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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17694345 No.17694345 [Reply] [Original]

post yfw you bet on the Corona since the beginning

>> No.17694411

I did but I'm a broke NEET so I couldn't bet any money on it and that's why I'm rather disappointed by how things turned out

>> No.17694437


>> No.17694469

out of curiosity, what is a broke neet looking for on /biz/?

>> No.17694569

also I suppose that 2/3 of posters here are like me

>> No.17694818

really? what's fun about /biz/ anyways?

>> No.17694925
File: 279 KB, 2048x1362, raider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not pictured is a stash of wine and food

>> No.17695375

crypto/general economics is my area of interest
also posters here have a little higher iq than on other boards
why do you even ask? what's here besides fun? 99.9% of this board is pajeets shilling their shitcoins via memes

>> No.17695433
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>my idea of fun is a pajeet board shilling shitcoins

>> No.17695453

I didn't say this

>> No.17695462


>> No.17695476
File: 268 KB, 700x901, 1580594203157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to sell high, this thing is going to be a nothing burger soon but the normies haven't figured it out

>> No.17695509

Newfag here
What I’ve taken away from my short time so far on /biz/
Buy oil co. Stocks
Watch chainlink
Ignore most of the shitcoin shilling here
Any other suggestions?

>> No.17695541

what's here besides fun?

is it bad that I actually come here to get financial advice from /biz/? if not financial advice then general market sentiment at least

I've just never considered browsing /biz/ as entertainment...

well, anyway, have you gotten anything out of /biz/ during your time here?

>> No.17695572

ignore scamstink its over-inflated in price and has done nothing in 2.5 yrs and wont do anything. most of the current nu-scamstinkers act like a zealot cult

>> No.17695590

dyor always #1 rule

> is it bad that I actually come here to get financial advice from /biz/?
it depends but generally yes it is very bad and low iq

> if not financial advice then general market sentiment at least
very unrepresentative, there's twitter for this

> well, anyway, have you gotten anything out of /biz/ during your time here?
besides few laughs? no not really, maybe just a few moments of quality discussion but this was 0.1% of the time spent here

>> No.17696550

alright then, where are the "high iq" guys getting their financial advice from

>> No.17696681

tier 1 really high iq: either don't need it (they're smart themselves) or they have paid financial advisors or they have really smart friends and connections irl
tier 2: use books, textbooks, content from high iq little-known bloggers on various platforms
tier 3: google, quora, normie forums, etc
lowest tier: asking on 4chan

>> No.17696775

any tier 2 recommendations? you seem knowledgeable

>> No.17696854

no I'm not actually, it just seems obvious that there are better places for this very serious topic than anonymous kyrgyz cartoons imageboard
I'm sorry but there's nothing I can help you with, but I'm sure if you invest some time into searching for it and dig from a lot of shit you'll eventually find the diamonds
anyways, what kind of financial advice interests you?

>> No.17697064

My god you look so gullible and clueless

>> No.17697078

I'm on the lookout for early news/rumors, general TA, upcoming tokens/forks, and of course general market sentiment

thank you for your advice regardless; I'm not big into Twitter but I'll start there and see if I can find some leads

>> No.17697093

that's incredibly accurate

got a bridge to sell me? I'm always down to hear you out

>> No.17697107
File: 105 KB, 721x548, 1542750847806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post yfw you knew all along but didn't place the bet in time

>> No.17697185

> early news/rumors
idk I think general news websites are fast enough. maybe what you're thinking about is economic calendar? and as for rumors, there's a forum in darkweb where they share insider info, but iirc you have to contribute to join

>general TA
this I can actually help you with, especially price action trading. how much you already know and what exactly do you think you want to know? what are your end goals?

> upcoming tokens/forks
there's economic calendar for crypto too. google "crypto economic calendar", there are a few helpful websites with all the upcoming events scheduled

>> No.17697403
File: 96 KB, 1280x719, photo_2020-03-08_16-55-33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah yes and here's my reaction
as I haven't bet anything, I just hope the economy recovers ASAP and everything will be stable and bright again and corona-chan will go away

>> No.17697466
File: 23 KB, 507x604, images (38).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post yfw you placed the bet too early. Pulled out of TSLA and missed the +40% blow off top while nothing else reacted. Said fuck it, clown market and just put it back in tsla. Lesson learned how fucking slow and stupid everyone is. I'll just hold monero until it's $100,000 each. Dumb fucks of this world will catch on eventually.

>> No.17697488

Where did you bet?

>> No.17697563

I'm 99.9% sure what he talks about is "I expected corona to spread further which implies global recession" so "betting" here means "shorting the fuck out of everything" not exactly betting on corona

>> No.17698894
File: 77 KB, 1206x1045, bear flag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey I was actually going to ask you a TA question:

is this a bear flag pattern current printing on the BTC/USD pair?

>> No.17698971
File: 27 KB, 629x774, Screenshot_6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes it might be, especially if you draw your lines like on the screenshot attached.
But no one knows for sure until it's confirmed.

Personally I don't trade chart patterns.
If you ask me about the direction, I'm long because we've bounced off of a monthly support at 7700 + there's bullish divergence on the daily + momentum loss on the daily

>> No.17699020

thats true, there seems to be a bull pennant right from this morning's wick below 7800 up until now

in order to confirm the bear flag, BTC would have to fall below the 7634 bottom, is that correct?

thank you very much for your time in advance

>> No.17699146

>there seems to be a bull pennant right from this morning's wick below 7800 up until now
personally, to me it doesn't look like a pennant at all. but then again, that's why I don't trade chart patterns.

> in order to confirm the bear flag, BTC would have to fall below the 7634 bottom, is that correct?
kinda depends on how you define the flag (where do you draw the boundaries). I'd say it's confirmed (if defined by my screenshot) if it falls below the lower boundary, retests it from below and goes further down. but there can also be bear flags without retests, and there can also be fakeouts (price will fall below the lower boundary only to shoot up afterwards).

if you want to know more about bear flags or chart patterns in general then there's a great author who's name is Thomas Bulkowski. he specializes in them and he even researched winrates for different patterns

> thank you very much for your time in advance
no problem

>> No.17699255

thank you I'll take a look at Bulkowski's site

also as I understand, a valid bear flag's support and resistance lines must be relatively parallel, right? so this doesn't seem to be the case here

I'm considering longing as well...although I just have this bad feeling in my stomach that we're still part of a downtrend

>> No.17699364

I didn't even know he has such a nice website, I was rather talking about his books

> a valid bear flag's support and resistance lines must be relatively parallel, right? so this doesn't seem to be the case here
yes they have to be at least remotely parallel, otherwise it's either some other pattern or no pattern at all
it's the case on my screenshot tho, the lines are 100% parallel and the candles fit them well
but who knows if it will work out. it's all in our heads, after all

> I'm considering longing as well...although I just have this bad feeling in my stomach that we're still part of a downtrend
why do you consider a long? what are your arguments? feelings aren't really a thing you should ever trust. but just make sure your risk is managed in any case

also I forgot to add that another reason for me being long rn is weekly momentum loss
more on momentum loss: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=asDBegQaupM

>> No.17699391

>Thomas Bulkowski
seconded - have read a few of his books, good stuff

>> No.17699392

I should just lower my IQ, but that's okay bears gave me a fire sale that I wanted

>> No.17699397
File: 314 KB, 880x529, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god guided my hand