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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17615609 No.17615609 [Reply] [Original]

Doomers BTFO again

>> No.17615621

Stop posting this, Elon is a conman.

>> No.17615641

I work at a car parts factory that supplies brake pedals to Tesla. I have been laid off for almost a month because of the corona virus.

>> No.17615677
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He's scared.

>> No.17615679

ok poor boomer

>> No.17615713

Update: Coronavirus cases going DOWN, Elon Musk is curing people who caught Coronavirus with the power of positive thought and stock buybacks!!

>> No.17615730

>... is dumb

Till he gets sick..

>> No.17615735

>rich man with vested interest in society not falling apart tells people not to panic

>> No.17615757


>> No.17615802

yep Elon is a conman patsy shill

>> No.17615850
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But wait, there’s more.

>> No.17615855

I would say the same if my salary depended on the stock price

>> No.17615885
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This is Szabo

>> No.17615918
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Can someone answer a corona related question I have?

I booked a flight to Seattle for an event but it got canceled and the whole city is doomed. Problem is the ticket is non-refundable. Should I call up the airline and ask anyways or just call up my credit card company and do a chargeback? Is that legal?

>> No.17615931

you will get sick at some point
it is good idea to be one of the first as you will get the best doctor and treatment availability

>> No.17616144

but what makes you think you will only get sick once?

>> No.17616183

420 elon, nit buying at higher prices than 420

>> No.17616211

good point

>> No.17616226

He's such a cunt. Blows me away how anyone continues to like this retard.

>> No.17616262

I am concerned about this. As a healthy young male I am not concerned about dying. There are some illnesses that you gain an immunity to once you've been infected and survived. I don't know if that is the case with corona. If it were, then the best course of action would be to get infected early so you can get treatment before hospitals are inundated with too many patients to provide their best care.

>> No.17616291

A woman in Japan got it twice, suggesting there is no immunity once you get it. Might be a freak incident though, need more stats.

>> No.17616294

he really is a total fag. Fashions himself as a modern edison and names his company after the better man that edison spent his career persecuting. Also, with a fake name like elon musk i wonder if there isn't something to the schizo /pol/ rants about him being a frontman for 3 letter agencies.

>> No.17616302

Seriously is there anything likable about him? Every time he comes up it’s always for some dumbass thing like this tweet

>> No.17616312

Another con man

>> No.17616362

If he were honest, the stock market would fall even further. Especially his stocks.

>> No.17616369

Bro STFU if my wagie job will let me work from home for two weeks no questions asked, I'll take it.

>> No.17616375

Oh he gets free reign. He basically does whatever he wants with spacex. Blanket the sky with low orbit satellites for for “free internet to poor people”. Sure. Dump garbage in space. No problem. Shoot Tesla cars around the sun? Lmao u so kray kray but ok. Hemorrhage money in car/solar/maas (uh huh sounds cool, ok!!!) technology? Ok!!!!! Want revolving loans at zirp to cover hemorrhaging money? No problem. Commit sec fraud? Ok but we have to give slap in the wrist cuz muh stock manipulation and you getting out of hand. Oh, and you have to have a handler, but at least she can make your prostate orgasm.

>> No.17616409
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>> No.17616672

no need to panic just stock up on long shelf life food and bottled water. but don't panic!

>> No.17616693

why did so many /x/ tier faggots stumble onto the business board? Elon is correct

>> No.17616811

he is right but humans like to panic. and when corona comes visiting your town the shelves will be empty faster than you blink and the authorities will be caught pants down and start sperging out with martial law and quarantine and shit.

this is a very likely scenario have enough water and food for about 2 weeks!

>> No.17616850

For Corona it looks very bad, you can get it twice and it can trigger a cytokine storm. This means reinfection is deadlier and vaccines are useless, like with SARS.

Also there's some reports claiming it causes some degree of immunodeficiency, a noticeable decrease in lymphocites.

If all this shit is true, Corona-Chan is the unholy child of HIV and Sars.

>> No.17616856

Hotels. We are royally fucked. Even as an Exec I have to take time off. That includes the GM. I swear, this boomer panic is nuts.

>> No.17616881

He has a hell of a cult of personality among the "I fucking love science" redditor types.
Some people just fall for conmen, a tale as old as time.

>> No.17616934
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Based Satoshi destroying basedmusk

>> No.17616986

>Corona-Chan is the unholy child of HIV and Sars
fuck this bullshit i'm out

>> No.17617001

Reddit loves him so that's why he is always spammed here, and it's why an army of butthurt retards reply to anything that insults him. It'll be interesting to see if they still like this retard since he is echoing trump's opinion about the virus.

>> No.17617039
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Remember to thank China for their bravery in protecting the world from the disease.

>> No.17617069

dunno what they supposed to did but it's everywhere now

>> No.17617723

>coronavirus is dumb because it gets in the way of my profits

>> No.17617843
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America is so fucked lol

>> No.17617850

Nah he is polack memelord cashing in on normans.

>> No.17617921

anon call your airline, ask for a refund, or at least company credit.
because of the coronavirus they probably won't even ask questions and just give you a credit towards your next flight

>> No.17617935
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>> No.17617962

Dude's getting fucked over via Coronavirus. between >>17617935 and >>17615641

Come on guys. Read between the lines.

>> No.17617963

To be fair his stock holders are dumb.

>> No.17618098


So stupid. Literally still up over 270% since june of 2019.

>> No.17618225

I think most panicfags on internet are

>neets staying in front of computer all day
>eat junk long conservation food constantly
>suddenly virus appears
>do exactly the same
>they are now high IQ survivalists
>normies outside are idiots and will die soon
>feel good and superior for once

>> No.17618256
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I may be a wagie but I'm a safely working from home wagie
Enjoy your lymphopenia.

>> No.17618294

it's nice having a job where you're able to work from home
service workers and manual laborers BTFO

>> No.17618326

Nooo stock has to go up forever or I get angsty

>> No.17618333

My friends actually talked me into going to San Francisco next week by guilt tripping me for being a shut in for the last 6 months. How fucked am I?

>> No.17618378

>spread chink flu to entire world
>genocide our boomers
>crash our economy so millenials can buy in finally

Thank you china

>> No.17618387
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>> No.17618400
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Everyone knows what china did. They spread the shittier easier contained version in their home while spreading the more deadly one abroad. Then they contain the weaker virus in their own borders and watch the world burn. Very fucking sneaky where are my fucking pills haven't taken them today heh

>> No.17618409

Not to mention they bribed the WHO into being their PR department.

>> No.17618418

Most people on reddit actually hate him, they hate that he treats his workers like shit apparently. They loved him like 3 years ago. He's honestly one of the most hated people on there. Elon is a fucking legend though, dude literally sent a car to space. What are you faggots doing that is even comparable? He might be kind of a faggot, but the dude literally has his own space program that is currently being used to deliver supplies to the international space station. That's some big dick shit. Anyone who progresses science is solid in my book, regardless of how much of a pussy they are.

>> No.17618420
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Nick, is that you?

>> No.17618593
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>> No.17618609

Its mostly boomers. I couldnt give a single fuck about this shit. This sort of shit happened with every other outbreak but DIS TIME ITS DIFFERENT bullshit! If anything Im fucking glad if i get it im gonna cough on so many fucking niggers and jews.

>> No.17618619

Im a doomer and im not worried about the coronavirus either. The way i see it is if i die i die. Gods plan not for me to worry

>> No.17618692
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i think i willed this virus. If you aren't a boomer or some non-white youll be fine.

>> No.17618973
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Elon the redditor musk BTFO

>> No.17618981

>People can't take out loans they can only get their money from daddy

>> No.17619045

Why would he take loans if his father is rich?

Also hes obviously butthurt about those comments, he said his father only owns a house because of him despite owning a mine and been rich wtf

Elon is reddit the person

>> No.17619052

no longer scared bros. was scared now i am just living life. may go to asia soon and find a qt asian gf/wife

>> No.17619103

>Literally still up over 270% since june of 2019.
Which is fucking insane and a sign of how inflated this bubble is