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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 44 KB, 900x540, craig-900x540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17626477 No.17626477 [Reply] [Original]

Remember, no one cares about opioids nowadays. It's not like it's not still constantly in the media. Oh, and remember that BSV is only used to store weather data and no one else will ever use it. It's almost like Core fud narratives keep getting rekt faster and faster.

>> No.17626537

just accumulate

>> No.17626604

dude that company is a small time little shitstain with nonexistent capital probably bought by calvin behind curtains to shill his shitfork. no. nobody is adopting sv. no enterprise no large tech companies not even neckbeards.

>> No.17626991

Screenshotted for my corecuck cope folder

>> No.17627075


>everyone in big block bitcoin is a paid actor

Very persuasive and real, nice one

>> No.17627189
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Screenshotted for my corecuck cope folder

>> No.17627234

corecucks seething, again!

>> No.17628167

we will revisit this in a year then

>> No.17628184

there is no incentive for anyone to adopt it so yeah the only logical explanation is they are paid to do it.

>> No.17628503

Wait I thought this was a $1 billion company?

>> No.17628594

some anon dug up they are actually worth 12 million (on paper) maybe not even that.

>> No.17628628
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>> No.17628647
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>> No.17628672

Never heard of it. Epic is the biggest player in EHR's.

T. Hospital admin who specifically works with data/analytics.

>> No.17628679

fugg. Looks like a proper office. At first glance I was hoping it was someone's house.

Sauce plox. Does that include assets?

>> No.17628742
File: 116 KB, 640x401, 1employee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm less than an hour away
been thinking about knocking on their door to see if they're even real

>> No.17628756


>> No.17628805

This guy is legit. Epic isn’t moving to the blockchain anytime soon kek

>> No.17629624

No one is moving any PHI onto an unproven medium.

>> No.17629652

Did you mean to write
>Both people in big block

>> No.17629959
File: 253 KB, 1078x975, Screenshot_20200307-001622_Photo Talks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi faggot

>> No.17630010


Its yearly revenue is 1 billion. Sorry troll! And this is just the first of many...

>> No.17630401
File: 37 KB, 398x376, 1581181981919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>accumulating medical data in a open blockchain.

>> No.17630404

hey, zombie

I’ll check it out early next week

>> No.17630553

they are a subsidiary of this
cope more corecucks, it's fucking huge

>> No.17630714

so try to hack it. You can start from Satoshi coins...

>> No.17630782
File: 22 KB, 481x138, land records.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hm maybe I'll just steer them in the right direction

>> No.17630801


you encrypt the data on the chain... it's perfectly private

>> No.17631326

you could encrypt data offchain and it would still be private. you could store encrypted data in the cloud and it would be perfectly private. you could do a billion things that doesn't involve blockchains whatsoever.

why do people think blockchain is the answer to everything? it's not. it's just the worst possible form and least efficient way to store data. i'm so fucking tired of this bullshit.

>> No.17631490
File: 10 KB, 966x35, oip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's just the worst possible form and least efficient way to store data.
stuffing everything on a blockchain is below brainlet-tier.... which is why Teton County went with FLO/Medici/OIP


>> No.17631544

this. they have like 200 followers on twitter. theyre literal who's honestly and im all in bsv

>> No.17631631

>stuffing everything on a blockchain is below brainlet-tier
indeed you can do this the brainlet way or the smart way.
svtards are utter brainlets.

don't get me wrong the blockchain is inseparable from what bitcoin does. it's the only proven way to achieve decentralized byzantine fault tolerant consensus. but that's it. that's the start and the end of it's usefulness.

i mean sure with a central trusted signatory or federated validators you can use blockchains to some extent for the same purpose as bitcoin does with proof of work but it won't be trustless nor permissionless and thus questionably secure.

also typically for medical data everyone could have their private blockchain it would simply be a multisig validation chain one signatory the patient the other is the medical authority. data can be encrypted the chain can't be added to without agreement the data can be stored on cloud and also privately making it a reasonable burden unlike public blockchains... this is a rare example where i would technically consider using a blokchain not a proof of work one tho and not a public one never.

in case of legal dispute whichever party presents the longest chain wins. pretty straightforward. the document could also contain segments decryptable with different keys for different levels of information detail and sensitivity. which would allow you to show different data to insurance companies your doctor or your employer.

it has fuck all to do with bitcoin tho.

>> No.17631865


>> No.17632050
File: 135 KB, 439x544, faketoshi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got you m8
tell craig when you see him i'm still waiting for him to sue me...

>> No.17632100

Seems to like an immutable public ledger is the last place you’d want even the ‘minimum necessary’ PHI on lmao.

Further, most EMRs suck dick, one run on a random shitcoin network would literally ruin whatever hospital adopted it.

>> No.17632300


did you even watch the Coingeek presentation about this? Putting the data onchain allows for a lot of different advantages.

>> No.17632469
File: 398 KB, 680x498, medi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17632501

record it on your phone and upload it to yt. could be literal gold material

>> No.17632592

Anyone seriously designing a new medical data system without government backing is going to run out of funding very quickly.
Shits not cheap.

>> No.17632813
File: 17 KB, 491x745, bitcoindefi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sodl all my BSV bcos craigcult pigeoned holed

many things happening in BTC

>> No.17632831

jeezus, this is so pathetic. next thing your gonna tell me is they plan to put guns on BSV blockchain.

some people just can't get past 2017 hype.