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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17590239 No.17590239 [Reply] [Original]

why the fuck are people freaking out because of corona? are they stupid?

>> No.17590244

>old people dying
>oh wait parents are old

>> No.17590260

>are they stupid?

>> No.17590400

There was an obvious psyop on /pol/ to scare people and it worked, my guess is that they want to shut down /pol/ for spreading fear and misinfo

>> No.17590406
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>> No.17590457

wait for it to mutate and then youll see. this shit was engineered by humans it will erase 2 to 5% of the worlds population

>> No.17590535


>> No.17590571


the only based boomer

>> No.17590578

/pol/ has 0 influence outside of its board

>> No.17590694

/pol/ made Shia Labeouf seethe hard in 2017 though

>> No.17590912

Not true. Proof:

>> No.17590973

I don't know but the fags on r e d d I t are in full blown panic fear mongering mode....yet the flu kills 18,000 no one bats an eye

>> No.17591033

Trumptards are so fucking low iq

>> No.17591055



>> No.17591058
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>are they stupid?
rhetorical question
why the fuck do you care fren
go learn something fun fren

>> No.17591066

They literally elected trump

>> No.17591068

get outside holy shit

>> No.17591115
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>> No.17591256
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>They literally elected trump
Drumpf 2020

>> No.17591259

This was before the exoddus

>> No.17591267

Because it guarantees 1 in 8 people over 50 will die which means as of right now minimally 2 of the people who have posted in this thread will lose a parent to nCoV unless it is controlled which it currently is not. Do you not care about your parents, OP?

>> No.17591284

Also no proof of developing immunity which means if widespread it might actually just be guaranteed to eventually wipe out our entire over 50 population.

>> No.17591301

pol may be filled with blistering idiots but i'd be careful with that statement anon. It's simply not true and you know it

>> No.17591608
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Because it's airborne aids and it's going to wipe out a huge amount of the population. Make sure you prepare before the normies.

>> No.17591643


>> No.17591668

Chink stock shorters started taking pictures of any person passed out on street in China once the virus started going around and then had those images spread to make people get scared and sell their stocks. People pass out all the time from alcohol, non-corona diseases and other shit but of course retards on /pol/ and other social media where these were spread helped spread the fear that caused the stock market to crash, making some bobos very happy.

Money rules everything.

>> No.17591690

>only 5%
Meh. The world needs at least 20%.

>> No.17591700

Your ignorance will be your downfall.

>> No.17591736

Look! I found a tard who spread those images of chinese people who passed out from alcohol thinking it was coronovirus that made them pass out!!! HAHAHAHAH!!!

>> No.17591752


Sounds like a legit news source bro!!

>> No.17591770

ROTFL. In 6 months no one will give a fuck about this shitty flu.

>> No.17591900

Buying supplies to hold you over a few months isn't freaking out, it's thinking ahead. But let's just say that you're right. Let's say the corona virus is propaganda by all the worlds governments. That China is incinerating bodies, welding people inside their homes, spraying their streets and office spaces with disinfectant, shutting down their entire infrastructure and losing billions in the process, losing public faith in their product because of corona fear, arresting doctors for speaking out about the severity of the virus, and overall draconian measures being implemented... This is either a very deadly virus to justify all of that, or...? Something more insidious is coming down the pipeline. More governments might start doing the same. It would mean we already live in a one world government. That's a lot scarier than this virus desu, so I'm gonna keep preparing, because either way you look at this, millions will die and our rights are about to fly out the window.

>> No.17592020

Mainstream media boomer fear induced propaganda.
I thought it didn't really work anymore. I was wrong.
It was the same circus with H1N1 ten years ago.
Every ten years, the power that be need to reinforce their control with the good old killing virus. Sell vaccines, take international measures, scare the human cattle in order to reinforce control over them.

>> No.17592125

>More governments might start doing the same. It would mean we already live in a one world government.
All these "events" are made for pushing a world government. From these viruses, to (((climate change))), to the fires in California and Australia. Climate change is the trojan horse of the NWO. You shouldn't be afraid of them. They are not as powerful as you think they are. If all people stopped working for a whole week, they would shit their pants.

>> No.17592259

We're already seeing massive amounts of people not working because of the virus in China though. And Iran, Korea, Italy same thing. They've declared a state of emergency in California. Quarantine is around the corner.
>If all people stopped working for a whole week, they would shit their pants.
Then they wouldn't release a virus that calls for quarantines. You forget the part where China is losing billions from a stagnant infrastructure? IF this was a hoax it's obvious money means jack shit, it's about control. I'm still going with logic though and will assume the virus is just very deadly.

>> No.17592273

literal official figures say its deadlier than the flu you braindead retard
fucking kill youself

>> No.17592278


>> No.17592355

Not some people stopping working, but all of them. For a week. In all economic sector, especially the one concerning (((them))): luxury hotels, private jets, food industry, security services etc...
This virus is not deadly. It's nothing. Always believe the opposite of mainstream media. If the mainstream media say it's nothing, then prepare. If it says it's dangerous, then you can relax.

>> No.17592380
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>it's just the flu bro!
Seasonal flu mortality rate is 0.05% +/- 0.04%, kills so few healthy people it's essentially 0% for them, and even for the sickly the rate is still so low it must be estimated statistically years after the fact by 'abnormal' death rates among that cohort has most 'flu' deaths are undiagnosed, happening nigh-exclusively among those already at deaths door. Corona Chan's mortality rate on the other hand (even using bullshit chicom numbers) is 0.2%-15%. SARS-CoV-2 literally has a higher mortality rate among the young and healthy than flu has amount the sick and elderly.

>> No.17592410
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>are they stupid?
The people who AREN'T preparing are the real dumbfucks. The fact of the matter is nobody knows how fast or far this is going to spread. People are so fucking stupid they're comparing death rates between Corona and the flu when the corona virus hasn't even been around the world yet, nor has it been around for any significant amount of time. It's like comparing a new upcoming company's performance with a similar one that's been in the business since 1890. We have "statistics" from government bodies most people under normal circumstances would consider to be the scum of the earth literally any other day. Blatant corruption and media manipulation of actual statistics most likely in the name of "don't panic bro". And ONE MORE thing. What exactly do you lose from preparing for the worst case scenario? Two outcomes will happen if you don't prepare. Either it will be nothing and you go about your daily uneventful life, or it actually is an issue and you're caught with your pants down. Whoops, now you're the dumbass that trusted Chinese data on a virus that in all likelihood was created in the experimental disease lab coincidentally located 10 miles from the source of the spread.

It looks to me like the real morons here are people like you OP who no doubt whenever something actually goes down will be part of the rest of the normies who get wiped out and think nothing bad will ever happen

>> No.17592483

I have unironically more risk dying from driving my car or doing my combat sports than dying from this corona flu.
But whatever, preparing, if if means buying stocks of food and water, is never a bad thing.

>> No.17592492

lol okay you're choosing the ignorant conspiratard only path. You do you.
>b-b-but they ALL have to stop working it's okay if some countries stop working r-right?
>Always believe the opposite of mainstream media.
The President says it's nothing. What now? China says it's not that bad despite losing billions and faith in their product? Media is still saying it's not that bad, only ones fear mongering is /pol/. Still going to be a blind retard? If you wait till there's a panic to prepare you're going to be in for a rough ride. Buying basic supplies now is thinking ahead.

>> No.17592603
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>but the weather will stop the spread!
SARS, which was orders of magnitude less contagious, peaked in April-May. Even if we're lucky and the weather does substantially reduce spread, we're still looking at 2-3 months before it does.
>b-but muh vaccine!
Coronaviruses are tricky wickets, they can hide in neurons and expose does not confer long term immunity. A vaccine is no less than a year off, and more of an If than a When.

>> No.17592611

>I have unironically more risk dying from driving my car or doing my combat sports than dying from this corona flu.

This is not true. The uncertainties associated with the risk of dying from corona virus is huge, the uncertainties of the risk in dying from a car crash is small.

It is very unlikely that next year there will be 1000x more car crashes than this year. It is plausible that there could be 1000x more deaths due to an unknown disease next year than this year.

Compare car fatalities in the Soviet Union over 20 years v.s. the number of deaths from World War II. You were more likely to die in the mass casualty event because it effected more people, so it didn't matter that it doesn't happen as often.

>> No.17592623

yes the goyim are stupid and blindly listen to anything the media tells them.