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File: 803 KB, 1109x627, Screenshot from 2020-03-05 13-21-13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17597451 No.17597451 [Reply] [Original]

i plan on buying something like this with my chainlink

land that comes with a shed or tiny home

>> No.17597579

Don't be retarded, you can buy a plot of land, and have a wooden pre-assembled cabin transported and placed on the land.
It wouldn't be that much more expensive and you will have more options buying the right land if you requirement of having a "shed" wasn't there.

>> No.17597598

you'll get cabin fever in like 2 weeks with that.

>> No.17597610

I WISH i were american ffs PLEASE let me innnnnnnnnnnnnnnnt
t. bong

>> No.17597694
File: 577 KB, 1469x435, cabins.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why? just buy a plot of land in Scotland (cheap af) and place a cabin on it.. you don't need to move to the US to be a weirdo, just move to Scotland.

>> No.17597813

land too expensive plus its never really out in the sticks. island too small

>> No.17598210
File: 361 KB, 960x640, 1497805126640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this. if you don't want the rudimentary cabin look, you can buy a small manufactured home and have it transported for 40-50k

>> No.17598263

2.6 acres is not 'land.' you need at least 20, preferrably like 75-100 where you don't have to see anyone else

>> No.17598277

Great taste in cabins, got more?

Mate just come over and hang out, nobody will suspect you (if you’re ethnically English, that is - but if you aren’t, fuck off we’re full)

>> No.17598325

I like that

>> No.17598349

Not bad, I'm looking at getting about 10 acres 15 minutes out of town. I'd rather build my own tiny home. It will have a basement spa/homebrew/gym/pool/gaming room in the basement. I just think it's funny to have a cute 600sqft cottage with nice but humble decor, then you go down a spiral staircase in the closet to a fucking cavern with floor to wall to ceiling stone. Like 2,000sqft down there. If anyone asks about the digging while it was going up I'll say I needed a big septic tank and wink. I want to grow flower and vegetal and shit.

>> No.17598400
File: 120 KB, 1004x667, 1597840526249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

prefab/manufactured houses are undervalued imo because of the mobile home stigma, even though they're nothing like that anymore. i'd much rather live in one of these than buy a boomer's overpriced mcmansion

>> No.17598424

It looks like NZ to me to be honest. Nice, clean, simple, not garishly oversized like some filthy boomer. Where are you sourcing these? Can I see a two story one?

>> No.17598471

Do you only have 23 LINK or something?

>> No.17598532

You still need to pay for utilities hook ups and a whole bunch of other shit. Off the top of my head, electricity hook up, we'll or water hook up, septic system or sewer hookup, permits out the ass for everything. Its not a bad option depending on your local market but there's a lot more hidden cost than just the land and home. If OP can find land with an existing structure for far less than 50k like in OP pic, its a good buy. Though sub 3 acre parcels are too tiny imo.

>> No.17598546

If you build your own it's much less.

>> No.17598597

if it is sufficiently isolated you can't "hook up" to anything, you need to generate your own electricity and have a septic tank which you then pay to have emptied twice a year.

real problem is the internet.

>> No.17598620

All that can be done under $20k starting from nothing, unless water table is weird or you have to do a lot of blasting. Rural counties don't get the same hardon from permits that homeowner associations do. Tell them what you're doing, pay property taxes, and don't be a pain in the ass for sheriff. Do this and it's about as easy as it gets. They're just glad to see some money injected in the area instead of losing another family to relocation. Aside from having to drive 15 minutes to piggly wiggly or 30 minutes to 'the city'.

>> No.17598753

I mentioned well and septic. I included hook ups because OP could be in that situation depending on where he buys. Either way, more costs than just buying land and having a home delivered.

But yea solar systems cost money if you cant tie into the grid. I should know, I'm on shitty diy solar and I steal WiFi with an antenna.

Bro idk about that. 20k seems too cheap for even just the well and septic system. I suppose you can get away with that figure if your county allows for composting shitters or other alternatives that dont require a septic system and maybe one of those super shallow wells but its a long shot.

>> No.17598769

those pics are from a prefab house manufacturer in the UK if i remember right

yeah, and you'll want a foundation poured too of course which is another 6k

>> No.17598816

Ah yeah the slab. And dont forget a road from the street to the cabin. Not 100 always necessary but can be costly if it is.

>> No.17598863

Different states are vastly different. Some you can easily keep it under 20k. In Commiefornia you will be paying 20k alone in just permits. Fuck this rotten shithole

>> No.17599003

My perspective is coming from the poorest state in the union so maybe figure another 10k in more high faluting areas. I just mean a basic septic tank and drainage field. You could probably get by with a smaller tank if you used eco meme soaps and detergents for gray water and drain it through a French drain bed and save more. Septic tanks are better than they used to be though.

Post and pier foundation is pretty good, they've been doing it the southeast as long as they've been building houses.

2k will get you a gravel driveway, just make sure you consider drainage and the ground is prepped right or else it's a pain having to repair it every few years.

>> No.17599035

>invests in the 4th industrial revolution
>hopes to be able to live in a cuck shed
Dream bigger, anon.

>> No.17599977

M S ?

>> No.17600123

No they’re really not lol, build your own cabin like a real white man don’t order some gay prefab nigger shit

>> No.17600189

Why so small? I found myself looking at mansions in my state and private islands today. I am also a poorfag with bug dreams.

>> No.17600300

Lmao that piece of crap looks like it's made out of balsa wood and would break apart if there was even a faint gust of wind.