) witty strangers!

>> No.17719549
File: 257 KB, 1073x978, BoboTrump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can finally use the Trump Bobo again

>> No.17719771
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>> No.17719780

There’s no fucking way China has this contained

>> No.17719782

Digits don’t lie

>> No.17719815

>. you really thing average ppl aren't going to play "blame the president"?
they aren't, and they won't

and you will seethe

>> No.17719832
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>> No.17719852

Boomers fucking rekt

>> No.17719866

>how do you want your economy, mr. president?

>> No.17719931

Haven't really seen proof of it yet.
What I do know is that their enemy, the mutts, lie all the time, like 9/11, iraqi WMDs, spying on allies, arming ISIS, the Arab spring, Panama papers etc etc.
So forgive me if I don't blindly trust what comes out of your miscoloured chubby lips.

>> No.17719941

where are the nothingburger faggots?

>> No.17719947



>> No.17719999

right here

>> No.17720019

Holy shit, checked
Pandemic is canceled

>> No.17720301
File: 18 KB, 300x297, ff163867c5a7121c2cd52cd8f3ee8053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17720448

18 fucking new cases today? Either they're lying or it's Pyongyang rules.

>> No.17720500

>china claims 80k infected 3k dead
>italy claims 12k infected 1k dead

China is lying.

>> No.17720560

Chinks aren't afraid to use authorian force to isolate. Westerners scream at the mere implication of losing a tiny big of freedom for a while. That's how. Also your number is wrong so you're clearly severely outdated, or surprise, lying.

>> No.17720635
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>> No.17720643
File: 287 KB, 1071x1071, OHNONONO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the end near?

>> No.17720696

2 cases in my county (mostly rural midwest). We are fucked. I am mostly out of the market but think I'll buy SQQQ or SDOW.

Also fomo linklet bought at 4 lmao it keeps fucking dropping.

>> No.17720808

Red pill me on SQQQ, is it just a short on the market?

>> No.17720858

Nobody knew how bad it would get. I think I knew more than anyone and we were still caught off guard by how serious china virus is. Its a very, very big issue but we've got tremendous people working on it, folks.

>> No.17720941

it is a short on the NASDAQ specifically and since tech stocks were pumped like crazy it could drop quite a bit.

>> No.17720949

>was on the fence about calling in sick
>trump tweeted that it was harmless and everyone should get their asses back to work
>trumps always right, I trust in his plan.
>caught the virus and now bored out of my mind at the mandatory hospital isolation I'm being billed for
Fuck I hate Asians so much

>> No.17720972


>> No.17720981
File: 166 KB, 500x421, 1519191745032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>choice between the orange retard and the two remaining cells left alive in biden's brain

>> No.17720983
File: 301 KB, 1785x1689, fake new wesbite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

totally, retard

>> No.17721000

Yo wtf!! you told me this was nothing happening!?! I've been fucking Coofing chicks all month!! Am I gonna be okay lads?

>> No.17721002

Kek , it's hillarious seing the markets behave worse than crypto.
Yea crypto is down but btc is down 2% and markets lose 5%.

>> No.17721020
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>> No.17721025

t. hothead

>> No.17721034

> they're accurate this time
nice take, retard

>> No.17721083

The betting market is a multimillion industry, you seriously think they sat on their asses and didn't update their predictive models? You retards said the same thing on 2018, claiming a red tsunami was coming, while the models hit the mark on what actually ended up happening.

>> No.17721088

coof on him

>> No.17721115

> they ARE accurate this time

>> No.17721136

Cope harder
Your braindead talking points got obliterated in 2018

>> No.17721152

> cope harder over my future predictions
nice take, retard

>> No.17721164

See you in november

>> No.17721188

You know shit's bad when the president's doing damage control on a Thai sampan customization board.

It really boils down to the VPs when you think about it.

>all those rallies
>all those handshakes
>all those hamboigas

>> No.17721232
File: 158 KB, 1200x698, 1200px-ElectoralCollege1984.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> we won the 1982 midterms!
t. demfag leading into the 1984 election

>> No.17721253

People would rather elect Biden's corpse than Trump if this keeps getting worse.

>> No.17721334

Surf mommy

>> No.17721350


hey faggot the 1984 election was with a president with a booming economy and >50% approval rating. your inbred milkshitter in office has a recession on his hands. good luck retard

>> No.17721368

> recession

>> No.17721369


>tfw corona-chan was just a clever way of taking out all presidential candidates in one fell swoop