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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17610546 No.17610546 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.17610560

your boss notices and thinks about it during your evaluation

>> No.17610697


I wake up and sit on the pointless jerk-off morning calls at home, roll into the office at 11, go to the office gym around 12:30, and leave at 3

>> No.17610706
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>mfw the boss notice the bulge.

>> No.17610721

I unironically do this. I am an expert that is hard to replace so nobody complains.

>> No.17610759

>we have a policy that 15 mins or later is an "occurrence"
>nigger at my job shows up 10-14 mins late everyday
>they give him an occurrence for abusing policy
>comes up to me
>"so you're telling me" *lip smack* "that" *lip smack* "I can get in trouble" *lip smack* "even if I don't break the rules"
why are they like this

>> No.17610768

I do too, I’m not even an expert. I’m just better than average at our specialized analytics program, do the appropriate level of socializing, and do better work than 90% of the boomers who make up the rest of the department

>> No.17610956

Well, the rule says 15 minutes or later leads to punishment , not that arriving earlier does.

>> No.17611138

He unironically dindu nuffin

>> No.17611160
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wake up sleepy head, it's time you learn the value of a dollar

>> No.17611224

Last year, I came in 15-30 minutes late every single day (first meeting isn't till 9:30) until I just stopped showing up to the office and told my bosses I was gonna work remotely. They can't afford to replace me so they just let me do what I want.

>> No.17611251
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>> No.17611936

I was off sick this whole week. I'm hoping corona-chan will cover my butt somewhat. The funny thing is? I really was sick. It's just that usually I'd show up anyway, fever and all. Corona-chan gave me an excuse "hur dur, I don't want to make the entire office sick in case I have coronavirus". I couldn't give a shit about the rest of the office, but a week to recover from this fucking flu and take some time off was golden.

Being a wagie truly is glorious. Just fucking kill me already.