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174779 No.174779 [Reply] [Original]

You goy fags missing out on the next biggest thing to hit cryptos since the aurorascamshit?

Brief rundown:

-up almost 600 percent today
-non-anon feather head devs...first crypto in history to be adopted by a nation as their standard currency

-currently 9x as many coins as aurora, yet aurora is 3500x more expensive per coin

-difficulty has gone batshit crazy..only mineable by ASICS

-only available on ONE exchange, (cryptorush), yet price and volume still insane. Once it hits cryptsy or mint, you can start booking your flight to tahiti.

-auroracoin is scamshit

You miss out on this train and you will forever live your pittiful goy existence. I'll bamp this in 2 weeks and say 'I told you so.' Money doesn't get much easier than this, niggers.

My conservative forecast: $0.30 a coin by mid-month. $1.00 a coin or more in a month.

This is everything auroracoin SHOULD be.


>> No.174804 [DELETED] 



>official coin of shitskins who got their land taken forcefully taken away


go look for a bag holder else here, pocahontas.

>> No.174824


ahahahahahahahaha good goy. allergic to money just like your unemployed forefathers.

No sweat off my back...this is the easiest money you could ever make, but instead you choose to flip burgers at mcfagnalds while the rest of us sip henne and rek bitches.

>> No.174862
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>happening x 9000

...and just like that...up from 0.023 to 0.034 since I started this topic 10 minutes ago.


>> No.174906

I looked into it, and it's a horrible coin.
God why didn't America just wipe them out? Now I have to see another shitcoin.

>> No.174962

Great assertion without explanation.

also, make that 4 cents now.

>> No.176132
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OP here.

Well well. Look@that. Now at 6 cents, and the train shows zero signs of having brakes.

Le sigh. I try and help you goys and this is the thanks I get. If only you plebs would have took heed of my god tier advice last night, and you could have more than tripled any of your investment and had a sliver of hope of moving out that filfthy basement dwelling you call home.

But nooooo...instead you had to waste your valuable shekels on *gasp* section 8 Creditz or tapped out auroracoin.

You'll probably ignore this warning again..because that's what goys do. When it's at 25 cents each by the end of this week, you'll suddenly come to realize that being goy is just in your DNA.

You made your own grave, niggers. Now go lie in it.

>> No.176220

How do I mine it?
I'm assuming this is at it's early stages?

>> No.176232


>> No.176239

you are a god damn super faggot. reading the OP its obviously not the early stages anymore and you missed the train

>> No.176263

Oh well. I miss all of them anyway.

>> No.176342

Bought one. Worth tryin'

>> No.176355

I bought 6700 last night. I'm on board with you bro. I also lucked out and bought 5 aurora when they were 15.

Do you think 6700 is a good amount?

>> No.176364

Quit being a goddamn downie and READ for a sec. This stuff is only at 6 cents right now, and will easily increase at least tenfold. Expect a dollar each within the not-too-distant future.

If you quit being such fucking hesitant goy and buy in now, then you won't regret it. Yes, you all can thank me later.

By the way, it's been added to mintpal now, so you niggers have no excuse. 7btc buywalls getting eaten up like sunday brunch@momma's house.

>> No.176374

Can't buy more.
Too broke for that :D
1 is enough, that 1€ will be some pasta for next week.

>> No.176377


6700 is better than nothing, my friend...so long as you put in as much as you can, you will be greatly rewarded (as you already have been...your investment has already yielded over 40% while you slept :) ) Just wait until that meager investment will be worth upwards of 3 to $6000 USD. I only have 83k, which would have been more like 200k if my btc deposit didn't arrive 30 minutes late...but I am far from complaining.

>> No.176399

Nice! That's like 5k USD right now. youre gonna have a fat ass yield niiggaaa!

>> No.176420
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Men gonna be so rich
Cant wait
Pic very related

>> No.176418


>Denzel: "my man."

I'm happy right now, but realistic and know that this is only a slight glimpse at what is in store over the next few days/weeks.

The market cap is currently only at $5 million. Think about that for a second.

Then look at Auroras cap. If maza's cap only grew 10x what it is, it would mean $0.60 a coin and still be about 1000x underpriced compared to AUR.

Almost 300btc trade volume in only its first few hours on mintpal.

This shit ain't rocket science, my nigg.rars.

>> No.176419
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Do the natives even own ASICs?

>> No.176435
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>> No.176451

Sorry for being dense, but if you think it's worth investing in, where's the best place to purchase it? Can I mine it?

I'm very new to all this, as you can probably tell.

>> No.176468


Avoid cryptorush like the plague, if you can.

No, you can't mine it unless you have ASIC miners. You're better of buying it at this price point anyways, as difficulty has reached impossible levels.

>> No.176479

>mfw i have no money for this
> missing train coz' tickets are too expensive
> fuck this

>> No.176511


How much would you consider investing minimum? Haven't got too much cash to throw at things like these.

>> No.176519

>asics mining

>> No.176532

is this shit being pumped?

>> No.176562

>doesn't understand ASIC machines are an important part of the network

>> No.176560


I'm not here to be a used car salesman. Only invest what you can afford to lose (same with any investment). That said, I'm all-in with my existing btc's on maza. It certainly is THE brightest short to mid term prospect in the alt game by far right now, as it has both the benefits of AUR comparisons and actual real-life implementation and media coverage.

Rumor has it a wall street journal article is coming this week. Don't quote me on that,,,but that would be another huge plus.

>> No.176577

Not using money to make money
do you even budget?

>> No.176655

Currently busting through the 15,000 satoshi sell wall.

10 million+ market cap by tomorrow.

You're welcome.

>> No.176690

Why should we avoid cryptorush? Security issues?

>> No.176701


Nah. Just extremely slow deposits/withdrawls and website barely loads due to the traffic overload from AUR and Maza. Not a great trading experience, but they're not con-men.

>> No.176761


ok guyz im gonna buy this coin just like biz told me to buy PND at 7 satoshi

>> No.176798

You seriously can't google the mazacoin developer's white paper and read it then understand the major differences between PND and MZC?

You deserve to be poor.

>> No.176808


dat website is so professional

>> No.176831

Tried to buy about 390's worth. It's currently 'held for orders'. I'm hoping this works out.

>> No.176836
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The MazaCoin blockchain now has 580 Th/s of mining power with a difficulty in excess of 16 million.


If you goys didn't heed my overly philanthropic advice last night or even today, then shame on you niggers. You really do love to be broke.

>> No.176847

Am I doing everything correctly?
Thanks for your help so far.

>> No.176862
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>> No.176858

>made over 2btc
Merchant you are my greatest ally

>> No.176867


Where are you placing your order? By 'held for orders' refer to you placing your order rate under the last going market price? If so, then it's a risk, as the price may continue to rise and your order may not ever go through and get lost in the queue. It's really all a gamble.

But if you want to lock it in now, then buy at the lowest current selling price and secure your shares now.

Again, it is totally up to you. But I did miss out by trying to 'undercut' my pending order yesterday at 3000 satoshis, and the price ended up going to 4000 within 10 minutes, and I had to bite the bullet and just buy it outright.

From the looks of things, it's getting to the point where fewer are selling (seeing as how undervalued it appears right now) and more are trying to buy in.

Good luck, and keep me posted.

>> No.176892

>tfw could only buy 0.1 btc worth
>already made a little pocket change
I was skeptical at first, but now i have faith in you friendly merchant

>> No.176888



Bought 15K MZC at 3am before all this price explosion started.

>that chart

>my body was never more ready

>> No.176910


You are all very welcome, my fellow brethren.

'Tis refreshing to see investors with over a sliver of intelligence on /biz/ that can read and make simple deductive conclusions instead of tossing btc's at the rest of the shitcoins on this forum with zero future.

This was a no-brainer from the start. Enjoy the ride to heaven, fellas.

>> No.176918

aurora is pump and dump nobody even heard about it in iceland, devs will dump all premine soon.
Even if there were 3.5 of your coins in existence, nobody knows about it, nobody cares. compare meow and doge, total number of coins doesn't matter.

>> No.176923


Now I know...
The price increased so much during the time I put my order in, that no-one was willing to accept it. Put in a new order at 300 for around 35$ worth of BC (same as I put in for 390 only a while ago)

You weren't wrong dude, price increase is ridiculous. I can only imagine what it might go up to.

>> No.176937


'Grats! Yeah lol, I got a bit confused with the buy and sell orders when I first got into cryptos.

Just sit back and check up on the charts once or twice a day from here on out. Your mind will explode when you see what this thing is capable of doing. It hasn't even really begun. This will probably be the biggest meteoric rise of a crypto in 2014.

>> No.176949

I only have 200 ;_;

>> No.176950


It's because people are figuring out what they loved about AUR is actually really in MZC.

We know our devs name over here in MZC, and his face. AUR's dev uses a fake name and registered his business in Panama.

What's he hiding. He admits on bitcoin forms that he has no plan for airdropping the money, but assures everyone to keep pumping sheckles into AUR and he'll figure it out, him and his 2 buddies on the forums who are probably his sockpuppet accounts.

MZC trading took cryptorush.in down last night and is about to take mintpal down. When the AUR money and the whales move to MZC, which they are already doing, you'll see similar .1 btc pricing for MZC.

Also, MZC is an official currency, even bitcoin can't say that.

>> No.176970


Even at a VERY conservative short term valuation of $2/per...that would make a lot of early adopters very happy.

But yes, I agree...Maza is everything Aurorascam 'claims' to be.

If the wall street journal article assertion is true, then say bye-bye to anything under 50 cents by saturday.

>> No.176972
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Bought 33 for 2500 Doge
>tfw got my ticket before the train left

>> No.176979

How the fuck do you buy on MintPal if you don't already have some scamcoins? Where's the 'use real money' button?

>> No.176980


>who got their land forcefully taken away
By who? Not the people who ended up owning it. The owners can't fight for themselves, and they're not willing to give those who can what they deserve for defending them, so being all starry-eyed for the oppressors is not as stable a position as you think.

>> No.176996



You gotta have buttcoins to get in the alt game, man.

>> No.177009

i see. so i need to go open a wallet and get some satoshi before I can even start chasing alts?

seems like a good way for a bunch of scam artists to hoover up the actually valuable bitcoins for digital nothings. fuck it I guess I'm in.

>> No.177021


So i need to buy bitcoins for real money using another exchange, and only then buy mazacoins?

>> No.177037

Thanks based OP. I listened to you this time.

Bought in at 1000k satoshi. Already made profit.

What do we hold until? 1$? That seems crazy...there's 90 million coins.

Will hodl 8k.

>> No.177042


Will do!

Hopefully if I make a good amount from this, the more significant cash I can put into other investments/cryptocurrencies.
Thanks again dude. If this takes off, you'll be a rich man before long.

>> No.177046


You may buy buttcoins at places like btc-e, coinbase, etc. And yes, that's the whole purpose of alts, as they are valuated against BTC for exchange purposes.

Trading alts is the easiest and fastest way to increase your btc earnings if you play your cards right, btw. It's made a ton of neckbeards borderline rich.

Good luck, sir.

>> No.177049

most of the threads on the first page are about your stupid monopoly money

sage for cryptocurrency faggotry

>> No.177055

bump :^)

>> No.177056

>turned $300 into $2000 and cashed out into USD via coinbase
>monopoly money


>> No.177067

so where can a good goy get some buttcoins to get on the train? is coin base best option? how long does it take? if I get my ticket tommorow is it too late?

>> No.177064


Mutual :)

I am not in the position to tell you to not take profit where you see fit. I was just here to let you guys know to get in NOW, and those who have already have reaped the benefits.

But my short term valuation stance remains...I think this is easily headed for .50 cents or more in just a week (rumor has it cryptsy coming this week), and 1 to 2 dollars each by the end of the month.

If you look at the charts, you will notice a very cool market pullback from AUR and corresponding influx of new money into Maz. The big players know where the smart money is at.

>> No.177069

How much do I need to get on the train?

>> No.177072

Should I keep my mazacoins on mintpal or withdraw into my wallet? I don't like how mintpal has fees for withdrawals but I'm paranoid unless the coins are in my wallet.

>> No.177077

Also, for perspective:

If Maz attained anywhere close to AUR's current market cap, that would give Maz a tentative valuation of $7 PER coin.

Let that sink in a bit, bros.

>> No.177094


Always keep your coins in personal storage if you can/don't intend to trade. And keep multiple backups on usb drive and memory cards.

Coinbase has always been great to me, but you will get a .1btc instant buy limit. You can buy more than 1 buttcoin but it will take 4 business days to clear.

Use localbitcoins if you don't want to wait and can buy in person.

>> No.177096

Only 7?

>> No.177097

So how is this different from any other crypto? It seems like you guys are trying to pump this up a lot, then cash out.

>> No.177103


You do realize it's currently selling for about 8 cents each, right?


lrn2read goy. jesus christ.

>> No.177102

Also, are buttcoins gonna fall below 600 again? I'm kicking myself for not getting in 2 days ago, should I wait for it to drop before getting into Maza coins or go now right away

>> No.177114

I use Coinbase.
I hope your bank allows instant verification, otherwise you're gonna have to wait 2+ days.

>> No.177116


>implying he wants to wait to see if buttcoins drops to below 600 again
>implying maza won't rise exponentially by the time that dream may/may not be realized

Don't think that's the smartest approach, IMO. Any possible jew savings on btc will be vastly outweighed by the profits seen on maza.

>> No.177138

yeah that's what I thought. now to get virtual shekels. is it harder in Toronto with TD? I'm think local bit coin from cash deposit

>> No.177153


Toronto should have plenty of vendors willing to sell up front for cash deposit. However, with ease comes marked up prices. Localbitcoins is usually around 10% over market price.

I know, I know...why must btc be so difficult to obtain. Just a part of the game right now, unfortunately.

>> No.177156

As far as you want to go

>> No.177166

Holy shit.....

>> No.177170

so do you recommend getting now from local and pay the 10% or go bit coin base and have to wait? I mean how long would it take to validate my TD account anyways?

>> No.177180

I did read. This is different because a native american tribe sponsored it? Im sorry to burst your bubble, but historically they havent been the soundest financial investors.

>> No.177181

AUR just lost nearly 40% of its market price this afternoon, while Maz has more than doubled since this morning.

Coincidence? I think not.

>> No.177178

Only 7?? its only ~7 cents a fucking coin right now. Do you even math?

>> No.177191

Do you realize how socially significant this is? This would be the first time any crypto has been adopted as a primary currency. Ever.

It doesn't have to be the most innovative coin...the fact that it set a precedent is more than enough to garner the attention of investors and (soon to be) media.

This is good for not only maza, but the crypto market in general.

>> No.177195

look at the fucking marketcap for the last two days. How the fuck are you this dense?

>> No.177201

It's not a country, it's a tribe
It's a great advance, but not the quantum leap you're hyping
Anyway, there's going to be a big pump

>> No.177207

I have 5 aurora right now...do you guys think I should hold? Id hate to sell thinking its going to flop, then wake up tomorrow and it be at like 150.00 a coin

>> No.177212

Sell, buy back in a few hours if you can't wait to buy back tomorrow
Also, take into account that it could die tomorrow

>> No.177213


>> No.177219

whats the premine on MZC?

>> No.177222


50 cents would be a 8x gain for me...

I would literally be shitting rainbows.

>> No.177224


My personal opinion? Get out of AUR as soon as you can. The train has come and left. Everyone is pouring their btc into Maz and Litecoin right now.

Again, just my own opinion. But at it's current valuation, you're risking a whole lot at much smaller potential ROI.

>> No.177239

Thanks for the advice guys, I think ill sell 4. I bought at 15 so its still a pretty good profit

>> No.177244

Am I an idiot for considering putting $1000 into Maza?

>> No.177246

no goy, listen to the good men of /biz/ who have no interest in waiting for you to do such a think before dumping like crazy

>> No.177258


I'm in it about $3k.

It appears coinmarket cap is lagging a bit on their charts, and Maza is hovering right around 11 cents a share right now, give or take.

Yes, that's about 5x profit if you bought when I told you to last night.

So many shitcoins pumped on here that never see daylight and people take losses from the get go.

Congrats to all who did.

>> No.177270

I know they'll dump but is there a chance of me dumping with then later is my question

>> No.177281


Listen to gramps and don't buy in. :) No sweat off my back...I've already made a lot of people on here a shitload of money they didn't have just a few hours ago.

As always, do your own research and make your own decisions.

>> No.177382
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>200k dump cutting the buy orders by like 20%
top lel

>> No.177431

Part of any market. Hell, look at Aur, lost value and pulled back several times along the way.

Unless you are a daytrader and trying to capitalize on 5 minute margins, it doesn't matter. There will always be people profit taking, then the whales eat them up and increase their sharehold. :)

>> No.177443

Also, those who are looking for straight vertical trend lines in a 24 hour market need to gtfo the alt game.

>> No.177450

is it too late to wait 3 days for coinbase?

>> No.177456
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>> No.177470

sold 54k of Doge and got in a few of these. Thanks OP, let's see what it does!

>> No.177481


Tough to say. I still think there is a great shot at hitting at least 1 dollar, easily. But you'll have to trust your gut.

We're already at 15k satoshis with every sign of market share growing like wildfire.

>> No.177519


Good luck my friend! I think you made yourself a very wise investment. Doge is a good 'stable' mainstay, but you surely won't see the immediate gains that you can with a hot coin like Maza. :)

Best case scenario, you increase your earnings off maza and cash out and re-buy more doge with said profits!

>> No.177619
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not much for its what i got

>> No.177621

>the next biggest thing to hit cryptos
Every cryptocurrency is a pump and dump. And that's fine, but just don't try to dress it up as anything but that. We need to start banning these threads, they're cancer.

>> No.177626

>IDs have been enabled - no shilling

>> No.177636

>Then look at Auroras cap. If maza's cap only grew 10x what it is, it would mean $0.60 a coin and still be about 1000x underpriced compared to AUR.
>Implying either of these coins have an inherent value
>Implying there is any demand for them beyond faggots like OP trying to pump and dump
We need to start fazing out people who don't understand economics. I blame all the fags from leddit.

>> No.177660

Where do I buy maza coin I'm new to this

>> No.177703

lol'd hard. This guy is awesome

>> No.177708
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this shilling is worse than credits

>> No.177718


Sigh. Here we go again with the anti-crypto grampafag party crashers.

Yes, cryptos are not worth as much as your 'intrinsic value'd' gold or silver. It will never have inherent value like your paper printed stocks and bonds.

>yet I'm trading them for buttcoins and cashing them out directly for fiat to my bank account via coinbase

Sorry you miss all the trains, goy.

>> No.177734

Just look at the at the stats....if you would have bought last night when he said, you could have made nearly 10 times what you invested and that is just one day. Shill my dick, you broke nigger.

>> No.177765

Looks like the price is dropping, although if it does hit cryptsy I would assume the price will increase again significantly.

>> No.177766


The smell of jelly is pungent, ain't it?

>broke goyfags implying I in some way am paid for making other people boatloads of fucking money in 24 hours, when 99 percent of these threads people end up losing money on a shitcoin

I don't care if you cash out now or 3 hours ago. But the people who followed my advice banked. And they banked hard.

To bed you go, gramps. Supper's gonna be ready by dusk.

>> No.177769
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He sure as hell sounds like a shill.
Im still in though
>that panic dip to 11k sat like 10 minutes ago
>already back up at 15k

>> No.177775

wolong pumps made me $270 today :)
Don't be stupid with this coin and hold it thinking "it's the coin of the future"
It's getting pumped because it's easy to abuse the fresh on mintpal hype

>> No.177804


/biz/ was made to contain crypto threads so GTFO newfag.

>> No.177860

how long are you holding?

>> No.177869

This whole thing just kinda weirds me out. It's like... You guys all dump a bunch of money in, and you get your friends to dump a bunch of money in, then you just wait to pull out at the right time, hoping to take some other peoples' money out with you. It's like a weird gamble.

>> No.177874

I'm not holding I'm constantly selling and rebuying for atleast 7% profit
It's not worth it to hold when the bubble could burst any minute

>> No.177886

greater fool theory

>> No.177881

Mintcoin just went down it seems.

>> No.177899


welcome to speculative markets.

>> No.177913


>> No.177928

So's rush.

>> No.177935

Cryptorush too. I just deposited some btc to buy.


>> No.177936
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Where are you looking? It's over 19,000 satoshis on cryptorush on my end.

Jesus christ, you poorfags always rear your hideous mugs as soon as that glorious sound of shekels comes roaring in.

Look at my OP and all subsequent predictions. 10 cents? Yeah. Smashed that in a day, pops.

Yes, it IS the next biggest crypto and possible frontrunner of the year next to AUR. Peep the stats, faggot. What other alt do you know experienced around a ~2,000% rise in less than 24 hours? Let alone the 1,000btc trade volume in only its first 3 hours on mintpal.

Stick to your shitty meme alts and leave the profiteering to the big boys, sonny. This ain't your lane.

I love ID's...matter of fact I was hoping for it. I'll gladly be here and bump this same thread in 2 weeks just to see who told who. Then I expect most of you fudfags to stop posting just like you did in the buttcoin sticky. Same old faggotry.

You can check my posts in the buttcoin sticky thread as well. I was the same one shooting down grampafag fud and constant assertions that it would immediately crash to 300 or lower. The butthurt from missed train tickets on this forum is astounding.

And yet it makes the rewards all the more grandeur. :)

>also, lol@wolong buttcoin market god assertions. yes, sell now because he's obviously behind every pump in the universe gogogogo!

>> No.177946

I was hinting to buy in while it was dropping you insidious fuckmonger.

>> No.177955


The remarks after my price statement weren't directed at you, cunt nugget. Don't get your thongs in a twist, hun.

>> No.177950

How much do you got?

>> No.177966

So how does this coin getting big actually benefit Lakota people or help them gain legitimacy? It's not premined and most of the people mining it aren't Lakota nor do they give a shit about Lakota people....

>> No.177967
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>> No.177978

>it IS the next biggest crypto and possible frontrunner
I hope you can manage to come to your senses and sell before you become whale food
>people like him are why pump and dumps are so easy

>> No.177980

From the article linked:

"MazaCoin is what is known as a "fork" of bitcoin derivative ZetaCoin, although unlike bitcoin it is inflationary, meaning that new coins can be mined over time. The Oglala Lakota Nation has pre-mined 25 million MazaCoins to serve as a national reserve with another 25 million coins set aside for a Tribal Trust, an organization that will issue grants to local businesses and tribe members."

>> No.177982

I don't really give a shit as long as I profit from it.

>> No.177988

What's a pool I can use my asic with

>> No.177989

Oh looks like I was wrong.

Okay, that's interesting. Now I can fantasize about the coin getting a huge marketcap and them using it to fund secession from the united states

>> No.178022


>> No.178027

Cryptorush is cloudflaring. Why.jpg

>> No.178028



BUY MUH COINs GOY Nooooooooo don't mine muh coins

>> No.178037

There isnt even an official thread iirc

>> No.178093


Only 83k. Would have had more if not for cryptorush fail server lags.

Ok, nigger. Be sure to post in here when this thread is two weeks old. Don't go disappearing like the grampafags with sudden onset dementia once your fud predictions fall short of their poorfag mark.

>> No.178127
File: 248 KB, 1239x863, maza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> Follow thy crypto-messiah to the promise land.

>> No.178146

Well, come Monday I'll have my first ever bitcoins to spend (coinbase). I'll likely spend it on the Mazacoin.
I'm a big fan of Sovereign Nations. Especially the domestic dependent kind.

>> No.178171


Hope it'll be at a somewhat manageable price by then (under my 25 cent prediction). Either way, best of luck with whatever you decide to invest in :)

>> No.178188

So is biz just an advertisement board for ponzi and pump and dump schemes or what?

>> No.178190

bout to jump on the train goyim, which exchange is the best to use right now?

>> No.178205

Unfortunately. I was hoping it would be an economics board, but alas no.

>> No.178207

Do you hava a visa creditcard? If you have one use it to verify your counbase account to do instant transactions. Your definitely going to want this if you want to get into tradngcrypto. If someone you know will let you, use their credit card to get you accound verfied. It doesnt charge anything to the credit card when you register, or when you buy.

>> No.178217


Mintpal. But it's progressively entering cryptorush territory. Both are getting hammered with server lag from the trade volume.

>> No.178226

Where can you find the net hash rate on this shit?

>> No.178231

Thanks. I never paid any attention to cryptocurrency, but it has come up when talking about creating a Tribal currency (different tribe).
I was impressed to see the Lakota Nation doing it.
Tribes are sketchy when it comes to business. Lots of talk, and then half the council bounces with the cash once the checks have cleared.
We'll see how this goes, it's worth the shot just for the historical value.

>> No.178252

No credit cards. And they don't use debit. I don't mind the wait. It's about time for me to build up a little bitcoin, long as it doesn't get too spiky.
Just starting out, I don't need to be doing any impulse buying. This is solely for this particular currency.

>> No.178306


You really think this is going to 25 cents? Sell me on that and I'll buy 50K of these coins right now.

>> No.178324


I don't need to sell you on anything. It's been my personal valuation from the start, and it's almost already halfway there at 10 cents on only its first day on a big exchange and a meager 10 mill market cap.

Invest if you want, not my money, pal.

>> No.178332

I'm new to this, is there anyway to get my buttcoins back as real money besides selling on ebay?

>> No.178334

pls rspnd

>> No.178337


OK good job, I'm in.

>> No.178338

Send them to your verified coinbase account, and sell them back to coinbase. They buy and deposit the fiat directly to your bank account.

>> No.178341

Nope. You have to find a sucker that buys the 'valuation' of bitcoins supplied by exchange sites. Good luck trying to sell them back to an exchange.

>> No.178344

Anybody want to trade some maza for credits?

>> No.178347


Best of luck, brethren.


Not sure. You can check their twitter @mazacoin and ask them there. They seem to post the network hash rate periodically.

>> No.178356



FUD harder, clueless grampafag.

>> No.178358

Sorry nigglet, that was directed@ >>178341

>> No.178379

You haven't pulled out of the scheme yet? Oh, you poor soul.

>> No.178407

Dang i'm already profiting from these coins, thanks OP, you are not a fag.

>> No.178423


The only poor one is the grampafag pouting on the sidelines. :)

I already sold 15k of my shares @18,000 which completely covered my buy-in, and have over 60k left to just ride it out.

Tell me how your shift goes@IHOP tonight though, hun.


Congrats, and enjoy.

>> No.178429

1k credits for 80 maza

>> No.178459


Yo nigglet it's cindereynolds did you really mine credits? lol.

>> No.178468

now i just want some maza
i'll trade some pnd too

>> No.178482


gee nigglet i don't know... these are gettin pretty valuable to trade for credits at any rate. :^)

>> No.178492

How many do you have?

>> No.178510


Don't worry about how many I have. Why can't you mine some?

I'd say daytrade some credits but there is no market volume, amirite?

>> No.178518

Shill this to the Chinese if you want to see the moon. The yellow jew's greed knows no bounds.

>> No.178543

Oy gevalt
I don't own any Asic miners

>> No.178557


>too late, goy.

They've started boarding since last night.

>> No.178556

dang, mine something else and exchange for some btc to trade with son. This crypto is on fire. Better start panicking nigglet the clock is ticking

>> No.178573

What's the MZC:USD @

I got 700 :/

>> No.178581

its at .093 per mazacoin according to https://coinmarketcap.com/ ; looks like you got around $63

>> No.178586


You haz approximately $70.00 worth, give or take.

>> No.178621

So you don't want any credits or PND?

>> No.178756
File: 11 KB, 246x417, zX0SrwE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw onboard
>tfw bought at 99 satoshi like great spirit op suggested
>tfw thinking about profit taking now before losing money i cant afford to lose
>tfw convinced this will hit 0.50$ at least next 2 weeks

wat do?

>> No.178780
File: 16 KB, 1502x146, ishyghyh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how does this even happen

>> No.178843


Take profit and don't look back if you need it. Or just sell as many shares that it took to buy in, and ride the rest out on pure profit.


Sever lag. lol, been like that all day.

>> No.178903


Good looking out Jaguar Eagle.

Im' actually still down from my intial investment into crypto at 1250$. Went all in mintcoin at 40...stupid I know. Anyway got out at 24 and had like 600$.

Daytraded and bought maza like you said and now Im at 1000$, still 250$ short of my initial investment.

Ima cash out half and hold maza with the rest.

I fucking love the volatility of crypto market.

>> No.178906

Alright i got 260 GH/Sec on this thing

i was getting sick of mining insignificant amounts of bitcoin

>> No.178932
File: 618 KB, 2048x1536, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can a /biz/ bro please guide me on how I can purchase some bitcoins so I can buy mazacoin? I created an account with mintpal and have no idea how to purchase bitcoins using a debit/credit card. I wanted to buy some Mazacoin as a long-term invested. Thanks in advance.

>pic is my investopedia account :/ how I wish it was real

>> No.178933


Glad you could recoup some losses, my friend.

Funny you should mention mint. I bought 27 mill @4 satoshis and sold for 4 3 days before the meteoric rise. It's like the eagle spirit owed me.

I actually was down around 1 buttcoins from a previous failed buy-in on Vert when it was at $3.50 per. Analyzing the market stats and competitor coins at the time, it was a dumb impulse buy.

But this has more than made up for that previous mistake. This coin is just the 'perfect storm' market scenario and was a no-brainer from the start after seeing the Aurora train ensue. My only regret? I didn't get in a few days sooner. But hindsight is always 20/20, amirite?

Fuck yes. Nice. Keep us posted if you find any blocks.

Well, looks like the day will probably conclude with Maza increasing another ....800 or so percent from my initial post last night. Market cap skyrocketed from 3 mill to just around 11 mill. Not too shabby for 24 hours of work.

Let's see what kind of surprises tomorrow holds.

>> No.178947


coinbase or localbitcoins. It's already rehashed numerous times in this thread for your convenience.

>> No.178973

is it too late to jump in now? got about .2 BTC to spend (I know its not much)

>> No.178979

Thanks, So when I purchase bitcoins from coinbase, how will mintpal know I have bitcoins?

>> No.178987


The market seemed to have settled/took a breather at around 15,000- 16,0000 satoshis.

Here's what it all comes down to. Are you a medium term believer? Or will you keep on checking charts every 5 minutes worried that you lost 10 percent of your investment on a mini dump?

If there is doubt and you can't afford to lose the 0.2, then it's probably not for you. But if you share the same belief as many others that this is still severely underpriced, then I say go for it and watch the magic unfold.

>> No.178994


You send the bitcoins directly from the coinbase interface into your generated mintpal btc deposit address.

>> No.179077 [DELETED] 


crypto rush. will probably be on crapsy by the end of the week.

For those still on the fence, Mazacoin is like Auroracoin in that its going to go to the moon quick. If there is one thing crypto-buyers love more than privacy, its stores of values backed by jurisdictional authorities like iceland or western dakota.

Get on the bandwagon before it leaves you behind like bitcoin did.

>> No.179090

cryptorush is a fucking nightmare. Their servers are dying and it's impossible to day trade. everytime I place an order it takes 2 or 3 minutes to go through. Can't wait for this to go on a bigger exchange.

>> No.179091

MZC getting on cryptsy is still good for the coin in the long run though.

>> No.179241


If its gets on bitstamp, coinbase, bitpay, btc-e, then its big time.

>> No.179266

Just look at some of the shit thats on BTC-e though. shit like FTC , XPM and NVC that have no volume whatsoever

>> No.179291


Just by volume it's still one of the top 3 biggest bitcoin exchanges today, XPM could take off any day really. NVC and PPC are just dealcoins there otherwise I don't know why they would be traded.

>> No.179293


>> No.179314


lolllllllllllll. Chill the fuck out, nig.

If you're expecting straight vertical lines, then get the fuck out of the alt industry. It ain't for you.

Jesus christ, what are you expecting? Green candles 24/7?

>> No.179326
File: 2.33 MB, 200x190, 12.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw sell at 17k
>tfw buy back in at 10k

Am I doing this...."dailytrading" correctly guise?

>> No.179330

It tipped lower than 11k earlier and shot back up to 16k
That was back when i posted this

>> No.179362


Shit. If I had the patience and attention span to do it, that's the real way to make bank.

Good shit yo.

Moved all my maza out of cryptoshit and over to mintpal. Hopefully now won't have 1 minute refresh delays.

>> No.179369 [DELETED] 

How do I add a balance to my MintPal account? I have Coinbase account. I am completely lost. Please help a /biz/ bro out.

>> No.179384

>cryptocurrency for ireland
>pot of gold
>end of the rainbow
>blarney stone

when will you people learn

>> No.179403



Mintpal has blown me away. Smooth as shit, minimal downtime, amazing platform.

See you at 0.50$ per in a week or two maztec friend.

>> No.179414


>spelling iceland

>> No.179534
File: 45 KB, 612x612, 1393995710671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hell yeah. i didn't even have the balls to sell at 17 I was trying to watch the fluctuation parters before i did anything.
I need to grow brass balls like you.

Hell yeah, i'm thinking of moving all my coinage over to mintpal. Swisskeks kinda sucks muh' dick.

>> No.179550

Alright i got my sha256 miners on this

but for scrypt auroracoin is by FAR the most proftitable. no pools anywhere that aren't shit though.

>> No.179559

Hustlers hustle. Quick cash.
It's fun to watch.
Take care of those who matter. Nothing is ignored.

>> No.179586

>and just like that, the climb back to 15k commences


You have inspired me, good sir. I think I will try my hand at margin trading in the next few days to try and grow my maza stash.

That's how these whales keep on growing their stack while momentarily pausing the astronomical rise. I get it now. Put in random low sell orders...push the market back a bit...place your buy orders before hand. Rinse and repeat.

Can't wait to see what happens tomorrow.

>> No.179608

Cryptorush is garbage. I was trying to daytrade and the site keeps crashing every time I put an order in.

>> No.179663


It really is almost the same isn't it.

But low, sell high. Take the other person's money before they can take your money.

>> No.179669


Whales are the masters of manipulators and instilling fear.

Put in a low buy order...market panics...sells cheap into the whales...and the market swiftly rebounds. Like clockwork doe.

>> No.179691

>tfw I bought into maza at 16500 an hour before the price started dropping to 11200
>tfw I couldve bought more if I had just waited

oh well, such is life, to the moon right bros?! We're all gonna make it!

>> No.179693


how much you buy?

>> No.179703


just .2 BTC, just some cash I could afford to lose to play around with

>> No.179711


I know that feels, brah.

Just keep focused on the bigger picture, bud. It's impossible to buy-in on the lows every time, or we'd all be rich.

All the money is flooding out of aurora now. We will have our paradise soon.

>> No.179714

I want to get in on this shit, but have no bitcoins. Only a pre-paid credit card with $100.00 loaded onto it. Wat do?

>> No.179777

R/dogemarket. Google wallet> debit >seller>mintpal>doge>btc>maza

>> No.179794

jesus christ.

>> No.179821

I only got 1k, why should I even bother of there are people with 80k?

>> No.179850

OP help me,

Im really new in all of this. I have heard of bitcoin in 2012, didnt really mean much and so I stopped.

Can any of you teach me how to do all of this? How do I get mazacoin? how do I register or what, explain it to me like I was just born out of my mother's womb

>> No.179881


WTF does this even mean.


No. I already spoonfed you the tip of what to buy. If you can't read the 10th time we've gone over where to buy buttcoins and where to purchase maza, then you are hopeless.

>> No.179890


protipL doge will never make you rich...unless you're a truDOGE.

>> No.179919

What you’re supposed to do:
1. https://coinbase.com
2. Buy bitcoin and transfer it to the exchange.
3. Exchange.
If you’re downloading anything, you’re doing something wrong.

>> No.179966

You should start with Dogecoin. Seriously. It's made for noobs and the community is the most helpful .

>> No.179979

jesus christ, why is it such a fucking bitch to buy bitcoins in Canada? every goddamn site either doesn't accept simple bank transfers, or makes you do a shitload of personal ID shit. i wish I could just buy BTC direct from someone.

>> No.180024

You can do that. localbitcoins.com

There is a bitcoin atm somewhere in canada too

>> No.180122

got 1k mzc for now... all i could spare

>> No.180282

is there a mazacoin irc channel?

>> No.180713

Just bought some Mazacoin.. how long until the Great Sky Spirit makes me rich?

>> No.180781


Sit tight. Still up over 300 percent from my initial post.

The alt market is in a bit of a funk right now with btc taking a slight hit, but the money flowing in is undeniable (1400btc volume just on mintpal).

Also, whales are manipulating the market hard right now. Look at the patterns...they keep driving it down to right at 8000, loading up, then bounces up immediately.

It will break out soon...just stay the course and remember where we're headed, brethren.

If you can get in around 8k, consider yourself lucky.

>> No.180785


No clue. I don't believe so.

>> No.180790

Let me also remind you nigger that you are making history right now for consolidating the first ever cryptocurrency as a standart currency by a nation

>tfw /biz/ is making history

>> No.180803

Implying the lakota's are a "nation."

Motherfucker these people drink hairspray and hand sanitizer. Fuck them.

>> No.180839

>Motherfucker these people drink hairspray and hand sanitizer

how do you know tho?

>> No.180851

9k satoshi
Bought at 14k


>> No.180862


>bought at 120k satoshi
>not far off from you

Sit tight. Do not panic sell into the whales. Forget about this shit and come back in a month. The verge just covered this shit.

>> No.180866

Yeah, I also follow the philosophy that when bets are going poorly, you should dump more money in.

>> No.180871
File: 52 KB, 847x367, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>id like 2 big macs and a coke pls

>> No.180879

Me too, actually. If only I could make seedy internet bets...

>> No.180884

Bought at 16k Satoshi right before it dipped yesterday. Fuck

>> No.180891

I really hope you dont have that much money in DDD..

>> No.180904



This has only been one day, guys.

Please. Lrn2market and stay away from the charts for a day or two. Set your target sell orders in and just wait.

No coin has ever reached its market potential in only 2 days. It's going to weeks to see this fully materialize. There will be bumps along the way, but that's just a part market trading.

If the coin were dead, it would not have the shitload of trade volume it does. And we're not even on craptsy yet.

Have faith.

>> No.180916

Do you ever fucking sleep

>> No.180913

Yup. Gonna exchange more Doge later to get some more at these low prices

>> No.180941

top shill


>> No.180957


I like this guy.

>> No.180962

I got in at 17k satoshi with .3 btc. Have another .07 BTC sitting in my cryptorush acount. Should I buy in with that now or is it trending a bit lower yet?

>> No.180964

hahaha, posted this last night as it hit its peak
come back and the shit is tanked and flatlining
no doubt OP and his fellow shills made money off the idiots who bit, though

next week: INUITCOIN !!!!!
listen, goys! inuitcoin is THE REAL DEAL! it's the only coin accepted in -20 degree weather worldwide! this one is DIFFERENT!

>> No.181002

I would never miss out on the new buffalo.

>> No.181003


>maza covered by verge and rt
> aurora coin hit 84$ without any news coverage

Stay pleb.

>> No.181013

It has been covered.

>> No.181029

It died overnight in burgerland
early morning now seems to be picking back up.

>> No.181043


Sauce to rt and verge coverage, not small time articles?

That's what I thought

>> No.181208

Does anyone know if maza us going to cryptsy anytine soon? What is the processes to have a coin go to different exchanges, rate of growth, or requests?

>> No.181254
File: 505 KB, 1920x1080, mint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>somehow implying 2nd day market consolidation@9000satoshis is 'crashing'

HAHAHAHAHA. Fud harder, gramps. You guys are the same fucknuts praying buttcoin HTF right after the mtgoy debacle...then suddenly disappeared off the face of the earth when charts shut your denture ridden orifices a week later.

Now go slave away like a good fucking goy, nig.

There's no way a coin can sustain consistent daily 1000 percent gains. Or else it'd be at 2000 dollars a coin by saturday. It's much better for its near and long term value that it experiences a nice healthy steady growth. And by long term in the crypto community I mean a month to a month and a half.

Pic related, I picked up 20k more on the dip. I ain't dumpin' future arab money for shit. We in this ride together, my nigg.rars.

>> No.181263

Supposedly this week. Vern is a sucker whore for any coin that is dominating the market in trade volume. It won't even require a vote to get in.

>> No.181308

Buying Auroracoin now is like free money, there will be an huge pump when the airdrop hype approaches. Screen cap me to remember the butthurt.

>> No.181369

Fucking cryptorush is so slow as fuck, by the time my deposit shows up it will explode and i'll miss the mother fucking train

lucky I still have a lot of AUR waiting for the second pump at 0.2 BTC

>> No.181384


WTF is this shit. Get your icelandic scamfaggotry out of here, this is for the real tribal warriors gettin' shekels.

Have fun drowning in that boat of fail though. Anyone who thought it was a 'bargain' at 60+ dollars needs to have their head examined.

Stay in your own thread, nigger.

>> No.181583

>I missed on the AUR train
You are still on time to catch it before the 25. Screen cap me for future butthurt if you dont.
(im also a Maza supporter, just saying)

>> No.181584

Well, AUR has been going slowly up for an hour now, recovering. MZC has gone down from 10000 to 9960

>> No.181608
File: 50 KB, 1092x644, yoowtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im on cryptorush watching the MZC/BTC market... wtf are these highs and lows peaks?

>> No.181626

Maza coin is next on cryptsy
Get in while its low

>> No.181650

>not buying AUR
So you wanna miss the REAL pump

>> No.181660

I don't get why you think this coin will work. and please dont tell me because its backed by "THE LAKOTA NATION."

Here are a few facts of the lakota nation:

* 97% of of the population at Pine Ridge Reservation (LAKOTA) live below federal poverty line.

*The unemployment rate vacillates from 85% to 95% on the Reservation

* The infant mortality rate is the highest on this continent and is about 300% higher than the U.S. national average.

* At least 60% of the homes are severely substandard, without water, electricity, adequate insulation, and sewage systems.

Hardly a people i would like to "invest" in or align with. They can't even take care of themselves.

All of you should stop listening to this shill. The only thing behind this "currency" is his hot air.


>> No.181674

Just bought 1500 MZC, imma gonna be rich?

How high do you think will it go before the big dump commences on cryptsy?

Are you going to wait at least 2 days? look at AUR, so much people sold way too early, that's basically why there is so much butthurt around the coin.

>> No.181682

Should I sell now?

>> No.181683

We are pump and dumpers and this is guaranteed short money dumb cunt lol

now on the other hand I see AUR working in the long run because they actually have computers and a mature audience, not this apache bullshit.

>> No.181692
File: 16 KB, 220x220, profits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, don't buy into someone trying something new.

>> No.181699

yo man this altcoin shit isn't for me
i'm gonna sell all of my shitcoins as soon as the value goes back to what i originally bought it for

>> No.181705
File: 34 KB, 959x1044, holymaza.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im retiring with this shit.

>> No.181711

are you new¿

>> No.181713

I feel selling my Maza for Aurora, the guy who said it'll skyrocket after the 25th may b right.

>> No.181720

>something new

its a shit tiered alt coin. How is that trying something new?

>> No.181725


>> No.181747

It's going high again BEFORE the 25, no one knows what will happen after the 25. Either crash via panic, or moon dua even more media hype, probably getting on the news etc.

Buy as much MZC as possible now, wait for Cryptsy, sell waiting as much as possible depending on how big your balls are.

>> No.181758

>2 weeks

Sure it's going up, but 2 weeks? Look at the Cryptsy AUR price, it lasted 3 days. Now it's recovering, who knows maybe in 2 weeks is even higher.

Im just saying, I dont have the balls to hold MZC for 2 fucking weeks. Do you??

>> No.181808

MZC gonna be back up to what I bought at yesterday before I can convert more doges and load more.

Damn it

>> No.181814

Why are you even arguing ? Don't you realize that a lot of alt coin which get something new get pump and dumped so you can make money with it. It is that simple, don't miss the train next time

>> No.181845

yes, you and i both realize that this is just another alt coin that gets pumped and dumped. Thats easy to see.

The people i was trying to call out were the ones who claim this is something more than a pump and dump. Mainly OP.

>> No.181873


Yes, I do. If it gets to my target price before then, even better. But if you don't have the patience to even wait a week or two, then the alt game is not for thee.

>> No.181890

Huh, okay :^)

>> No.181957


Uh. You still don't read, do you.

Yes, every alt is subjected to a good pump at least once in it's lifetime, but there are legitimate ones that do last either due to community adoption and/or an 'at the time' draw that sustained. You to look no further than the top 10 on coinmarket cap (excluding AUR) to see the coins with staying power.

No matter how much you want to dice it, Maz does have an identity and a legitimate claim to fame being the first adopted currency of a nation. Yes, it only encompasses around 10k people, but the dev is actually flying out there and lobbying for this coin at different venues, and will be using it as a tool to not only help the tribes financially, but educate them on the use of technology.

>inb4 tl;dr

Nobody is forcing you to invest in this venture, but it's something I believe in not just for the future monetary gain, but also because I think it's really pretty effin' cool that a crypto is actually be putting towards its intended use as a primary alternative to fiat, which is something no other alt can currently say except for buttcoin.

This is why I have no qualms with holding onto this coin for weeks. It's not a 3 day whore with zero future.

AUR? We'll see. An anon dev rumored to be in Panama, with investors all putting faith into some pipe dream of an 'airdrop' weeks from now.

Yeah. Good luck with that.


>> No.181971

Also, price back on the up and up.

I usually don't margin trade, but this was just too easy. Hope you all got some cheap maza@8-9k.


>> No.181996

>tfw no bitcoin to buy maza

>> No.182004

Well, there are a lot of coins that never survived the initial cryptsy pump.

>> No.182010

Should I move my maza to cryptsy when it gets there

>> No.182014

>excluding AUR
but why, it's the only "nation based" crypto that has potential. Iceland is the best population to handle this, they are on the edge of the banks problems, they have the balls that it takes to do something radical.

On the other hand, MZC's population.. a bunch of clueless apaches without computers? lol
It's going to be one hell of a pump tho.

>> No.182017


Yes, there have been. There have also been many that survived it just fine, and even prospered from it.

It all depends where your faith is at. So far it's more than survived the 'usual' brutal mintpal indoctrination (also see: instant death of PND) and still holding strong with ridiculous trade volume.

There is a shit ton of money pouring into this machine.

>> No.182022

Yeah... no thanks, because this shit is unmineable and I do not buy coins

>> No.182023

AUR is surviving the initial hit as well, pretty sure it will go slowly up. So MZC can do it too.
But if you have that much faith, why not sell at the bottom and buy back?

>> No.182027

*at the top

>> No.182028
File: 92 KB, 794x782, 1393714871515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cryptos are illegal in Iceland tho. Might be a problem handing them out to the citizens.

>> No.182030


I agree AUR 'could' potentially be wonderful, but again...it all boils down to putting your blind faith in a completely anon dev and trusting in his 'charitable' intentions.

Now look at the recent string of (I'd guesstimate) around 75 percent of premine anon dev scams on bitcointalk lately. Yeah, the odds don't exactly tip in investor favor...especially with an endeavor of this magnitude (there are a lot of fucking people in that shit country).

IMO, I'd rather put my blind faith in something I already know is being put towards it's intended use...with verifiable faces I can put to a name.

But that's just me. I hope you can profit big time on your investment as well.

>> No.182037

>target price
what is it and bassed on what

>> No.182042


None of the investors seem to want to acknowledge that little 'hiccup.'

>> No.182051

i could have made 2000 USD on aur yesterday, I didnt sell, now im butthurt as fuck.

i dont have the balls to wait 2 weeks with mzc as soon as i see tasty profits

>> No.182057

i've heard an explaination for that but i cant remember now, but apparently there isnt a problem

>> No.182058

1 MZC = 0.01 btc when`?

>> No.182069
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>> No.182078


I hear ya. I would have honestly pulled the fuck out of AUR as soon as it reached 7x...and never looked back. Hell, anything above 50 honestly made me nervous. Going from obscurity to top 4 market cap in 3 days isn't exactly 'healthy' market growth.

I think that's where investors lose their minds, is setting their intended profit margins and being bitter if they never meet them.

I'm playing with house money right now, so I'm not really too critical on whether I reach it or not. But I'm aiming at anywhere between 50 cents to 1 dollar a share. Based on trade volume indicators, possibly future press coverage, and relative market cap per available shares. It's certainly far from out of the realm of possibility.

The dev stated himself that ideally they want their coin at around $3 to $5 a coin in the future. Now, it may be laughable, but at least I admire their ambition.

>> No.182086


I actually don't know anything about /biz/
I just figured I could scare such a fragile market with an unintelligible post.

but seriously, I have a couple hundred dollars to blow, should I buy some mozzarella coins

>> No.182109

This trade volume can be generated by shills selling and buying off each other for all you know, just to create hype and a "DAT VOLUME THOUGH" argument.

>> No.182118
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>I only got 1k, why should I even bother of there are people with 80k?

Go to the doge subreddit and they'll help you get started. 4chins is too fast paced to get helpful information.

>> No.182192

>If you’re downloading anything, you’re doing something wrong.
why do you say this

>> No.182290

Anybody paying attention to the marketcap? Wtf is with this batcoin??? Its at 5 now...i just watched it go from like 20 down to 110, and back up to 5. Wtf is this shit??

>> No.182299

>He thinks the aztecs are the same as the sioux

>> No.182408

crying irl coz i didnt sell at 0.14, too depressed to sell my AUR this low now. give me reason not to K myself

>> No.182442


Mazacoin will go back up. Stop being weak.

>> No.182448

I'm buying now before it hits cryptsy.

Without being a retarded shill, what's the realistic price for MZC within the next week?

>> No.182463

more than it is now

>> No.182554

I would guess around 20 to 50 cents. Who united knows though, its crypto we are talking about here, anything could happen

>> No.182563

> united

Wtf, my faggot ass phone flipped that in there for some reason

>> No.182785

you could just hold it until it's worth nothing

strong hands! :^)

>> No.182832

MazaCoin @MazaCoin 2h

The MazaCoin blockchain has now surpassed a record 1 Petahash/s of mining power with a difficulty in excess of 32 million.

Jesus christ. Does anyone know what the current difficulty is on buttcoin?

>> No.182839

>tfw dont even have the wallet for maza coin
inb4 mtgoy 2.0 altcoinboogaloo

>> No.182869

Does anyone know what the value of aurora was floating around at before it hit cryptsy? I just want a comparison about the possibilities of maza and how it might possibly grow when it hits cryptsy

>> No.182878


I believe it was hovering around 20 dollars or so. Don't quote me on that, but I think craptsy almost insta-adopted it out the gate without even voting

>> No.182898

>sending BTC to MintPal to buy MZC
>30 minutes later
>still no confirms

I fucking knew I should have converted my BTC to LTC first.

>> No.182903

>digibyte and ultracoin trailing right behind
Ive never even heard of this shit
Cryptsy stop faking votes for shekels pls

>> No.182913


Mintpal is fucking broken right now. I was in the middle of margin trading and now the entire site froze up...no changes on buy or sell walls and I can't cancel my buy order.


>> No.183056

How high will MZC get? $1? $10? $0.50?

>> No.183064

Long term goal of $6 - $7 per maza.

>> No.183070

>$6 - $7

So $2, then.

>> No.183188

How long until Cryptsy adds MazaCoin?

>> No.183225


I'd be more than ecstatic with a $1 per projection. But 3+ is certainly feasible depending on how far they can take this and get major media coverage.

I'm almost kind of praying that it gets huge and congress gets wind of it and turns it into a national media frenzy.

>> No.183236
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You Sir Are an Asshole.

The creator of the coin created it because he wants it to be the Lakota Tribes own currency, outside of the US governments jurisdiction. It is all about sovereign control over there own money, the Maza way man.

Also, 50 million of the coins are held to help the Lakota community to address the poverty.

So how about you instead of being a dick, and making fun of people in poverty help support Lakota while making a buck or two.

>> No.183241

I dont get people that have hope on this but not on AUR. It will go up again I fucking know it.

>> No.183244


I have sell orders from 25 cents to 2.50 on mint pal

>> No.183250


Aurora is massively pre mined (50%) so the concern is that it can be easily manipulate downwards. That, and the developers are not active its fishy

>> No.183337


Since there is a 50 million premine comprising half the currently circulating coins, somewhere along the lines of $40 million dollars more would need to flow into the market to take it to $1. So basically as much money as currently is in NXT and Doge. Short term I see this happening if we can break into the top 10 in the next week. Long term for a value over $1 to be sustained the devs will actually have to pull through with their promises/make it useable on tribal land and generate some serious positive press for this shit. Honestly I think their premine is too small for their stated intent since I can't imagine many of the Lakota will A) be pursuaded to buy asics and B) be able to afford them in the first place.

Its a nice idea and if they can really change people's lives more power to them.

>I'm in it with .5 BTC for the short term profit

>> No.183401
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Now we wait...

>> No.183436

OP, what the fuck goy?

You told me to buy in and hold but now its at fucking 9k. you shill..

I bought in at 120k, now I'm strapped for dosh because you are in cahoots with the yellow king jew.

There's no rocket. You cuntdemon

>> No.183461
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>> No.183542

Wtf is ultracoin? Fuck this nigger shit

>> No.183635



You weren't cut out for this game, chap. You lack the Warrior Spirit to endure longer than a few fucking days.

Jesus christ, Emilio Estevez. Get a hold of yourself.

I haven't sold a damn thing yet.

But by all means, sell into the bot buy/sell wall manipulation. If you must.

>> No.183659

this shits dropping like a fucking rock
also need new thread

>> No.183746
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>mfw I purchased at 13,xxx
>mfw "It's only just begun"
Not complaining at all, can't wait to see this baby take off again. /biz/ bros don't lose faith so quickly.

>> No.183822


Damn dude, stop staring at the exchange and let Maza find it's legs. It's doing massive trade volume and actually has a future other than being the shitcoin pump and dump of the week. What's with all these spoiled bitches feeling like they should get rich overnight?

BTC took 2 years to be worth anything. Quit being a faggot.

>> No.183843

Who were the lucky faggots who got in @6k?

Speak now.

>> No.183971


9k here. I'm still very happy with that though.

>> No.184007

Yeah, this coin's done.

>> No.184020

I didn't think /biz/ would fall for this. Gj all around folks

>> No.184022



>> No.184054

Go ahead and sell at a loss you fucks. This coin isn't even two weeks old yet and you're already saying it's dead because of one dip after a massive spike. Is there anyone in crypto who actually has some patience?

>> No.184061

bought in at 16500, still holding; fuck it, if it dies its just money that I could afford to lose....but if it rockets....

>> No.184069

That's what I'm saying. There is an actual man speaking at conferences about mazacoin. He's even talked with Facebook execs for christ's sake. This shit isn't launching into orbit over night, probably not even within a month, but shit give it a year or more and we could see .01 if maza takes off, and there's every bit of evidence that it will.

Play the long game, don't fucking miss out on another god damn train.

>> No.184180

Gunna toss another bitcoin at it if it hits 5k

>> No.184377


I'm still here, nigs. And still didn't sell shit. The market whale bots can't toss me enough bait to break.

Nope...this shit has nothing but positive press coming out and it will only get better.

Remember, we saw 1000 percent growth in one day...so this pullback is almost like the law of averages. You should want more natural growth, but I still feel another impending pump coming.

Do not waver off the path of believing in the greater good. Your money in this shit is far better spent than into some shit alt like penguincoin or credits, where it has zero social purpose.

I would have a very hard time seeing it dropped below the price before the skyrocket (around 4k), unless every fucking investor lost their balls. It should only get better from here, ya'll. Let's see what the rest of the week brings. All it takes is one good day to erase several bad.

>> No.184378

make a new thread asshole

>> No.184412

My nigga

>> No.184421
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>> No.185210

I have to hand it to you. you're really good at shilling