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File: 78 KB, 738x1000, MV5BNzlkY2U5YTUtMzFhNy00NzgxLTg5MDAtMTNkYWM5N2IyMjg0XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMzM4MjM0Nzg@._V1_SY1000_CR0,0,738,1000_AL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17624800 No.17624800 [Reply] [Original]

*invents bitcoin*

>> No.17624805

Jesus I want to fuck he so bad :((((((

>> No.17624806

More like invents dicksucking

>> No.17624807

still a better story than faketoshi

>> No.17624808

more likely than Craig anyways

>> No.17624814

>*swallows a bathtub worth of semen*

>> No.17624829
File: 133 KB, 700x932, am20yy4_700b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

poor taste anon

>> No.17624854


>> No.17624881


>> No.17625215

some have the thousand-miles-of-dick dead eyes, like they're dead inside. Not her, she has that insane spark in the eyes, like she'd be banging all day 'erry day even if she wasn't paid for it. A1 freak

>> No.17625226

>cries that her daddy doesn't love her

>> No.17625325

She looks like a stuck up plastic SJW who works in marketing. Bad taste, Anon.

>> No.17625509


>> No.17625534

He is right

>> No.17625729

Girls like money, not sex. Don't fall for the scam

>> No.17625761

Imagine the smell of her asshole. Pussy so fat too.

>> No.17625762

this anon knows whats up. The ideal man for ALL women is a man with a chocolate dick that ejaculates cash.

>> No.17625771

>gets gangbanged by Niggers

>> No.17625809

most , but some will litteraly fuck their life up chasing dick. I have a friend like that, cool girl but an absolute maniac. can't help herself. she got married 3 times, fucked it up 3 times. Leitteraly threw a life, family and carreer away for dick. We're still in touch, she went back to working seasons moutain/sea resorts, banging a different dude every day or close to.
Funny thing is, she's pretty straight and healthy outside of that, no drugs, a drink here and there bur rarely drunk so she 's 35 but hasn't hit the wall, she's just a full blown nympho, and it shaped her whole life.

>> No.17625819

You ever hook up with her? Or at least smell her ass?

>> No.17625904

A few times in high school/uni, although it was clear to both of us we were friends, slipping here and there, but no more. I had to distance myself when I got a gf obviously. In some way I felt sorry for her because she was actually cool and smart, but everyone knew her as «that nympho» so she was pretty lonely. Didn’t stop her from banging half the town’s brains out though, kek