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17551113 No.17551113 [Reply] [Original]

No, this isn't FUD, I don't think crypto will go down, I'm not trying to buy back in lower, etc.

I'm just done. Holy fuck, I am so done with crypto.

I made around 950k since 2017. After taxes, I've taken home in cash just above 600k.

I paid off my home and bought a rental property which generates me about $1000 net a month. Bought a nice watch, had some nice vacations, and put about 100k into various boomer stocks.

But oh my god, I'm so fucking done with crypto. It has been good to me, but I couldn't handle the constant and extreme fluctuations. Knowing that 20% of your investments, or more, could evaporate over night. Everything moves for seemingly no reason, probably because it's a domino effect of bot trading and wild swings just build up and erupt into this unregulated market.

It kept me up many nights even though I had no control over, and I've probably checked blockfolio at least 5 times a day, every day, for the past 3 years. Sometimes I would check over 100 times, probably.

It's addicting, it's gambling. It's pokemon for adults with a casino twist.

Worse, it's pure degeneracy. Lies built upon lies upon lies, to swindle in new money which is this only way this ponzi scheme can exist. All of this is built on the memory of people become bitcoin millionaires when bitcoin was worth pennies. ALL of this is based upon sheer greed and intellectual dishonesty and wishful delusions of which the world has never seen.

It still stings a little to watch crypto go up, but when it goes down there is no gut wrenching pain. I feel at peace for the first time in along time.

I know I sound like a faggot, but it's true. Crypto is marketing psyop designed to suck the life essence out of your mind and replace it with undeserved wealth, fueled by never ending greed.

>> No.17551127


But thanks for the demoralization psyop to keep people out tho, gonna need some buyers when link is 50+

>> No.17551171

That's only 12x from now.

I was in Link ay 17 cents, I almost got 30x out of it. Good luck

>> No.17551214

I feel like I need to elaborate.

I'm not against crytpo, and I do think it'll continue to rise, but this was sort of a personal decision for me.

I needed to "break the spell" it was holding over me. Three years was enough, it was turning me into a beast who was consumed with money and earning it the easy way.

You can't live like this... Ironically it took me making enough to be financially free enough to understand this. The same things that made me successful in crypto markets was also ruining my ability to enjoy life.

>> No.17551221

I got in ICO and I'm up x40 not selling still


>> No.17551252

Are you retarded?
You seriously have to throw money at it you don’t care about and leave for 5 years

That’s it

So complicated

Smooth brain

>> No.17551358

I know, but I needed something to break me out of this addictive loop.

You understand that crypto has no intrinsic value, right? Sure, housing markets crash, fiat currency is a joke, but at least a house is real and fiat currency is backed by your country's military and economy.

And in the event of an actual depression, crypto will be the FIRST thing to disappear. If it ever becomes a major impediment to the financial system, world governments will destroy it.

You can make a lot with relatively little in crypto, or you can lose a lot. I know people who have lost hundreds of thousands of their INITIAL investment, whereas I made almost a million pre-tax with 40k initial.

Idk, it just wore me down after years. I'm so grateful for it, but it's too much.

>> No.17551365

This entire board is just larpers now

>> No.17551388

Even if this may be a larp at least you understand lmao. People here seem to be stuck permanently in a poorfag mentality, it’s why I’m convinced this board is 80% newfags with the rest either being oldfags who ignored crypto and now regret it, or made decent money off crypto but can’t break the spell as you put it.

>> No.17551396

>You understand that crypto has no intrinsic value, right? Sure, housing markets crash, fiat currency is a joke, but at least a house is real and fiat currency is backed by your country's military and economy.

Why would you say this? The whole purpose of crypto is to topple fiat currency. With the coming smart contract revolution, I'm pumped just thinking about the possibilities of what can be achieved.

>> No.17551407

Cool story bros
Id cash out if i made a million too
Do you want a trophy?

>> No.17551436

How much of that $600K+ did you donate to various charitable organizations?

>> No.17551450

will you panic sell if your stocks crash 50% and you're underwater on your investment property mortgage and the rent is 3 months behind and the town raises property taxes?

>> No.17551538

Yes, I can definitely understand the allure when you don't have money... but it's just so toxic. It's also all fundamentally built on lies. If you think the bitconnect conferences and guy was bad, you should know that all crypto events are sort of like that, or some kind of more "elegant" maybe less gross permutation of it. I've been to some crypto events, they're filled with delusional loser wannabe genius tech nerds. I never bought into the vision of crypto, I just exploited it for gains, but it made me sick.

At the same time, I literally can't buy into it to even make myself feel better about it. So much of it just doesn't make sense because as >>17551396
thinks it's supposed to "topple world currency", that's just another lie crypto is built on.

You cannot "topple" world currency because there is none. The world is made up of micro economies that are tied together by the fiat currency of powerful military nations like the US, Russia, and China. Nothing is backed by anything anymore, and the only reason the dollar is stable is because it's tied to oil, and is the "petro dollar", meaning you have to use US dollars to buy energy no matter who you are. And the the value of the US petro dollar is based on the reach and influence and hundreds of other factors concerning the US... there's no such thing as "money", it's just a less obvious expression of centralized power that the "money" belongs to, hence why bitcoin or any other crypto can ever "free us" because the very thing "enslaving" us is responsible for the value of our "money".

>> No.17551545


You do sound like a faggot who projects his personal issues onto things that are completely unrelated. Let's sum this up:

>YOU can't stop checking your portfolio
>YOU don't believe in the tech, otherwise you'd just let it rest
>YOU don't understand the tech, otherwise you wouldn't call it a ponzi
>YOU don't see this as an escape from slavery as you've already collected yours like a boomer

OP is a faggot, case dismissed.

>> No.17551554

How do I make it? Just 10% of your moneybags would be enought

>> No.17551594

Furthermore, take link for example. Fatass Sergey owns like 80% of the link. How the hell could chainlink become a global currency? I don't even know what comes after trillionaire, but he would be that.

I'd actually argue that the purpose of crypto is to further enslave people. If you know anything about finance and how companies create and use warped, demented financial instruments to extract money from the market, you'll see that crypto is actually way fucking worse.

It's intentionally designed to be complicated and sound technical, when all crypto is is a permanent ledger. Based off this initial confusing premise, because why would that even be considered money and not an vaporware asset class, is built every single lie, larp, exaggeration, and con job that has brought us here today.

I'm just so tired of it man. It's been like a disease, it's made my soul sick, or at least has stunted my mental growth as a human.

>> No.17551619

I know, but I'm willing to bet more than less of you are the same way as me.

Dude I am not rich, once you actually get kind of rich you realize how little money is worth, even a million dollars.

The only things that have changed in my life are that I don't look at grocery prices at all (I'm big into organic foods, grass fed meats, etc) when I shop, and I don't worry about bills. Though I'm naturally not very materialistic, so expensive clothes and stuff never appealed to me and still doesnt. But I do own some nice things now and some cool art.

>> No.17551642

and by that I mean I can't afford nice shit like you'd think. Like a $300 meal at a restaurant still hurts.

I mean think about it, if you spend $500 on a night out, which I have done many times, you've spent 1/2000th of a million dollars in like 7 hours. Do that a hundred times, which I've definitely done, and you've spent 1/20th of a million dollars.

A million isn't a lot.

>> No.17551644


What do you think a bank is? What is its core function?

>> No.17551671

The true crypto blackpill

>> No.17551814

>The coming smart contract revolution

>> No.17551824

so true, everything in crypto is just vaporware for gamblers

>> No.17551832

Ah Yes Concer LARP was secretly a LINK FUD thread not surprised sage this faggot he has no emotional control and blinded by solipsism

>> No.17551859

This whole post is one big larp with reddit spacing as a cherry on top. Once you've done crypto trading for awhile you stop checking so much every day unless you're actively doing something. Is this a cope for making a retarded decision and getting liquidated?

>> No.17551876

Banks make their money from financial jew'ery and usury, they aren't just an entity that creates money then dishes it out to those who want it. Fractional reserve banking is another level of jew'ery, but that's a financial instrument, not creating "money" out of nowhere like with crypto. I know fractional reserve banking seems like money creation, but it isn't.

Also banks are insured. You're not going to get confido'd by Chase, and even if you did, they're all insured so you would get your money back.

Like I mentioned earlier, money isn't real. And not in the gay spiritual way, but it's literally not what you think. Money is just an extension of a centralized military power that the people living under it get to enjoy. You literally need centralized power to have money, which is why decentralized currency is such an oxymoron.

I mean has anyone ever asked themselves how the world would run on crypto? Without government backed money, insured banks, etc? How would you even trade with poorer nations? How would anything work?

Not only that, theft, kidnappings, and coercion would be RAMPANT. They are now, even with all the safe guards and secret verification methods that insured banks use, and you can get your money BACK in the event of fraud with fiat. I mean unless you're a neet with no family, all someone would need to do is kidnap your family and demand a "decentralized transaction" which would become untraceable and irreversible. Do you want to live in a world like that? And no, the market cannot just take care of a core issue that is built within the premise of crypto itself, namely decentralization.

You need centralization to enforce rules, virtually nothing good is decentralized.

>> No.17551883

>Once you've done crypto trading for awhile you stop checking so much every day unless you're actively doing something.
I would bet A LOT of money that neets are checking the price of whatever they own every single day, several times a day.

>> No.17551890


>t block 478

>> No.17551898
File: 2.60 MB, 750x1334, E346E13E-CBB6-4CA4-BB30-4B63D76AB09B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are the larp that posted a similiar thing 2 weeks before with the same story. In reality you are just said that you cashed out

>> No.17551902

Not when you're dealing with hundreds of thousands.

You'd be checking that shit every 10 minutes like I was too. When it's going up, it's for fun and to reassure yourself of how awesome and smart you are. When it's going down, it's like watching your dreams burn alive in front of you.

>> No.17551923

I would check around 100 times day sometimes, that might even be a light estimate. It was second nature, like checking the time, but more often.

>> No.17551944

You do not need central power to have money, just an immutable ledger.
In the middle ages there was no cash money in villages, only credit and barter. Cash money was used by the ruling class to pay for mercenaries more or less.

>> No.17551974

That wasn't me and yes, I am kind of sad. It is possible though that I cashed out and am actually trying to have a discussion about how it effected me, and probably many of you, without me trying to secretly FUD link.

I'm saying that yes, it kind of hurts not having the carrot of "holy shit I'm gonna be even richer, boys" constantly dangling in front of you, because the truth it that it IS exciting and it does motivate you in a weird way... but it also sucks so much mental energy from you, and takes away from the quality of your life greatly.

I really do think that this is a very advanced form of gambling addiction that is even more insidious because we all think we're "investors" and not degenerate addicts.

>> No.17551992

Thought you were larping at first op
But a lot of what you're saying hits home
I've spent the last several months trying to figure out what I'm going to do next
I'm literally addicted to my blockfolio too

>> No.17551999

Fuck you im an investor cause I did my research you fucking retard.

>> No.17552013

Money is definitely a superior form of economics to bartering, and you absolutely do need to have central power to have money.

The whole point of money is that it's an object with authority. If you are operating within the bounds of an authority (such as a nation with military power), you must use their "money" otherwise they will jail you.

Without threat of force, nothing has to happen, ever. Not saying that there aren't other motivators, but threat of force is the end all be all and hence is that defines "money"

>> No.17552016

>Lies built upon lies upon lies, to swindle in new money which is this only way this ponzi scheme can exist
1000x this
congrats on the gains and I hope for your own sake you never re-entered the market
t. parallel universe anon

>> No.17552050


That's a lot of words to say "a bank is a decentralized ledger"

>> No.17552071

Basically, nope.
Medieval traders were using roman coins long after western rome fell and the emperors on the backs of them were long dead. What gave them value was the consistent weight of precious metal in them

>> No.17552077

damn... this thread is kind of hitting me hard. I’m fucking addicted to this bullshit but I’m not even rich off it like OP

>> No.17552097


Addicted to what exactly? Do you swing trade? If not, the price will go up over time so what's the point of watching it all the time?

>> No.17552101

A bank is a centralized ledger with the backing of a centralized military force.

That has nothing to do with the current era or this conversation...

>> No.17552118

I just think about it all the time. I think about getting rich, not having to work. It just fucking consumes me.

Any time I feel anxiety I run to my coins... idk.

>> No.17552134

I think OP might be onto something. I fucking hate crypto so much...

>> No.17552142

Money has forms beyond monopoly fiat money

>> No.17552154

>paid 250k in taxes
yeah not taking your financial advice

>> No.17552172

>you absolutely do need to have central power to have money.
Shit tier money that is. Good money doesn't need to be enforced.

>> No.17552177


Yeah? Let's take JP morgan, one of the richest banks as an example:


Well look at that, they're in 60 countries. They have ledgers are kept in sync through their local offices, so you can move money from one nation to another.

>Like I mentioned earlier, money isn't real. And not in the gay spiritual way, but it's literally not what you think. Money is just an extension of a centralized military power that the people living under it get to enjoy. You literally need centralized power to have money, which is why decentralized currency is such an oxymoron.

As for your hypothesis that the military creates wealth, how is North Korea doing?

>> No.17552185

If it does, then it isn't money.

Dude, think about it. If you and your 5 friends in 6th grade start a club, and use "money" in the club, it's only "money" because the centralized power (the 6 of you, or whoever is in charge) deems it so. And if you don't agree, then the power kicks you out (uses force from the central authority).

Can another 6th grader come into your group and just start using their own money that they made up out of rocks? Of course not, because you wouldn't accept it.

>> No.17552205

This is such a tiresome meme. I don't know about other countries but if you live in America you pay your taxes. The IRS will literally anally rape you and they have jurisdiction that extends unlimitedly into the future for past transgressions. Anyone who has made any amount of legal money knows this.

>> No.17552207


See, now we're getting somewhere. Crypto is a way out from your current life. You want to escape from your current situation. What do you do, if you don't mind sharing? I can imagine hating my job, I've had bad jobs, but I've left them when things got really bad.

>> No.17552216


If those rocks are gold nuggets I'd accept them no problem

>> No.17552217

Dude, your argument is in a million differentplaces and you keep strawman'ing me or moving goal posts. You are wrong, deal with it.

>> No.17552246

I support most of what you say, but there will be a benefit to having ONE decentalized world currency. That will benefit the whole world and thats why one crypto will be valuable. Just one tho, and it will be tezos no doubt

>> No.17552253

What if everyone in the class starts using the money, what then?what if it spreads to the school and beyond?
>inb4 that never happens

>> No.17552273


Ah yes, delicious cognitive dissonance. Abandon all semblance of even trying to make a point and let your anger flow! You cannot force an economy to work at gunpoint. Money is a claim on value, value created through producing goods and services. Otherwise every dictator would be running a successful country while every capitalist nation would live in absolute poverty.

>> No.17552292

Yeah its just the US my bad. Not American

>> No.17552356

I reallt don't understand this "a million isn't much money" mindset that is so wideapread on thie board, a board populated by a lot of NEETs no less.

To me that is absolute "making it" money because you can buy rental properties for it and cruise to oblivion.

Maybe I just have a scarcity/poorfag mindset so to me these sums seem enourmous. It'a only in the past year or so (during 10 years of work) where I have *any* kind of surplus and I feel wealthy already

Will crypto gains destroy me as well?

>> No.17552358

>How the hell could chainlink become a global currency?
You don’t understand. Chainlink is not trying to be a replacement of fiat.
I get what you’re saying about crypto as a whole, a lot of it is just scammers and money grabbers trying to lure suckers in. But behind all that bullshit, the underlying cryptographic technology can still be useful when properly applied. Chainlink for instance is not supposed to be a virtual currency competing with the USD. It’s an oracle network with the goal of ushering in the use of trustless automated smart contracts. These smart contracts have the potential to bring efficiencies to businesses and save them money. That’s real world value.

90% of crypto might be a scam. But I truly believe that Sergey is the real deal. If any crypto project has the potential to change the world in a big way, it’s Chainlink. The concept of trustless self executing smart contracts is fascinating. The possibilities are endless

>> No.17552401

you need a crypto currency to have a decentralized blockchain. And there is massive value in a decentralized chain

>> No.17552411

I have a scarcity poor fag mindset too. I grew up poor but my parents eventually found success in their business, but from birth until 13-14 it was hand me downs and pop tarts and other garbage food. It's one of the reasons I'm so into organic foods and grass fed, antibiotic free cows and shit.

But once you get here, you'll realize it just opens up a whole new dimension of problems. I have so much time to think about stuff, which is good, but stressful in it's own, different way.

And I'm not one of those blackpilled assholes who think "mo money mo problems" because I'd DEFINITELY rather have money than be poor, but it's just that your horizons broaden, your mind expands, and it's just more shit to try and process.

>> No.17552415


Only if you don't learn. I get the strong impression that you think rental properties aren't a lot of work to maintain properly. Nothing in life is free. If you plan to rent out properties, start watching channels that have tips on it and start learning what to expect and how to run such a business.

>> No.17552430

The GBR is just about to begin and you leave now?

>> No.17552461

Ok, help me understand.

Why would anyone WANT trustless smart contracts? Also, from my understanding, a smart contract is just an executable set of parameters, right? It's just a more complicated version of "if a then c, if b then d" right?

People need to understand that "trustless" and "decentralized" are just euphemisms for irreversible. And a smart contract is just an executable function, no?

So why would anyone in their right mind want to use irreversible functions in their business? The whole point of business is that things can be reversed if fraud or mistakes are made, it's the whole reason why we have a legal system, lawyers, jails, etc. Why would any company hand away their soverienty to an irreversible code executed upon certain parameters being met?

>> No.17552476

Again, this is another example of a lie built on lies.

If there is another bullrun, there are plenty of opportunities to buy in. That's what a bullrun is.

A pump and dump however, requires that people believe that if they miss the very beginning of a bullrun they can never join in.

>> No.17552492


Wow, that's really dumb. The earlier you buy into the bullrun, the larger your profits will be. It's that simple.

>> No.17552530

Obviously, but your intent is to draw people in to try and trigger a bullrun or pump, not to alert people that a bullrun is beginning.

>> No.17552556


Oh and you're a mindreader too, nice. Did I tell anyone to buy in? You can FOMO in late all you like, I'm already diversified into everything I want to be in.

>> No.17552619

I go through phases with checking. Right now I’m addicted and probably check 20+ times a day but there were legit periods last year where I wouldn’t check for a week or 2 at a time. It helped that I had a really big event/project of sorts going on in my life that kept my mind off money and crypto for awhile

>> No.17552673

>21 posts by this id
>still no proof

Same as the larper a few weeks ago

>> No.17552690

>Sold 90% of my crypto yesterday.
>I made around 950k since 2017. After taxes, I've taken home in cash just above 600k.
>I paid off my home and bought a rental property which generates me about $1000 net a month. Bought a nice watch, had some nice vacations, and put about 100k into various boomer stocks.

holy shit dude, you had one busy monday

>> No.17552725

I know there’s some really good screenshots that are posted here explaining exactly what you’re asking, but I don't have them saved. So I’ll try to explain in my own words.

Businesses can’t trust each other to fulfill contractual obligations. They often use a trusted third party to be the middleman when they do deals. The companies end up spending a lot of money on trusted middlemen. With a smart contract, the trusted middleman is replaced with a tamperproof smart contract this saving money and time. Another use would be something like derivatives where a smart contract can replace the backend office workers who are currently doing things manually.

I feel like I’m not explaining this very well. Didn’t get any sleep last night and am not thinking clearly right now. Anyways, maybe some anon who reads this can post some of the infographics

>> No.17552736

Ok, well as long as we all know how clever you are.

lol, actually it was pretty quiet.

>> No.17552741

this can easily be real.
people with no capability to understand the fundamentals can get rich off any industry. why couldn't some get rich in crypto by luck, like OP.
of course, the ones who will truly make it will be those who understand.

sorry op but you're low iq
enjoy your 600k. it was a "casino for you" but 10 years from now maybe you will realize it wasn't a casino for those who played it smart.

>> No.17552784 [DELETED] 

>the ones who will truly make it
by the end of the paradigm shift*

what "making it" is absolutely depends on your personality, where you're starting from, and a million other individual circumstances.
i guarantee op won't be feeling like he "made it" some years from now no matter where he came from and what his ambitions are.

>> No.17552794

>>17552741 (You)
>the ones who will truly make it
by the end of the paradigm shift*

what "making it" is, absolutely depends on your personality, where you're starting from, and a million other individual circumstances.
i guarantee op won't be feeling like he "made it" some years from now no matter where he came from and what his ambitions are.

>> No.17552795

>your horizons broaden, your mind expands, and it's just more shit to try and process.

Please expand on this - how is it stressful in a different way? What are your plans to remain productive? What are your plans for spiritual fulfilment in your new environment? Is it a pressure that if you cannot reach fulfilment in your new situation you will have no hope, no purpose? Is it fear that your job now is not to make it anymore but just to preserve what you've already built and that this will mean never again feeling as alive as you once did?

>> No.17552840


I'm not all that clever, but you need to realize you got lucky as shit and that you're dumb as a rock. You don't understand basic economics. You spent a small amount of money on something and got lucky. That's all it is. You aren't shit, you don't have any special knowledge and you aren't special. This self-pity bullshit is what's killing you, not crypto. You have no control over yourself and your ego.

>> No.17552868

Thanks for this anon. I’ve been struggling with the same things. It’s a crazy addiction.

>> No.17552886

Did you initially get into Crypto because you believed it actually had value or did you know it was basically pure speculation?

>> No.17552887

Right, the thing is you don't want that though. You want lag and liability between payments and transfers of money to help offset attempts at fraud, or to alleviate human error which will happen even in a more technological society than we currently have.

My point is, why would a business "want" a smart contract? There is nothing that a smart contract can do that a computer, bank, or third party company like an escrow company can't do... except that it is "decentralized" and "trustless" which as I said is a euphemism for "irreversible". Yes, you will pay a small fee for a third party, but it's because that third party serves as an additional layer of armor against fraud or error, and has isn't own responsibilities.

>> No.17552891

Nice blog ,faggiollo
p.s. i'm not fucking selling

>> No.17552935

OK, I am willing to believe this may be the case. Riches lead to interpersonal problems, lifestyle creep etc, but that's noy a problem only for crypto speculators.
Yes, you are right, I am uneducated in real-estate and talking ouy of my ass, but I am willing to learn. If I had a milliom I would like to think I would invest it properly and not blow myself up

>> No.17552955
File: 22 KB, 620x413, fistnigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice blog post faggot

I saw no value in it, but I saw uncontrollable greed fomenting here and other internet places that I go to. Decided to dip my toes in, made 200k in the first 3 months off ETH and digibytes I think.

I will say that I wrote some pretty amazing shills for digibytes and deepbrain chain (my last big score). I went under the name fistnigger here.

>> No.17552987
File: 14 KB, 300x300, 9390352402789433642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh and I also wrote the original copy pasta for this

>> No.17553011


Nobody cares. No amount of money will make up for your youth and your lack of parental love.

>> No.17553029

Fuckface answer my questions

>> No.17553045

Your bitterness doesn't phase me, nigger. I'm elevated from who I was before. I wonder if you can look in the mirror after writing all those hateful things...

>> No.17553106

I believe that the purpose of being alive is to grow and become who you are meant to be. Poverty, illness, and other types of negative shit hold people back and make it hard for them to evolve upwards, but it's not impossible. If you do start moving upwards, however you do it, you just realize that there's always more stuff to learn, do, accomplish, make better, etc.

Stressful might be the wrong word. Stress is good, too much will kill you but you need stress to grow. The more you grow, the more you'll see that you need to grow, which brings on more things to grow into or become, if that makes sense.

>What are your plans to remain productive?

I have big plans, right now I'm cultivating the spiritual energy to try and accomplish those things. I have something I've been working on for years and am excited about, but it's easy to get lazy and complacent especially since I have money and a lot of free time now. That's an example of a new struggle I'm learning to overcome.

Don't be afraid, don't think in absolute terms, don't box yourself in. Collect information from all kinds of sources and understand that some is bad info, but will serve you if you understand that.

>> No.17553220

Neets are muh oragles

>> No.17553727

>You cannot "topple" world currency because there is none. The world is made up of micro economies that are tied together by the fiat currency of powerful military nations like the US, Russia, and China. Nothing is backed by anything anymore, and the only reason the dollar is stable is because it's tied to oil, and is the "petro dollar", meaning you have to use US dollars to buy energy no matter who you are. And the the value of the US petro dollar is based on the reach and influence and hundreds of other factors concerning the US... there's no such thing as "money", it's just a less obvious expression of centralized power that the "money" belongs to, hence why bitcoin or any other crypto can ever "free us" because the very thing "enslaving" us is responsible for the value of our "money".

My apologies, World RESERVE currency. Which the US dollar definitely is. Not only do they have the petro dollar, they dominate the banking system where you need to have USD on hand to trade with other countries. Because of the bitcoin's success, every nation and big banking institution is researching blockchain technology to create their own cryptocurrency. Don't sell the crypto world short. We have had a massive impact on banking and it'll only grow when the smart contract revolution takes place. The fact that you sold your Link shows you understood nothing about the vision of what you bought into. You only got in cause it was cheap and you had a ton of money to blow to begin with, so don't bother flaunting your OG Link marine status.

>> No.17553809
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it never ends with these larpers

>> No.17554197

Tezos have zero use case, miners govern the chain

>> No.17554204

Anything that fluctuates 10-45% per day is not a currency, reserve or not.

Calling crypto a currency is an example of a lie built on a lie. It was never meant to be a "currency", but as a way to digitally send value. Those are not the same two things because the former is fixed and therefore markets can form around those positioned values whereas in the latter scenario markets cannot.

Robinhood allows you to buy fractions of stocks now I believe, is Tesla stock now a currency because I can send you .032 Tesla stocks?

I can mail you a chair. Are chairs currency? If stocks and chairs are now currency, then everything is currency and the world loses it's meaning.

>> No.17554229


>> No.17554315

the point is that it will stabilize eventually.
Im sure bitcoin used to fluctuate between 6% down and up before.
Now its roughly 3%
After that it will be 1%
And so on

>> No.17554317

OP the problem is you not crypto, you went into it with no goals or aspirations besides getting rich. Money is simply a means to an end, if you have the end in mind from the outset, acquiring it furthers your goals. If you don’t you become an empty husk like yourself.

Have white babies.

>> No.17554429

It will not stabilize eventually. Another lie built on lies.

If it were to stabilize, the price of bitcoin would plummet as most people only hold it in hope it will go up. If people actually do buy stuff with crypto, it's more of a novelty, or a joke, since everyone knows that crypto has potential to go up (or down) whereas US dollars won't.

If bitcoin were to stabilize, there would be instant sell offs crashing the price, then people would start buying again hoping it goes, etc. It's literally an wave like cycle that depends on new money coming in. Dude I've been doing this for three years straight, I've not just been part of the bullshit, I've BEEN the bullshit lol

and again, no one has responded to my argument that decentralized smart contracts are nothing more than irreversible functions that are automatically executed based on parameters, and why would any company want to use that?

>> No.17554458

>replace it with undeserved wealth
What an absolute faggot.

>> No.17554503

>If bitcoin were to stabilize, there would be instant sell offs crashing the price,
not if people prefered it over fiat

>> No.17554516

>Businesses can’t trust each other to fulfill contractual obligations
>what is law and penalties for breach-of-contract
schmort condredgs are a meme just look at the shitshow that happened when ETH forked into ETC.

>> No.17554580

Hitler youth is not accepting any more donations this year

>> No.17554590

Please tell me you don't actually believe the stuff you're saying, right? Like you believe it because you have to believe it to shill, but you don't truly think that bitcoin is better than dollars, right?

The ONLY reason you would prefer to have bitcoin over dollars in your bank account is because bitcoin has the chance to grow and you view it as an investment, and you view dollars as just cash.

If someone breaks into my house and forces me to wire all my money to his account, it can be proven to be fraud, and before that there are various security measures to insure that this kind of shit doesn't or can't happen in the first place.

If someone does that with my bitcoin, it's gone. Remember, "decentralized" and "trustless" literally are shilling euphemisms for "irreversible". That is not a good thing when it comes to business or money...

>> No.17554719

im betting in a scenario of an apocalyptic hyper inflation event in which all the worlds central banks compete with each other to inflate the worlds money supply until its worthless.
Yeah wishful thinking i know.

>> No.17554946


Yeah, you are definitely not going to be able to hang onto that money. You dad was right.

>> No.17555025

Congrats for making it OP.

I think there's many truths to what you said.

>> No.17555091
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U have a point...BUT...

>> No.17555159
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Cocaine is a hell of a drug

>> No.17555168

Ok retard see you at 200k BTC and 1k EOY Stinkers.

>> No.17555169

Also question for OP, did you ever have to wage or did you go straight from NEET to where you are now?

As someone who worked 60 to 90 hour weeks through his 20's, and by happenstance now makes a living selling drugs in his 30's (make close to 6 figures and "work" for maybe an hour a day), you come to see the true value of wealth. That being time, and freedom to pursue your true self. If you have never lost that, you may not truly value it. The debate about the real world usage of crypto could go forever, but if you're arguing the pursuit of wealth is empty, I'd say this is only true if you are someone who fails to understand the value of wealth, and that is time and freedom. If you fail to make use of that time, and find yourself just feeling empty, that is a personal failure within yourself, and nothing to do with anything else. I like yourself am using crypto as a means to an end, although I do believe in it's actual usage more than you do, but for me the end has meaning. I'll never have to work a regular job again, and while I enjoy that freedom now, what I do for a living isn't stable, and crypto affords me the opportunity to build my wealth enough that I can "retire" in 5 years as opposed to 30.

>> No.17555212

>muh dad
Randomly prodding for weaknesses hoping you land something? Very gross.

Like I said, your bitterness and hatred don't effect me, but I know where it's coming from inside of you, and that source of vitriol is burning your insides, every minute of every hour of every day of your life until you figure out why you're in pain. You don't realize it, but you are in a constant state of pain which is why hate spews out of you.

>> No.17555279

I took a year, and change, off investments of all kinds, it really gave me some well needed perspective.

After a year this faggot will have, hopefully, some perspective. For now though, he's just a hot mess of post hoc rationalizations and suffering sudden wealth syndrome, a dysphoric realization that money can't buy security, peace of mind, love, or happiness.

>> No.17555317
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>not going full on baller for a month after cashing out

>> No.17555327
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I waged for about 5 years after college, but it was in a field of my choosing and I found the work to be interesting.

But I'm not really built like that, seeing my parents start and operate a eventually successful small business from the very start of my life gave me a different attitude. I went to a great private high school that prepped me for college, I got into a great school, and got job offers my senior year, like most people i knew. I took one, worked, crypto happened, reinvestments were made, and then it's now.

I've begun to realize that certain stressors don't make you stronger, but that they act like poisons and weaken you. I think "losing your true self" is an example of that... I don't think it actually reminds you to find it, I think it just hurts you the longer you do it.

I used to think the way you do, but I don't anymore, and my new way of thinking has caused me to really value myself and my time. Though perhaps we're arriving at the same conclusion through different avenues.

pic related

>> No.17555375

I didn't cash out everything yesterday, I just made pretty much the last big cash out.

I've been living in baller mode for almost 2 and half years straight. I'm not going to lie, it was fucking AMAZING at certain points and it has genuinely made me a better person, if only for the fact that I know what is quality and what isn't now because I had so much time and money to fuck around and figure it out.

The favorite thing I purchased was a collection of porn videos I made with various porn stars, some very famous. I still whack off to them from time to time, and they bring immense joy to my heart whenever I revisit them.

>> No.17555376

lmao you have all this money but still operate like a fucking loser holy shit

>> No.17555443

What's with all the weird "I just sold" blog posts lately

>> No.17555478

They’re trying to get you to sell and lower the price of our coin.

>> No.17555480

I think we're just viewing the world through totally different lenses. Literally half full versus half empty. Trust me though, I'm in no way arguing anyone should have to wage to find themselves, that's boomer bullshit talk. All I'm saying is, you may not appreciate it if you haven't. I've never had to work an actually hard physical labor job, but I already appreciate that without having to have done so.

Again, you have to find meaning within yourself. It sounds like you're on the path to that, but I don't think holding crypto and making money was a detriment in any way to that, unless your own neuroticism prevented you from being at peace. Even if the crypto you held went to zero, it sounds like you already had a good foothold in life and enjoyed what you did, so your stress should never have been as high as it was, unless you were pursuing wealth for wealth's sake (always a poor decision) rather than appreciating life and enjoying the luck of the situation you're in. It sounds like your initial investment to crypto was relatively small like mine was, you have to always remind yourself even as it fluctuates after having made huge gains, if it went to zero you actually lost almost nothing in reality. Just appreciate your good fortune.

>> No.17555544

This sounds incredibly empty to me, and you're still in the discovery phase. You used your wealth to search for bigger dopamine hits, its literally no different than a drug addict. Now you're saying to yourself, what's next.

You need a purpose beyond dopamine and cheap thrills. If you're white, have white children. If you're not, find a passion with lasting meaning and purpose.

>> No.17555614

I didn't sell because of economic reasons, I literally have just had enough of crypto, but we're in tense economic times. You might be able to swing some good buys from panic sellers, but I don't think anything is going parabolic soon.

If the economy stays up, Trump is going to win by a landslide. If it falters, especially hard, he might actually lose (Trumptards think it's impossible for him to lose, but it's really not when you examine recent voting patterns in key states).

Therefore, the globohomo jews will do everything they can to crash the economy. I'm old enough to remember sars, mers, swine flu, and bird flu (I think those all happened post 2004), and those were just fear mongering on the part of the media and it was obvious... but something really does feel different about corona virus. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if this was all orchestrated by the communist elite (who aren't actually commies, they just use communism to destroy the spirt of mankind because it's so effective at it).

So there's multiple things to weigh here. All the homo jew stuff aside, there are going to potentially real threats to global markets in the following weeks. I think we will see a second major crash, crypto behaves erratically against the market but in general it is hit harder than stocks in a downturn, but it recovers faster.

>> No.17555683

dude, you sell drugs. drugs hurt people. don't sell drugs.

>> No.17555765
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Who sells drugs?? I need more nigga

>> No.17555794

It's all a means to an end. The drugs I sell make people happy, and if I did not provide, they would find it elsewhere, and likely more dangerous. I don't judge how people choose to seek their dopamine and I never push what I have on others, they come to me.

I'll put it another way, I'm not placing a negative judgement on you when I liken the behavior to that of a drug addict. I'm explaining why you feel the way you do. If that's the way you wish to go through life you can, but it explains the emptiness, or the uncertainty with crypto, the idea that losing your wealth could prevent you from seeking these thrills. It's a trap, and I actually have that conversation with my customers from time to time. They understand it, but they also live for that motivation, they work to pay for the drug, and the drug makes them want to work. That feedback loop works for them, I just think for yourself, you sound empty and want more.

>> No.17555864

I started to trade/invest just for fun with couple hundred bucks, but I am having no fun :(
Charts are everywhere around me, it's first thing I check after I wake up. Every decision I make feels so wrong, my mood crashes together with markets, and I am not even at loss.

>> No.17555884

You’re always falling back on the argument of the legal system. There is a huge majority of countries that do not have a trusted legal system. All our financial tools are weak and exploitable, they then rely on a legal system to fix the issues. Luckily the west is well served but that’s not the case for everyone else. Decentralized oracles and smart contracts are trying to reduce the area of attack to an absolute minimum, the data source that triggers contracts. Crypto might not make immediate sense in first world countries but it definitely does in third world. You’re also talking about extorsion and kidnapping, insurance is there for that (smart insurance, it’s all math), and the police won’t cease to exist all of a sudden. Instead of relying on a legal system that’s more and more fucked , it’s about time to design a financial system that minimises its need.

>> No.17556002

Basically what I’m reading from your posts is that you’re disappointed about how good your shill and FUD pastas were, and how stupid people are for falling for it. Instead of getting mad at how fucked people are, you directed your frustration on tech that’s a huge breakthrough in transferring digital ‘assets’.

>> No.17556100

What you're proposing is that AI systems should just run things in shittier countries, not that they should use decentralized smart contracts.

Again, I cannot emphasize this enough, ALL a "decentralized smart contract" is, is an "irreversible function," no?

You don't want that. People and businesses don't want that. The whole "decentralized" thing is a lie to shill crypto. Decentralized money IS NOT good. It literally removes any and all protections that individuals or businesses have.

Even the wording is bullshit.

Decentralized = irreversible
Smart contract = self-executing function

Try to reframe those words in your mind. "irreversible self-executing function". Why would anyone want to put that in charge?

>> No.17556118



>> No.17556151


>> No.17556343

I’m phone posting so I can’t really flesh out my arguments but take the most basic action of keeping and transferring money (bitcoins main use case). You don’t have to look at third world shitholes to hear about situations where your assets were frozen or that the bank just didn’t have your money anymore. This just can’t happen with crypto when you own your keys.

Decentralization is not a lie it’s one of crypto’s core tenets. Decentralized means decentralized, distributed, no single point of failure, no single actor that can fuck you in the ass (I’m not talking about extorsion that is another problem on its own that exists with fiat too).

How is decentralization removing All protection? The main protection you see today are insurances. And if they’re not automated at least their work will be easier by being able to scan the blockchain with all tx data available and decide or not if you’re trying to scam them.
Look at US investors that got fucked by Chinese fake companies : how mighty was the legal system, how reversible were those transactions?

>> No.17556380

>I know I sound like a faggot

That's good, because you are.

t. psychopath who doesn't get emotional up or down.

>> No.17556514

Also if we just forget about decentralization and self-executing contracts it’s interesting that crypto appeared right after a major financial crisis triggered by scammers trying to bury shitty mortgages in convoluted obligations. The visibility aspect is underrated and also a double edged sword pushing us further into an Orwellian nightmare. Hopefully privacy will be solved.

>> No.17556568

You're unironically just slightly too low IQ to understand the true nature of this game. Sorry that you quit right before the start of the most epic altcoin bullrun the world has seen yet, faggot.

>> No.17556673

Dude, crypto will be revealed to be THE BIGGEST scam in history. We're not even towards the end of the scam, but it'll come to light one day. You have the combined effort of all the world's nerds, retarded neets and genius alike, peddling digital snake oil. Add to that lazy ass people who don't want to work and who will say anything to get people to buy in, and you have modern day crypto.

All bitcoin does is keep track of a permanent ledger using a network to process records, and rewards people who process the data with "coins". That's it.

Everything that has been written about crypto from that is snake oil. It's not money, it's not world changing, it's not going to overthrow the jews, etc etc. It's literally just a ponzi scheme masquerading as a digital assets, it's not even a currency.

Read 1984 again. The best part of that book is at the end when the guy is talking to Winston about how previous totalitarian regimes failed because the people did not actually believe what they were doing, and how this new regime works because the people force themselves to believe the lie.

That's what bitcoin is, it's a bunch of greedy fucks with the power of the entire internet spew lie upon lie upon lie upon lie to get anyone and everyone to buy in so that their coins go up in value. That's it, that's what all this bullshit is.

>> No.17556703

>The favorite thing I purchased was a collection of porn videos I made with various porn stars, some very famous. I still whack off to them from time to time, and they bring immense joy to my heart whenever I revisit them.
And you're wondering why crypto wasn't making you happy?? Lmfao.

>> No.17556713

actually, that part made me very happy and still does.

I wasn't kidding when I said they bring joy to my heart.

>> No.17556727

You wouldn't. Peak bubble biz was hilarious. Guys laughing at faggots with 1M portfolios how that's not enough to retire. Lots of retards held through it and lost everything

>> No.17556789
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Lol, there are plenty of OG linkies still here. Many of us bought LINK at the ICO. Just because you’re a laggard you can’t possible comprehend that some of us are innovators.
Pic related, around 200 OGs from outside the USA who took part in linkpool ICO. Bare in mind that Burgers couldn’t take part in this so there are least 200 more early buyers in the USA as well.

>> No.17556817

Confirmed retard. OP still thinks the main breakthrough of crypto currency will be to replace fiat currency. He’s right, this will never happen. But he’s ignoring smart contracts and the 4th industrial revolution which is totally separate from the meme “currency” shit like Nano and Ripple.

>> No.17556822

>the only things that have changed is I always have enough money for what I need

Fuck yourself OP

>> No.17556830

You are a midwit degenerate. It's obvious that your relationship to crypto was just the best outlet for your innately addictive personality, which you are now projecting onto all other market participants as their key motive.
The fact that you perceive smart contracts as inherently worthless, or the entire industry as one big elaborate Bitconnect scam, does not make these things true. But since you need to validate your decision to exit the market, you require some vindication for your unduly cynical beliefs about the value of the technology by posting here.
My recommendation is for you to educate yourself on history and politics: read Spengler, read Yockey, read Nick Land, and you will see how this entire enterprise, the scams and the geniuses altogether, are building a lifeboat to the sinking ship that is Western civilization.

>> No.17556840

>How the hell could chainlink become a global currency?
Holy fuck this guy has no understanding of LINK as a utility token at all. Link was never intended as a currency....

>> No.17556855

It was definitely hilarious. I remember pacing around my home, thinking I was going to be worth 10-20 million dollars by 2019 lol

>> No.17556906

over 50% of the words you used in your post are snake oil meme words. 4th industrial revolution? Ok morpheus.

>read this read that
hey, how about you read "I'm broke" oh wait you wrote that book

>> No.17556946

>4th industrial revolution
It’s a concept/term expounded upon in a book written by........ nevermind.

>> No.17556951

dude, you're fucking stupid

just stop talking

>> No.17556974

>The favorite thing I purchased was a collection of porn videos I made with various porn stars, some very famous

Short story I remember very well back in 2018, a friend of mine tried to shill me chainlink back when it was 25cents or something (I wasnt very familiar with cryptos) He explained to me the whole smart contract things and how it worked and I thought that was the stupidest thing ever. I asked him to elaborate and be very specific on how Chainlink would help me, say I'm the CEO of X business or X services. His answers were very vague and made zero sense from a regular business perspective. I ended up never buying Link because of that.
However, I would have bought in if he'd have explained it this way: "dude it's worthless bullshit like all cryptos, but it hasnt pumped yet, and it will eventually"

>> No.17556978

Ok faggot, you're beyond helping.

If you're the only one who can see the reality that crypto is one big scam then why are you still wasting your precious time by bantering on /biz/? Needing validation much?

>> No.17557005

But thats not why link is pumping. Youre as dumb as ever.

>> No.17557062

So why did chainlink go from 25c to 4.50$ in 2019? How did that happen?

>> No.17557081

yeah just because it's a "concept/term" that was "expounded" on in some gay book you read doesn't mean it's real.

If anything, we're already in the 4th industrial revolution and crypto has nothing to do with it you retarded nigger, it has everything to do with AI

>> No.17557151

because I like using the internet and browsing 4chan and talking with people, does everything have to be a means to a financial end for you? fucking faggot

>> No.17557168

uer gay

>> No.17557254

stocks are a fucking meme, they exist as much as crypto does. No voting rights or actual ownership. all world governments are printing fiat nonstop and crypto is the only true digital safehold. Even golds a fucking meme. Muh shiny rock.

>> No.17557372

Wish I had the will to cash out in 2018 and never look back. Crypto is a scam.

>> No.17557407

>stocks are a fucking meme
lie, built upon
>they exist as much as crypto does
another lie
>and crypto is the only true digital safehold
which upon another lie was built
>Even golds a fucking meme. Muh shiny rock.
and another lie

see what I mean? Everyone is being fueled by horrible greed and just saying whatever shit they can think of to get people to buy into crypto

>> No.17557659

shut the fuck up fuckass retard
discord tranny

>> No.17557686

this is it. not the "centralized but distributed" or "crypto and blockchain is not about decentralization but about distribution" nonsense like some linkie retards like to tell

>> No.17558330

Calling people "discord trannies". I wonder who you are in real life, you must be sad.

>> No.17558533

hmmm? just saw a (you) notification.

>> No.17558792


Hahaha based schizo poster, tell em!

>> No.17560283
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thanks for the thread OP, i like to prepare myself for when I will be at this point but i think 2021 or 2022 I'll have a break for some years as well.
crypto is one of the constants in my life i realize now (planning ahead 2 years)

>> No.17560744

thanks for the thread OP and your take, i will think about the things you have said

>> No.17561433

What is the remaining 10% of your crypto worth? Or are you just going to cash it all out?

>> No.17561528
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Dam. It didn’t take long. Lol

>> No.17561559
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