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17697257 No.17697257 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.17697273

What would that mean for me as a wagie? Nothing right?

>> No.17697277



The world is unironically fucked

>> No.17697281
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supremely based

>> No.17697288

Yeah, wagies would probably still pay their half.

>> No.17697296

orange man bad

>> No.17697318

Does he mean employer side and wagie side of payroll taxes?

>> No.17697359

Can't we just have free healthcare instead? I mean if we have to pump the deficit to ungodly levels can't I at least get my prescriptions for free and stop having to pay $250 per month for insurance?

>> No.17697362
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Trump's giving business owners tax breaks until the end of the year, similar to the same tax breaks wealthiest corporations get every year for eternity

>> No.17697371

no, commie

>> No.17697385

orange man good

>> No.17697388

Fuck you faggot

>> No.17697417

No. Fuck you. I’m not paying for laquinsha and jorges 11 children

>> No.17697430
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>markets in freefall
>"uhh, helps on the way guys... i hope"
>markets rise temporarily
>reality sets in the following day

>> No.17697464

Why not? You're already paying for Mitch McConnell's and Lindsay Graham's kids to buy the best private jets and fanciest houses money can buy

>> No.17697476

Excuse me for looking out for my own best interests. How very gay and communist of me.
You already are dip shit just at stupid high prices. Besides if healthcare were free more working white people could afford to have more kids since they actually don't leech off the system like the poors are already doing.

>> No.17697512

Orange faggit is just monitoring the situation like usual

>> No.17697530

Higher wages and lower prices.

>> No.17697569


>> No.17697593

you already are retard. healthcare is already socialized for poor people.

>> No.17697668
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>> No.17697671

Does this mean bigger take home pay or just gay shit like boss pays less for my work? If we get 0% tax I'm working 72hrs/wk for the rest of the year.

>> No.17697697
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nice this means i get to tip less at restaurants

>> No.17697704

Kek, at some point he'll have to do something. I love how this funny shrewd guy everyone underestimates is president. He could literally call the entire nation niggers on prime tv and get out of it a winner.

>> No.17697707

You keep using that word...

>> No.17697770
File: 105 KB, 1440x1715, justaboutdone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is with this influx of these leftypol trash low-key shilling their bullshit lately?

>> No.17697783

bigger takehome pay

>> No.17697809

>The White House is also considering federal assistance for the shale industry

Fuck this fucking kike neocon piece of shit.

>> No.17697811


Yeah you just casually propose reintroducing slavery but for medical professionals but that's totally normal

>> No.17697837

Free as in paid for by the government and however they wanna balance the deficit. Look at my original post I'm simply pointing out that if we're going to destroy our deficit then i want something out of it before they fuck it all up and a payroll tax cut is worthless to me.
I'm not from leftypol I'm just looking out for my own personal interest. Apparently nobody else in our shitty society gives a fuck about the debt bubble going sky fucking high and us playing musical chairs with it every 10 years or so so why should I? Spend motherfucker spend! But spend it on me this time for just fucking once.

>> No.17697849

>rest of the year
Yeah just long enough to ensure his reelection. This is just the cherry on top on a shit night with Bernie about to lose out on a bunch of delegates tonight. Looks like l have to start paying my student loans again

>> No.17697860

Nothing. Employers get to use the tax savings themselves rather than for the wagies in a lot of cases.

>> No.17697861

Lol that's not how that works anon.

>> No.17697868

Democrats should pay penance by donating their tax break to Bernie Sanders, thus wasting their money.

>> No.17697879

Absolute desperation of drump. He knows he is going to lose this election because of the outbreak he caused and fucking up for the last 4 years.

>> No.17697901

doctors are fucking kike faggots they deserve it

>> No.17697917

you survive a day you're good
that's the way they do it in politics
nobody thinks about the coming day

>> No.17697934

>I’m not paying for laquinsha and jorges 11 children
factually incorrect

>> No.17697944
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>he caused

>> No.17697953

I come around every time the markets get shitty to find new innovations in the red, bleeding eye'd wojak characters

>> No.17697973

True. We subsidize inner city youths into breed machines that select for the dumbest and naturally kill off unnecessary males past age 16. Literally preemo breeding grounds. Democrats need to keep these alive to lock down the future.

>> No.17697980

Remember when Rs used to care about the deficit. Fucking hypocrites.

In any case this is just bad policy. Payroll tax going to zero disproportionately benefits those that make more money (ie. white collar types who do desk work and actually can work from home). This policy does basically jack shit for low paid, low skill workers who are actually at a higher risk because they work in restaurants etc and don’t have paid sick leave.

Trump should just take however much this tax break is going to cost, divide it equally across taxpayers and send it out as checks in the mail - this would actually be fairer and more effective than what he’s proposing.

>> No.17697986

When "your own best interest" is leeching off of everyone else, you are indded very gay and communist so kys and die fag.

>> No.17698004

No, I'm saying that this is the 3rd or 4th time hes done this

>> No.17698018
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Not gonna happen.
Demcucks say this is DOA.

>> No.17698024

eat shit nigger, most of my tax dollars are going to womyn. trump is fucking BASED and REDPILLED.

>> No.17698034

>Remember when Rs used to care about the deficit
Nixon? He opened up trade with China though, so probably not apropos here.

>> No.17698043
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>free healthcare
Neck yourself, retard.

>> No.17698046

There is a good reason why people are calling it the Trump virus.

>> No.17698072

How about less than a decade ago with all those times Obama got shat on for expanding the deficit but now it’s okay because Trump is ourguy

>> No.17698073

Nope. Middle class will be out buying burgies and tendies in mass this year if they get this tax break. Restaurants will have a brief slow and then an economic boom, plus all the worst workers will get let go. Invest in Chika-fila NOW!! This is literally the year of the tendie and you're a retard because you are think about 16 year old katie not getting an extra 100 to spend on starbux and her teen abortion. We are talking 90s level consumer economy.

>> No.17698078

Lol Seriously? I 100% believe you, but i want yo see the papers on who's calling it that? Sounds like a transsexual trump derangement syndrome type thing

>> No.17698095

Oh yeah yeah yeah... The opposition party always paints itself as the rational party. They both want the same thing in different ways. Huge government.

>> No.17698100

I've literally never leeched off any system. I work for a living and have never even been on benefits but the problem is every other fuck head from the Koch brothers to the heroin addicts on the corner is already leeching everything into oblivion so fuck it I want mine Jack. But you go ahead and sit there and let everyone else lie cheat and steal from regular working people while we get nothing. Fuck that. I get mine and I don't care if it breaks the whole motherfucker it's already broke.

>> No.17698112

No fuck off, not when it goes to keep people with chronic lifestyle caused diseases on life support. 45 percent of people over 50 years of age are clinically obese. Throwing trillions of dollars of poorly managed healthcare isn’t going to solve anybody’s problems.

>> No.17698116

It was trending on twitter a few days ago.

>> No.17698123

>leftypol shows up on /biz/
Back to your discord.

>> No.17698132

>free healthcare
It's not free, you retarded commie. Since white men are the only demographic that pays more in taxes than they get back from the state, it's very much not free for people like me. kys, you retarded redditor

>> No.17698143

>Excuse me for looking out for my own best interests.
If you have a brain or are white, it's very likely not in your interest, faggot.

>> No.17698145

We already do that moron. All of that care is literally already subsidized but you know maybe if we had subsidized care for young people they'd actually go to the doctor and fix their shit before their 60s.

Dunno. Just a thought.

>> No.17698150

Yeah... I don't mess with social media. I have a fb, but only to sell my shit and run ads. I miss out on all of the nonsense.

>> No.17698152

It’s funny because every sentence of this post is somehow more retarded than the previous sentence.

>> No.17698156

It should be permanent

>> No.17698172

>gets hit by a bus
>that'll $500, 000 plus tip!
Yeah bros you're totally invincible and could never possibly benefit from more affordable healthcare.

>> No.17698173
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You unironically cant, but not for the reason you think.

There are 153 different life sustaining generic drugs which over 600k Americans rely on daily, none of which have domestic manufacturing capacity.

Imagine if the army outsourced all of its ammunition manufacturing to China and India right before a war. That us unironically the current state of American healthcare. If this becomes protracted the US will see 600k deaths nit from the virus, but from initial supply disruptions.

Then the fun will begin.

>> No.17698174
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>please companies don't have mass layoffs have all this tax money
>oh thank you mr president
>3 months later
>airports, buses, restaurants empty
>wtf i dont need these employees
>mass layoffs
>companies pocket all the tax money

>> No.17698187

It was fun to read though. You gotta give him that.

>> No.17698195

>Can't we just have free healthcare instead?
Shut the fuck up, our healthcare only expensive because of the government. The actual quality is comparable if not better than the rest of the world, only issue is cost: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_quality_of_healthcare
If we let competition happen and allow insurance to only cover emergencies then prices will fall dramatically. Also stop handing over patents and creating monopolies to people who create new drugs because that's retarded.

>> No.17698198

Its literally free healthcare. Sorry, but that socialism is always better for the people.

>> No.17698213

>Have all this tax money
Are you retarded?

>> No.17698216

I too, enjoy Roe Jogan

>> No.17698218

me on the left

>> No.17698227

where does it work?

inb4 you circle the whitest places on the planet

>> No.17698231

>Payroll tax going to zero disproportionately benefits those that make more money (ie. white collar types who do desk work and actually can work from home).
Explain yourself

>> No.17698239

government can't make things more affordable, but they can spoonfeed idiots like you what you want to hear while your quality if life gets raped..

but its freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.17698241

it works in such shitholes as romania, not exactly white

>> No.17698250

this should be stickied or something - possibly the dumbest post in the history of 4chan

>> No.17698256

yeah lets be like Romania

nice argument

>> No.17698290

Like everything you just said is extremely uninformed. In the first place health care is not a normal good and deregulation would likely increase prices. This is like Econ 102.
Also if you scrap drug patents you remove profit incentive to research and develop new medications.

>> No.17698313

Brass tax: if this virus snafu impacts businesses bottom line, the first cuts are going to be staff.

Shaving 10+% off staffing costs, in an area that most adults aren't even aware of because they've never been on the other side of the table, may be the difference in many case between a layoff and weatheting the storm.

My $.02. People are free to disagree. I think it's worth a shot.

>> No.17698315

>government can't make things affordable
Kek then how come my insurance group which is managed by the government like a zillion times better a deal that any goy in the private sector can get?

>> No.17698336

>t, just watched joe rogan

>> No.17698337
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>Free as in paid for by the government
but who pays the government?

>> No.17698341

Boot licks

>> No.17698342

Explain what?
Does the concept of ‘higher paid workers pay more payroll tax’ not make sense?
Or is ‘higher paid workers are more likely to have desk jobs which they can perform from home’ confusing you?

>> No.17698343

patents come from the government not the free market imbecile

its literally regulation

health care is not a "normal good" tell me more sensei

>> No.17698358

because its a scam

whatever state your in is basically bankrupt and you will hear more about this in the next 6 months as the state funds deal with the fallout of the financial crises

>> No.17698360

so are ((they)) still going to take taxes out of my paycheck

t. wagie making $15/hr

>> No.17698370

>not 8
I've come to flex.

>> No.17698385

you pay part of your payroll taxes and your employer pays part.

So you just take home more money and your employer is happier to give you more hours and overtime (if you want it)

>> No.17698387

>In the first place health care is not a normal good and deregulation would likely increase prices
The ACA increased premiums so that's a load of shit.
>Also if you scrap drug patents you remove profit incentive to research and develop new medications
Not really, there's still going to be sick people that are willing to pay for medications. If there's no state granted monopolies than cheaper versions can be sold at drugstores. Like buying brand name medicine versus generic.

>> No.17698390

In America? No one. My point is specifically that they're crashing the car and I want something out of it first. Our deficit is insane. Rich fags don't pay poor fags don't pay and everyone else gets fucked. Who's gonna pay for the payroll tax cut? Oh that's right fucking no one and maybe middle class people down the line. We have to pay one way or the other anon. We have to pay.

>> No.17698402

You're not having money taken away from your paycheck for the rest of the year. Go nuts.

>> No.17698406

> China produces the majority of medical drugs and supplies
> China goes into lockdown and considerably reduce shipments
> The US has no manufacturing capacity to handle this, especially at a time of a crisis


>> No.17698417

It's not really a solution designed to help anyone at any pay level keep more in their pockets. The benefit will be: business is down 15%, but I can save 10+% on my biggest expense, so I won't fire everyone and shut down. I'll stick this out.

The only benefit for everyone involved is not losing their jobs or business.

>> No.17698418

no we don't, the government hasn't balanced the budget in many lifetimes

there is really no reason to collect any tax

unless of course you want to bring up fundamentals (kek)

boomers are immune to fundamentals and will destroy the country fundamentally as their last dying wish

>> No.17698423

What about for Jessica and Mark who are white and were diagnosed with Lukemia at 20 years old while they were studying Electrical Engineering in college?

>> No.17698429

i guess they still have to income tax and social ponzi

>> No.17698439

That's not taken from your paychecks though.

>> No.17698446

free market insurance would cover that easily - that is what free market insurance would be good at - things that you never expect

you don't use your car insurance to get oil changes and tuneups - but that is what we have because of government meddling in the free market and its inefficient as hell and its not like you are rewarded for efficiency like in a real market

>> No.17698456

um read your paystub a little closer

>> No.17698468

Not entirely true. Self-employed workers pay their own and their "employer's" halves of the payroll tax, so this is basically a 7% cut for plumbers, electricians, etc. I bet the Canadian plumbers out there are jealous as fuck.

>> No.17698474

It absolutely is. You're actually paying twice as much as you think too, because the business is matching whatever you see taken out on their end. It's a stealth mode tax like the gasoline tax.

>> No.17698476

Oh never mind I read your post wrong

>> No.17698491

And I get monies.

>female studying engineering.
Nice try almost had me.

>> No.17698494

The business you work for will definitely take money out of your paycheque unless you stop them.

>> No.17698533

>What is insurance

>> No.17698536

Nordic countries and it doesn't matter if there are white people racist. Even most communist countries were actually much better than far right propaganda told you.

>> No.17698537

no, fuck you

>> No.17698561

you are the one making racist arguments, not me

you are saying that white countries are the best

and communism was good? ok groomer

>> No.17698564

are you unironically retarded?

>> No.17698579

Certain socialist countries proven they are superior has nothing to do with whiteness, but despite of it.

>> No.17698616

not and argument

ok which country specifically then

>> No.17698627

How'd we end up talking about whiteness and communism? Even if everything is slightly right left tinted nowadays, we don't have to dip to pol leftypol rhetoric when discussing a safety valve measure to slow unemployment...

>> No.17698651

Nothing is free.

>> No.17698656

Nordic countries. In fact most of europe has strong socialist policies. Even with faux communism USSR, China, Vietnam have drastically raised living standards despite the west trying to destroy them.

>> No.17698658

Shut up bitch

>> No.17698670


>> No.17698678

I'm going back to the toilet ladle thread... People over there get what's important in life.

>> No.17698679


>> No.17698694

>healthcare tax
>tax unhealthy habits
Whamo blamo, less sick people and doctors still get paid

>> No.17698699

Fine, but don't act like socialist healthcare is some reasonable policy that any well balanced economy should have. You just want to "get yours". It's accelerationism at best. i prefer not making policy by pandering to entitled cattle who think they should be serviced for nothing, despite treating their own bodies like shit.

>> No.17698703


>> No.17698704

Free healthcare? No. Government negotiating prices? Yes.

>> No.17698718

Posting capitalist propaganda is not going to change the fact that socialism is superior for the people.

>> No.17698732

strawman isn't a good argument either retard

>> No.17698733

You dont see a doctor to fix obesity, buddy

>> No.17698736

You can just say you don’t make enough for it to matter

>> No.17698741

kill yourself

>> No.17698750

If I was an employer could I just pay the employee the typical net paycheck and keep the taxes that I and the employee would have payed?

>> No.17698766

i work for a bank

>> No.17698780

You'd keep the half you normally pay and the employee keeps the half they'd normally pay, but business will be down, so you'll be hurting a bit either way.

>> No.17698799

>45 percent of people over 50 years of age are clinically obese.
Boomers already get government paid healthcare you dumb fucking faggot. Why the fuck are retards so adamantly opposed to changing the system to work more for them at the expense of the people who already rigged it before they were even born? Retards.

>> No.17698805
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>> No.17698823

Idk, on one have you have companies that have a vested interest in paying the lowest amount possible for services and on the other you have an entity that spends with reckless abandon

>> No.17698849

Let's say I was a scumbag and didn't want to give the employee their cut of the tax break? Do you think a business could get away with it?

>> No.17698870

No, are you?
Shut the fuck up kike.

>> No.17698888

You would get way better results by spending that money on comping companies for the sick leave they're about to have to pay out due to everyone getting quarantined, but I guess we could take the retard path that makes it so people still come into work sick to make rent.

>> No.17698893

I wouldn't try it personally. Labor laws aren't no joke. Usually triple damages and all of that fun stuff.

>> No.17698898

There's a difference between tax cuts and subsidies, this isn't "giving companies tax money", retard.

>> No.17698934

>it's not giving money, it's just cutting taxes for companies
LMAO, please shut the fuck up jew. There is no functional difference.

>> No.17698960
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>There is no functional difference

>> No.17698969

Let me guess your “medicine” is hormones so you can pretend to be a girl?
Kys tranny

>> No.17699107

No. The government's involvement has already inflated prices to the current heights. Would be far better to have tax cuts then for them to fuck up healthcare even more.

Although tax cuts needs to be met with decreases in spending.

>> No.17699179

>dude you get more out of tax cuts than you do unfucking health care
Ah yes the extra few hundred I get back in taxes this year will totally offset tens of thousands in medical expenses if someone hits me with their car or I get a coronavirus-sponsored vacation in the ICU. Not.

>> No.17699183

It’s superior for the people who don’t produce anything of value.

>> No.17699212

It's only free for those who don't pay taxes, you fucking parastic faggot.

>> No.17699238

>yeah let's just no longer be autonomous will oil bro

Do you realize how retarded you sound, zoomer?

>> No.17699243

>noooooo someone please think of the 0.0001% of society who make all their money speculating on imaginary jew dollars on the stock market instead of producing goods and services used by their fellow humans!
Good little goy

>> No.17699268

Bots are back

>> No.17699275
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>energy security bad

>> No.17699282

>he caused

Imagine, just imagine, being this fucking delusion. I bet this same faggot called Trump a racist for banning flights from China at the onset of the coronavirus outbreak. Honestly, I want to beat the fuck out of you irl for being such a dumbass. It infuriates me that your vote is worth as much as mine. FUCK!

>> No.17699290

>He opened up trade with China though

Actually, that was Clinton. Try again.

>> No.17699304

You already do

>> No.17699325

It would help more if they started providing free tests

>> No.17699347

Its going to make you really mad when trump loses this election then.

>> No.17699356

lmao everyone in here against free health care because "Tyrone has to pay for his own meds!" completely ignoring the fact that Tyrone will just go to the ER for his tylenol, end up with a bill somewhere around $20k that he wont pay. Guess who ends up paying for that geniuses?

>> No.17699378

5 more years, faggot. I look forward to hearing you reee in November.

>> No.17699403

This is the start of Nesara / Gesara, I have told you months in advance.

>> No.17699472


>> No.17699482

Checkd. We do like the retard path.

>> No.17699524

What the fuck is that and is that good or bad, should I be excited or worried?

>> No.17699549

No joke though, and of course the media won't report on it, but Trump is smashing incumbent primary records in most states, especially ones you wouldn't expect like Colorado or New Hampshire. I don't like tying my money up for a year but a big bet on Trump to win seems like it's in order cause he could be borderline 400 EC votes due to the combination of base turnout + Biden being the biggest lame duck candidate in decades.

>> No.17699568

>trump pitched 0% payroll tax
Which means he's trying to get 5-10%.

>> No.17699571

A lot of states aren't even holding republican primaries, no shit Trump is breaking primary records when there's an unprecedented lack of other people to vote for in the primaries besides Trump.

>> No.17699590


>> No.17699595

>Wow look at me I'm using the NPC meme I'm so smart

>> No.17699600

Government doesnt pay for anything, tax livestock do.

>> No.17699631


>> No.17699661

God damn socialists are so fucking downy, it's astonishing. They just repeat their popular campaign slogans during any disagreement, regardless of whether it is relevant to the discussion at all.
>muh billionaires
>evil demon billionaires
>i'm poor because of billionaires

>> No.17699662
File: 159 KB, 779x1207, GESARA No Poverty No Hunger No Debt Global Prosperity and Peace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17699672

>company invents a new product or innovates on an existing product
>quickly gains market share and makes a ton of money
>original owners of the company are bought out
>enter the turbojews
>trained to prioritize quarterly profits above all else, they put this education into practice
>company focus shifts from ensuring product quality to slashing production costs, reducing payroll, squeezing employee benefits, patent trolling, and killing prospective competitors in the crib
>all the talent that carried the company flee to greener pastures
>accordingly, product quality takes a nosedive
>but since quarterly profits are at an all time high the stock price soars and the turbojews make money so they don't give a shit
>they continue not caring until competitors start encroaching on their market share, and the company starts doing poorly
>then the turbojews ride away on golden parachutes made of cushy severance packages, leaving only unemployment and pink wojaks in their wake
>repeat ad nauseam
These are the parasites that /biz/ defends when they parrot the >n-not muh job creators narrative.

>> No.17699722

>standard of living is dropping like a stone, cost of living is rising, wages remain stagnant, employee benefits shrink, and the taxpayer continues to subsidize banks gambling with borrowed money because the billionaire jews in charge of the system want it to be that way

>> No.17699765

I remember Bush's 600 dollar check for stimulus... followed by he and Obama's trillion $ TARP giveaways and trillions more in war spending. Worthless crumbs for the worker bees.

>> No.17699787

This 10000%

>> No.17699792

Lmfao imagine not paying a loan just because you hope someone will free you from a contract you willingly entered.


>> No.17699811

>noooooo you can't just give people healthcare anon we can't AFFORD IT!

>> No.17699823
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Because a republican called it the Wuhan Virus and they all tweaked out

>> No.17699872


And everyone else too. If it'll cost several years wage to keep you alive... D I E

natural selection is gone, money selection is all we have.

>> No.17699884

Is he trying to turn the US into Venezuela and spin the wheel of hyperinflation?

>> No.17699891

It means you get to keep your job dipshit

>> No.17699907


>> No.17699921
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>> No.17699924

Because only racists call it wuhan virus instead of trump virus which it is.

>> No.17699925

Romans are surprrior to anglos

>> No.17699950

OK so you're just baiting and that's fine

>> No.17699955

but romanians certainly are not

>> No.17699971

This is the funniest fucking thing I have ever read on this website

This guy genuinely believes the Democrats are proposing a mass enslavement of all medical staff to enact free healthcare. That they are going to kidnap them, house them, strip them of their properties and rights, and force them to perform surgeries and sit in surgeries all day. Imagine being on /biz/ and having this little clue about how the government and economy work.

>> No.17700026

>I want more money to flip Hamburgers!
>doctors working for less isn't unfair

>> No.17700058
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>> No.17700075


Idk man, have you ever hung out with a doctor before? They are lame as fuck lmao not mad about lowering their wages

>> No.17700079

no they'll just drill the price down so far that the talent will leave to civilized capitalist countries and you'll have to replace them with refugee, pajeet and beaner doctors
and WALLAH your country is now a shithole

>> No.17700099

No, go fuck yourself, then get a job so your employer can pay for it.

>> No.17700121


No, not "no shit", this is compared to other incumbency records, i.e. sitting Presidents with no opposition. He's doubling the record in some states, which is insane, it's a smell test for the inspiration of his base (with turnout being the hardest part of any election to gauge or predict)

>> No.17700154

If Rs fix the deficit, dems have room to expand it and benefit from Rs responsibility.

>> No.17700421
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>Boot licks

>> No.17700484

Nordics are not everything they are cracked up to be. T. Nordic.

>> No.17700501

>go get a job so your employer can get all the welfare instead
uh no, fuck that

>> No.17700536

>Free healthcare
Sorry fat boy

>> No.17700635
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Americans love overpaying for their healthcare!

>> No.17700697

I'm sure it has absolutely nothing to do with our unique American system of part-tax-funded and part-private, which means healthcare providers can hike up their prices and the government as an obligate customer just has to pay whatever they charge. But the government can't regulate the costs, because that would be communism. Obama tried a bit of it, but Americans are wise to communist tricks and will soon overturn Obamacare!

>> No.17700747

commies are the ultimate bootlickers, you're literally advocating for a supremely powerful government that "centrally plans" the economy instead of free market competition

>> No.17700776

But you can have social services without going full commie anon. In fact it often makes the competition more fair and balanced and thus more competitive and efficient overall! It's almost like life is more complicated than a false dichotomy!

>> No.17700784

Shit is dumping like a shitcoin right now... look at spx500 index. Good luck ameritards, here comes recession.

>> No.17700899

government is a tumor, all governments throughout history grow and grow until the empire collapses. the founding fathers knew this, Thomas Jefferson wrote "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." they would already consider the US to be a failed state at this point with all the alphabet soup agencies and social programs we have, and they grow larger every year

>> No.17701267

J e w s

>> No.17701346

That reason is a bunch of retarded plebbiters have an agenda

>> No.17701412
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That sounds like something an NPC would say

>> No.17701451

>Tyrone will just go to the ER for his tylenol, end up with a bill somewhere around $20k

So let's get the people that made the bill 20k even more involved! Brilliant!

>> No.17701474

>Government subsidies are good if it's my guy doing it

>> No.17701520
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How little you outsiders know

>> No.17701526

Literally all those countries have public healthcare though.

>> No.17701548

Can't we just take money from the rich and give it to the poor? No? Ok, back to work wagies those yachts won't pay themselves.

>> No.17701583

>but since quarterly profits are at an all time high the stock price soars and the turbojews make money so they don't give a shit
This hasn't been a thing for years now, since even after all the cost reduction they can't increase profits at all, nowadays they take loans to buy their own stock and pump it's price (aka. multiple expansion) to keep the severance packages cushy

>> No.17701592

Fuck you shithead. Why should I pay for your sorry ass. Obama care is plenty good already unless youre a tard that can't understand the marketplaces.

Give me that payroll tax cut Dumpy Trumpy! Idc how ugly and stupid you are, will vote for you if so.

>> No.17701636

>I'm sure it has absolutely nothing to do with our unique American system of part-tax-funded and part-private
Mexico has a part-private (both employee and employer) part-tax-funded system and their market isn't nowhere near as fucked as the US is
The US is an exceptional case were any system would be completely fucked thanks to the jewocracy in both public and private parts of the system

>> No.17701712
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Chris Martenson thinks it's a dumb idea.

>> No.17701769

This is retarded and reductionist as fuck and I'm an anarchist so I know smol government.

>> No.17701823

That's reductionist and misinformed as fuck. I'm against centralization but not social services. There is no reason to be against social services.

>> No.17701886

>shit there's a huge crisis effecting all of society, what should we do
>I know, tax cuts for corporations and give money to the oil industry
fuck this

>> No.17702105

You're paying more for some oil companies but keep worrying about laquinsha

>> No.17702121

This is bullish for Verasity.

>> No.17702507
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>> No.17702745
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Not white people.

>> No.17702778

No, I will not pay more in taxes for YOUR free healthcare. Faggot communist.

>> No.17703075

America already spends the most on healthcare per person by a good margin, thanks largely to insurance companies taking a fat cut and people neglecting preventative care which ends up giving them more expensive complications down the line. The overall quality of American healthcare is also generally below the average of other developed countries with universal care.

>> No.17703082

A++ bait

>> No.17703090


>> No.17703185

If only we could generate energy with sun, wind, water or nuclear

>> No.17703204
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>fAcTs aRE cApiTalLisT pRoPagAnda

>> No.17703218

based orange man is kickstarting the economy
dow 50,000 here we gooooo

>> No.17703224

>/biz/ is a /pol/ board
that would explain why you're all stupid and poor.

>> No.17703230

Universal healthcare isn't going to fix shit, it will literally bankrupt the country.

The US have such a large portion of completely unproductive people, and entire segments of the population that are 500% burdensome, that it makes zero fucking sense to steal from the producers to give to the lazy. It will kill literally kill the US.

>> No.17703254

There's 0% chance Trump loses the election to dementia Biden or communist Sanders.

>> No.17703279
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"The best is yet to come"

We are currently in the transition period to something truly great. Trump's 2nd term where no placating voters, optics and electoral maneuvering needs to be considered.

>> No.17703293

>t. economically illiterate retard

>> No.17703323

Post the rest or give a link.

>> No.17703385

>Excuse me for looking out for my own best interests. How very gay and communist of me.

The leftists want "free" healthcare because of their own interests. Yes. This is very communist of you.

The right-wing individual does understand that he should care for others.

>> No.17703414

That was pure cringe bro

>> No.17703430


>> No.17703431

Not at all.

>> No.17703440

No one's gonna leave America lol.

>> No.17703500

I don't want to be the guy to quote some fucking youtuber, but didn't Mike Maloney say in one of his videos that the most likely attempt of the government to revive the economy before a second depression comes will be by rising inflation through tax rebates, kinda like a QE but for the average Joe this time? Isn't eliminating taxes literally just that?

>> No.17703983

>no you can't just give people socialized medicine, how will we have money left over to bomb 3rd worlders, bail out the banks yet again, and maintain a 0% effective tax rate for the jews on wall street? This cannot be done!
Begone, shill

>> No.17704066

Yep. Your boss pays payroll tax. You pay income tax, among other things.
You'd need to immediately negotiate a raise to get a cut of that money, otherwise its all going to the higher ups and MAYBE some might actually go into running the business.

>> No.17704170

White men only pay a net positive

>> No.17704620
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>Wanting government run ANYTHING

KYS commie

>> No.17704661

>vote for conservatives who make it their mission to undermine the government and make it as inefficient as possible
>then use this as evidence for why the government doesn't work
Every time, falling for the scam.
Just to be clear, the politicians and boomers who tell you not to vote for socialized healthcare already have socialized healthcare. It's all a giant "socialism for me, not for thee" propaganda factory. Can you even comprehend how hard you're being jewed by the system they built at this moment?

>> No.17704714


You clearly have no idea what's going on and are parroting bullshit. Also you're an antisemitic piece of shit but I digress..

Russia started a price war on oil. They can afford to make it much more cheaply then we can. They're trying to bankrupt our shale oil industries bt making us noncompetitive. Knowing well keep producing to maintain market share

The thing is Russia is a big fat bitch of a country that only produces guns and oil. So they're playing chicken with us. And if the Administration subsidizes Shale oil with us then well either entice Russia to stop playing games, or well eventually see them crumble

Russia played its hand and you want the US to cuck itself? No you commie, no.

>> No.17704741

Literally no one calls it that, maybe in your little circlejerk of delusional trump haters

Hows it feel to know this big fat orange ape is in your head every day causing you stress like a parasite in your brain

I feel bad for you, I truly do.

>> No.17704790
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This isnt reddit, trannycuck

>> No.17704792

Nice reddit spacing. r/the_donald is that way.

>> No.17704813

I'll take your concession, you useful idiot.

>> No.17704845

Antisemitism? Do you know where you are, fren?

>> No.17704851

>free roads, police and firefighting services, social security are ok tho

>> No.17704921

Now u pay half, and ur employer pays the other half. Trump want to cut the employers share to 0. Maybe ur boss is nice like all the fellas on /biz/ and gives u a raise.

>> No.17705207
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>> No.17705427

Both the employer and employee pay payroll tax in most cases. Check your pay stubs.

>> No.17705451

>Russia started it!
the eternal OPEC shill strikes again

>> No.17705464
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Great isn't it?

>> No.17705534

That's the lamest response. Nice spacing

Try basic grammar you fucking cyborg

>> No.17705550


They did start a price war you enormous faggot

US instigated it by stealing Russia's market share, but in terms of the PRICE WAR, Russia started it

>> No.17705564

Lol, wagies are gonna revolt pretty soon when they start dying in the streets from coronavirus, get kicked out of their homes from mortgage foreclosures, and they become unable to afford their debts. Meanwhile the president bails out the rich and they get to enjoy the best hospitals and care.

>> No.17705594


when will brainlets learnnnnnnn

>> No.17705611

Imagine not going to your local in state public university or going to bum fuck no where on scholarship
Why even go to college there’s nothing g they can teach you when you are so much of a retard you can’t understand how to manage money

>> No.17705641
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I pay it gladly.

>> No.17705646

Yes, if everyone goes out and spends all their extra income on goods and services which they don't have to. Cutting taxes in a recession doesn't work because the problem isn't peoples nominal income isn't large enough... outside of a recession it'll have other effects.

>> No.17705807

Last I checked, Wuhanese isn't a race.

>> No.17705863

Bizlets oppose free shit like healthcare but are stay at home NEETS.

Biz doesn't know anything about the economy yet try to give financial advice LOL

>> No.17705869

That includes non-white women in with white women and also women shouldnt be working at the same rates as men.

>> No.17705902

But by the same logic, it also includes nonwhite men with white men as well

>> No.17705907

Take this shit thread with your personal beliefs back to pol where it belongs. You faggots don't deserve Bitcoin

>> No.17706803

Everyone bagging on you is a fucking kike brainwashed idiot. Apparently its fine to fork over billions of taxpayer dollars in entitlements to corporations, but helping citizens with healthcare is somehow socialist. I would rather see my tax dollars help real people, than help the balance sheet of a bunch of kikes

>> No.17706829

It means your employer wont pay the taxes, reducing their labor costs so they can keep your ass on payroll while you sit at home. Basically its a way to help and encourage employers to pay people to quarintine.

>> No.17706841


>> No.17706859

“Free healthcare” fucking sucks
>t. Leaf

>> No.17707051

It means you pay 7.65% less taxes on your Adjusted Gross Income, same with your employer.

>> No.17707206

Please die

>> No.17707340

Please get help you fucking psychopath

>> No.17707385

>How very gay and communist of me.
Glad you understand but please fuck off back to your pinko hovel.

>> No.17707432

And I disagree with that too.

>> No.17707440

>lefties can only hijack old memes and put MAGA hats on them
Truly an admission of failure.

>> No.17707503


not on my /biz/ you fag

>> No.17707536

>what is Medicaid

>> No.17707590


he means that he doesn't want to pay for medicaid

>> No.17707610

Did I stutter? I disagree with Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security.

>> No.17707632

I thought you meant that you disagreed with the fact that you already pay for poor people's healthcare.

>> No.17707661

Oh, I can see how what I typed could be read that way. Fair enough.

>> No.17707690

> I want higher taxes reeeeeee

>> No.17707713

Sure, go and start wiping 80yo boomer's asses for free. Voila. Free healthcare

>> No.17707743
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Is that even legal to jeopardize the entire federal budget just so he can have strong stock market numbers going into an election?

At this point, I actually think he deserves to be impeached or at least assassinated.

>> No.17707752

Sure but the wealthy will save more money than me... NOT FAIR!

>> No.17707842

You can disagree all you want they aren't going away. It would be better to replace them with universal healthcare though so then at least everyone pays in and it lowers the risk pool and makes it a higher value per patient system that will ultimately realize long term savings for the deficit.

>> No.17707856

Get the fuck out faggot and never come back.

>> No.17707916

>just support this version of social welfare instead
No. Fuck all forms of fake charity.

>> No.17707979

I would normally agree with an unchained insurance market but I don't think the concept works for healthcare. Simply put, the objective of the health insurance company is to not pay out the insurance. If they do, they lose money. In a perfect world they take the premiums and never pay a dime. Of course, the consumer's objective is the opposite: they're sick and want the insurance company to pay for as much as possible. The product that the insurance company "sells" is what their own business model requires them to not actually give the customer to the maximum extent allowable by law. This isnt the only industry in which there's a fundamentally adversarial relationship between the buyer and seller of the product, but in terms of healthcare if you get jewed by the insurance company you fucking die or immediately go bankrupt. Furthermore your bankruptcy gets passed along to the rest of the market as the insurance company raises premiums to recoup their losses. It's essentially the same situation as firefighting or law enforcement, it serves no purpose to provide these services to paying customers only because a nonpaying customer having their house burn down will put all surrounding homes in immediate danger of fire, and a nonpaying crime-ridden neighborhood will infect all surrounding ones (even if they do pay). Its in everyone's long term best interest to band together and make healthcare public.

>> No.17707990

fuck off leftypol you guys suck ass

>> No.17708035

Yeah but you aren't being realistic anon. Those programs will never go away unless they're replaced with something that offers coverage for the same segments.

Only old fucks vote. No old fuck is going to get rid of his Medicaid. Wake up and stop playing the shoulda coulda woulda game.

>> No.17708248

Huh? You're the one asking me to support a policy I'm against. I'm quite realistic; I never said I hold out any hope that those programs will go away. The fact that some forms of social welfare won't go away doesn't mean I should support a disagreeable alternative to what we've got. I'd genuinely rather stay with the current system since if I'm gonna be forced to pay for something I don't agree with, I can at least take some comfort in it being done inefficiently.

>> No.17708345

You take comfort in the fact that they're going to take your money either way but at least this way you make damn sure it's wasted and as inefficient as possible?

You're just petty my dude.

>> No.17708460

Yes. Like I said, I'm against forced, fake charity. I make plenty of actual charitable contributions though, including money towards children's health.

>> No.17708628

ITT: lots of lefty faggots doing what they do best..bitching and moaning

>> No.17708670

lol I wish

>> No.17708739

per this thread, on this day, at this moment, /biz/ if objectively more based than /pol/
i understand that's not saying much, but still, it's something

>> No.17708793

Actually pol is a cesspool

Just pointing out the hypocrisy which frankly is amazing in our Republican friends and relatives

>> No.17708866

I think there's honestly like 3 of us that have said anything positive about social services. The rest has been a cacophony of REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE at

>> No.17709015

Paystub says I pay income tax, FICA, SS, Medicare/Aid, State and County taxes. There is no mention or logging anywhere for payroll tax.

>> No.17709055

Everything is legal for orange man.

>> No.17709107

you get it too faggot

>> No.17709153

Didn't you know anon? Everyone on /biz/ is THE Chad who eats pizza and fucks Stacy and they will never be touched by such trifling things like entropy.

>> No.17709155

>Is that even legal to jeopardize the entire federal budget just so he can have strong stock market numbers going into an election?
Irrelevant because Trump can suspend taxes as little as Bernie could've legalised weed.

Executive Orders don't work that way.

>> No.17709303


Wow, this is so fucking misinformed. A huge portion of insurance premiums are paying insurance companies their administrative costs and of course the million dollar bonuses for top execs. Medicare and entities like the VA are a great example also of the advantage of consolidated bargaining power in keeping prices low.

>> No.17709372

you already do kek
burgerland is literally a third world tier country for everyone who isn't making $120k+/ year

>> No.17709788

>trump says bosses shouldn't pay taxes but employees should

>> No.17709816

Healthcare is already free nigga.

>> No.17710321

>i'm an anarchist
no your an edgy preteen in the body of a 20 year old onions boy and a newfag