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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17573361 No.17573361 [Reply] [Original]

They sent a letter then had me call in. They scheduled a meeting and said it would be a two to three hour meeting. What do I do? Can't they just send me the bills? I don't want to meet them.

>> No.17573390

Tell them you're busy and to reschedule for 2023. That's what they do

>> No.17573522

kek good advice

>> No.17573574

Meet them. The longer you wait and show noncooperation the more penalties you are likely to get IF your numbers don't add up.

If they do you have nothing to worry about. But seeing how crypto is so popular here, you have paid your crypto gain taxes, right anon?

>> No.17573589

Just wing it bra

>> No.17573651

The man said I have the right to remain silent. IS it a 'never talk to the police' type thing?

>> No.17573761

Here is what I did
>dressed super flamboyant for meeting
>tight yellow wifebeater, sagging Gucci track pants bright red, shiny white satin boxers, big fat Gucci belt buckle, sequined loafers, lots of multi colored wristbands and bracelets, lots of cologne.
>talked with a lisp whole time
>said “oh wow” just about every sentence
>blind streaks in my hair
>kept mentioning I donated to AIDS awareness programs
>cried some
>got super angry and raised my voice
>talked with my hands a lot

Basically no one wants to be in a room talking to someone like that, especially not a low pay IRS wagie.

>> No.17573797

Are you a business owner or just a wagie paying taxes?

>> No.17573823


>> No.17573827

How can they possibly have the time to have a 3 hour in-person meeting with every person they audit?

>> No.17573862

Sounds like a larp to me unless you are being audited for a business. For personal audits they just send you a letter saying they found discrepancies and to pay this X amount if you approve. I been audited before for personal taxes and what you are saying is bs.

>> No.17573909

Yeah I was thinking that or maybe OP is in the process of falling for a scam

>> No.17573931
File: 137 KB, 695x767, IRS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shitty larp is shitty
thats not how an audit works
they dont have you call
they send you letters
and if its a crypto related audit then they send you this too

>> No.17573958
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>that pic
fuck the IRS dude holy shit

>> No.17574007

>List of all blockchain addresses owned or controlled by taxpayer

>> No.17574015

it is def real. it is a small business audit. but I don't have one. the guy on the phone mentioned 1099s

>> No.17574019
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>provide the time, date, and weight (in grams) of every shit you took in 2017
>provide a detailed record of your masturbation habits in 2017
>provide 5 dates your wife will be available to be fucked by black IRS bulls in the upcoming tax year

>> No.17574059


>IRS employees conducting audits may call taxpayers to set up appointments or to discuss items with the taxpayers, but not without having first attempted to notify them by mail. After mailing an official notification of an audit, an auditor/tax examiner may call to discuss items pertaining to the audit.

Did you get mail about it already?

>> No.17574076

Also, did the person calling you have an Indian accent? kek

>> No.17574093


>> No.17574256

yeah it was a letter first, and he had specific 1099 forms that were

>> No.17574427
File: 165 KB, 760x675, Screenshot_20200304-165035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how are you supposed to pay taxes in USD on crypto-to-crypto transactions unless you cash out?
do you have to pay taxes on cashing out in fiat to pay taxes on your crypto-to-crypto transaction?

>> No.17574467

>buy Bitcoin
>Bitcoin increases in value
>trade my Bitcoin for Dogecoin
do IRSniggers accept my tax in Dogecoin?

>> No.17574471

well you must've fucked up big time if they want to meet in person

pepper your angus OP

>> No.17574509

>do all our work for us
literal niggers

>> No.17574516

if it's for any serious amount of money you need to get a lawyer, as soon as you can

>> No.17574545

tell them you're a very busy man, but you are willing to write them a personal check for their time if they want to meet without you.
>it's all a misunderstanding. I'm sure you guys can figure that out in my absence.

>> No.17574622

they expect you to keep up with transactions that were wiped off of idex or etherdelta’s db 3 years ago for some shitcoin you probably lost money on, or rode the pump for and traded for satsgang. no one has this information anymore, it’s a meme. There’s no possible way I can pull up transactions on KC and Bittrex, Craptopia etc when they aren’t even available on there anymore

>> No.17574683

but am i understanding it correctly?
does the IRS force you to cash out to USD to pay taxes when your crypto gains value and is then exchanged for another crypto?

>> No.17574720

you have to keep track and pay during tax season

>> No.17574784

what if i don't have enough USD?

>> No.17574919

Then IRS puts penis in butthole

Welcome to America enjoy your stay

>> No.17574967

lol fuck IRSniggers

>> No.17574993 [DELETED] 

that’s where I stopped reading. we’re fine bros

>> No.17574999

Just tell them you don't have any money lmao I haven't paid taxes for 35 years. Oh and next time don't answer the phone.

>> No.17575333

kek no, not with the irs

>> No.17575439

kek, based.

>> No.17575486
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Land of the free

>> No.17575515


>> No.17575599

bend over, boot lickers
it's fucki fucki time

>> No.17575996

kek. If you live in the West, prepare for a similar letter, if you are avoiding taxes on your crypto.

>> No.17576312
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Gotta pay your taxes. It's the law.

>> No.17576499

Why can't IRSniggers do the work themselves then send the bill?

>> No.17577004

They literally don't have the time. Cryptoexchanges need to come up with automaticn tax forms like traditional brokers.

>> No.17577227

For tax purposes, they consider a crypto exchange to have been made through the medium of USD. That is, you made two separate transactions: you sold Currency A for USD at current market price, then purchased Currency B for USD at current market price.

It's the same logic as them getting a cut when you use cryptos as actual currencies. To them, you are cashing out to USD, then paying for a good or service in USD. They can't lose control of USD as the sole means of financial exchange in the USA, or else they lose control of you.

Don't worry, they will revise this and come up with something like an exchange fund once the Illuminati start to invest in and use crypto. It will be something arcance that only Jewish accountants can use. But for you, it's time for a financial anal fisting.

>> No.17577342
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>> No.17577467

if they ever say that to you, the next thing you say to them is "unless you are offering me full immunity i have nothing to say to you"

then never talk to them again bc they wont give u immunity. its the best way to make them fuck off.

>> No.17577803

The exchanges are too busy exit scamming

>> No.17577967

get an EA or a CPA to read the letters they mailed you

>> No.17577996

tell them to address their questions to your CPA or EA or lawyer. YES IT IS

>> No.17578586
