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17680970 No.17680970 [Reply] [Original]

is it moral to profit off a market crash?

>> No.17680976


>> No.17680986

Only if you're a woman or a minority.

>> No.17681078


>> No.17681094

>Thinking the US is anything like what was founded in 1776.

>> No.17681100


What are you supposed to do, just drown? It isn't even about what is moral, there are just people trying to find out how to not be exposed to a crash and sometimes in the process they beat the market and find a safe haven that others may find after the fact, and those people are the ones that bolster those first people in the pursuit of their own salvation.

>> No.17681105


>> No.17681192

I think that you're misinterpreting what he means.
The market is just a market. US citizens, generally, selling to other US citizens. He'd be ok with that.

However, if it were like, the US was losing a war against the combined forces of China and Latin America, and you were selling goods and weapons to both sides, then that's not good.

>> No.17681447


>> No.17681502

Only faggots and women care about morality when it comes to their finances

>> No.17681529

It is if you profit by mitigating the market crash or solving problems caused by the market crash.

>> No.17681550
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not likely, but it is moral to want to provide the best for your family, yourself, and friends

>> No.17681555

Good investing helps people by moving money where it's needed most. If you profit by solving problems, you're acting morally.

>> No.17681568

Kinda immoral but if you use the money to build a long term portfolio its actually kinda dope and helps build the US economy.

>> No.17681606

This desu. Half our reported ""white"" citizens don't even speak English and are illiterate in their native language.

You can shit on 'muh patriarchy' all you want for US founding history, but they were educated, literate, and knew the fucking basics of finance and economics.

>> No.17681641

Morality is a psychological programming mechanism.

>> No.17681871

le edgelord has arrived

>> No.17682498

what the fuck is that supposed to mean?

>> No.17682513

the market crash is idiots panicking and over leveraged gamblers stopped out.
so yes you are educating the ignorant masses.

>> No.17682524

he read too much nietzsche

>> No.17682528

did you make the rules of the game they force you to play? is it against the rules? if you answered no to both questions, then it isn't immoral.

>> No.17682531

Morality is relative to what is best for yourself, your family, your people, your country. Do what's best.

>> No.17682542

Shorting is for commies.

>> No.17682546

It's the only moral way to profit off the stonk market.

>> No.17682558

Of course

>> No.17682568

Voluntary exchange between consenting adults

>> No.17682589

"The Market" is not "my country", fucktard.

>> No.17682621

He's probably from China.
That's all the slant jew care about.

>> No.17683451

True. I personally believe the constitution and the image of the country has been so corrupted they should create a successor state to separate it from its foundations which have been abandoned.

>> No.17683479


>> No.17683739

A market crash is an opportunity, and anyone that was making money off the market before it crashed was also using an opportunity. To let such an opportunity go to waste would be disrespectful of the pour souls in the crash, to follow in their foot steps in their image but smarter, is the only true moral choice. We are all men in the face of the markets, and who would you rather win? Man or market? Do the right thing and buy that motherfucking dip.