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17676994 No.17676994 [Reply] [Original]

This is literarilly the last chance you get to buy bsv under 200

>> No.17677018

God I hope not

>> No.17677026

Chad here, 155 STILL happening.

>> No.17677117
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It's fucking shit. i am so jaded with BSV.
>What happened to Jimmy's announcement?
>Why is binance still trading?
>Why didn't BSV hit $1200 EOY 2019
>Why have no more partnership and deals been announced (not including the meme medical records company)
>Where are the exchanges built on BSV?
>Why hasn't N Chain/ creg enforced any of their patents?
>Why is Creg now stating blockchains will be honest rather than that they will be forced to migrate to BSV or pay royalties?
>Why has Creg STILL not proven himself to be satoj in a court or law or by any other irrefutable means?

>> No.17678215

No chad states that he is a chad. That is beta behavior

>> No.17678238

bumper jumper

>> No.17678478

Patience. It's a plan that has long been in the works, can't be rushed. It is contingent on other things happening first.

Everything will fall into place. If you think it's all a LARP, please just sell all your BSV - it's better that way.