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1756290 No.1756290 [Reply] [Original]

inb4 sorry for blogpost

I'm a 21 year old guy from Europoor, I learned a pretty good job and worked for 2 years until they suddenly fired me without any reason. Now I'm jobless for a whole year and couldn't find a job in the field I learned (I tried really hard to get one).

Now I got an offer for 23k for a really shitty job that I don't want at all but I have to take it because otherwise I won't get money anymore.

I can't find any other job that is not total shit and also can't move away because of my family and girlfriend and I'm slowly running out of savings.

What would you do in my situation? Just take the shit job and hope I can find a job in the field I learned in one year? I'm also really good in programming so I could do something online but I don't know where to start. I'm so depressed at my situation and even thinking about suicide.

Sorry for my bad English.

>> No.1756578

Hey, bro.
I'd definitely get the job. All kneepad jokes aside, any source of income is better than nothing in your current situation. Hold on to that job for as long as you need to. Maybe try to do some freelance programming, that may get you some extra dosh. May I ask which was your field?

Don't think about killing yourself, mate. I know this sounds like the usual bullshit, but I'm sure you'd make your family and gf very sad. Now that you're down, seek to climb up again.

>> No.1756586

Take the shot job, you're lucky you even got the offer considering you're unemployment record. Use the experience and add it to your resume then start applying elsewhere after a bit.

>> No.1756589

What's your field? Also just take the job, dumbass. As said above, even the smallest income is better than no income.

>> No.1756765

My field is fine mechanics
Thank you for your kind words

>> No.1756896

It's Impossible to apply for an entire year and not get a job.

>> No.1756905

fuck you

>> No.1756908

Depends where you live.

But OP take it, long periods of unemployment are not good

>> No.1756927

It's actually true tho

>> No.1756928

Take the job and keep looking mate. As long as you always try to better yourself you will get ahead. The cream always rises to the top.

>> No.1756932

Next city is 4 hours away
If I would move I would of course find a job

But I choose family over job so this kind if things can happen

>long periods of unemployment are not good
This is very true, I'm feeling like dirt

>> No.1757168
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Not sure if you're still around, OP. I respect your decision, I really do. But it seems like not finding a job that's suitable for you does take a toll on your mind. I would consider moving to the city if I were you. You can spend your weekends back in your town.

>> No.1757604

OP, I'm sure your family would be happier with you having a job. Plus a new city could mean new opportunities.

>> No.1757691

Where are you from anon?

>> No.1757726

But I wouldn't be happy with it. I'm already depressed not seeing family/gf when they are at their work. Yes I'm that emotional piece of shit.

It's more like a question if I should take the job and wait for a better maybe or flip it all over and do a completely other thing eg learning a new job or do full retard online freelancer but I don't really know how to start that.


>> No.1757965

>from Europoor

Greetings from your neighbor, Hungary! Where you can do a job exactly the same for 1/3 salary.

>> No.1758367

Taking a shitty job doesn't mean you have to stop looking for a better one. Also, if you really sent out a lot of applications and never got any positive feedback you really need to work on your game. Make your CV look professional (not something you can do with Microsoft Word), write a well-worded application and be confident during the job-interview. When you actually have a job it is much easier to be confident during the interview as you know you don't really depend on it, so fucking take it.

>> No.1758847

Yes and I guess everything costs the same in Hungary doesn't it?

My CV and applications are very very good. I let it even check by a "professional". Didn't have a single job interview btw.