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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 53 KB, 2083x2083, 1_dbdqvKhbtmBLw9XGKnZwQA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17700102 No.17700102 [Reply] [Original]

This seems undervalued. What's the catch?

>> No.17700139

The catch is it keeps dumping

>> No.17700189

It will become more undervalued until it is revealed it actually has no value and is priced accordingly

>> No.17700268

The staking rewards are completely fucked

>> No.17700279

What's really so bad about this? Seems to have more going for it than projects with much higher market caps.

>> No.17700426

People are just retarded brainlet edgy cynics and cant see real value in the market

This is going to 10000x

>> No.17700436

It’s a fucking scam you dumbass.

>> No.17700525

go on..

>> No.17700553

It's got a lot more going for it then some of the projects in the top 30, but the chads are staking right now and have no real incentive to pump the price just yet. The smooth brains on biz sold at a loss so they're fudding. They're gonna get JUSTed that's how it goes.

>> No.17700570

Lmao like what exactly?
Issa scam

>> No.17700622
File: 105 KB, 828x1472, CEA2F1E2-55F2-4411-BEEA-51592784BC00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's got a lot more going for it then some of the projects in the top 30, but the chads are staking right now and have no real incentive to pump the price just yet. The smooth brains on biz sold at a loss so they're fudding. They're gonna get JUSTed that's how it goes.

>> No.17700652
File: 36 KB, 425x294, ESc0cKvU0AAZ0xA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Hmm maybe I'll just die for no reason": the coin

>> No.17700733

Bag of scam....Till not this guys still do not know what their own project is about. They just jumping from one hub to the other. Now it's Defi, last month it was smart city...These guys make me wanna quit crypto...Scammers.

>> No.17700760

Bro fuck yes bro. We are going to 250000X EOY for sure bro. In the movies it looks hard getting rich but not for us bro. Just go on biz, take advice from some half retard pajeet scammer, buy a few magic coins, and 2500000X EOY. We are going to buy matching aircraft carriers bro. Fuck yeah bro this is how you make it bro, no more stupid job, its just that easy bro. Fuck Yeah Bro.

>> No.17700850

Defi and smart Cities are not mutually exclusive

>> No.17700931

2019 Fantom was all like
>Big partnerships people, all under NDA, but you're going to see central banks and afghan health care and what not

Then they released their main net and oh what a surprise nobody is using this shit. All fake, all about trying to generate hype.

>> No.17700935

Have sex and then shove a rod up your ass retarded faggot

>> No.17700949

>started staking at epoch 2.
staking rewards are the only good part

>> No.17700958


>> No.17701007

The catch is listening to Indian bros fun it for every fucking 5% move. Otherwise great project. Definitely wallet and XAR will moon it.

>> No.17701198

>t. Smoothbrain

>> No.17702021

It's a scam. Chink team exit scammed long time ago. All they have is a giant "marketing team" aka 38 hired spamming scammers, with no real devs. Fake core dev, scammer Andy, is insanely incompetent:

Staking rewards are pure ponzi scheme and who in their right mind would buy some crashed tech trainwreck, where bagholders will dump more than half of the total supply on the market in June? You have to be suicidal and/or stupid to do that?

>> No.17702038

If the hype in crypto tomorrow is fashion industry, FTM will make a medium blog post where they ramble on their big plans for the fashion industry and the moronic FTM investors will invest some more in this most obvious scam in crypto. Any moron that can't see this clear scam is a moron that deserves to lose all his money and should stay the hell away from all financial investments.

>> No.17702292

t. Retard

>> No.17702322

The catch is it's literally a scam. Buy BDK (bidesk) instead.

>> No.17702339

Sure, imbecile. Too bad you are too stupid to present any kind of argument. Kindly fuck off with your scam, fantom spammer. Fuck off from biz.

>> No.17702401
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>> No.17702482

to be fair, that what vechain and tron have always been doing and they aren't doing bad.

>> No.17702817


>> No.17702826

there is no catch, this is hands down the best investment in the entire blockchain scene imho.

>> No.17702904

FTM is the ultimate biz IQ test

>> No.17703034

So instead of asking pajeets google Is Fantom undervalued, and read all articles on the first page

>> No.17703192

I don't even hold fantom I just don't like retards like you drooling all over my nice board.

>> No.17703209

I just realised that it's you, schizo old friend. You've really been lazy with your copy pasted fud today.
Sorry for the double post, I know you don't like that.

>> No.17703235

Sorry for the triple post, you must really be at the edge of your patience with me now.
You really need to take a creative writing class and stop using the word moron twice in the same sentence, it's that kind of sloppy writing that gives you away as the seething low IQ moron scammer Denny Daggins.

>> No.17703266

the catch is some schizo on here killed the coin

>> No.17703273

>This seems undervalued.
thats what they said at 1 cent when I was warning faggots to stay away from this scam kek

>> No.17703359

but denny loved dag and the schizo shills that deadcoin mtv

>> No.17703367

The token reward unlock killed the coin. Once that's over I'd expect the price to rebound somewhat.
I wouldn't give the schizo credit for anything beyond entertaining us all these months. I'm sure he doesn't have much to do while waiting for the DAG mainnet to be delayed again.

>> No.17703376

Schizo says he shilled DAG at 1m mcap and MTV is his high confidence 10000000x pick because much sharding.

>> No.17703416

never fckn selling stake till death

>> No.17703466


>I don't even hold fantom
Sure, you just go nuts and rabidly spammed the thread with crazy Fantom loving comments, while trying to make us believer you are just a neutral third party and not at all one of the 38 paid scammers and spammers, hired by Fantom Foundation, ryte scammer?

>> No.17703494

Tragic that Fantom nuts run around with "cringe" as their only response to scam documentation and criticism, while posting the worst cringe infested threads biz has ever seen, enjoy:

>> No.17703573

It's a scam. Buy FRM instead.

>> No.17703868

>He thinks his own delusional rambling is documentation of anything beyond a clear mental disorder.

>> No.17703900

Here, I already posted this, your core dev, scammer Andy is incompetent:

If you want documentation for any other claim, scamming spammer pretending to not have any Fantom, just a neutral third party bystander, - just let me know slimy Fantom con artist.

>> No.17703978

>He keeps posting links and screenshots thinking they back up his idiotic assertions.
You have nothing new to say, Denny. Good to see you're no longer denying that at least. I'll see you next week for a follow-up session.

>> No.17704047

I am not Denny. You sound psychotic.

>> No.17704081

Why would you hold this when FRM exists?

>> No.17704094


>> No.17704128

this is scam project

>> No.17705129

>gook EOS

>> No.17705195

Op here, nobody seems to have answered why this is valued so low. Has a working Defi stack now, seems like it keeps getting bigger yet dumping to lower lows.

>> No.17705307

>Op here, nobody seems to have answered why this is valued so low
Here you go:

>> No.17705388

>He links his own fucking Twitter account with 8 followers as documentation

>> No.17705603

>t. Paranoid and psychotic heavy Fantom bagholder.
Get help!

>> No.17705748

Can you recommend a good shrink?

>> No.17706024

>Twitter tranny

>> No.17706455
File: 250 KB, 1044x655, 1569855374241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absurd Fantom moron. You idiots are LITERALLY discord trannies, so you lying scammer Fantom team can delete all their lying and incriminating tweets without too much fuss, pic. Here:

>> No.17706489

The Korean team is gone, there are only people under competent in the team.

The team of the beginning is not at all the same as today it is a huge red flag

>> No.17706513
File: 352 KB, 1079x1043, 1582825836516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine this shit KEK

>> No.17706653
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>> No.17706912

This. The unlock date will grant a good swing opportunity though, buying at 20 sats and selling the rebound at 30.

>> No.17706931

You know you can delete things without a problem in telegram too, correct?

>> No.17706934

could you use the work 'moron' any more then fren,

moron moron moron moron, moron moron moron moron moron moron moron moron, moron moron moron moron moron moron, moron moron moron moron moron moron moron moron, moron moron.

My case rests /biz/ches

>> No.17706953


>> No.17706972

and owning 1M FTM is being Einstein.

>> No.17707062

I meant deleting comments on Telegram, much more easy to do it, when the live communication is moved over to Discord.

Tragic how you idiots are unable to defend your discord Tranny scam coin without ad hominem and nonsense. Morons.

>> No.17707323

t. moron

>> No.17707393

I seriously hope you Fanthomiacs are 10 yo or less.

>> No.17707397

and why the fuck should we care what this keyboard warrior has to say ?

>> No.17707415

Ok pedo

>> No.17707455

Screenshots of docu given. Tweets given to Fantom scammers where they did not reply.

>> No.17707485

You sound like a sexual predator and pervert. I hope your modus operandi reflects your real age, you see that as an invite to underage sex. Only a true pervert would give that kind of psychological projection. You should be under police watch. Wanker.

>> No.17707538


>> No.17707603

How is it easier enlighten us

>> No.17707838

You sound like a sexual predator desperately trying to shift the topic of conversation away from you thinking about underage boys to such an extent that it perverts the way you talk. Kill yourself nonce

>> No.17708049

Don't ghost me you bitch I will follow you

>> No.17708386

It's bedtime in India, keep this thread alive so he can reply tomorrow

>> No.17708624

Maybe he's just taking a poo

>> No.17708876

Probably lives in a cheap slum miles from the nearest designated street

>> No.17708941
File: 66 KB, 715x660, 98695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's 6 PM in Europe. Look at you third world spamming scammers, here, pic, hired by the Fantom Foundation. Back to your Fantom shitting street, losers. Enjoy you ATL.

>> No.17708999


>> No.17709247

If you have a live conversation and everyone is on Telegram, it's much harder for Fantom team to mass delete comments, it will create an uproar. However, when everything is moved to Discord, and all the Fantom discord trannies are there, having live conversation, it will be no problem to silently start to delete all comments on Telegram. If caught, ramble on about outdated, irrelevant comments, moved to discord blah, blah, etc etc. In true Fantom scammer style.

>> No.17709353

You curry fudders are making me kind of confident in Fantom.

>> No.17709434

Go back to bed before auntie gets angry

>> No.17709551

That's a crock of shit and you know it. You have good points but this is not one of them.

>> No.17710410

youre the same person fudding vidt everytime lol

>> No.17710614
File: 764 KB, 1000x908, Pondering Frenchman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If a coin is shit, I don't spend my time to create 2 or 3 threads per day to talk about it. Especially when there are 5183 cryptocurrencies registered on Coin Market Cap and 99% of them are useless.

What's your point guys?

>> No.17710682


>> No.17711794


>> No.17712891

Stake and wait gentleman FTM is the ultimate chad coin. $1 eoy take me to Valhalla

>> No.17713581

New low in USD, almost new low in sats.
Congrats FTM holders, you really found a gem here.

>> No.17713629

Fuck Yeah Bros, we are gonna make it. Just need a couple more retards to fall for this scam and we are golden. Fuck yeah bro this is how you get rich bro. Pajeet scammers always have the best advice. An illiquid shitcoin is where its at bro

>> No.17713669

And the other catch is it's a shitcoin.

Just long the altcoin index at ftx if you must. Imo alts are all about to get obliterated.