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File: 175 KB, 960x430, gold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17655598 No.17655598 [Reply] [Original]

Gold strong edition
Prev: >>17625556


"...cash is not a very convenient store of value..."
— Janet Yellen (Federal Reserve Chair), Q&A after speech March, 2015
"By your wisdom and your understanding you have made wealth for yourself, and have gathered gold and silver into your treasuries;"
- Ezekiel 28:4 ESV


PRICE OF GOLD / SILVER (against currency)

Ways to invest in Gold (and in turn other metals):
- Physical Gold <--------------------------------- Ideal
- Sovereign gold bonds (SGBs)
- Mining stocks
- Gold backed Crypto, i.e. Tether Gold (XAUt) and others
- Cashless Lending to Goldshops (for i.e. 2% at GoldSilbershop.de)

Wiki on verification of gold.

Bullion tax info by state:

Recommended online dealers for

Gold Panning

Spot silver deals & a good site to check prices of competitors:

YouTube/Reading Resources:

>> No.17655620

>tfw you bought silver instead of gold

>> No.17655700

> silver is dumping
So much for the precious metal, huh? It's as industrial these days as copper.

>> No.17655713
File: 763 KB, 1951x1371, 6F70D049-8FDA-4A4A-B060-61473DE53AAF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got Ag and Au 20/80% $ split
Here’s some of my Au

Been a tough hold but never doubted the long term gainz

(Yeah I’m in New Zealand)

>> No.17655761

This is the last shake out boys. GoldSilver ratio is goin over 100 for a little bit until it finally dumps. People WILL realize that silver is a monetary metal.

>> No.17655774
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Like in 2008 the initial industry selloff will make prices drop and then it will go up to unprecedented levels.

Anyways much of the dip right now is from people desperately selling PM's to plug more urgent holes in their wallet. After this is over it is endless price increase for several years ahead.

Enjoy your missed opportunities.

>> No.17655855

>stocks down
>oil down
>gold/silver down

The hell do you do?

>> No.17655863

Holy fuck, rubberbanded gold coin flips,the aesthetic I never knew I needed

>> No.17655889

I work in physical gold industry AMA
Also who here /JUST/ed

>> No.17655892

Meant for
as a fellow hobbit,I’m wondering If I’ve made a mistake going hard into silver instead of gold n gunz

>> No.17655895

are you a girl?

>> No.17655907 [DELETED] 

I sold some crypto and have about $10,000 to buy, should I buy 2x100g gold bars or gold coins?

>> No.17655910

How desperate are the people coming through your doors?

>> No.17655919
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No but pic rel is my gf

>> No.17655920

>I’m wondering If I’ve made a mistake going hard into silver
People wondered the same thing in 2008. Sellers lost hard and holders won

>> No.17655928

Do you see Gold rising?

>> No.17655940
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are you jewish?

>> No.17655941

I only invested in silver ... am I fucked?

>> No.17655945

I dont deal with sales to non-corporate customers but I can tell you that certain banks have been hoarding bulk physical gold for a long time... It's almost as if...

>> No.17655951

At what levels will you guys buy in?

>> No.17655967

Fuck no. I'm saved by Grace through Faith, and I descend from Kreigsmarine sailors and Spartan warriors.

>> No.17655974

$1200 an ounce ... this is a Deflationary Market.

>> No.17655985

Fiat is utter garbage that constantly and deliberately loses value so I convert all my savings into gold and sell as required

>> No.17656002
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lol how the fuck do I know

>> No.17656036

What about silver? Spill the beans, I'm curious if it has any place in the new Paradigm.

>> No.17656059

Inshalla brother, literally never selling for fiat
Depends how strong your hands are.

Are you close to any merchants who deal in physical silver?

>> No.17656104

Silver is unique in that demand currenrly outstrips production and supply. Prices will stay high provided that customers can continue to afford it. If they can't, prices will slump as production slows and investors pull out of mining operations, then climb again as restricted supply affects sellers. If the virus gets out of control and the world goes full STALKER, then silver is the vest medium of exchange as it is more easily exchangable for food/board/water/meds etc than a gold coin is, which you would probably trade for a rifle or similar value.

>> No.17656132

So it's worthless, got it. We're not going full STALKER in our generation.

>> No.17656134
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How many .Oz for a suicide stack?

>> No.17656135

Buy PMs from the refineries to cut out the middleman's fees. Silver is in high deman as explained here >>17656104
As fiat currency tanks, expect the prixes to rise. Remember, the price of gold and silver does not change, the purchasing power of the fiat currency changes.

>> No.17656173

Brainlet take. Silver has never been worthless to anyone except people stranded alone in the desert or ocean

>> No.17656218

>buy gold/silver yesterday
>its gone down


>> No.17656220

when will the miners moon so i can dump the stock and put it in crashed industrial stocks?

>> No.17656223

im cashpilled, sorry.

got 90k euros in the bank ready to catch the knife, niggaz.

>> No.17656235

how much % gold, how much % silver are you going to buy

>> No.17656328

So the hard sell we often get given by Schiff that 13 oz of silver will be a make it stack in the new paradigm is bunk?

>> No.17656356

got cash should I buy PC parts and then scrap them in a week

>> No.17656386

>ready to catch the knife

>> No.17656431

>Buy PMs from the refineries

I never did this. Dont refineries only sell B2B?

>> No.17656462

why post in /pmg/ then retard

>> No.17656473

It might be. I have pretty much exactly that. My hope is that there is a window where I can convert it to money and buy a house

>> No.17656504
File: 1.34 MB, 4032x3024, 85EBC487-0DDA-48DB-8068-66CB2A8C1484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice to know there’s poorfags out there with even less silver than me kek

>> No.17656519

can I have it?

>> No.17656535

I’ll trade it to ya for a house

>> No.17656538

Your local one may vary but one of my locals sells direct to public.

>> No.17656559

Do I buy gold or silver right now? I just want something that won't turn into into worthless paper, I have other possessions but nothing traditionally valuable
I can probably only get 1k or 2k worth, need the rest of my cash for now as thats what people are still trading with

>> No.17656641

Buy silver if your current networth is under 500k USD.
Silver is the trading currency of the middle class

>> No.17656686

whoa dude you are a high roller, careful out there brotha.....

>> No.17656711

I was just about to buy a kilo block now but then realise how would I split it? I think I'm gonna buy coins instead

>> No.17656728

My house is a cardboard box

>> No.17656838

Would it be better to buy a lot of smaller weights or a large bar when considering economic collapse?
The only types my local trader sells is 1ounce, 10 ounce and 1kg bars

>> No.17656879

I know my stacks dinky, hence >even less
Yeah,I’ve got my kilo bars for a couple of years down the track when things’ve settles into new paradigm or the gold-silver ratio gets tasty again
Having said that I’ve got a few ASE’s on the way for bartering essentials during the immediate clusterfuck

>> No.17656910

>The hell do you do?
Buy now

>> No.17656915

If you plan to spend during the collapse and selling to your neighbors, buy 1 oz coins or bars.
If you’re planning on holding till new paradigm or good ratio against gold get big bars,because you pay less premium on em.

>> No.17657024

Just had a phone call with the customer service at my lcs, guy on the phone told me they had 30k ounces of silver as a backorder in total, nothing left in the shop, told me orders are coming in by the second.

>> No.17657087
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Big if true

>> No.17657210
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gold to silver wicked at 100. Maybe we're going higher and higher in the short term?

>> No.17657394

>getting duped by used car salesman tier talk

>> No.17657534
File: 3 KB, 208x97, dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Markets in turmoil, yet oil falls
Oh no.

>> No.17657592

also, uhum, silver is a clean metal. It is a biocide.

>> No.17657607

in the bank, the knife catches you

>> No.17657660

Post colloid stack

>> No.17658193

a suicide stack is 13 oz for silver and 1 oz for gold

>> No.17659176


>> No.17659327
File: 645 KB, 720x1280, concern.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 45oz of silver and 25g of gold. Am I fucked?

>> No.17659426

Yeah you're fucked but I'll save you, gimme your details I'll buy it all

>> No.17659623

Pre-open silver is in the $16's.
I got a little chubby, boys.

>> No.17659690
File: 578 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20200309-084556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plunge Protection Team in full force!!

>> No.17659715


>> No.17659766

What the best way to buy and sell physical gold and not get completely fucked over by the fees?

>> No.17659813


>> No.17659843


>> No.17660119
File: 2.39 MB, 4032x3024, 2E712806-FF26-4E79-BA08-1BFC334A0A65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

11 oz reporting in

>> No.17660139
File: 268 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20200309-091029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silver drops and economic slowdowns while gold rises.
Further proof silver has become an industrial metal instead of precious?

>> No.17660159

most people have maybe some silver spoons and a plated tea set ...

>> No.17660215

No most people don’t have a tea set, plated or not

>> No.17660252

Your grandparents might. But any people younger then the age 80 dont

>> No.17660351

gold might fall especially to Euro, I expect Euro to continue rising, not be cause the Eurozone is doing great, but because the european investors are selling off and taking cash

and when the dip happens I will be there with my pile of cash

>> No.17660355

yeah you're probably right, having some silverware is common where i live though, lots of old people and generational homes. i have 220 toz and was gonna buy another tube of 20 but i might spend the money on topping off my pantry instead

>> No.17660375

how is everyhing going down all at once? where is the money going into?

>> No.17660416

Being withdrawn and held? Idk

>> No.17660469

Safe Havens. Yen, Frank, Gold

>> No.17660470

It's money that never existed.
It's as if you bought a pen for $1, held it for a year, told people it was worth $10, then when you needed lunch money, sold it for $1.
Where'd that $9 go? It was never there.

>> No.17660566


silver wont go up until at least 3/4 of the market is priced out of gold.

>> No.17660765

That makes sense - truly the red headed stepchild.

>> No.17660767

yeah, remember reading how there would be a shortage of silver if every american wanted a tube of ASE's? that's gonna happen a lot faster with gold. when gold is nowhere to be found, silver will pump

>> No.17661127

Man, a tube of ASE is around $400.
If journalists are to be believed, there's hardly an American with $1,000 in their savings.

>> No.17661132

Just bought 25 ounces of silver bars, am I still fucked if there is great depression tier collapse or is it enough to get me by?

>> No.17661417

At least wait for the premiums to drop ...
I'm rooting for $16.50 by the end of the day.

>> No.17661692

Ehh, at 25 ounces? I'm being too Jewish. You won't miss that $10-$25.

>> No.17663178

lel, 3 oz here.
Up to 4 by week's end, though!