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File: 285 KB, 1125x1124, 64A000CC-C110-4D65-8E21-60EEF96CF86C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17547336 No.17547336 [Reply] [Original]

Thanks for the free 140$. Fucking idiots LOL

>> No.17547355

>Inb4 seething Indians say I’m going to regret dumping.

>> No.17547372

Imagine selling before the huge pump. Holy shit you are going to regret this so fucking hard. You let your fucking 2M go to waste! I bet you can't even buy back in right now because no one is fucking selling. Your ticket to generational wealth, wasted. For what? Fucking $140 are you fucking serious!

>> No.17547392

Must be really upsetting to see huh? Thanks for all your work, really.

>> No.17547394

Screencap this

>> No.17547417

you didn’t even make a full ETH? even at these prices you’re shooting yourself in the foot

>> No.17547423

dumb money & proud

>> No.17547433

Yes you are!

>> No.17547444

No, it's uplifting if I'm being honest. Seeing arrogant bastards like you gloat right after selling makes me happy knowing that you will never make it. You will never get rich. You will forever seethe and cope when you see NuLink pump, regretting this moment. And you will remember me. You fucking nigger.

>> No.17547449


>> No.17547455

Please buy some more on this dip!

>> No.17547478

I don't need to, I got 3 airdrops. I can relax knowing I'm gonna be so fucking rich off of this. Checked

>> No.17547534

Checked, based pajeet slaying OP

>> No.17547549
File: 112 KB, 1546x1792, dumbmoney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

retard lol it's already pumping and you took a screenshot of yourself selling in the red. You are the definition of dumb money. You're probably the same retard as pic related.

>> No.17547589

Oh, don’t you worry mr. Patel, I have even more to dump when you cucks try to wash trade the price back up.

>> No.17547600

nice larp, dumb money. stay poor.

>> No.17547613

Is this brapper 2.0?

>> No.17547615

Go ahead and bring the price back up and we’ll see who is larping

>> No.17547680

You are dumb as fuck, don't ever post again

>> No.17547714
File: 261 KB, 888x894, 1574260572819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so fun bullying these desperate pajeets. C'mon discord trannies, keep dancing for us.

>> No.17547759

Shoo shoo, now discord tranny. Go put your little fingers to work pumping and wash trading this thing back up to ATHs so I can dump the rest of my stack. Don’t worry I won’t lift a finger helping you!

>> No.17547775

I can't say too much or they'll figure out who I am, but Swift has entered preliminary talks with NuLink. This is not a larp! The consensus after the LINK PoC was that the project could lead to significant savings while improving overall speed and security, but numerous people involved with the project described Sergei as "difficult to work with." This put executives in a tough position-- the technology was too good to pass up, but negotiations on the terms of implementation repeatedly stalled due to Sergei's "stubborn" and "opinionated" personality. At the same time, developing their own in-house solution would send a troubling message to other young entrepreneurs considering collaborations with Swift.
NuLink provides a third solution, and integration into existing technologies could proceed at a rapid pace if negotiations go as expected. Expect an announcement in the next month or two.

>> No.17547792

Good boy, go slave for me

>> No.17547822

Not him but I am not selling so quit acting like you even have any NLINK

>> No.17547850

Selling before it goes to $1.00 is just plain stupidity

>> No.17547897

I can't believe you retards are fighting over your $100 stacks of a random shitcoin some kid CTRL +Cd in an afternoon

>> No.17548210

Oh no bagholders, your little scheme running out of steam? About to implode on itself? Can’t wait to watch you idiots cannabalize yourselves to extract the last remaining 200$ from this shitfork.

Remeber, Whoever sells first gets the most money when the cards come tumbling down

>> No.17548350
File: 26 KB, 1100x129, 1583178928507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck this scam

>> No.17548414
File: 4 KB, 250x241, 1582198240176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive made 2.1 ETH so far mate and im still buying and selling. you only made 140$. you sold in the red cuz your hands were sweaty and now that your out you need an ego regen so your talking shit about our meme coin. fuck off

>> No.17548422


What is the discord for nulink?

>> No.17548440

>only made $140 out of $0

fucking LMAO
cope more you fucking incel

>> No.17548484

The pajeets are crawling out of the sewers, tears in their eyes, enraged that I simply took away what they have been working so hard for. It is fucking cathartic.

>> No.17548504

you pajeets are embarrassing

>> No.17548555

fuck fucj fuck. I had 6,000,000 NLINK but sold 2,250,000 already for a lousy 2 ETH. Will I still make it if I keep holding my bag of 2,750,000 NLINK? I'm really FOMOing right now

>> No.17548560

You can easily buy the 10M wall at 0.00018 if you want.

>> No.17548662

I have 10k NLINK. Will I make it?

>> No.17548688

This shit is going to 0, reminds me of the POW3D clones

>> No.17548716


>> No.17549753
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Who is the smart money now?

>> No.17549869
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>> No.17549917

Seething oldlinker

>> No.17549956
File: 16 KB, 772x87, kekkekek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should we send warnings about this scam to Poloniex, Kucoin and IDEX beforehand?

>> No.17550440

Imagine screenshotting a 2 week old project and be surprised that weak hands will dump the price early on, dude... This was expected, all of thos will be forgotten in a year, bit you will still remain as the guy that bought pizza for 10000 btc.
140$ for 2m, what a waste lol.

>> No.17550457
File: 41 KB, 825x324, 1583067902765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

May i remind you there are roughly 10 000 different cryptocurrencies out there?
The vast majority of them fail, and nulink will be one of them. NO ONE is gonna buy you garbage pajeet scam

>> No.17550467

nulink discord trannies about to be all in jail getting fucked by lil dick niggers

>> No.17550473

Do you know how discord works? You can set your flag, it does not set based on your location.
Youre a sharp guy arent you?

>> No.17550497
File: 398 KB, 780x776, cPCfLmT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumping is the point though? Weak hands sell early and spread to more wallets. Theres more wallets than ever holding this shit right now because each 2m holder turns into 20 100k holders.

>> No.17550523

Nice try Pajeet, just fuck off this board already, not buying

>> No.17550629
File: 240 KB, 1044x1568, 83495402_3448038355267388_6164751896377556992_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not selling my 2m Teehee.

>> No.17550702

Nobody asked you to buy, friend.

>> No.17550715
