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17570638 No.17570638[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I get that its going to kill a shit ton of people

but i dont care if i die. Why would anyone care? this is the worst fucking time period in all of human history if youre a male who isnt a chad. Im welcoming death every day. I hope i dont wake up tomorrow.
yet, there are anons who actually want to avoid getting corona? Why, so you can resume your life living as the bottom 99%?

fuck this gay world. I wish corona killed us all already. the human species as a mistake.

>inb4 blog

im genuinely asking how the fuck anyone could care about dying from corona? why the fuck do so many people care about finally leaving this shit hole planet?

>> No.17570693

I’m a burger and wtf is this faggot shit that gets posted at 4am? Do you cucks really hate yourselves so much you want to die?

>> No.17570704

>Do you cucks really hate yourselves so much you want to die?
im burger too. and yes. give me one fucking reason you'd want to live instead of stop existing tomorrow.

>> No.17570718

I'm young and healthy, I'm more excited at the idea that it's probably going to kill lots of boomers.

>> No.17570720


New York

>> No.17570731

Imagine being this much of a beta faggot that you would prefer to die from pneumonia instead of fucking getting a grip on your life and bettering yourself so you are an interesting person? Seriously kill yourself now if this is truly what you feel, stop breathing my air you are literally not worth it. Feminism brings ONE good thing, it will eradicate all you beta manlets who only reproduced in the past because women had to marry.

>> No.17570740

>Why are people scared?
>I get that its going to kill a shit ton of people
So you're actual question is; why are people afraid of dying? A lot of people have stuff to live for anon.

>> No.17570750

>instead of fucking getting a grip on your life and bettering yourself

>just grow height dude
>just add cm's to your chin and jaw dude
>just cause the crypto market to 10000x overnight dude
>just cure your social anxiety dude
>just get rid of all the memories of college bullying and hearing frat bros fuck roasties next to you dude
>just build a time machine and go back in time to pursue a hobby instead of catching up in your mid 20s dude

yeah, just fucking end it all

>> No.17570753

why don't you stop wasting time and kill yourself then OP?

>> No.17570763

i doubt it. how many anons on /biz/ have 100 k / yr job, fairly attractive, and are not miserable working?

because our brains still have primitive features that make us deeply afraid of death. When i tried drop hanging myself, my instincts kicked in immediately and i would panic and pull the belt off.

With corona virus, you go off peacefully in your sleep

>> No.17570767

>this many excuses
Go get yourself some ugly girl you stupid faggot, you are no main prize yourself. Maybe lower your fucking standards?

>> No.17570776

want to see my tinder for the past 2 years? 0 likes.

>> No.17570778

your problem isn't that you're ugly op, it's that you're stupid and weak. js.

>> No.17570784

I'm 32 years old and healthy, make $145k yr in IT, my wife is hot and likes playing video games with me, and I own 23.6k link. Don't off yourself fren, it gets better.

>> No.17570786

Because suffocating to death from untreated pneumonia is a terrible way to go out

>> No.17570795

Who said a word about tinder? Try a hobby like sportsclimbing or even a serious dating site. Leave tinder to the chads.

>> No.17570797

OP is right, for the wrong reasons. The reason the human race on earth is an obscene load of shit is because of prohibition of drugs. Prohibition infringes fundamental human rights. Your body is your final piece of property, when you lose power over it (including what you may or may not put into it) you have ceased to exist. The corona virus isn't enough, we deserve to be hit by a 500km wide meteor for selling out so completely. But assuming we won't be then we can survive this, fight through it though it won't be pleasant, and regain our freedom.

>> No.17570803

i owned over 500 k LINKs at one point. so just hearing this makes me feel worse than ever.

god, can the Corona virus please hurry up already? i dont want to wake up tomorrow and shitpost anymore. Life on earth is a total joke. Its like im stuck in some anime that went to shit 10 episodes ago, but i still have 50 more episodes to get through

>> No.17570802

All the ugly girls are also obese drug addicts. It's not even a fair game. At least a half century ago, an ugly could marry a nice ugly girl. Now ugly girls are all high and on birth control and are massive cunts with inflated egos, and also 300 pounds heavier because the only hobby women have is shoving food in their face

>> No.17570806 [DELETED] 

A perfect example of a fucking slave.

>> No.17570811

Unless you were violently mob raped by several older men weekly through your first 2 decades of life...you complain way too much. Stfu and grind.

>> No.17570816

>just get a hobby to find girls dude
yeah, fuck off. Every single hobby is 90% men. Girls dont have hobbies. They like to party and have sex. Virgin IT club is 90% males.

>> No.17570817

To add to this, Tinder has shadowbanning mechanisms. If you swipe right on every chick tinder will think you are a bot and shadowban you. Google it. There are strategies to get more likes on tinder, look it up and try setting up a whole new profile.

>> No.17570820

>why are people afraid of coronavirus?
>our brains still have primitive features that make us deeply afraid of death
wow you fucking retard there you go
go spread your shit demoralization elsewhere

>> No.17570822

A perfect example of a fucking slave.

>> No.17570829

Kek go to a climbing gym or boulder gym, there are always at least 50% grils there

>> No.17570832

What are you talking about? All my ancestors found their spouses doing fun hobbies like Dungeons and Dragons, baseball, video games, and stock car racing. Yours didn't?

>> No.17570837

dumbest opinion yet

>> No.17570838

primitive brain =/ our mind

Our primitive brain technically favors porn over any other genre or media, but its not like people would watch porn over movies or anime. Our mind likes movies and anime while our primitive brain likes porn.
Our minds want to die, but our primitive brains do not.

how do you not get this?

oh yeah, im sure those girls are dying to date an ugly loser and not some 6'5 mountain chad. fuck off idiot

>> No.17570840
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>> No.17570843

Cope harder and stay depressed

>> No.17570847

That your indicator for whether someone lived a good life? If you were raped a lot of not?

>> No.17570855

its no good for chad either. stacey is a roastie and thinks shes a queen and wants 2 chads
>adults still play pretend

>> No.17570866

you’re an idiot

>> No.17570872
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>such losers they paid for friends
>did gay sex acts while hazing
why do u envy them weirdo

>> No.17570877

Youre beyond getting helped bud, what are you waiting for? I know you wont accept it but your attitude is the premier reason you wont be getting a girl.

>> No.17570899

If OP is listing out his "top 10 reasons my life sucks", I wanna see something better than "I had to listen to frat bros fuck"

>> No.17570901

>Our mind likes movies and anime while our primitive brain likes porn.
Our minds like science and philosophy while our primitive brain likes movies, you're living in a gutter

>> No.17570905

>your attitude is the premier reason you wont be getting a girl.
>dude, being Chad is a mindset bro!! its all your fault for not having that mindset
yep, this is why im glad the corona virus is killing all you fucking retards and me off.

the human race is the worst fucking anime in all of existence. Hopefully we get reborn on some obscure planet in another universe


>> No.17570918


>> No.17570919

>people shouldn't be afraid of death because they watch porn all the time
you're comparing apples to oranges.
that doesn't mean there isn't a lingering sense of fear of death that makes people afraid of corona, just like we have lingering thoughts of sex that make us like it

also, one additional reason people are afraid is that if you don't live in the US or Asia, life is pretty good

>> No.17570940
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>thinks i browse /pol/
>thinks i havent been going to gym every 4 days for 3 years straight
booo, this anime always repeats itself. Cancel this fucking series already corona, kudasai.

>> No.17570952

Show gains then

>> No.17570956
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> watches anime.
Maybe you should just kill yourself.

>> No.17570961

Never thought i would agree with unclenamefag but unironically this.

>> No.17570971

i have no gains, because lifiting is a 100% pure genetics. I get 150 g of protein a day. I do 5 reps and 15 reps. Ive done compound and isolation workouts. Ive been trying to get big for 3 years fucking straight. And everytime i complain about my slow gains, its always the same

>> No.17570972

If you're not unhealthy now you won't die sorry, even a 98yo chink recovered.

>any random death posted on a clickbait channel is corona
Fucking low iq hysteric zoomers killed /pol/ and it's spreading.

>> No.17570983

>If you're not unhealthy now you won't die sorry, even a 98yo chink recovered.
i heard the mid 20s doctors handling patients eventually died from corona.

>> No.17570995

Kek i know whats your problem but you wont wanna hear it. Its your FUCKING ATTITUDE. You visualize yourself as a pathetic faggot that cant get gains and so you won't get gains. Simple as that. Fake it till you make it you stupid faggot, we all did and stop watching anime.

>> No.17571002

Yeah out of the thousands some died. You can also cut yourself and die from tetanus even if you're vaccined too.

>> No.17571008


>bro, being Chad is a mindset. everything is completely in your control
its the same old bullshit every single time on this gay planet.

>> No.17571016

well, all we can do is pray then that im one of the lucky ones.

>> No.17571028

It literally is. Law of attraction is real. its all in your fucking head. You have a distinct inage of yourself in your head and you will reinforce that image through your actions and thoughts. The problem is that youre picturing yourself as an animewatching manlet that cant get girls.

>> No.17571033

This retard is beyond help man, you cant correct a mindset this shitty over an anime internet board.

>> No.17571036

the absolute state of Chad logic.

Chads and women are the same. they can never accept life is a lottery that they won.

>> No.17571049
File: 152 KB, 1024x657, 911bab6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill yourself

>> No.17571054
File: 229 KB, 859x960, qFtnEPp2pvk37bnISQRXeHd1HOJ4E3c_voZzm3A7NMc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The problem is that youre picturing yourself as an animewatching manlet that cant get girls.

>dude.... just pretend you look like pic, and girls will for sure see you that way

wow, its like i never heard this a million times before

>> No.17571076

Maybe you are the one who is wrong if you heard it millions of time you fucking narcissistic fagget. Im out fagget, have fun with your life.

>> No.17571083

How many LINK do you have now? How old are you?

>> No.17571085

>dude DUDE..... If you just picture yourself having a million dollars, a million dollars will totally appear in your bank account!! :D

>> No.17571092

hot girl

>> No.17571096


>> No.17571100

fuck off faggot. im not looking for therapy.

im simply asking the question why anyone in their right mind would care about dying from corona virus. Is this life really worth that much caring for? Do people want to keep living day by day browsing 4chan or any gay ass hobby?

>> No.17571111

>Im out fagget, have fun with your life.
>Im out fagget, have fun with your life.
>Im out fagget, have fun with your life.

>> No.17571124
File: 9 KB, 249x189, 110FC478-771F-4018-A9FE-34730A4AF620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this isnt instagram faggot. sell your scam somewhere else. go tell all the starving orphans its all in their head. i’d put a bullet in your brain if i could, and tell you its all in your head

>> No.17571127

The irony of all this is that going by how you talk on here, you're probably young and healthy so you won't even die from this if you got it.

>> No.17571144

They are npcs for all that i know, they dont have the brainpower to visualize or having the concept of visualizing. Also kill yourself nigger lover.

>> No.17571159

My id changed because of dynamic ip.

>> No.17571162

>Im out fagget, have fun with your life.
>Im out fagget, have fun with your life.
>Im out fagget, have fun with your life.

>> No.17571177 [DELETED] 

>starving orphans are npcs
lets meet coward. sign a waiver and get in the cage with me. i’ll destroy you and post it here on 4chan. lets see your law of attraction save you

>> No.17571190

hes just your typical chad who cant accept everything in life was handed to him, so he makes up excuses like
>being chad is a mindset
to pretend hes smarter and a harder worker than he really is

>> No.17571210


>> No.17571230

every chad ive seen is a pussy who never faced suffering. yet they talk about mental fortitude
scared. clearly unconfident in your law of attraction

>> No.17571239

yep, the normie cycle repeats itself again

my life sucks
>NOOO, Life is good if you just self improve and bee urself
i did all of that, and ive gotten no results
>NOOOOOO, youre supposed to do it like this
I did do all of that
>lol, fuck off gay faggot. hope you kys

everytime. the normie thinks he has magical words that can fix someones life, but then when theyre told theyre not special and their advice is useless, they get as defensive as possible and pretend they werent actually trying to help someone

>> No.17571262

well did you have proper form

>> No.17571266

Why dont you guys just exchange numbers and are gay together if the outside world is so bad and girls are being meanies?

>> No.17571274

yep, the normie cycle repeats itself again

my life sucks
>NOOO, Life is good if you just self improve and bee urself
i did all of that, and ive gotten no results
>NOOOOOO, youre supposed to do it like this
I did do all of that
>lol, fuck off gay faggot. hope you kys

everytime. the normie thinks he has magical words that can fix someones life, but then when theyre told theyre not special and their advice is useless, they get as defensive as possible and pretend they werent actually trying to help someone

>> No.17571279


>> No.17571286

deflect cuz scared

>> No.17571291

how fat are you?

>> No.17571305
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>> No.17571308

yeah you're right. go and lick a corona virus infected persons used tissues. bye.

>> No.17571309

Yes im really scared of your comment on a mongolian incelhelp forum anon, pls delet

>> No.17571314

Post a pic of yourself you got nothing to lose kek

>> No.17571325

im ugly as sin and short. why the fuck would i post my pic?

>> No.17571333

lol. fucking kys mate.

>> No.17571358

I promise no one on /biz/ will ever try help you ever again if you stop blogging here.

>> No.17571384
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>> No.17571388

Im so fucking happy the incel problem will be over in 1 or 2 generations because girls are only fucking chads now

>> No.17571409

>my wife is hot and likes playing video games with me

>> No.17571416

You are cringe fagget

>> No.17571425

post tinder screen. prove youre a chad. otherwise youre just a projecting tranny

>> No.17571440

Imagine the smell of her asshole.

>> No.17571443

I'd never let anyone who play videogames live in my house

>> No.17571444

Post selfie first

>> No.17571456

>discord tranny wants me to post my dox so he can blackmail me into HRT
yeah, no.

post your tinder, chad. You arnt just a projecting tranny are you?

>> No.17571475

I'm a recovering beta male and even I think you're a Fucking pathetic piece of shit OP, if you want to die so bad you don't have to wait for corona, you can go jump off a building, but you won't do it because you're a cowardly chicken shit that deep down doesn't want to die.

>> No.17571483


>> No.17571487

you go the gym less than twice a week ("every 4 days")
go every other day, lift shit for an hour, eat meat, it's that easy

>> No.17571490

>posts /thread
>is going to proceed to post 20 more replies talking about his chad cuck fantasy

just fucking wait. theres going to be 30 more posts from this id

>> No.17571491

This is such a pathetic blog. Just kill yourself if you want to die. Even using words as chad or incel unironically is pathetic. Stop browsing pol and just off yourself. If I was suicidial I would start flying helicopters or parachute jumping or paramotors. You grew up in a fantasy world where everything was nice and then suddenly realised once old enough that it's all actually not so nice at all. It's not a disney movie. Buy link, make it, have a family and set your kids up for big success.

>> No.17571496

>Stop browsing pol
stopped right there..

i havent browsed /pol/ in 2 years.

>> No.17571501

Im high and its wednesday morning, let me have my fun fagget

>> No.17571506

1 of 20!

just 19 more posts to go!! even though he said

>> No.17571514

Cry harder

>> No.17571526

yeah, im doubting youre a chad and just projecting. Feel free to keep posting to the bump limit blogging about your chad-cuck fantasy.

unlike you, im actually going to keep my word, and this is going to be my last reply.

bye fag

>> No.17571537

Ok but you will still be an incel after this and i will fuck my gf when she gets back home.

>> No.17571540

You do sound like one with your tinder, chad, tranny talk. What do you browse then? /b/ or /r9k/? How tall are you that you want to die? If you are under 170cm, I can understand, but fuckers like El Chapo who are both ugly and short can still be powerful and make a lot of people like them. If your face is truly deformed, then get surgery. As long as teeth are placed well and nothing other is deformed, you'll look normal.

>> No.17571559

Your wife likes playing video games with me too. She likes to play a lot when you're using VR.

>> No.17571562

>this is the worst fucking time period in all of human history if youre a male who isnt a chad.
>anons who actually want to avoid getting corona?

I guess I am a Chad then.

>> No.17571620


>just grow height dude
No, but you can improve your frame from weight lifting, and improve your grooming and charisma

>just add cm's to your chin and jaw dude
You can do this with surgery if it's really necessary.

>just cause the crypto market to 10000x overnight dude
No, but it's entirely possible to make more money than the average person in your geographic area. Couple this with low expenses, and proper money management, and you can almost guarantee reaching financial freedom in 10-20 years.

>just cure your social anxiety dude
Yes, just socialize more.

>just get rid of all the memories of college bullying and hearing frat bros fuck roasties next to you dude
No, but just use this as motivation to better yourself.

>just build a time machine and go back in time to pursue a hobby instead of catching up in your mid 20s dude
No, but the sooner you do decide to start the better. You only get one life. The choice is yours

>> No.17571736

This. Stop fucking up the board with your incel self pity and just go jump off a 30+ story building.

>> No.17571752

I ain't giving therapy you little bitch, I asked 2 basic ass questions and you didn't answer them. I hope you really do kill yourself.

>> No.17571811

Sounds like putting up with a lot of shit. Going when you are healthy is the best way.

Just think if something happened to you tomorrow and you are disabled for life. You'll never be able to gonna yourself again


>> No.17571829

>just lay down and rot
I'm not scared of dying but you're a fucking retarded faggot. Of course people want to protect themselves. Not everyone is a disgusting fucking failure like you. I hope someone comes in your house and kills you tonight. Would you fight back or just lie there? Nigger

>> No.17571847

I love sex but hate long term relationship

>> No.17571854
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Corona has killed 1% of what annuel winter flu does.

>> No.17571856

> what if a meteor falls out of the sky and hits you in the eye!!
No excuse to not try and live your best.

>> No.17571877
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The media won't STFU about this nothing virus because it generates clicks and makes people hoard necessities thereby boosting weak retail figures.
Fuck this gay earth.

>> No.17571879
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>> No.17571887

>hurr durr I maek monies and have pussy and vidya evrithing is GRAET!

>> No.17571975

because my life doesn't depend on approval from women because women are stupid cown and in general im not depending on peoples validation, women or men.
except some cool anons here that are based and make me smile

>> No.17571995

>lifiting is a 100% pure genetics


>> No.17572040

this is how I know you are a massive retard

>> No.17572061

>>just get rid of all the memories of college bullying and hearing frat bros fuck roasties next to you dude
I was agreeing with you until this. You fucking zoomer fagot.

>> No.17572079

you fell for the jew meme that you have to be "successful in ((their)) way" that women easily fall for and men shouldn't but there are many retarded men, in order to be happy

>> No.17572089

You know deep down that its true. Men under 170cm are no true men.

>> No.17572141


>> No.17572582
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you talk like an ignorant child.
and im a 34 yo virgin.

>> No.17572636
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>> No.17572708
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>posting that pic
>"why live"
The most precious possession you have in the world is your own people. And for this people, and for the sake of this people, we will struggle and fight, and never slacken, never tire, never lose courage, and never lose faith.

>> No.17572745

Incels are a plague. Euthanize them all.

>> No.17573054

Cause you clearly haven't repented and believed in Jesus Christ as your saviour. ie eternity in hell. That seems like a good reason to care zoomer.