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17553651 No.17553651 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.17553728

Naive interventionism at its finest

>> No.17553788

whales just became more powerful. if you have any savings, that just became less valuable. the dollar today wasn’t a dollar yesterday no no nooooo

>> No.17553801

What happens when they reach 0 ?

>> No.17553806

Borrow money and short stonks?

>> No.17553826

Lower the rates even further, you fucking boomer. You raised them too fast during trump’s presidency

>> No.17553827

They’re getting painted into a very small corner. Maybe the boomers are hoping they’ll die before having to clean it up.

>> No.17553838


whats this mean for buying a house?

>> No.17553859

It means economy is going to shitters, buy gold and buy your house for a couple of gold coins within a year

>> No.17553860

Good news for house buyers. Your dollar is almost to the point of being totally worthless.

>> No.17553874

Prices will go up at interests rates go down. when we get to 0 and prices are maxed out all boomers will sell and crash the market.

>> No.17553878

we are going to have a new generation of traders that learn you can use this excess liquidity to short even harder.

>> No.17553880

when rates hit 0 they either start going negative, or rev up the money printers. either way, the dollars value gets destroyed.

>> No.17553905

Prices and interests move inversely, friend. Try again.

>> No.17553975

You can't read can you? You must be all in fantom and holo.

>> No.17554104
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It means they're propping up the bubble to "protect" the ownership class and you will remain fucked while your decreases in value. You should buy into the market to show your support

>> No.17554120

hmmmm really makes me think why insiders didnt buy in heavily ine day before such a decision... oh wait

>> No.17554211

Why do i get the feeling im going to hear a lot of "dude definitely buy right now, these interest rates are perfect"
You guys disagree with this, and you think i should jump into gold?

>> No.17554224

That's basically entirely what they're counting on.

>> No.17554290

If you keep your money in cash, the boomers will keep devaluing it and you get fucked. If you buy in, the boomers will sell and you get fucked. Simple. Choose wisely!

>> No.17554307

will they at least use lube?

>> No.17554312

same with climate change and refugees but that virus is really comming for them as it seems. even boomers cant win all the time it seems

>> No.17554335

When I was your age we didn't use lube, and we liked it that way. God you millennials are so soft. Quit complaining you're ruining my retirement

>> No.17554389
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>tfw 98% of my wealth is in link
get fucked boomers and banks

>> No.17554432

bros, is there a mini-book or some long article describing this basic stuff? like how cutting rates influences the economy, the dollar, etc? should be short and to the point, not some boomer 300-page book

>> No.17554476
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IF we die we're taking this economy with us, you lazy kids.

>> No.17554490

no man, first of all nothing of this economics bs is empirically proven and even strong corellations isnt something they want to teach as public knowledge thats why they dont teach this in schools. you gotta think with your own brain and hope that you re smart enough to come to the right conclusions.

>> No.17554526

briefly your money lose value so you have to change it with something who keeps his value

gold, silver, bitcoin, real estate, bonds, vintage cars?

>> No.17554527

So inflation with the potential of hyper inflation?

>> No.17554639

>"Waah waah I don't want to learn the fundamentals of math in school, I want to learn how to do my taxes and invest"

Guess which basic skills you need to learn before you can learn how to do your taxes and invest?

>> No.17554657

Amazon has a bunch of federal reserve documentaries like "End of the Road: How Money Became Worthless" - they all cover the same argument against the federal reserve and explain how it works.
The fee m thing to remember us that even if it's all a sham you can still make money on it. So people who pull out of the market on principle and buy gold or whatever can end up getting fucked.
I fully believe the anti-Fed arguments but that doesn't guarantee a crash

>> No.17554924

Temporarily, mortgages go down, meaning people shackle themselves with bigger mortgages, raising 'demand' and prices.
Long term, more people are going to get wrecked because they're spending money they don't have.

>> No.17554977

It literally worked for about 20 minutes.

>> No.17555006

There will be a crash in housing prices, its not a question of if but when. Meanwhile gold is your best storer of value

>> No.17555073

Wow you really have your finger on the pulse, don't you?


>> No.17555100


ok boomers

>> No.17555129
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Okay boys I got 75k saved up for a down payment on a house because I'm tired of dealing with the rent Jew. What's my play here? Get a low interest mortgage, or wait for the market to drop?

>> No.17555137

>l-lower interest rates are BAD!!
... cried the covetous Jew.

Face it, usury is about to go extinct.
These past few years have shown that the world works perfectly fine with a near-zero interest rate.

>> No.17555154

Hey, if you believe Erdogan will deliver the Holy War in the Middle East, go all-in on Oil.

>> No.17555177
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>> No.17555198


>> No.17555244

I'd rather see loans become illegal.
Usury is criminal, but so is borrowing more and more money and driving house prices into insanity.

>> No.17555245

It means lower interest rate and higher prices. Higher prices also mean higher property taxes, so it's good for banks and local governments, bad for buyers.

>> No.17555261

I said nothing about buying gold

>> No.17555265

How do you guys buy gold anyways?
But a gold etf on the stock market?

>> No.17555284

Physical from the mint

>> No.17555292

And insurance

>> No.17555299

The play is we get fucked for another decade regardless of what we do, most likely. Couldn't hurt to see how this year plays out though... I reckon

>> No.17555304
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>but so is borrowing more and more money and driving house prices into insanity
t. looking for a house for the first time and suddenly facing reality lmao.

>> No.17555346

Refinancing bros rise up

>> No.17555393

so why exactly money loses value? from what I gathered so far: cutting rates means people will take more loans. feds create money when people take loans. more money = more supply = each dollar becomes less valuable.

>> No.17555432

My starter home is paid off, but now I see upgrading isn't worth the extra $150,000 that I wouldn't have paid 5 years ago.
If you want to call that inflation ...

>> No.17555463

>upgrading isn't worth the extra $150,000
Unless it is.

>> No.17555527

Jmbullion, they take btc/eth. Ive bought over 1400oz of silver n gold from them

>> No.17555533

you literally pick up physical gold?

doesnt buying a stock that tracks gold work as well?

>> No.17555537

It's not worth the $15K premium.
I'll buy when shit goes on sale.

>> No.17555549
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> naive

They've been looking for a reason to do this for a few years now. Everyone in finance is curious how far the rabbit hole goes ie. "so what if we just keep printing money?".

In a real society that needs a functioning supply & demand mechanism, printing infinite money would be a bad idea, and Facebook / Uber / etc would've went bankrupt long ago. But we live in clown world, on the cusp of an AI revolution. Maybe thanks to The Matrix, but we seem to not even care what AI will do, it's full steam ahead whether it's Skynet or Bicentennial Man.


Nah, definitely wait a month before buying.

>> No.17555558

>50bp rate cut
corona recession confirmed.

>> No.17555567

If the company/hedge fund/ETF/IB survive, then yes.
But if they go bust, you lose everything

>> No.17555570

Not only the stock market. Crypto as well. And look at gold too, through the roof.

>> No.17555576

money will leave murrica, because other countries offer better earnings.

>> No.17555578



>> No.17555582
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if you don't hold it, you don't own it.

>> No.17555590

Do you not understand inflation?

>> No.17555608 [DELETED] 


>> No.17555620

I predicted this. Stocks will remain strong. And BTC will hit about 20k before the halfing even.

>> No.17555633


>> No.17555688

Every thread is always the same the dumb shit faggots come in here talking about BUY GOLD THE ECONOMY IS GONNA COLLAPSE! It never does and it never will. Kikes can control the slow as fuck decline over many many generations. newfag happenings faggots are annoying as FUCK!

>> No.17555722
File: 352 KB, 1516x724, actual boogaloo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The play is we get fucked for another decade regardless of what we do, most likely
This is what I always come back to. They took our prosperity in 71 and finished it off in 08.

>> No.17555732

>Stocks are stilling going down
Holy shit; How bad are things right now???

>> No.17555806


Yeah, it works if you're trading. But a lot of people seem to think gold will be a worthwhile investment if the world ends. The rich elites also tend to hoard physical goal as it amplifies the effect of virgin blood.

If the world doesn't end, Gold will lose at least 50% of it's value in 15 years when they start transmuting it cheap. Personally, I work for a company that documents and tracks gold hoarders. Seriously do not recommend hoarding gold.

>> No.17555849

DJIA is down ~250ish, which would have been international news not long ago. Now it's just kind of par for the course.

>> No.17555872

>when they start transmuting it
Based medieval alchemists

>> No.17556018


You know that you can actually transmute gold? After reading about people like Ed Leedskalnin, I wouldn't be surprised if medieval alchemists actually did transmute lead into gold. For certain; Jews didn't build the pyramids out of manual labor.

>> No.17556044

rate cut is going to can cure cancer if the fed wants it to

>> No.17556402

Nothing ever happens. Shit will just go bad slowly while the stock market keeps climbing in $ value.

>> No.17556421

try to cashout and see what happens

>> No.17556432


>> No.17556485

Anyone have any thoughts on IDEX?

>> No.17556674


>Personally, I work for a company that documents and tracks gold hoarders

For what purpose? Contracted by government so they know who to shut down later? Or documenting for themselves for the sake of targeted ads?

>> No.17556682

>half a percent rate cut
>market still down
lmao, no stopping the recession train

>> No.17556690
File: 140 KB, 2364x814, Screenshot 2020-03-03 at 23.09.03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understand inflation. What I don't understand is how USD M1 Supply was 1367b in 2008, and now it is 4026b but USD didn't lose that much value? If a shitcoin mints 200% more supply, it crashes. How can the US print so many dollars without it devaluing?

>> No.17556783

How did they build the pyramids?

>> No.17556815

i assume there's increased demand for dollars from foreign countries.
but i don't know shit about econ. not my field.
i'm just here for the memes.

>> No.17556863

USD is king currency used in logistics industry and others. It never goes down in its intrinsic value, so they said.

But yuan will be challenging this soon after covid19 is settled and change the global economic paradigm.

>> No.17556870


It was a joke, hehe, but they typically cause a car accident once you've amassed about $180k worth of gold unless you're George Soros or otherwise have hired security detail. Hoarding a lot of gold is dangerous, that should be obvious to anyone.

Not like anyone knows when the government is going to collapse but they also have a plan for that. As soon as law breaks down it's open season on the gold hoarders.

To all gold hoarders; honestly, were you behind 7 proxies on the CIA's TOR network whenever you purchased or even mentioned your gold?


It's a big rock as far as I'm concerned. I imagine with a lot of effort and hard work. We built the Lincoln Tunnel and Hoover Dam with Irish blood and bones.

>> No.17556883
File: 84 KB, 600x600, 2016-1oz-gold-kangaroos-reverse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy Gold

>> No.17556972

Move fast before delivery chains fail.

>> No.17556985

Buying etf here cuz thats the only place i got my money left in the market.

>> No.17557023

Europoor has 0 a few years now. They literally steal your hard earned savings if you keep holding fiat money.

>> No.17557037


Another thing, maybe I'm a bit of a loyalist, but our system only works if you invest your wealth. And you get a great return even if you're not a good trader. Seriously, what good does hoarding gold actually do for you? Nobody in the Walking Dead fantasy is going to care about gold. It'll take a century to reboot civilization if we experience a society-ending event.

Hoarding gold is... retarded. The only value it will ever really have is when your 12th great grandchildren find it.

>> No.17557056
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It's tanking again


orange man is finished

>> No.17557083


Personally I don't hold metals anyways, I only do BTC and fiat. I refuse to put my trust in this clown world stock market unless it crashes by like 70% down to it's true value first.

>> No.17557093

>half of yesterday's rebound already gone

>> No.17557160
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>> No.17557231

What site / app is that?

>> No.17557437

well, sheeeit
this dam chinkbat viroos better JUST get used to being basis-rate-cutted till it quits, is all

>> No.17557747


>> No.17559019

Dying of corona>dying from Ahmed raping my daughter. I'll take orange man.

>> No.17559031

Parallel economy and society. Theres a lot of activity behind the scenes. Hole goes very deep amigo

>> No.17559056
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>> No.17559140

Ok boomer

>> No.17559604
File: 66 KB, 205x205, Carlos 6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more like the down jones. Hope you all pulled out, because we're in for one wild ride.

>> No.17559720


>> No.17559721
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>> No.17559785

>using http in 2020 and getting JavaScript injected by govs and ISPs
anon I...

>> No.17559952

Here's some contrarian advice. As long as you are well within your means, you do your research, buy in a safe neighborhood with good schools, it doesn't really matter when you buy a house.

Unless you live for free, you're paying rent to someone which is mortgage + utilities + taxes + profits. Purchase modest home in your area to actually live in. Unless the value drops by more than half, you're still better off than renting.

Worst case it drops in value significantly, but again it really doesn't matter in the long run as long as you're not leveraging yourself to make a profit.

I'm looking at small properties worth $50-100k. The mortgage payment range for that is between $250-1200/mo depending on downpayment, cost of house, interest rate, insurance, homeowners fees, utilities, etc. The average cost to rent something comparable in my area starts at $1500 + utilities, & only goes up.

>> No.17560007
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this is why you should put your money into silver

>> No.17560079

>Here's some contrarian advice. As long as you are well within your means, you do your research, buy in a safe neighborhood with good schools, it doesn't really matter when you buy a house.
That cuts out about 80% of the US population.

>> No.17560370


>> No.17560465

what is it with you mutts and your wierd cuck rape fantasies

>> No.17560470

Your entire post seems to be phrased in a way where you think it applies to the average normal consumer or citizen, and it doesn't. There's a chance it doesn't even relate to a singular poster in the thread. You might as well respond to fears of nuclear war with

>AS long as you are rich, do your research, build a mile deep bomb shelter in your villa, you'll be fine!

It's not applicable to most people.

>> No.17560471

all the money thats been added to the economy has pretty much gone straight to HNW investors (hence the huge pump of the last decade in housing and equities that every analyst says is unnatural) - the average joe doesnt see any of these dollars.
The money stock thats sloshing around the normal everyday economy is about the same.

>> No.17560740

Than don't be like most people? Idgaf if some single mom with 5 bastards by 6 fathers & 50k of student loans can't do it. Just save up 10-20k & buy a modest house.

>> No.17560754

*use it as a down payment

>> No.17560812

The down payments in my area are 150k+ for a decent house

>> No.17560841

>orange man is finished
Not even joking, he really is finished lmao

>> No.17560845

Then move out of toronto senpai

>> No.17560851

>fed drops rates a full half-percent
>market drops anyhow

>> No.17560937

>living in San Francisco

>> No.17561207

In general good advice except that some of us live in area's where median income is 50k and a starter home runs you 400k-550k. I pay my parents $500 a month to sleep on the couch. An apartment would run me 1.5k+. I don't care what I pay in absolute terms but it'll take me another 5 years to save up a 25% down payment and even after that I'm gonna be on a 25 year term. RIP.