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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17591607 No.17591607 [Reply] [Original]

Congrats on this, seriously.

>> No.17591937

Thanks anon. It’s not too late to join, you’re still early

>> No.17591980


>> No.17593196
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>> No.17593256

I only have 12K. I needed more time

>> No.17593279

youve had more than one month
How much do you need?

>> No.17593315

>volume: 20 BTC
Kek. Shitcoin.

>> No.17593380
File: 360 KB, 750x1334, 3199EAA5-ADAB-4CC1-B27A-A32C830782AE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn’t know about uniswap
>only uses coinmarketcap like a normie

How does it feel to be a brainlet?

>> No.17593390
File: 110 KB, 1200x800, Screen_Shot_2017_06_27_at_1.05.21_PM.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok tell me honestly does this can be what chainlink was in 2017-2018 in sense that it went from 0.2 cents to 4$? Does it the potencial? /Biz/ basically spams this as pajeet coin and as the same as the other shitcoins, and i know 90% are trolling and the other 10% that defend this want you to buy and shill the fuck out of it. I just want to make it. Please

>> No.17593427
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Well hell i wouldnt have bought it if i didnt believe in the project.

>> No.17593450
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it dumped immediately

Still feel fine about holding it since presale. I don't have any plans to sell for quite a while. Though it does give me fomo seeing how easy it is to swing this shit right now, hidden volume on uniswap or not this shit is very manipulated.

>> No.17593482

it looks like the volume is more spread out now.
Uniswap has only ~28% of the volume now.

>> No.17593512

There are a good amount of people with 100k-1mil who are going to ruthlessly swing PNK, it is pretty obvious to anyone who was buying at presale. I don't really want to be bugged to pay taxes on swinging, fine letting my little bag ride.

>> No.17593615
File: 423 KB, 750x1334, A7C9E8CA-53A3-419D-8429-8B866F0CE75A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kleros is legit. It’s my biggest holding behind link and likely won’t be for much longer. I missed the initial train with link and didn’t want to miss this one so I feel you

>> No.17594015

Is it possible to swingtrade using uniswap? I was thinking of trying this. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

>> No.17594073

Uh I suppose so but seems overly complicated when you could just use an exchange

>> No.17594204

I'm going to sound retarded but I've only been into crypto a couple weeks.
What is the best wallets for a wide spread of the coins.
I'm using Jaxx and can't find PNK or a couple others to create a wallet.

>> No.17594250

yes pls answer this man so I can know aswell. Do (((they))) have their fingers in Kleros?

>> No.17594319

Metamask for sure, it can integrate into your browser and is really easy to use. I keep most of my coins on there including PNK. You have to add the token manually in order for it to show up which you can do by going to their etherscan and inputting the necessary info from there into metamask (like the token contract address for example). Some coins you can just simply search for but small cap ones like PNK you have to add yourself with this info. It sounds confusing but it’s really not once you see it, it’s just copy and paste essentially. To send any erc-20 tokens to your metamask, you just copy the wallet address and send it from whatever exchange you’re using

>> No.17594349


>> No.17594380

I remember seeing folios like this with link + every flavour of the month pajeet scam shilled on biz throughout 2018/1019. Those people are now 99% in LINK with the same holdings and making the 'I could have had X LINK if I sold X' posts

>> No.17594436
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Thank you sir

>> No.17594557

Explain uniswap please, sir

>> No.17594641

woke up, opened /biz/, and pee pee poo peepee poopy pooped my shiddy widdy pants

>> No.17594902

You are wrong sir pnk is not a pajeet shitcoin sir

>> No.17595087

I think I just fucked up. I just used uniswap to get some PNK with my ethereum but coinbase wallet doesnt recognize my new coin. I think I lost it

>> No.17595147

LMAO you're joking right?

Please tell me you meant to say Metamask or Myetherwallet?

>> No.17595152

Nevermind. I have it. Now someone explain to me where and how I sell this shit if it does go moon

>> No.17595213

Trade it back to ethereum and sell, how hard is that?

>> No.17595248

You automatically connect your metamask to the uniswap website, and swap however much ETH for PNK (or any other token they have that you want). You have to pay a small ETH fee in gas (just cents) so make sure you have a little leftover in your wallet. I’m not sure how other wallets work with it but metamask is extremely easy with how it connects automatically

>> No.17595264


>> No.17595293

Eh you might be right about some of these low caps, very possible that most of them could fail. But even if 4/5 out of them fail, all it takes is one to do a 50x-100x to make it all worth it so it’s a risk that I’m willing to take. And I feel comfy enough with my LINK/ETH/BTC holdings already even if all of the moonshots go to shit, sure it might not be enough to make it but enough to be comfy which is enough for me

>> No.17595580

Swap into Dai or literally any other coin you want

>> No.17595716
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Brainlets, the lot of you

>> No.17596579

are you required to participate if you own this shit or can you just buy in purely for speculation?

>> No.17596624

You don't have to stake it no. You can just buy and hold in your wallet

>> No.17596850

thsi coin wills achieves me the pussy, the ass, the weed, detrunilasition fo everyone

>> No.17596993

It will at least hit $1 and quickly in a bull run. Make your decision off that. It’s a necessary project for the early integration of what crypto wants to do with smart contracts in the real world. It will be the default at least early on. Ignore the fud teams and those of us trolling with Indian memes. I’m not going to spoonfeed any further at this point it’s too early to shill to dummies who will just panic every other day and dump the price

>> No.17597534

Based as fuck