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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1770548 No.1770548 [Reply] [Original]

So cliffs
>Finish BS Finance from solid state school in Dec 2016
>Worked in mortgage business as a loan officer/mortgage banker full commission before that
>Looking to currently get into financial tech software sales as it's highly differentiated and can make a killing
>Still networking to make it happen, been on job search for 2 weeks

Am I fucking up? Are there other avenues with a high income potential in my situation, at 25, with my qualifications, that I should look at?

I figured software sales is the way to go. I don't have an "in" to ibanking and not even sure if that's something I would want if I did.

Pretty solid at sales, personable, etc.


>> No.1770559

mcdonals is always hiring

>> No.1770563

I'd do what my dad told me.

Follow your passion. If you wanna be a dancer, be a dancer. If you wanna make movies then make movies. Don't let someone else, your parents, your teachers, friends, idols, chanststers, tell you what you're supposed to be doing in your life. Find something you love, don't care about the money, or someone will do it for you!

>> No.1770568

Get a job with a financial company where you take their investment products and them sell to people.

>> No.1770604


I've been told this. And the closest thing I can think about in terms of "financial company" is a financial software/IT firm.

If you're talking about wealth management, well, that whole arena is changing drastically over the next 5-10 years.

Only other thing would be an internal wholesaler or something like that.

All I care about is income right now and building a skill set of being able to sell, being able to network, and doing everything possible to put myself in position to do something entrepreneurial by my early 30s.

I don't want a wife/kids/etc.

>> No.1770634

>I don't want a wife/kids/etc.
Oh, sorry. I'm sure your wants and desires will stay the same for the next 50 years

>> No.1770892
File: 161 KB, 465x750, business skirts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's fine. If I'm 40 and I want a wife and kids, I'll get a wife and kids.

My question is about career path/income potential.

Any more input?

>> No.1770906

kek, you're a fucking retard. Enjoy burning out once you realize how much of a meme chasing the money and nothing else is.

>> No.1770915

is it even right to call those shorts?

>> No.1770944
File: 40 KB, 500x311, 1427339817985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


31 here. I spent the last ten years in a cubicle and I'm in a very comfortable position now. The question is what now? I have a comfortable quiet life but am I just going to sit here and watch reruns for the 60 years I have left?

>> No.1770966

>If I'm 40 and I want a wife and kids, I'll get a wife and kids.
The only thing you'll get is autism babies. This is your genetic legacy, if you want quality, you have to start young.

>> No.1770984

what is abortion?

>> No.1770987

>implying that you can literally just decide on a whim that you will find a wife at 40 and then shortly have a child

What could POSSIBLY go wrong here?

>> No.1771009


>> No.1771025

If you can't retire by age 34 you didn't work hard enough. Retire and then travel.

I am working a cubicle job right now in my 20s and I'll have enough money to retire by 34 and I realistically only work like 2-3 hours a day. The rest is on 4chan. I'm at work right now.

>> No.1771029
File: 102 KB, 720x960, red blue tight dress brunnette blonde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here


I don't think I'm wired like most people to be honest. It's not that I'm chasing "money", it's the lifestyle. I like to be free. Some people just aren't wired like you man.

I get enough companionship by finding a hot/cute girl and going on a trip for 3-5 days to a beach somewhere, and then I really want nothing to do with her. Maybe a short fling of 1-2 months. I like my personal time.

I don't judge you if you want something else.

Go out and find young/sweet girls? It's really not that tough if you befriend some cool dudes in your area who are also successful and single. Some of the most fun types of guys to hang around.

Like I said... I don't want a wife and kids. Why would I have a kid if I don't want to raise one right now?

I've seen many, and I mean MANY go down that path. Older dudes at my past job were all jealous of me being single. They liked their kids, their marriages not so much.

It's just not how I'm wired, I'm not going to just do something because it's "expected".

Who knows, maybe I can, maybe I can't. If you've been around, dated/slept with hot girls, you realize that older established dudes with money who take care of themselves and are actually FUN guys, not some tool that leads with money, are humongous pussy magnets. I wouldn't expect you to realize this if you don't go out or whatever, but I have no fear of finding a girl.

It's more of finding the "right" one.

>> No.1771052

Okay mr.money mustache.
I'm assuming you work in CS?
can you give your finances as an example?

On a separate note, I made a mistake and can't stand the career I've chosen but I'm making good money.
It is killing me.

>> No.1771420

whats ur job?