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17604761 No.17604761 [Reply] [Original]

Post in this thread if you lost nearly everything you put into crypto since you started.

Started with $500, now down to $30.

>> No.17604772

Should have listened and bought into the Kleros sale. You'd have about $2,400 now.

I just sold half my 40x Chainlink bags to retards who think it will go to $10 any time soon. Bought BDK, and up 280% on that. Comfy as fuck.

>> No.17604777

I've literally had like 3 times that much straight robbed from me on the street, that's like pocket change

>> No.17604783
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>You'd have about $2,400
>Started with $500

>> No.17604804

>Should have listened and bought

I've heard this a million times.

>> No.17604865

Which coin did you lose your money on?

>> No.17604876
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I started with $340 in 2017 and whittled it to zero by January from daytrading

I learned my lesson, and now I have $75k of Ether that I only hold, lol.

>> No.17604877

I held link for 3 years and all I’ve got is 7x to show for it.
7x of 750 dollars isn’t much

>> No.17604892

All of them. BTC, Eth, XLM, REQ, BAT, NPXS, FUN, GTO, and more. All of them are down from where they were.

>> No.17604940

Started with $25,000 in 2018
Have $59,000 now.

>> No.17604947

I think you misread the OP.

>> No.17605020

No he is trying to brag about a x2 in a year kek

>> No.17605305
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I lost 10500 USD last week when the stock market took a shit and I FOMOd on Friday and sold.

Also buy BSV.

>> No.17605313


>> No.17605315

ever heard of dollar cost averaging , with this one simple trick u can lose even more money

>> No.17605355

Started with 1200 USD, now have about 50k

sux :/

>> No.17605368

Haven't lost anything just missed out on probably around 200k or so

I was an actual early adopter buying drugs with btc on silk road when btc was around 100 usd

>> No.17605374


>> No.17605376

Bought some BTC in 2014
Bought some ETH early 2017
Still down -$30k from shitcoins

>> No.17605377

You are too impatient. Stop buying high and selling low.

>> No.17605398

Wow! Thats so cool! I started with $30 and now I have $5000...thanks to CENNZ

>> No.17605427

That's cool. Brag when you're not poor as shit.

>> No.17605430

Nope. Just flexing on you retards.
2x by doing nothing. Not bad in my book, lil zoom. Congrats on 5xing your 200 dollars grandpa sent you for Christmas.

>> No.17605451

That $470 isn't a waste if it's an education. Learn why you lost, learn the markets, learn portfolio management and the problem of over diversification. Unless you're a gambler, then just put another $500 in bro

>> No.17605461

Also, OP, it's never a loss--just a drawdown--if you don't sell. Stay off margins, and if you hold what you started with, you're fine. gl

>> No.17605473

>Also, OP, it's never a loss--just a drawdown--if you don't sell.

You know there's like a million coins that show no signs of going back to their original values ever right?

>> No.17605485

That's true, I'm assuming OP's mainly in the top 10

>> No.17605502

You gotta know when you got fucked and move on

>> No.17605516

I haven't bought the peak of ANY of those coins. They go up a little bit and then they go back down and down and down.
And Binance has no emergency "sell at the value you bought it at" option.

>> No.17605523

That's setting a stop loss about entry when you're in profit.

>> No.17605532


>> No.17605536

I just said there's no automatic option for it.

>> No.17605537

You are too impatient. Stop buying high and selling low.

>> No.17605545

What I did was buy low and stayed slower until half a year had passed with no improvements.

>> No.17605546

Why would you expect that? That would guarantee Binance doesn't make as much money... use OCO orders.

>> No.17605565

You are too impatient. You sold lower than the price that you bought.

>> No.17606379


It's okay I did too

>> No.17606391

Started with 8k in 2016, only got 400k now, feels bad man.

>> No.17606401

>1 post by this ID

>> No.17606402

Started with 700
Now 15k

>> No.17606433

poorfag here. started in january with 300 was up to 7k now 5k .
brandon kelly btc

>> No.17606446

bitch i'm making 50k in a month

>> No.17606503

Shut the fuck up you dumb kid.

>> No.17606554
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I am a late fag to crypto, I invested during the massive decensing triangle at 6000 and got shaken out at 3000, luckily I was a poor fag and I lost 100 bucks there.

I sold it all and ignored biz for a few months before popping back in and seeing chainlink being talked about.

Once I understood what link actually was and that we had bottomed out I started accumulating shit tons of link. I was a neet but LINK motivated me to get my first job dish washing to buy linkies.

most of my wage went into link and I was getting paid 20 AUD a hour to wash dishes and clean the kitchen. However now with the price link is at now I was effectively paid 400 AUD a hour...

I plan to sell around 10% of my link at $100 to secure my initial investment and to have some fun spending money and then I'll probably sell another 25% at a high price 250, 500 and then I will probably steak the rest.

Some spending money and my own house sounds good then I will let the rest give me passive income via steak.

We are all going to make it friends, I have faith in KEK

>> No.17606760

i lost nothing because i got in extremely early. however, i was up a few hundred grand and have lost all those gains making bad moves. it feels bad man. i can't go back to waging.... i'm going into debt because i'm too depressed to work a serious job. i need a miracle frens

>> No.17606873

That's pretty inspiring, senpai.

>> No.17606884

Last year I lost about 2500 margin trading. This year my theme is losing money on shitcoins with credit card debt. Coinmetro tanked so I got out. Fantom tanked but I am still holding since I'm down so much who cares might as well see where it goes. I can hold it and take capital loss on it next year. Now I'm all in on PNK.

>> No.17606893

You might as well have took a nintendo switch and flush it down the toilet lol

>> No.17606913

I started with $5k, $300k now

not great considering I was at $900k at some point, but still breddy gud

>> No.17606969

I made a $10k bet stocks would rally after the fed pump and now I am down big. Just going to hold. I think S&P will bounce off 2800 and I'll exit in the 3100-3200 area.

>> No.17607044

> bet stocks would rally after the fed pump

ok boomer

>> No.17607188


worked the last 5 times.

>> No.17608637 [DELETED] 

To any kind anons reading, I am a poor third world anon who had nothing but 1 LINK...

If any kind LINKmarines with a large stack would be able to gift me a few LINK, or BTC or even ... ETH, I would be eternally greatful.

I know this is against the rules and I will no doubt get reported and banned but ... I am poor and desperate and ... yeah...

Here are my few pathetic addresses.

ChainLink (The one god token)




I am so poor

>> No.17608654

kys nigger

>> No.17608674
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Started with 10k. At one point had nearly half a mill.

Now down to 7700....

>> No.17608713

I put in about $6-7k. I was down to like $2k at the least. Now I'm finally in the green and back up to about $8k.

>> No.17608793

I lost $1k on DBC. Thanks /biz.

>> No.17609566
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>> No.17609822 [DELETED] 

put in 5k€
lost 4.8k€ (liquidated)
I'm not sure I've learned my lesson

>> No.17609864
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>lost everything in crypto
>lost everything in stocks

>> No.17609886

Did you sell at a loss? If not, it is unrealized. You only make it real by selling.

>> No.17609895 [DELETED] 

yeah I guess I'll be stuck waging

>> No.17609960

If you have a warm butthole you can make money.

>> No.17609994

I didn't sell in early 2018. I put in 2k and turned it into 30 with NEO and some shitty ICOs. I still have 4k left because I sold out of some shit but I still got justed.

>> No.17610003 [DELETED] 
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but that means you have negative everything

>> No.17611140

i invested 3k in link @ 0.18 so you're a fag OP

>> No.17611534


Check out elrond and Orion protocol, don't miss out again.

>> No.17611566

Kleros is a scam

>> No.17612480

Got an uncensored version??

>> No.17612577 [DELETED] 
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>> No.17612645
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>lunch money general

>> No.17612673

chekt. imagine crying over losing $500

worse yet, I saw a story about a guy who literally killed his whole family over owing $3000.

some people just have no perspective at all

>> No.17612688

why did you invest in honey?

>> No.17612724
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>> No.17612827
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started buying btc from 950 all the way to two hundred. i was down thousands. Then the bull woke up. went up to 1.5 mil. then it crashed back down to like 150k. now it' sat 450k. /comfy/ desu

>> No.17613007
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careful friend, jannies are extra touchy about those things

>> No.17613088

Started with $3000 in late 2017.
Bought close to the top of the bullrun.
Hit $18,000 at peak in various normie coins.
Went all in on link, got my 10k stinkers at $1.
Didn’t sell, bled down to 20c, down below initial investment.
Now I’m up to $50,000 because I bought more link at 30c.
Should’ve bought link OP. There’s still time before you’re priced out.

>> No.17613107
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It may not be "realized" for tax purposes, but it's 100% real when the value goes down. You bet on a recovery, you wait for a long time, and then finally you realize after a 90% drop that you've been bamboozled.

>> No.17613153

Lmao nigger I was late and I did a 300% just by holding LINK. Only 10K behind you right now

this retard over here flexing 100% of all things,

>> No.17614414

Probably the only actually on-topic post so far.