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17667171 No.17667171 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.17667193


>> No.17667205

Stock to flow model

>> No.17667227

Delete this.

>> No.17667291
File: 264 KB, 1832x1050, 20200310_021028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this on my phone with my fat thumb. This guided me to sell at 19k in 2017 and buy back in at 4k. It's not fucking rocket science.

>> No.17667294


>> No.17667299
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prove to me that the pattern won't be the same as it has been showing.

>> No.17667342

I'm trying man. I only got 28.5 BTC. I need 6.5 more and I will have made it!

>> No.17667368

>That model error
Go learn some statistics son, it's good for you

>> No.17667375
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>> No.17667377

ok bagholder. cya at 1k

>> No.17667396
File: 991 KB, 389x259, 8E970B9A-0FDD-401F-BE1E-FB5BB34BE671.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to this we’ll see 100k bitcoin sometime in 2020

>> No.17667424
File: 205 KB, 2466x1252, download (5).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The statistics are clearly showing a longer timeframe for the new bubble.
Stay poor moonboy

>> No.17667429

The S2F in the beginning was erratic as miners raced from CPU to GPU to ASIC then to the smaller chip races and price fluctuations and bad businesses decisions and mt gox hack

look at how much the ratio bounces at the start of bitcoin
Now we have very stable miners, predictable chip developments, futures markets
sure the price could lag behind like other halving events, but it's bound to the S2F model and will go up eventually

>> No.17667455

Smart money has been accumulating for a year now.

>> No.17667556

How did that make you sell at 19?

>> No.17667597
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>Posting day chart

>> No.17667628
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thinking that it's bound to the model is an incorrect assumption as you have max 1 (one) "confirmation" point, as even you have confirmed with your comment.
everything is indicating that it is needing a longer timeframe for the next bubble

>> No.17667775

who will buy your bags ?

>> No.17667812

real question, because Bitcoin is "crashing" is it a good idea to buy now so it'll be less expensive or I'm just a dumbass :?

>> No.17667923

Retard here, what's the best Bitcoin wallet? I'm new to this.

>> No.17667993

Are you retarded?
Can you not read a simple chart?
100k will come sometime between late 21 and early 23.
You have to be a brain dead boomer to read this chart wrong.

>> No.17668041

Calm down faggot

>> No.17668102

there is no greater dumb ass to buy at that level

>> No.17668107

0-1,000 just buy on gemini or coinbase
1,000-10,000 invest in a hardware wallet like a trezor (there are new hardware wallets I haven't researched that might be better than trezor, but you need to really check if it's open source and where the security flaws come into play)
10,000-100,000+ This is where you need to look into a multisig wallet
Think of who you trust, what locations you have access to, what security options make sense for your situation
for example like 4-7 multisig can you can put a wallet at a bank, a lawyers office, your brother/dad/mom/best friend, then you can place the rest in hidden locations
set it up so your estate can recover the money if you die, you can move the money in an emergency, and also think of disasters like fire theft etc. and that's why a bank has 1 and only 1
Then adjust your setup for how your life progresses

>> No.17668177

Not yet. Just $600 more to go.

>> No.17668179
File: 11 KB, 612x612, 3213ded9d087905a739843848f7febc2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

delete this you stupid cunt

>> No.17668264

s2f is the simpest model out there. reminder that appreciation comes from increased demand, not decreasing future supply production voodoo

>> No.17668278

You read the chart worse than I did

>> No.17668302

nice LARP

>> No.17668368

this chart doesn't take into account black swan events like the one we're experiencing now. it WILL go lower, and this chart WILL be invalidated

>> No.17668443

I'm interested in wallets for which I do not have to provide personal information. When I tried to make a Coinbase account before, they asked for way more private details than I'm comfortable giving. Gemini is asking for my phone number. I just want a wallet with privacy in mind.

>> No.17668532

>"no one will EVER buy bitcoin if it was $10k" - you, 5 years ago

>> No.17668600

March 23rd btw, write it down

>> No.17668641

This chart shows how deep in bubble we still are and how far we have to drop you fucking retards take your meds you imbeciles.

>> No.17668651

Cryptocurrency was thought of as anonymous cash no government or central party could interfere with. Well guess what? In order for mainstream adoption, you'll have to kiss ass and provide more information than you feel comfortable providing. It's never been anonymous and it's now even taxable. No going around big brother. I agree our money should be ours, non taxable, and be private. It's no ones business how much money you have and what you are using it on or who you are sending it to. But the law is the law. We've allowed society to be this way by bending the knee.

>> No.17668833
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>rat poison squared
Kek. Deluded bulltards.

>> No.17669042

What about Electrum or Samourai?

>> No.17669179
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>> No.17669717
File: 90 KB, 1816x672, plvs_vltra_bit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is normal people, retarded people and then you... braindead homoid
>day chart
first of all it would be "daily"...
second it's a 240minutes (4 hours for incest creature) chart
keep buying the tops while i unload on you you faggotism incel

>> No.17669929

circumstances are different this time dont you think?

>> No.17669951

Half in BTC half in ARPA, just enough ETH for gas

>> No.17670085

Bitcoin won't pump like that because it's being artificially deflated by banks. I just got back into crypto within the past month and the amount of hoops you have to jump through on coinbase is absolutely ludicrous.

First you have to submit multiple forms of ID. Then if you do ACH withdrawal you don't even get your selected token until 5 days after purchase. If you use a debit card, you can get it same day, but guess what? You can't actually send it to another exchange off of coinbase for 72 hours unless you upload your ID again AND take a photo of yourself with your webcam!

It was so easy back in 2016 and 2017. You just bought crypto on cb then sent it to an exchange or your personal wallet. My point is that the barrier to entry is much higher now. Only the most motivated will go through all of that to buy crypto. The average normie will be scared by such security measures and will ultimately decide not to buy cryptocurrencies.

If BTC pumps it most certainly will not be due to American normies dumping their money into it like they did at the end of 2017. Personally I think BTC is relatively dead for the time being. I think it'll say between 7k and 10k for months