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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.17590468

Pajeet indian disgusting PnD scam you people should be ashamed of yourselves

>> No.17590475

ok and what else

>> No.17590498

Show me some actual cases on kleros scan

>> No.17590503


>> No.17590511

refer to video 3

>> No.17590575


>> No.17590727

>shills coin with nothing except a team of chinks
>shills a coin with real usecase, working product, endorsed by Vitalik, main stage at ETHCC, 1mil grant from French investment bank, Thompson Reuters business development

>> No.17590747
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My frens tell me I'll lose my money but I'm a risk taker

>> No.17591128


>> No.17591209
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Honestly don’t know what else there is to discuss. We going up

>> No.17591219

lets get uppity

>> No.17591344

>tupaq ID

>> No.17591701

gimmi all pnkies

>> No.17591834

Someone spent $8 on bitfinex to pump it to 40¢. Congrats pnkjeets

>> No.17591860


>> No.17592021

Peepeepoopoo to you too kumar

>> No.17592500

ahahahah wow... nice PnD action
I feel sorry for klerostards who are going to pay the price of an exit scam..
imagine the huge selloff coming

>> No.17592542

Bitfinex shenanigans aside
Its 2.9 cents on uniswap which is still bretty gud

>> No.17592647
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Comfiest hold desu.
Educate yourselves on Schelling Points retards https://nav.al/schelling-point

>> No.17592663

Great discussion as always

>> No.17592701

After seeing the videos, I'm even more skeptical now.
These guys are idiots.

>> No.17592712


why are pnk holders fudding like this. think of something creative instead.

>> No.17592738

No one sells in this stage!
You deserve missing out on this one

>> No.17592761

He doest get it, let him pay the price!

>> No.17592794

What the fuck are you talking about? Dude is a smooth talking autistic chad genetic hybrid

>> No.17592827

Should I become a juror? What’s the return? I saw that if you vote incorrectly they take away your tokens?

>> No.17592861

>exit scam
It’s a working product that offers a legitimate solution to a real problem with smart contracts, that problem being that resolutions to disputes are mostly not binary choices and require human judgment

>> No.17592884

>still spoonfeeding entirely too early

You people are obviously new and it’s annoying

>> No.17592918

The juror system is retarded and impossible to scale. If this shit did take off, it'd immediately fall apart under its own weight.
There are millions of transactions happening at all times and the more transactions there are, the more jurors you need until you need more people than there are in the world.
It's not feasible.

>> No.17592943

Literally the dumbest quasi-argument I've ever saw on biz. Congrats retard.

>> No.17592959

Ermm, what is there to scale? Each case has a set amount of randomly selected jurors. Absolutely the shitties fud I’ve heard so far.

>> No.17592973
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why FUD sir?

>> No.17592983

Aragon is already doing this deluded pnkjeets

>> No.17592995

sorry lads but im gonna have to sell 50k PNK and rebuy at 0.02....

>> No.17593003
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>> No.17593024

we're literally going to 5cent eow

>> No.17593035

end of world?

>> No.17593060


>> No.17593062
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hello newfag

eow =end of week

>> No.17593065
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>> No.17593068

As soon as BTC takes an inevitable dump so will this. I need to start funding some WRX dips. I do believe in PNK long term

>> No.17593090

it was sarcasm because it will not be 0.05 eow.....

>> No.17593129
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>it was sarcasm
sure it was gurinderjit

>> No.17593153
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All answers to your FUD are in their book, you guys need to chill out or gtfo

>> No.17593155

yeh but thanks for making us realise that you were actually the new fag....im probably old enough to be your wifes boyfriends dad

>> No.17593172
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>> No.17593184 [DELETED] 

dubs and im not selling

>> No.17593255
File: 138 KB, 1125x553, 302A0A98-B81D-4861-83B8-E79B772B4847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>340,000 24 hr volume
>600$ will move the price up or down 2%

Yeah definitely not a pump and dump. A market sell or buy of 3,000$ can move the price 10% LOL.

>> No.17593341

How far up realistically?

>> No.17593358

10 cents in 3 months

>> No.17593416

Its early as shit dumbee

>> No.17593598

not even remotely true. ive been swing trading to build bigger bags on uniswap and none of my $10k trades move the price like at all.

>> No.17593629

I have question I know i can buy kleros at uniswap, but after that where can I sell it if I want to? Coinbase doesn't have it listed and I dont like binance

>> No.17593646
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Stay salty, metics

>> No.17593668

bump, i too wonder this , if it gets to 50 cents or something i want to dump it. i bought eth on cb, then used that with uniswap and hold PNK in metamask. i guess you could swap back for eth, send that to cb and sell?

>> No.17593671

i cant sell it on regular uniswap but i can sell it on uniswap ninja for some reason

>> No.17593698
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This was me shilling earlier. Just dumped my bags. Thanks for playing, newbies.

>> No.17593713

you can swap it for TUSD as well, however you will still need a bigger exchange to withdraw in fiat

>> No.17593718

>dumped his bags
>price went up
Well done bucko

>> No.17593727
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>good trolling sir, 10/10

>> No.17593822

is that tether?

>> No.17593842

Theter is USDT, its a stablecoin though

>> No.17593973

Who is selling show your hands faggot

>> No.17594140
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>> No.17594235

Incredibly based

>> No.17594351

Not actually sure but my speculation is at least 25c end of year, bare minimum. Maybe 50c. We will definitely surpass a couple dollars but that’s a while away.

>> No.17594653

Can't wait to sell physical goods to retarded linkies and scam them when the smart contract executes but they can't get a refund since you were too stubborn to use kleros lol

>> No.17594734

Based as fuck. Fuck these retard pnkfags

>> No.17594776

Post transaction id

>> No.17594786

lol xD :P xD wow lol XD

I guess the "point" you made here will work on people who don't actually understand LINK. Maybe it will even make them buy your pnd token!

>> No.17594787

Gotta admit. You had me a treat

>> No.17594826

Yikes, man.

>> No.17595048

>pnd token
When did you buy, Dhalsim?

>> No.17595174

Yes that's right I secretly own tons of PNK, just like I did with all the other scams that have been shilled on biz that I called out for being scams. I'm calling it a scam to accumulate more of de good token!

I'm also a paid fudder hired by whales to suppress the price, and I'm from India. Oh I'm also a "salty linkie".

>> No.17595265

>t. Fud team Indian that’s been in every thread bitching like a dog in heat since we were under 2cents. Hmm I wonder why

>> No.17596540

Aragon is a VC PND and the pump is over. I feel bad for cucks stuck holding that garbage. It's Also a Kleros fork.

>> No.17596649

Cool thnx

>> No.17596687

Cool thnx

>> No.17597084

God, the fud at this point is just people acting like retards in an attempt to drive away curious anons.
Anyway, I have 200k. Should I stake it all in the General Court, or should I split it up a bit in the English Language or Blockchain subcourts? Unfortunately, kleroscan was launched before the introduction of subcourts, so there's no quick way to judge activity levels, but a quick glance suggests the Blockchain subcourt is the best in terms of higher reward and higher activity.

>> No.17597138

bump, also interested in staking on the English subcourt, any anons have experience?