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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 343 KB, 1682x1236, eBay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17615171 No.17615171 [Reply] [Original]

You should have prepare for this. We knew that Amazon, eBay, And other online sellers would ban basic disinfecting stuff.

>> No.17615345

how is that even legal to ban a product simply because of high demand? if the transaction is voluntary on both sides what difference does it make? why is it ebays job to protect suckers from themselves?

>> No.17615390

Government itself could be defined as "willful intervention in the free market".

>> No.17615391 [DELETED] 

Profit should be illegal especially at the expense of people who need medical supplies. Fuck you

>> No.17615406

This. All profit should be illegal. Just let the government help everybody and stop being fuckin greedy.

>> No.17615480

Not true, my listing is still up

>> No.17615601

Eat bofa deez profitable nuts, commie fuck

>> No.17615752

t. doesn't have the lobes for business

>> No.17615804

Well, now the resources aren't being allocated to the people that need them. Nice work socialist. You fucked up yet again.

>> No.17615822

How in the fuck can you possibly look at any real world example and conclude that the government is the best choice.

>> No.17615836


>i should be able to scalp people in times of an emergency


>> No.17615846
File: 300 KB, 1600x1200, cha-chingchongchang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking faggots i got their message yesterday. piece of shit commie SJW virtue signalers. i had to put all my listings on fire sale and sold most my stock already for a hit of 2x profit instead of 5x

fuck you faggot with that logic all profit should be illegal since people could have used that money on their medical expenses and procedures. you should actually sell your crypto and stocks and all products at a loss so that everyone can afford them since that profit is immoral. those customers could have used that profit to buy their grandparents medicine. FUCK YOU LIBSHIT HYPOCRITE

>> No.17615851


Based ferengi

>> No.17615852

kill yourself

>> No.17615860

>with that logic all profit should be illegal


>> No.17615864

so paying for private health insurance is ok?
they are scamming you monthly

>> No.17615865

I hope you die from a respiratory disease

>> No.17615875

yes. why are you profiting off your time? you should be working for free for the good of the government. stop profiting off your labor and do community service instead

>> No.17615888

unlike you i was smart enough to figure out what was going to happen almost 2 months ago so im well prepared, thanks. dumb berniebro

>> No.17615908

>Profit should be illegal
Why the fuck are you even on /biz/?

>> No.17615911
File: 38 KB, 651x649, C4A03A04-8D7F-4349-A2A6-31A07E5D61D0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You glow, dude. This is some transparent D&C glowie shit lmao.

>> No.17615914

you're a worthless scammer tho, karma will get you

>> No.17615928

checked, keked, based, and absolutely redpilled

>> No.17615949

i assume you own no crypto that you scam people with when you sell it to them, correct? and you also own no stocks that you scam people with?

>> No.17615952

This only creates new markets. What’s the end game? Create irl Escape from tarkov?

>> No.17615992

Never understood this. Price is information. High price means only buy what you need. People go out of state to get more to profit. Supply increases, demand decreases, price normalizes.

>> No.17616020

the real question is why aren't you retards buying dirt cheap ipa and mixing it down to 70%
add some glycerine and some tea tree oil or some shit

>> No.17616108


bullshit, if everyone knew they would not be allowed to price gouge like this then these masks would instead be available at the stores for the regular price

have fun with your useless masks parasite

>> No.17616129

>suffers from economic illiteracy.

>> No.17616157

>kill yourself
>Economic illiterate gets angry when faced with reality that what his feelings tell him to do actually makes the problem worse.

>> No.17616219

>bullshit, if everyone knew they would not be allowed to price gouge like this then these masks would instead be available at the stores for the regular price
Bullshit right back at you. If the store had an adequate supply, then nobody would be willing to pay the premium on ebay. The stores should raise the price. The only reason the stores are running out and the supplies are instead being sold on ebay, is because the stores are ignoring economic reality, probably because some idiot at the government like you is making them.
The free market finds a way to work.

>> No.17616280

>the assblasted berniebros are coming out of the woodwork
god I love /biz/

>> No.17616550
File: 87 KB, 613x693, 1583535774298.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks mate. im taking some of my profits and investing in thermometer and vitamin c for resale next. ive noticed thermometers are already selling out. growth rate of this virus is going to get exponential and fully out of control in a couple weeks. america cant use the same measures china did to fight the spread. cant send people to quarantine camps, lock down entire cities with military tanks, cut off internet, ban funerals and burn infected dead 24/7, etc. hell our surgeon general told people to not wear masks. its going to spread 100 times worse here than china


>"It's a race against time because this virus is developing at an impressive speed, even above our forecasts and the data coming in from China. On the 28th of February, so eight days ago, we had 50 people in intensive care and yesterday we had 244. We are also making a huge rush to open new ICUs. Giulio Gallera, Councillor for Welfare of the Lombardy Region, told Start on Sky TG24. "Every day - he added - we have two hundred people coming to the emergency room to be admitted in critical situations, so it means that every day we have to find two hundred more beds".

>> No.17616664
File: 101 KB, 700x393, 1583535572170.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bullshit, if everyone knew they would not be allowed to price gouge like this then these masks would instead be available at the stores for the regular price
bullshit, the masks have increased their inherent utility and value to prevent you from being infected from the surrounding virus. their innate value just shot up 100x. so even if they were at regular price at the store, and nobody was allowed to resell, they would still be sold out because people want to stock up on them because they are now extremely useful to them. people want to go to work and out in public while mitigating risk of infection.

how fucking stupid are you? are you a bernie supporter, serious question? definitely a registered democrat, nobody else could be this dumb.

nobody is reselling toilet paper and rice and yet store shelves are fucking empty, you dumb faggot


>> No.17616705
File: 134 KB, 562x768, 1583527360104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, if the stores raised prices to $200 per mask there would be many in stock available for these complainers to buy and zero resellers

its just simple supply and demand. there is a fuckload of demand and no supply, not even the manufacturers can keep up, so of course the store shelves are bare. its only going to get worse as the epidemic spreads. we havent even begun. fuck libshits and fuck this piece of shit>>17616108

>> No.17616764

>its just simple supply and demand.
The problem is that most people are not merely ignorant when it comes to basic economics, they take it further and "know" anti-truth.

>> No.17617057

lmao price gouging scumbag still trying to square shit away mentally.

>> No.17617079

>waaaaah why do market forces exists waaaaaah
where the fuck are you people coming from?

>> No.17617117

lol how are people this fucking divorced from reality?

>> No.17617154

Anon you do realize we don't have unlimited supplies of everything, correct?
Real life isn't like your gay little video games.

>> No.17617217

you do realize you aren't dealing with machines and code do you not? there's a reason people don't do this in person and instead decide to do it "anonymously" online. Because they realize that if they did this in real life they'd get their throat slit while the slept at night.

>> No.17617243

Based as fuck

>> No.17617244

People do this in real life all the time with many commodities. Try going outside you fat fucking neet loser and quit making empty threats because you think being edgy is a substitute for having a personality.

>> No.17617265

it really doesn't make sense. price gouging is just another word for free market capitalism, which i thought we all loved and endorsed

>> No.17617271

Haha bad luck OP looks like you're going to have to go back to shilling BSV for handfuls of rupees

>> No.17617273

lmao someone doesn't like the idea that their price gouging could lead to actual consequences. there's a reason there's a law against it you fucking kike. https://oag.ca.gov/consumers/pricegougingduringdisasters

>> No.17617301

Markets exists for everything you dumb stupid fuck. Try buying rare cars or firearms and come back and cry about how unfair it is people charge more for them you pathetic loser.

>> No.17617317

>investing in thermometer and vitamin c for resale next.
Good point, anon. Those should also be put on the restricted items list. What else are you "investing" in?

>> No.17617319

people charge more for shit all the time. not everyone is a fucking leech trying to profit off of human misery you fucking faggot.

>> No.17617345

That mindset is why you are broke.
There is someone profiting off of crisis always. And for-profit motivation is what gets shit done in times of crisis.

>> No.17617362

You’re a sad poor faggot

>> No.17617367

You have the mindset of a nigger. I hope you realize this.

>> No.17617388

Thats solely so that govts dont have to pay real prices.

>> No.17617455

No, you do. You are so afraid of market forces you want big daddy government to come in and "fix" it if you whine loud enough.

>> No.17617485

Mask Jews are seriously fucking scum.

>> No.17617530

lol "market forces". Why don't you call a spade a spade you fucking queer?

>> No.17617599

lmao leftist moron who happily paid his price gouged price of $1,300 for a fucking iphone that only cost $43 to make

literally leave america faggot, you can live in your utopia of cuba, venezuela or china any time.

>> No.17617623

price gouging is just a word butthurt redditors like >>17617273
use for "fuck i should have thought ahead and realized at the time to buy that before everyone else discovered it and bought it"

>> No.17617667

> i had to put all my listings on fire sale and sold most my stock already for a hit of 2x profit instead of 5x

>> No.17617721
File: 26 KB, 249x249, 3242340923401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay mad socialist peasants All my listings are still up and I reccomend everyone do what I did. Bundle all your n95s with hand sanitizers, emergency kits etc. My margins are even bigger then before the bans LOL ahahahahhaha

>> No.17617825

Without price gouging, those stuck in the midst of a disaster will simply go without those supplies, as there is no incentive for suppliers to bear the risk within the disaster area. If the choice is between a $5 bottle of water or no water at all, which would you choose?

>> No.17617861

>as there is no incentive for suppliers to bear the risk within the disaster area.
What the fuck are you even talking about you stupid fucking idiot bitch nigger? lmao. Yeah i'm sure you risked life and limb going down to the COSTCO and buying out their supply for resale. God damn you niggers must be literal faggots to account for this faggotry i'm seeing.

>> No.17618329

This is some bullshit. I finally have a chance to make money on ebay/amazon and they ban listings. Guess im going to sell them to hospitals at a premium of course. Payback is a motherfucker.

>> No.17618379

Based and venture capitalist pilled

>> No.17618605

If you don't like it then shut the fuck up, buy it yourself and hand it out to people/sell it to them at low prices. Put your money where your mouth is.

>> No.17618754

This. Welcome to capitalism.

>> No.17618755

Private company

>> No.17618864

why did you tag the first poster?

>> No.17618894

Ebay is a private company they can do whatever they want.

>> No.17619033

It’s not that they wanted to by moral values but the states made price gouging illegal. For example California would fine you $10,000 if you engage of this practice.

>> No.17619068

nah. it's easier just to report price gouging faggots . have fun paying 10k per offense ya fuckin' nigger.

>> No.17619086
File: 720 KB, 1416x2048, 65724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wanted to see if anyone would respond so I listed 4 masks for $25 each.. here was the mightier than thou result

>> No.17619129

They ain’t prepare because they’re Cheapskates that can afford $25 lmfao!

>> No.17619261

yeah hi based line

>> No.17619273

Anyone buying face masks is fucking retarded, the virus spreads through the eyes as well, and the virus would probably survive on surfaces for days anyway.

>> No.17619412

people who actually need it (healthcare workers that we need right now) cant fucking get any retard. you think the autistic dwelling retard making a 5x on them needs them? fucking faggot.

>> No.17619581

This. It's literally a hopeless endeavor. The best chance anyone has is maintaining a healthy lifestyle through exercise, sleep and a diet to complement your hormones and immune system. But no, easier to spend hundreds of dollars to buy paper masks while still shoveling sugary fatware into their mouths and remaining immobile all day, weakening their body in the process.

>> No.17619591

>You think big pharama needs all those pills they are shilling. Sick people actually need it. You think the rich dwelling retard making 10,000x on them needs them? Fucking faggot.

Butthurt commies fighting the wrong fight.

>> No.17619692

you def need some of those pills

>> No.17619719

Good one, retard

>> No.17619751

There also helping prosecutors go after price gougers

>> No.17619766

Price gouging is illegal

>> No.17619785

Dude amazon is helping prosecutors wth the sellers,dunno about Ebay but have fun wth that

>> No.17619809

All you retards that have been price gouging,amazon is helping prosecutors wth price gougers Information I dunno about Ebay but yeah you guys are prolly fucked ,greedy faggots

>> No.17619810

You fucking communist retard. Go live in cuba and see how long you last. Fucking bitch

>> No.17619811 [DELETED] 

Oy vey Goyim, only we can do that

>> No.17619853


>> No.17619880

Heard amazon was helping prosecutors to nail price gougers,dunno about Ebay tho,good for them fuck greedy faggots tryin to make an extra what 100 bucks at some families expense,hope you fags get a huge fine

>> No.17619967

Kathy it's not good to price gouge.

>> No.17620098

You are utterly retarded or a government shill to think the government helps anything.

>> No.17620186

Imagine paying 20x price over a nothing fear mongering burger.

>> No.17620288

I should be able to list anything that's not contraband at whatever price i fucking want. Let the market decide what the true value is. Fuck you commies.

>> No.17620324

>Go live in cuba and see how long you last.
It's a beautiful place, could live like a rich man without getting price gouged over a fucking mask.

>> No.17620336

>Gets mad at multimillion dollar company for making a decision
>Complains about communism
That's literally what a free market is you dumb nigger. Ebay can do whatever the fuck they want, because it's a free market. You can't have it both ways you fucking imbecile.

>> No.17620373

Im referring to fines sanctioned by gov

>> No.17620389

>Im referring to fines sanctioned by gov
Oh gotcha, so you're just a piece of shit then. Imagine being such a scum bag that you'd rather profit off of people during a pandemic just for some chump change.

>> No.17620460

Yup. Money over everything. Greed is good you pathetic cuck

>> No.17620513

Lmao, you're pathetic you have nothing. Enjoy dying alone and miserable because you can't take any of it with you.

>> No.17620541

I'll enjoy the ride while i'm here. Enjoy wageslaving the rest of your life

>> No.17620674

You don't enjoy anything by being a greedy miserable fuck who preys on tragedy. The lazy man does twice the work in the end.

>> No.17620706

You're definitely never gonna make it. Stay poor fag

>> No.17620765

reminds me of black desert online or something
one or two items shit the bed, and they become inaccessibly until further notice
i wish we had a free economy for once...

>> No.17620832

Don't healthcare companies profit off of sick people? You have no argument, you limp wristed faggot of the highest degree. Your argument boils down to "my feelings are hurt"

Your neck needs to be wringed like a wet towel.

>> No.17620861

Of course I won't "make it" from your perspective, you're a parasite.

>> No.17620864
File: 420 KB, 2048x2048, 526D0D1F-F501-48CB-BDE3-ED7A14D8211F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted a thread about this last night. RIP fear mongers

>> No.17620874

Based. Fuck parasites and fuck anti-social freaks.

>> No.17620880

>telecommunications companies throttle during disaster
>healthcare profits off sick people
>restaurants profit off hungry people

Dear god, what will we do with all these parasites? I think you need to be beaten severely, within an inch of your life. That will teach you some common sense.

>> No.17620908

>you need to be beaten up because I'm angry with how you think
Lmao go pound sand faggot. No more price gouging, now go get a real job.

>> No.17620935

I'm not price gouging, but I don't see a problem with it, because the free market will result in prices going down. I do however have a problem with bitch niggers like you interfering with the free market. Please tell me you live in the Orange County or Los Angeles area of California, I'd legit drive 5+ hours to put you down like a sick dog.

>> No.17620947 [DELETED] 

Lol all those who bought to simply price gouge got btfoed

>> No.17620961

>because the free market will result in prices going down. I do however have a problem with bitch niggers like you interfering with the free market.
Lmao, the "free market" is a myth faggot. Now go keep complaining about how anyone who disagrees with you needs to be beat up because you're clearly the smartest guy around. Stay mad faggot.

>> No.17620975

The free market is a "myth" because limp wristed bitch niggers like you keep interfering with it. You didn't answer my question though, you cum drinking homosexual faggot. Why don't you see a problem with restaurants profiting off hungry people? By your dirty nigger logic, food should be free or near cost for hungry people.

What about sick people that need treatment? Guns exist so people like you will get shot in the mouth.

>> No.17620988

the fucking mental gymnastics you faggots need to perform to sleep at night. Price gougers get fined these days which is a shame because the traditional treatment of bashing their brains in while they slept was a cleaner form of justice.

>> No.17621001

You go through mental gymnastics too, you dick sucking faggot. Why shouldn't people be allowed to charge what they deem necessary? Maybe suppliers should make more product, resulting in prices going down.

Traditional treatment of "price gougers" was letting them simply exist, you dumb cocksuking piece of trash. The price will drop as soon as supply increases. I don't even know why I'm wasting my time replying to such a dirty good for nothing nigger.

>> No.17621019

There's no such thing as a "free market" because there is always interference on some level. I'm sorry you're so drunk and prone to coping you can't understand this. Deal with reality like everyone else. I don't give a fuck about hypotheticals because I'm not dealing with hypothetical situations, you don't get to horde resources that doctors and nurses need during a global pandemic because you're an angry retard who wants to kill everyone who doesn't give you what you want. Now go jump off a bridge. Or keep replying hearing how mad and completely impotent you are is quite funny.

>> No.17621030

you dumb faggot, no one is arguing against profiting. they're talking about trying to charge 50x what a product normally costs during times of crisis or how your stupid nigger brain interprets it "high demand". I guarantee you if some fucking kike faggot like yourself started charging $1000 for a piece of chicken during a food shortage/crisis, you wouldn't live to see the sun rise, nigger.

>> No.17621047

>maybe suppliers should make more product, resulting in prices going down.
>Why aren't factories that are possible hotbeds for the current global pandemic that is going on making products like usual!
Do you even think before you type? Do you just think if things aren't happening in front of your face they are okay everywhere?

>> No.17621049

What is this interference you are talking about? Sounds like you're the one coping and making assumptions, not you; by the way, you still haven't answered my questions. Hungry people need to eat, why are they not given food for near cost or free by restaurants? Restaurants must be illegal according to your dirty nigger logic.

Nobody is hording anything, hording means keeping for yourself. People are simply providing a product at a price that matches the products demand. You don't like it? Don't buy it, and wait for suppliers to increase the supply of the product.

Dirty nigger, why do you not answer my questions? Why isn't food free for hungry people?

>> No.17621057

Look at these assumptions by 110lb bisexual redditors lol. WHY ISN'T FOOD FREE FOR HUNGRY PEOPLE. WHY ISN'T MEDICAL CARE FREE FOR SICK PEOPLE.

>> No.17621058

>Traditional treatment of "price gougers" was letting them simply exist.
lmao that's how i know you're a bitch made faggot. If i see you're charging 5 grand for an asthma inhaler that my son needs during a shortage. I'm gonna take that fucking inhaler from you by any means.

>> No.17621072

You are arguing against profiting, in fact, that is the base of your argument. See the thing with bitch ass niggers like you, is that you love to move goalposts because you don't really have an argument, you just want to have your way.

Guess what bitch nigger? My sister works at a hospital, I have multiple face masks, and guess what? I got them for free, and I'm going to burn them just to spite you.

>> No.17621075

It's HOARD/HOARDING you uneducated faggots

>> No.17621087

Go ahead and try. Just remember modern guns have multiple rounds, one for your nigger cranium, and the rest in your pussy ass son with weak lungs. (I think you means wife's son btw).

>> No.17621098

You're just playing semantics boy. I already said I'm not interested in hypotheticals.
Lmao yeah go burn them and tell your sister I'm sure she'll be impressed. What are you 14?

>> No.17621109

Kek, I'm going to burn them as soon as I get home. Sad, I bet some "healthcare professional" could really use them too. Nigger, you still didn't answer my question. Why do restaurants profit off of hungry people? Huh you dirty nigger?

>> No.17621114

lol burn them all you bitch made faggot. your sis is for sure getting infected by corona-chan and giving it to everyone else she comes in contact with like a modern day typhoid mary. There's a reason they make these laws to deal with profiteering kikes like yourself. Don't like it? leave, nigger.

>> No.17621116
File: 450 KB, 250x375, 1552863644095.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The choleric levels in this thread are literally off the charts lmfao. I don't get why price gougers need to rationalize or justify their behavior. Literally everyone thinks you're parasitic scum, even the ones who don't say anything. Like just fucking own up to it nigga hahahaha

>> No.17621125

Seems like you need to leave, you filthy good for nothing nigger. By the way, how does your bitch ass pussy son feel getting asthma from having a nigger father with weak genetics? I sincerely hope your son dies in his sleep tonight.

>> No.17621153

lmao. someone got his baby bitch balls in a twist because he's a fucking piece of human garbage, huh? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Better save up for that funeral when your dumb ass sister gets her ass bodied by corona-chan. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAA.

>> No.17621154

Go ahead, burn your sisters gift, that'll show me. I already gave everyone in my family a case of masks, I could give a fuck if you have less. Nah, hypotheticals are usless.

>> No.17621156

Because you have no real argument against "price gougers" other than they are making money and I'm not. Give me 1 good reason, nigger. I don't give a fuck about your feelings, in fact, I'd be happier if you were dead. Now convince me.

>> No.17621158

XD Masks are going to triple in value again, they are going to be traded like drugs, wouldn't be surprised if the cartels get involved.

>> No.17621169


Yeah you're asshurt, bigtime asshurt. Go check on your son to make sure he's still breathing, and if he is, enjoy the time you have together, because he isn't going to last long coming from your nigger genetics. KEK

I'd beat your son to death in front of you if I could. Bitch nigger.

>> No.17621175

>I don't give a fuck about your feelings,
T. Wants to kill everyone who disagrees with him.
I bet you think you're a serious person.

>> No.17621184



>> No.17621185

>I'd beat your son to death in front of you if I could. Bitch nigger.
Man I wonder why people don't like price gougers.

>> No.17621190

>weak nigger genetics
Pick one whiteboi.

>> No.17621193

Hypotheticals are useless. Now go hug your sister, the least a shit bag like you could do is die with her.

>> No.17621203

You're triggered aren't you? You're going to outlive your child, and if I can profit off this, I will. KEK. I'm going to ask God to kill your son tonight.

>> No.17621212

The only God you pray to is Satan by the sound of it, he'd approve of what you do I'd say.

>> No.17621213

And you go to McDonalds, and ask them why they charge money for food when people are starving, you no argument having filthy good for nothing nigger.

>> No.17621222

Nah, I'm going to PRAY REAL HARD. Ask him to smite a jealous conniving family that doesn't like others to get ahead. He's going to fuck you sideways, your son's death will be the beginning :)

>> No.17621223

lmao hurry up and ask him faggot. HAHAHAHAHA. Then make sure to beg his ass to save your dumb ass sister before she shits her scrubs as she gasps her last breaths surrounded by ungrateful price gouging queers like yourself.

>> No.17621227

The funny thing is all the price gougers will get fucked over by prouce gougers at some point in the future.

>> No.17621229
File: 89 KB, 640x501, ((YOU)).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're arguing with a coon

>> No.17621235

lmao wrong anon you bitch made faggot. you're so riled up you can't wait to reply, huh queer?

>> No.17621240
File: 188 KB, 600x450, 1527644165085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


some cumskinned 110lb redditor who was a wife with a son is BIG TIME MAD

Doesn't change the fact he's going to die an agonizing death GRASPING FOR BREATH.

Maybe if his mother's partner wasn't such a bitch made crab ass nigger, this wouldn't happen.

>> No.17621246

Yep. What goes around comes around. I do truly believe in karmic justice (most of the time)

>> No.17621252

>reddit spacing.

>> No.17621255

Either way you're a dirty nigger like him, you think I differentiate between dirty niggers? Nah I bunch them together and hope one day I can look at your kind through a rifle sight. Dirty nigger, did you ask your closest restaurant why they charge money for food when people are hungry?

>> No.17621261


>> No.17621266





You're a dirty nigger with no argument.

>> No.17621303

Where did "my feelings are hurt" dirty niggers go? Are you filthy niggers typing furiously in google search looking for an argument?

Remember this, dirty niggers. Your kind will cease to exist when people like me have had enough. That feeling of safety you have is a facade.

>> No.17621326

Also, masks will be burnt around 1am Pacific Standard Time, will post a thread if I feel like it. Good job you dirty niggers, I wasn't even planning on selling them.

>> No.17621337

I did own up to it faggot. We see human nature for what it is. Your disney skewed view of the world is unrealistic. The social prosperity of the past 200 years has you fooled my friend.

>> No.17621363

Seems like the nigger went to check on his genetically defected wife's son. Hopefully the kid is dead, and he follows his footsteps.

>> No.17621367

Lol, good, hope the faggots bought this shit on credit and are stuck with it now.

I stocked up for myself and didn't buy anymore than I thought I might need, anytime I was buying in person i intentionally left plenty of product on the shelf assuming other people are going to need this shit.

>> No.17621377

You're a pussy. Also, you're without a doubt a cock sucking faggot.

>> No.17621404

All of you mongoloids are literally buying crypto to sell to somebody at a higher price because of demand. What the fuck is the difference?

>> No.17621423

>how is this legal?
The fuck? Why would that be illegal?

>> No.17621451

Do you really think healtcare workers shop at amazon or at some random shop for masks? are you really that retard? They get them straight from the suppliers and they are a priority for them, nobody else gets them first. It doesnt make any fucking difference if some joe schmo is buying a few masks.

>> No.17621461

fucking idiot kek, also wrong use of communism

>> No.17621498
File: 72 KB, 1000x667, surgeon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>alexa order 500 cases of 3M masks
Only people it's affecting are mexicans breathing in drywall, insulation, and shit

>> No.17621550

I have 2 regular N95 and 1 N95 max airflo, I was thinking of donating but I'm a communist. The government should provide.

>> No.17621600

I'm thinking about making my own vaccine.

>the government won't let you sell your own vaccine

This is capitalism?

>> No.17621618

nobody has to pay the price. the market is setting the price. there are people willing to pay these prices so thats what the masks are selling for. thats why you dont see masks for $1,000 a piece. because nobody wants them THAT badly. the price has settled at the level where supply and demand meet


>> No.17621634

how much did your last doctor visit charge your insurance company for your 10 minute appointment?

how much did the gas station charge you the day after missiles from iran were launched?

>> No.17621649
File: 99 KB, 588x548, 0 dolla bail yo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how much is your comcast internet bill?

how much does your cell phone data plan charge you per MB after you go over the "allotted data limit"?

price gouging is not illegal its a way of life in america. it only becomes unjustly illegal for small time nobodies and the blue collar class because faggot leftist politicians want talking points based on feels and virtue signaling for reelection to their NPC leftist base.

>> No.17621688
File: 114 KB, 1024x683, 1571971955039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah good goy, call the NEETs and casual middleclass entrepreneurs "greedy faggots" but keep buying your shit made in china using slave labor and sold to you for 5,000% markup over cost of manufacture. keep spending $150 per month on your cell phone bill to verizon. keep spending $99 per month on your internet from comcast (before the extra $21.28 in extra fees and taxes, of course).

yeah the "greedy faggots" are the literal whos trying to make a quick $100 from a one time sale. good logic. orange man bad. bernie good. bernie give free. free. freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.17621693
File: 918 KB, 2180x356, Screen Shot 2020-03-06 at 10.43.53 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"THIS IS YOUR FAULT, CHANG" - Larry the Meatpacker thought while he donned his MAGA hat.

>> No.17621709

imagine being such a brainlet scumbag that you think profit is only immoral during a pandemic. why arent you working for free right now, this is a pandemic. your wagecuck salary is profiting off people during a pandemic when they could have used that money they were paying you to buy hand sanitizer and masks. you are directly preventing your employers from spending more on their safety during a pandemic. you are literally profiting off a crisis. go to your job and demand to work for free or you are nothing but a hypocrite leftist cunt

>> No.17621748
File: 448 KB, 900x1200, 1583440729752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are landlords allowed to price gouge their tenants by increasing rent arbitrarily every year? fuck this is a pandemic right now, why arent all landlords immediately giving free rent? why are they profiting off this pandemic? people dont want to go to work they want to stay home and avoid infectoin but they cant because they need to pay rent. landlords are literally price gouging why arent they being fined by the government

>> No.17621801

stay mad faggot

>> No.17621811

Kleros is the real N-95 mask.