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17684710 No.17684710[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Frens I come to you on a more serious discussion that may be better suited for another board, just have a feeling I'm gonna get shit posts or trolls.

What's wrong with me bros, I seem to be stuck in this nigger mentality of shorterm pleasure. Short term decisions and moves. Since childhood I've been like this, could rarely bring myself to really sit down and study for school and if I ever randomly did it wasn't consistent. I never knew what I wanted to do as a kid and I still seem to be on the edge of what if I'm better at so and so career so I never make the leap.

I mean it's obvious what I need to do to be more successful and happy. I just can't bring myself to do it longterm. Somewhere along the way of whatever longterm goal I'm trying to accomplish my mind will start to default to negative and frustrated thoughts again which will make me give up or quit. Drugs play a big role in this too, have been struggling with on and off addiction for at least 12 years now. No matter how motivated, or sick and tired or desperate for change I am. I'll give in to the shorterm dopamine hit and relapse.

I don't know where I'm going with this, I've been up all night tweaking and can't sleep. Just feel so tired of this all and how my life never has traction. (I'm 29 btw)
Anyone relate? How did you get out of it

>> No.17684751

You may have sociopathy or some personality disorder. Perhaps borderline or schizoid.

I relate but I'm less off the hinges. I seem to somehow manage moving. Towards what? Fuck knows. But I'm about to graduate uni with something I've no idea if I'll ever work with.

Tell me about your mother. Was she cold and distant? Tell me about you and women. Do you seem to have a lot of short flings? Tell em about childhood. Did you ever feel you were different on some fundamental level?

>> No.17684794

Basically you have low iq and low conscientiousness. You can slightly improve your conscientiousness with practice, though there is nothing you can do about your iq. Find something that gives you a similar dopamine hit as video games (for me it's trading crypto) that is productive and useful in the long term. Good luck retard.

>> No.17684866
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You two need to have a discussion, I'm on my way out. But before I go, I suggest you listen to Alan Watts, and Earl Nightingale. You may be able to make peace that you'll never amount to anything. Give up the prospects that you'll ever achieve anything in life. Just hold down a cashier position at the kroger and fuck off with society. Become complacent that what you are is what you'll ever be. There is no hope for changing yourself into a better person. You will never become anything great. The sooner you can make peace with this, the sooner you'll stop stressing yourself out constantly 24/7. You might have this innate desire to be better, or an inner belief that you can amount to something. Stop it. It isn't true. Just don't bother other humans and live your life until it's over. No-one expects anything from you. Just keep it that way.

>> No.17684903

No man that's shit. Why would anyone willingly consume shit?

>> No.17684905

OP you are just a low IQ retard and this whole thing is an excuse. Telling yourself that you are lazy is bullshit. If you were smart you could just sit down and understand things, but seems like you can not.
I am the same, so I know what I am talking about.

>> No.17684910

My mom is and mostly always was very warm and loving. Too much...to the point I feel it messed me up. She would always be over the top excited or praising when I'd do anything especially in front of a crowd or her friends. I noticed after a while I'd on purpose not try or half ass things when I knew she would be watching. I guess it made me feel awkward, I don't like being the main focus of any group or crowd.

Me and women? It's absolutely shit, has been since middle school. Lots of stuff contributed to it but basically ever since middle school it seems like I lost my glow and charm when talking to girls i don't know or I find attractive. So I would never try, even though I know I'm decent looking and have had alot of girls say they had crushes on me at some point (middle school, think I'm uglier now)

For a few years around 19 to early 20s I was avoidant of girls. Any sign of one getting too close I'd put up a wall where it seems like I wasn't interested even though I sometimes totally was. For the most part I've gotten over that part but still struggle with women just because I feel like I run out of things to say or the convo becomes bland. It's like I lost the ability to flirt on the spot.

>> No.17684942
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Because it's true.

>> No.17684948

youre just another coddled faggot who never had to build any self discipline. stop doing drugs, focus on work and get your shit together. nobody is gonna hand you shit in life.

>> No.17684949

Dubs of truth. Give up OP
Just be another loser in society who can't accomplish anything. People and women will look down on you, but that's the place where you belong. Accept it and serve the people who are better than you

>> No.17684989
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Alright now give him a chance to discuss his mother with this anon.

He needs this opportunity to put things into perspective, regardless of what may or may not be true.

>> No.17684998

>I lost my glow and charm when talking to girls i don't know or I find attractive
Damn. We could be brothers. That is also me. I think for me it was the Blackpill which made me realize that all women are whores and only get on your dick if you are the best opportunity they have (which I am not)
It is over for us, bro! Literally fucking over.

>> No.17685002

But that's the thing, I understand things quite well. And pick up the hang of things faster than others it seems. I'm definitely not a nerd and am not saying I'm really smart cuz I did have trouble learning certain things in school but again that could be attributed to laziness and not putting in any effort. I don't think the IQ thing is the problem u fags, just imagine I have average iq.

>> No.17685026

Ty fren, definitely seems that way