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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17580081 No.17580081 [Reply] [Original]

I mean, MAYBE it will do some crazy scam 10-100x

It's literally pocket money for huge upside

>> No.17580096

The shadowfork is real

>> No.17580106

lol the fucking buttons on his shirt are SCREAMING.

>> No.17580122

>tells me its a scam
>tells me to put money into the scam
this board really is shit now huh

>> No.17580126

>please buy my scam bags

>> No.17580148
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yes so? how did that stop biz before?

>> No.17580275
File: 375 KB, 1280x720, nulink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Na, I'm good

>> No.17580595

I really have no interest in changing anyone’s mind here who doesn’t already realize that NLINK is the real deal. look at the salt now. Just imagine how pissed these faggots will be when we go another 1000x. sucks to suck.

>> No.17580647

Thanks for the $110.
I bought Chainlink and McDonald's Big mac meal

>> No.17580663

Does he rrally wear that shirt all the time?

>> No.17580959

100x0 is still 0 anon

>> No.17580979
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I did. And to be frank, I’ve never been happier

>> No.17581013

look at his shoes

>> No.17581030
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>> No.17582118

super underrated

>> No.17582156

Why is NuLink the comfiest hold?

I assume Mr Parser is the CEO then

>> No.17582195

It's better than good it's really good. Comfy af over finally getting a stack

>> No.17582353

Seriously, why does he wear that shirt? You say he hates us but he's obviously baiting us for the memes

>> No.17582449
File: 165 KB, 1439x859, Screenshot_20200229-083233_Discord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This faggot bought into nuLink, sold the daily low nuLink and bought the month high on chainlink and thinks its smart. Will unironically fomo his life savings into nuLink when it pumps.

>> No.17582490

Prisons can be difficult places to live and work in, even in developed countries in the present day. By their very definition, prisons house individuals who may be prone to violence and rule-breaking. It is also typical that a high proportion of inmates have mental health concerns.

>> No.17582510

Exchanging something with no value for something with value is dumb? No wonder you own nulink.

>> No.17582567

Because its not even creative.
Remember that Indian that made a Link ponzi smart contract? stakeinlinkies.com
Only two pajeets have wallets on it. Meaning if you bought in and then shilled it to dumb ass Indians you could make a pretty shekel.

>> No.17582585
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You're such a disgusting reddit cuck.

>> No.17582714

Because my pocket money belongs in LINK and not scams.
I bought another 35 LINK last paycheck, even though I'm already over 12k. Fuck my DCA, it used to be $0.48 when I hit 10k but this is a once in a lifetime opportunity that I'm not missing any of.

>> No.17582945

>sirs just throw in $20 haha it's so little and trivisl it doesn't matter if you lose it...
This is another common shill tactic by the nulink scam brigade. $20 is a lot of money for these third world slum dwellers so it's worth it for them to spam over and over if even a handful of real people throw in $5-$20 each.

>> No.17583158

Dude you are going to get ducking wrecked by link whales. It’s a Jewish psyop coin pushed by the actual moderators who run this board

>> No.17583724

Sir is this handsome young brown man the ceo of nulink? I want to invest in his trustworthy face.

>> No.17584123

Meds not taken and schizopilled

>> No.17585268
File: 10 KB, 717x85, nulink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is nulink legit or not? why the fuck would uniswap merge their pull request to add nulink?

>> No.17585282
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Based and nostalgia pilled

>> No.17585301

most of /biz/ probably doesn't even watch silicon valley but this is hilarious

>> No.17585335

what % of my link stack should i transfer into nulink, optimally?

>> No.17585390

Kek'd hard. I fucking love that show.

>> No.17585412
File: 1.15 MB, 1080x1620, Adobe_Post_20200304_1518080.8455266129422444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one can answer that, it's whatever you feel comfortable doing. At the price NuLink is now you should only need to put 0.5-1 ETH in max

>> No.17585446

You know it will blow up yet you still hesitate, interesting.

>> No.17585447

if you want to speed things up and break walls on forkdelta .78-1.2 eth

>> No.17585451
File: 75 KB, 920x600, 575299CA-B02E-49D3-9A4E-AC021BB4691E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

250k stack, all from Airdrops. Using my $ to buy LINK
=yes you dumb niggers can have both.

>> No.17585462

Red pill a retard please I'm not going to argue I will save your points in my nulink notepad I'm trying to learn.

>> No.17585490

NuLINK is about to become the crack cocaine of crypto we all know it. It's like we're just waiting to see when it's going to happen.

>> No.17585510

looking forward to it ruining inner city niggers