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File: 598 KB, 438x750, 1571715265527.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17548577 No.17548577 [Reply] [Original]

Okay so two hats are on a rack:
One says: I'll hang out here. You go on ahead.

Popular brokers:

Stock market terminology:

Risk management:

Live Bloomberg stream:

Educational sites:

Free charting tools:

Stock/ETF screeners:

Pre-Market Data and Live data:

Bio-pharma Catalyst Calendar:

Pump and Dump Advertising:

Boomer Investing 101:

Dividend Reinvestment (DRIP) calculator:

Basic rundown on lean hogs:

List of hedge fund holdings:


>> No.17548599

don't split them fag

>> No.17548600
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You are all going to die.

>> No.17548607


>> No.17548619

No subject. Pls. This one stays up.

>> No.17548625


>> No.17548627

Liquidated all of my positions last week thinking that there was going to be a greater dump but that hasn’t happened. Got 4K do I try and get the remaining cheapies or hope that coronachan takes out New York?

>> No.17548631

I give my exclusive post to the animu

>> No.17548634
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i'm going to need the S&P to drop 5% tomorrow to make my money back.

what are my chances?

>> No.17548635

Only crab is eternal.

Nice joke!

>> No.17548637

No way.

>> No.17548643

Aoi is cute!

>> No.17548651

Fuck Robinhood

>> No.17548699

I was about to short robinhood last week but then I realized it was private. Feelsbadman.

>> No.17548720
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lol, imagine actually falling for the bulltrap today.
It has only begun bulltards, you cannot stop the bear. This week will end in more red rivers of bull blood. It will overflow into the streets as the corona chan spreads her wings all across the world and thousands die in agony. Seethe and cope harder Bullfags, you're in bear country now.

>> No.17548741

Trump bitching about rates. Sounds like no cut?

>> No.17548752
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>> No.17548761
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The Fed can't keep up this pump
There is going to be daily beer virus hysteria for the foreseeable future; right now Atlanta GA is shitting itself over new infections
Just wait until everyone starts closing public schools, the bears will feast

>> No.17548781

Is... is that Greta?

>> No.17548792

>Robinhood trending on twitter
>hundreds of posts from beartards losing everything on puts today
Oh my god this is great

>> No.17548794
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>Sounds like no cut?
The Fed hasn't done a meeting yet. The Donal is just making his opinion on the matter clear so he can yell at them some more if they don't. Most likely they will at scheduled meeting on the 17-18th if not before. It's not really critical that they do it early. The most dangerous period for the market will be in April when the big companies report exact numbers on Corona impact to their revenue.

If you think this is all the Fed can do, you are mistaken. Gloves are still on. Gloves off scenario is rate cut AND announcement of QE.

>> No.17548796

>daily beer virus
what kind of beer we talking here?

>> No.17548804

cheap thin mexican piss

>> No.17548805
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We all ready for another bullrun boys?

>> No.17548806


From 1.03 to 1.01.

The global economy has more to lose than the US economy. The Australian economy is going to be boned as demand for mined materials plummets so their rate cut has to be more extreme. Also Australia has had a very long bullrun, too long.

Also once RH users are allowed to start selling, we can see another price drop once they realize their free commissions come with a cost: holding bags.

>> No.17548819

Agreed. This is the superior bread

>> No.17548820
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>shitpost with the bulls further fueling their hopes and dreams
>market soars 1k points, bulls rejoice lambo's are back on the menu
>his mind clouded by thoughts of lambo's he forgets what a dead cat bounce is

Only 7 and a half hours until we shatter their dreams and deliver a soul crushing blow.

>> No.17548852
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>The global economy has more to lose than the US economy.
Correct. US is in a much better position to continue business as usual after the worst of the virus proliferation has passed. Partly why i'm more or less bullish on stocks in a macro sense going in to 2021 is this outbreak puts China at a far worse position in trade negotiations. While they could afford to be stubborn on a lot of stuff before, they can't now.

>> No.17548863

no u

>> No.17548864

>Liquidated all of my positions last week thinking that there was going to be a greater dump but that hasn’t happened. Got 4K do I try and get the remaining cheapies or hope that coronachan takes out New York?
Depends on a lot of things. I don't know if the fed will cut rates or not and if they do I don't know what will or won't happen with enough specificity to time the market. Any probabilities in this instance mean nothing cuz if some level of quantitative certainty could be attached to these events they already would by minds much greater than ours and the price would reflect that; hell, it "probably" does. I trade orthogonal to those probabilities. In the indeterminate future the numbers will be higher than today; in the medium/short term they will fluctuate. When they go down I buy. That's the high probability play. Contrast with trying to outsmart a market full of people with infinitely more information and, more importantly, the money to soak up all the relevant liquidity that information directs them to. That is what you are up against hence your mistake. Even if it goes lower, you manage to buy and you're "right" you are wrong cuz you just got lucky and luck runs out. Sometimes the market acts "irrationality" (not really in the macro sense but for the sake of argument) and sometimes your broker forgets to get the fucking date right in their app and your shorts get BTFO'd. I slept until noon today cuz the short term vicissitudes of the market are irrelevant to my stack. I win either way cuz I play in the direction of the house. Market timing with retail constraints amounts to an unfactored game of Martingale and you are guaranteed to lose cuz while you think you are playing against the house you are actually playing with the house and in the house's game you are always on the losing side.

>> No.17548870

>Also once RH users are allowed to start selling, we can see another price drop once they realize their free commissions come with a cost: holding bags.

yea i doubt robinhood users, which make up less thsn 1% of the stock market, have any real effect on market movement

>> No.17548903
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So now that Robinhood is a piece of shit what broker app are we using? I'm leaning towards Webull but I don't trust chink apps

>> No.17548951

>So now that Robinhood is a piece of shit what broker app are we using? I'm leaning towards Webull but I don't trust chink apps
Throw a little in Webull anyway since it has one great feature; it allows you to trade from 4AM to 8PM eastern time so you get *all* the market's hours not just the few Robinhood and most other brokers arbitrarily decide to give you

>> No.17548953

I went full bull Friday buying calls on apple,microsoft,att and Starbucks. Mondays fuckery didn't lose me any money, if anything making me wait all day made me more moneys

>> No.17548977
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Fuckbears deserve it

>> No.17548996

Lol same
Based robinhood for banning selling

>> No.17549020

I went full bull on SQ, WORK and AMD calls with plans to sell all at open, and then short something, hadn't decided wanted to watch some movement. Not sure how to feel about it because I likely would have shorted Boeing and they had a good day. I already opened a webull account, but already not a fan.
> Display is far inferior
> Options can't be purchased with instant deposits- RH you can which is the majority of my trading.
> How long until Webull has the same shit happen
> Or chink cus chinks gonna chink
Dunno what to do.

>> No.17549026

robinhood just emailed me
I get 3 months free gold subscription
im going to twitter to watch more bears lose their minds

>> No.17549035
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>trying to close my intraday short position for an easy 1% gain before going long
>"an unexpected error occurred"
>watch in horror as I'm powerless to leave my position prior to close

>> No.17549043

I have a stack of amd I bought at 49/share , blew my load too soon, now just stuck waiting with it

>> No.17549056

I would absolutely lose my fucking sanity

>> No.17549060

Anyone else not actually trade and just come here to shit post? Lmao bears btfo, even more so because I'd Robinhood

>> No.17549075
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Robinhoods back up guys it's all ok now they only missed the best day in history!

>> No.17549080

Anyone else notice the futures are moving green again?

>> No.17549082

We have the bull, the bear and the crab. But we have no animal for volatility? What gives?

>> No.17549083

>Our Federal Reserve has us...
What did he mean by this?

>> No.17549095

maybe consider moving to a real broker considering they only charge .35c/contract

>> No.17549096

anyone here uses schwabs streestsmart edge?

>> No.17549100

One other thing about volatility, the higher it goes, the more expensive it gets to bet on futures. Even banks and hedge funds are bleeding these days, and they don't have much life in them I'm afraid.

>> No.17549101
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>3 months
teehee, here's your 15 dollar credit bro

>> No.17549109

>VIX bunnies

>> No.17549111

As banks rack up losses, they too may be forced into liquidation.

>> No.17549119
File: 16 KB, 600x174, robinhood_email.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fundsu are safu

>> No.17549124
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imagine losing thousands of dollars and being given $15 to make it right lmao the absolute state of robinhood. heck what happens to people who got margin called because of them

>> No.17549127

This is how you know it will crash tomorrow. Whoever is running the market hates RH.

>> No.17549133
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>> No.17549144
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It's here, stay calm

>> No.17549152
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F for bizonacci.

>> No.17549154

Jesus fuck. A free trial?
A “first taste is free” bullshit free trial?

I need to give TDA a call and see if they’ll give me credit to waive the fee for transferring positions and funds.

FUCK creating taxable events, even if it’s long term cappy gains.

I hope TDA is better than schwab.

>> No.17549155

I take it back, and I agree with you there

>> No.17549161

rh is literally nobody in terms of brokers. nobody even cares about them. The market was oversold thats the story there

>> No.17549163


>> No.17549167
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He'll always live on in our hearts, anon
>designated shitposting channel

>> No.17549169
File: 14 KB, 376x349, 1532319091192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait what happened?

>> No.17549182

Lol as soon as I get my webull account up and running I get robinhood a bullshit email

>> No.17549185

I wouldn’t be so sure robinhood doesn’t matter, since they did force the other brokerages to drop fees. They made a dent in the industry so they must be something.

But if you’re guessing that today pumped because robinhood was broken that’s a big lolno

>> No.17549187

His last video was a year ago.

>> No.17549197

Am I the only one who thinks the other brokerages will pump after this?

Looking at schwab, but I guess JPM has a brokerage side and is supposed to be the best run bank.

>> No.17549198
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>> No.17549201
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This thread is comfier

>> No.17549206

I would argue TDA caused the fee drop but I think it's probably harder to pin down. As for robinhood they still have a tiny asset pool but maybe the larger brokers were worried with the whole "youth appeal" rh had... idk

>> No.17549212
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damn its been that long? wow.
ive watched all his stuff.

>> No.17549226

We SPCE now?

>> No.17549248
File: 30 KB, 512x510, 1539749783418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone else hate PST time zone since you have to wake up at 6am to trade?

>> No.17549262

TDA? They were free before?
I remember schwab announcing it before anyone else and then everyone selling the brokerages to crazy low levels, the. Schwab announcing they were going to acquire TDA (if justice dept ok’s it). Then others followed suit.

Schwab was on that shit, and it was robinhood that forced their hand.

>> No.17549301
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>> No.17549306

Class action lawsuit against Robinhood when? They probably lost a lot of people a shit ton of money.

>> No.17549309
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>> No.17549315

China: BYD surged up to near 5% this morning, as they received 1.3 billion Yuan (~200 Million USD) cash subsidy from government for their year 2017 operation.
Also on the news today is that, Chinese government have been investigating policies to support these "new energy cars" as retail market of all sectors in China including automobiles have been hit hard by the epidemic.
Some cities in China have also started/restarted subsidizing electric car purchase to boost the economy.

>> No.17549334

maybe it was schwabb first doesn't really matter. bottom line is nobody pumped the markets to spite rh is the real point

>> No.17549347

What brokerage do you canucks use?

>> No.17549350

Well yeah that’s a dumb arguement.

I’m more concerned with who benefits, eg the other brokerages.

>> No.17549351

bought puts again

expect it ro rain red wed-thu

>> No.17549382

fuck this crab market
i want carnage
pop the bubble already

>> No.17549407

IS this the age of lithium? BOYS IM GONIG ALL IN

>> No.17549408
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It will take TWO WEEKS to get testing to 20k per day so that we know where we actually stand in the US, and we will have "uncertainty until then." Consider buying puts until the Ides of March, lads.


>> No.17549415
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>> No.17549428



>> No.17549429


>> No.17549465
File: 278 KB, 645x756, 9E23D6A6-526D-473E-B74A-E7069BE10731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is corona virus in your country?

>> No.17549471
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>> No.17549480

Yes. Netherlands. 20 confirmed cases. Our government is very incompetent. I believe if it will spread faster here than anywhere else. If chaos breaks loose anywhere, it will be here.

>> No.17549484

just snorted then foolishly sneezed out the last line of coke i had

still 6 hrs to go before open

idk if im gonna make it

>> No.17549493

>doing drugs

>> No.17549519

you shouldnt do cocaine anon
i will pray for you

>> No.17549528

>NL more incompetent than china.

>> No.17549532

its midnight tuesday
and i am here with you

the market
and you
are all i have

>> No.17549533

Questrade is the best one.

>> No.17549541

>dax +1.45%
ready for another green day?

>> No.17549543
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>> No.17549555

Hmmm... i wonder if it's battery metal time again soon. We'll see.

>> No.17549571

just did a line of coke about an hour ago to finsih homework but then just took some xannax and set some orders just incase i sleep in was up till market open this morning and now really the sleep

>> No.17549573
File: 74 KB, 1612x341, Jack_Welch_dies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just saw this.

>> No.17549579

>just incase i sleep in was up till market open this morning and now really the sleep
u wot m8

>> No.17549589

Dude was called neutron jack because mass layoffs... I’m not sure if the guy is a hero. Blew up his workers lives back when pensions were a thing.

I don’t care enough to do research though! Just think all the dicksucking CNBC was doing seemed a little silly.

>> No.17549610

I was coked out all night to when the market opened.. closed out some trades put on some new ones and took a little nap... but now i'm like tired tired and might sleep a few hours into the open....

>> No.17549611

DAX mooning, it's over bears

>> No.17549614
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MTS but yeah. I specifically chose a trading style that does not require me to be awake for the first half of trading day. Either my limit orders and stops get triggered or they don't, manual input not required. Manual trades are mainly done in last 30 minutes before close.

>> No.17549616


>> No.17549629

Robinhood first. TD first real brokerage to do it last year. Schwab and etrade followed along week and a bit later. Then Schwab bought out TD (merger pending).

>> No.17549646

Bears getting wrecked in futures right now
lets hope it stays that way
There were one or two days last week where if I had slept in I would have made more money heh..
yesterday fortunately was one of those days
robin jew made me some gains

>> No.17549648

If it's dead weight you gotta do what you gotta do right. Of course that's easy to say when it isn't me. Glad I don't have to make those kinds of decisions

>> No.17549681
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I swear every time i make an early morning trade it goes south on me. Bad mojo. Opening couple hours is lies. Truth emerges in pow rowr.

>> No.17549683

Nah schwab made its announcement then TDA jumped in on it “later the same day”

Hey sometimes my memory isn’t complete trash. Unfortunately it’s usually when it doesn’t matter. But it does let me say “told ya so” and make people hate me.

>> No.17549703
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>bull trap

>> No.17549704

God damn it fuck robinhood
Couldn’t exit my SOXS now I’m gonna eat like 25% losses or something huge. And Wednesday is the day I’d bet it reverses, but I’ve got no edge and no reason to hedge so I’ll take my ass raping tomorrow.

>> No.17549717

on which options shoulde i gamble today?

>> No.17549720

>the department that trump fired
no recession with no experts, check mate bears

>> No.17549722

Just wait till Friday, if Bernie wins Super Tuesday we will get wrecked

>> No.17549728
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>> No.17549729

Huh... I coulda swore other way around but nope. Chucky Schwabbers first.

>> No.17549737

Biden's gonna win.

>> No.17549744

If Biden wins we rally,
If Bernie wins we tank

>> No.17549756

>Donald "The Pump" Trump
>"Bears Beware" JPow fed chair
>he shorted

>> No.17549757

The market had been baking in that possibility, and now that Biden is surging and taking up supporters from butti and klob... it looks like Bernie has a tougher battle than thought.

Bernie may take California which is big, but I expect the centrists to come out and really boost Biden.

There’s a reason trump wanted Biden investigated so badly. I’d bet Bernie doesn’t take it tomorrow.

With risk of Bernie already baked in, we should rally hard when it gets taken off the table. We may not retest last week’s lows after all.

>> No.17549770

It was just a hedge from all my longs.

I shouldn’t have sold FB and NVDA though, I’m gonna regret that unless NVDA gives me another chance to get back in. Same with SCHX. I wanted to free up cash so I could keep buying CLX and COST and LMT and BRKB and the rest of the shit I bought last week. AMAT and MSFT...

>> No.17549785

There is zero chance Bernie gets the nomination. The DNC isn't having it. The other Democrat contenders will pander to whoever they have to get elected and promise whatever gibs they think will get it done but it's just talk. Anybody but Bernie gets elected and it's just business as usual for 4 or 8 years. But see, Bernie sees himself as a Socialist with capital S and he really believes his own shit. The DNC knows this and they know his policies would fucking wreck this country and their own livelihoods. Bernie would start signing executive orders on day one to get as much socialist shit as he could ram through with no fucks given. The DNC will see to it he doesn't make it anywhere close to the ballot. Count on that

>> No.17549788
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>> No.17549801

This, by the way, is why should the market dip on the possibility of Bernie getting anywhere it's basically a free money buy the dip cuz he ain't got a snowballs chance

>> No.17549805
File: 68 KB, 600x551, 3eqjd8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this crypto market? All the charts for EU and US index look the same.

>> No.17549827

I was legit worried about Bernie on Friday hit Pete and Midwest lady backing Biden eased me and it seem the markets. I would have closed my shorts if robinhood was open but they are down 70% already might as well let them ride Incase there is a big ass dip between now and 3/20
I am long with 99% of my portfolio though

>> No.17549856

If I end the day in the green tomorrow, im gonna buy a hooker and some coke. I feel like going fishing and I haven't had soda in a while.

>> No.17549885

I'm down 1.4k after yesterday, what do /SMG/? I'm a poor student do I give up and take the loss?

>> No.17549891

don't fall for the bull trap anon

>> No.17549918

likely rate cuts, Bernie expected to do dogshit, futures green...I hate to say it anons but I think we're going to be red tomorrow, this is too good to be true.

>> No.17549919

Don’t be a homosexual bear anon

>> No.17549922

Bernie will have a strong super Tuesday and Coronavirus news will continue to steadily get worse, we'll see a lower low

>> No.17549967
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I'm still surprised that Pete Butt dropped out before superb tuezday

Biden must have promised him VP or ownership of Ukraine or something

>> No.17549974

when do the primaries close? Im holding inverse ETF's hoping for Bernie to win for all the wrong reasons

>> No.17549992

Darkpools bought, I’m bullish.

I’m normally very suspicious, but it’s time I made some index and large cap buys.

If you thought we were in for a “slowdown” — that is, a growing economy with worsening data/slowing growth — what would you invest in? I like NVDA, AMD, and AMAT but I’m not sure if chips work in a slowdown. I’m thinking food works. drugs work. Stay-at-Home economy like Nintendo and Sony work. Chips though... not sure.

>> No.17550000
File: 32 KB, 400x400, 1582815969159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The eternal bull will never die!

>> No.17550002

Euro stocks looking healthy today - is today the day my cheapies fly?

Might go back into US stocks too - any recommendations for a HOLDbro other than AMD, all the credit card companies and PayPal?

>> No.17550004

If you're going to trade at all you need an edge, a strategy with positive expected value. With that you look for setups that match your thesis, e.g., if yours is a mean reversion strategy, maybe you go in when the price drops more than a standard deviation below support and sell when the price returns to that support which is now resistance. So you have a thesis, a reason for entering the trade and an identifiable exit. Now lets say you enter the trade but instead of the price going back to previous support it actually stalls and creates a new support then breaks through that. Well, now your thesis has changed and it's time to get out of the trade because the statistical probability of this trade turning out in your favor have diminished so you cut your losses. In the situation you are in right now, did you have a good reason for entering the trade? If so, what has changed? If the thesis has been invalidated get out. Otherwise stick with it.

>> No.17550008

Groyper posting is weird
No fatties allowed
Go home fat frog

>> No.17550012

Surrender your possessions, leave society behind, and isolate yourself for years until you have finally achieved enlightenment. Also, stop trying to get rich overnight and invest in solid companies or ETFs.

>> No.17550016
File: 152 KB, 442x455, it's for you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uuhhh grim?
line one for you

>> No.17550017

Groypers are unsettling, but that's their appeal!

>> No.17550030

Whatever you do anon, don't take off the suit

>> No.17550031
File: 229 KB, 1614x1464, 1581247501291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you're thinking crab, you want KNG and QQQX

>> No.17550038

Pls print some more monies for us.

>> No.17550043

I actually like toads better than frogs so Groyper is my dude. Is that bad?

>> No.17550061

I'm going to keep using Robinhood instead of switching to a better platform because if there is one thing I hate its definitely secured, up to date services that won't shit out on me on important days.

>> No.17550064
File: 62 KB, 720x693, 39d1c4cc1b21d166bd85617779be744e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive been lurking in/pol for the last 4 years, mostly for keks and tiny breadcrumbs of insight but mostly to shitpost
ive never been here until today and I just want to say I love all of you glorious bastards. even these fucking shitposting bears. I love the fucking stock market , just started trading 1 year ago. ive been looking at shit all night im addicted. god love you fuckers doing blow rn I bet its fucking terrible in the best way- best regards

>> No.17550078

The stock market is the most fun video game ever invented! What are your favorite holds anon?

>> No.17550084

nice thing about being obsessed with stonks is this is the only thread on 4chan I have to keep up with. Saves me from having to flip around on the site looking for funny shit to read. also I have more time to obsess more about stonks

>> No.17550089

Hoorah Anon, I’ll drink to that. Greens on me boys, enjoy the pump from these digits.

>> No.17550090

I’m in QYLD personally. I think that’s what you meant to say.

What is that green cloud? Is yotsuba a weird fart fetish girl? Do they have them drink OJ because it works well with the color of their hair?

>> No.17550096

I think he'll have an okay Super Tuesday. Doesn't matter though; at this point he still won't get the nomination, certainly not now that Buttigieg and Klob! have dropped out. I said this before, i'll say it again, The only way Bernie wins is if Warren gives him her delegates, but she seems to have this weird feud with him and the longer she stays in the race the more she hurts him.

Biden is the frontrunner with superdelegates.

>> No.17550104

Man, politics is gay, but American politics is supergay.

>> No.17550121

>put a few thousand into an index fund
>goes down
>goes up again
>goes down
>goes up again and no is a few pennies over what I originally put in
this past week feels pointless

>> No.17550125

>The stock market is the most fun video game ever invented

Unironically this. I only started trading because I got bored waiting for animal crossing to come out.

>> No.17550128
File: 581 KB, 1214x748, 1567988604428.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being a Japanese corporate man with a pension.

>> No.17550135

This may help

>> No.17550141
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>> No.17550143

Japs do forex because their market is boring. Also because it’s closed by the time they get off work and shit.

>> No.17550148
File: 213 KB, 1242x1181, 7D9F3104-98D0-4554-86B1-1C25A61BF395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think this is gonna work bro?

>> No.17550154

A good portion of their pensions are in US equities too, still it's very depressing seeing your market not move for ages.

>> No.17550155
File: 77 KB, 640x960, 5JYSdA7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Long-term stock picks? Also, why dyou pick em?

>> No.17550159
File: 824 KB, 1568x2048, 1574430772336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

QYLD is inferior because it writes calls on 100% of the underlying, so you don't get the natural payout growth of the superior products.
KNG and QQQX are peak efficiency for standard crab scenarios, and even more so when taxes are considered.
The OJ is cute with her and also has some plot consideration

you might as well try lol
remind them of the times when the dutch were the richest country on earth and see if that helps your case

>> No.17550182
File: 198 KB, 714x1078, gwim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

v depressing, I was wondering how they manage to retire well without going into foreign stocks, well there's the answer
Not being able to write covvies on QYLD makes me upset!

>> No.17550188

Oh hell yeah man. I don't know if it'll work but it's worth the effort and I sure hope it pays off. Sucks ass when people can't spend money they made on whatever investment they want. If I were European I'd be sending a letter too. Godspeed, euranon

>> No.17550207

why didnt you listen?


>> No.17550217

Thanks soxl shill. In the meantime im holding DBPG

>> No.17550244

She cute

Not sure why that would be a problem and why they don’t have a tax advantage. Considering their call profits are taxed as something like 60/40 long term vs shot term cap gains tax.

>> No.17550264

for real though, which way GILD goin today?

>> No.17550294

That and bonds, I can't find the allocations for them, but I recall seeing it somewhere.

>> No.17550320

Why not just take their fact sheet and run it through google translate, thereby technically satisfying the conditions without having to rely on an ETF's clerical staff and willingness to pay a translator?

>> No.17550327

Because I was already all-in on SNSS by the time you suggested it

>> No.17550328

No problem man. Glad I could be of help. Something to think on if you want a new hobby is this, I have an account where I day trade index futures but I keep a special sub account where all I do is mimic how leveraged ETFs work. I rebalance it every day between 4 and 4:15 eastern time like a leveraged ETF does and I try to do it as systematic as possible without trying to get slick and time lows and highs. The original idea was even though I have a thorough conceptual grasp of how to manage leverage and exactly how these daily rebalanced ETFs work, I felt having the practical experience might enlighten me to some of the more subtle aspects. It has actually. Also and important for you, it allows me to use whatever leverage benchmark I want so I've settled on 3.75x which even through this last week of big drops has worked perfectly and I haven't had any trouble keeping it rebalanced without running into any dangers. I know you guys can trade futures and if you make sure to follow the rebalancing schedule faithfully you can get whatever leverage you want and not be limited by whatever ETFs your stock broker offers. Also, it lets you see how the sausage is made by doing it yourself and can grant you some insight that could help make you a better trader if that interests you.

>> No.17550335


>> No.17550350
File: 403 KB, 760x2213, Good_1b78a5_7572194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I had any spare money right now, I'd be buying DIS puts

>> No.17550354
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>> No.17550359

Because I think the dutch stock brokers are going to want to see the dutch fact sheet on the official website itself.

>> No.17550364

Mulan (animated) was so good. budget was probably like 1/100th of that lol

300 million budget... what kind of expensive special effects did they get for that movie? is there any sideboob or somethin?

>> No.17550385

this is honestly true, while other games try to test your abilities either through your wits, reaction speed or aim, this does everything.
Taking risk rewards the player with huge payoffs and gives you that adrenaline pump that many games fail to deliver.
The storylines the stock market delivers is fresh and random, something unexpected every single day

>> No.17550387


>> No.17550388

Rebalancing just means changing the weight of each stock in your "ETF" right? Is it made public everyday how the official ETF rebalances? And doesn't this cost way too much in transaction costs (I don't think I have a transaction cost free broker here)

>> No.17550390

It's a tiny amount of money for them though and there's a lot of bad news in general driving down sentiment

>> No.17550391

DAX has been going sideways the past hour, no volume at all. guess I'll just go to sleep until US market opens...

>> No.17550394

Location and stars' salaries.

>> No.17550415

Its as compelling as the three shell game

>> No.17550420

they should have got some random Chinese farmers and spent $290 million on special effects

If someone made that movie, I'd watch it.

these movies the kids are making these days, I'm not watching them. Nothing dynamic or abstract, everything is boring and explicit and over-structured because they have to make sure everyone watching can understand it

>> No.17550432

I heard that the scientists have finally developed an effective medicine against the coronavirus. BUY BUY BUY!!!!!! Especially med stocks!!!

>> No.17550433

Is this a parody? Are you a child pretending to be an adult?
Is it that you're an ESL? Your post is so bizarre

>> No.17550445

anyone here buying MRNA? what you all buying tomororw

>> No.17550454

The answer to all three of your questions is 'yes'.

>> No.17550456

>Rebalancing just means changing the weight of each stock in your "ETF" right?
Futures trade the S&P, Nasdaq, Dow, and Russell 2000 basically the same way you would trade them in an ETF so you don't have to mess with individual stocks, just trade the index future directly.
>Is it made public everyday how the official ETF rebalances?
It is public and it is extremely easy to duplicate. The leveraged ETF DBPG for example is just a 2x version of S&P so imagine the micro S&P index future is going for $15,000 per contract and you have $15,000 in your account. All you have to do is buy 2 contracts and hold them and you are effectively 2x leveraged. That's the whole trick to it. Whatever dollar value your account is at 4PM, the time when the leveraged ETFs rebalance, is the amount you use to base how many contracts you should have. If you have $15,000, make sure you're holding 2 contracts. If you have $30,000 in your account and the contracts are $15,000 a piece then you need to make sure you are holding 4 contracts. It's easy with futures since you can buy many more contracts than you have money in your account you can get whatever leverage you want.
>And doesn't this cost way too much in transaction costs (I don't think I have a transaction cost free broker here)
That's another thing, the fees to trade futures are miniscule and while your stock broker may not charge you to trade, the ETF itself internally has some small fee that amounts to maybe 1% a year or so depending on the ETF. Well, with futures, according to my calculations, even paying per trade, the total cost to rebalance 252 trading days a year is about 0.5% of the account value so it's even cheaper to rebalance futures contracts than it is to use a leveraged ETF that is rebalance for you automatically.
Like I said, it's kind of a hobby and it's totally unnecessary but it's not as complicated as it sounds. If you ever wanna try I'll be here and I'll walk you through it.

>> No.17550459

Bought 2000 units of MRNA yesterday at 28.35, sold at 30 at the end of market, huehuehue

>> No.17550460

hly shit i just checked SNSS is $1.15 where teh fuck is SNSS anon he must be stoked. is ti too late to buy?

>> No.17550463


>> No.17550472

yes, because you would be buying into news which will be released today and news can always be disappointing / bad.

>> No.17550477
File: 259 KB, 352x237, 1582299617815.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

italyfag... we have 2000+ cases

>> No.17550482

WHERE MY BOBO'S AT?!?! yall getting #rekt today

>> No.17550483

>Well, with futures, according to my calculations, even paying per trade, the total cost to rebalance 252 trading days a year is about 0.5% of the account value
Crap meant to say many days out of the year you won't have to rebalance since the S&P won't have changed enough to justify it so for the typical amount of rebalancing you'll have to do, it should run you about 0.5% of the account's value a year, basically negligible

>> No.17550490

>no songs from the original animation will be used
>beand new music will be featured

imagine being so jewy you dont wanna pay the royalty rights to music you yourself own to use in your own movie so you make up new shit that no one will give a shit about

>> No.17550507

Awesome man, might try it. I'll first have to look into how futures work.
I once "upgraded" my stock broker account to trade options, but I also got like a 100 grand deposited to my account. I'm quite an amateur so I was afraid that I'd have to pay interest on that money or something so I immediately downgraded my account again.

>> No.17550531

tastytrade if you wanna know more about options. its a talkshow that runs mon thru friday about options and the markets. really neat math

>> No.17550555

No, it's not too late to buy. 3 catalysts coming this month, one of them is today. However, buying the day of a catalyst carries with it more risk than buying on a down day.

>> No.17550565


>> No.17550579

I have a question - is it profitable to buy low and sell on high?

>> No.17550586

No... You buy high and then sell low. You get a nice return and it all works out. how new are you?

>> No.17550588

No you'll get rekt buying low and selling high every time

>> No.17550592

no because leftists will steal your capital gains and redistribute to illegals

>> No.17550616
File: 306 KB, 680x925, 1449946043554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feel the bern

>> No.17550636

But it feels like you lose money when you buy high and sell low am i that retarded holly shit I don't rly get it

>> No.17550643

High IQ post.
Understand that you know nothing.

>> No.17550661
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>> No.17550665

>But it feels like you lose money when you buy high and sell low am i that retarded holly shit I don't rly get it
Think of stocks like a fine automobile. Nobody wants to drive a cheapo POS with the muffler falling off, no get that shit out of here. You want a finely tuned piece of artisan machinery. Something you can be proud of. Something expensive and well worth it. Cheap stocks and stocks that are currently cheap are like that piece of crap Daihatsu in the junkyard. But a nice expensive stock is a thing of value. Everybody wants it so the price is high and you can be proud to own it. The best is when a stock went from a discarded unpolished lump of coal to a freshly minted diamond, that is the price was low but now it has been noticed and the price shot up. Like a model discovered and taking her first strut on the catwalk. These are far the most coveted stocks and, fren, they don't come cheap

>> No.17550673

I can't do this.. P L E A S E.

>> No.17550677

I have no idea what a lot of this post means. I get the sense that I should just take the Bogle pill and be done with it.

I hate buying now that we’re out of correction territory, but that is likely what I will he doing in just a few hours.


>> No.17550695

>I get the sense that I should just take the Bogle pill and be done with it.
No shame in that. You may find this thread to be particularly helpful: https://www.bogleheads.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=272007

>> No.17550698


>> No.17550706

This market has gone insane, you should cut out and invest in physical shit

>> No.17550711

I was going with different idea for stocks and that's where my confusion came from thanks

>> No.17550721
File: 8 KB, 225x225, 1112545883585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What was THAT

>> No.17550728

>Understand that you know nothing.
That would have saved a lot of heartache and losses last week. Especially the spasmodic gleeful shorting Friday afternoon. Humility is paramount in this market

>> No.17550740

>S0itendo owner

>> No.17550741

>check biggest winners on DAX
Oh god, it's a fucking scam

>> No.17550751

You've only just realised now?

>> No.17550780

>Check ATX
>biggest winner is FACC AG (aerospace supplier) with +10.90%
This is fucking insane, someone's trying to get their bucks out of the Flying Industry this week.

>> No.17550799

>relevant ever
How did the market function without zoomers with $87.59 in their account?

>> No.17550800

Hey fags so I lost 80% value on my calls last week, but because I bought them with so much time to spare I didn't sell them and I'm still holding them. In fact, their value is almost all the way to breakeven.

So even during the worst point drop in market history, if you have the balls to hold, you can still win.

>> No.17550827

it was RH and TD was down as well

>> No.17550829

No. you should buy high and sell higher. you should short low and cover lower. momentum, bay-bee!

>> No.17550833

famous last words

>> No.17550836

I don't think we've seen the end of it yet

>> No.17550841

Quick guys what’s inflated to short before the big drop later today???

>> No.17550853

It's in every country right now. Just going unnoticed.

>> No.17550856

I am investing in rope

>> No.17550858
File: 675 KB, 480x270, 1429146428170.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last chance to board SNSS before liftoff!

>> No.17550859

>big drop

>> No.17550874

Check futures. RIP. It hasn't even started in Europe nor US

>> No.17550895

HMNY. Big dump incoming

>> No.17550901

Literal morans

>> No.17550905

no u
we feast on beef today

>> No.17550919

Dude stop being a fucking loser why do you talk in such a gay fucking way? Talk fucking normal. Why do these patterns of speech arise? Are we your only friends? You suck.

>> No.17550920

there won't be any drop today

>> No.17550927
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so close to break even... and yet so far

>> No.17550928

Question, given a 85k portfolio. How much would you put into S&P and how much in 2x S&P.? I'm in med school so I don't have much time to trade or learn a lot about trading.

>> No.17550929

Futures all correcting their gains. 2 hours max and we’ll be in a bobo market again. Cap me if you want.

>> No.17550931
File: 2 KB, 69x88, nvidia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just buy nvidia brah

>> No.17550963


>> No.17550968

I voted for trump and will do so in November. But I feel he has it wrong here. If they drop rates ro nothing now, it leaves them no place to go when a REAL recession hits. Anyone who has looked at the situation for more than 5 minutes knows theres a handful of things that coukd be the downfall of this economy. Why go all in now over an unknown? If im Jerome Powell, I would have done everything in my power to get half percent rate increases annually until the bog crash

>> No.17550979

Buy the bull trap, lads.

>> No.17550990


>> No.17551003


>> No.17551013


We will find out soon enough!

>> No.17551023
File: 78 KB, 800x800, pepe-the-frog-t-shirt-smoking-blunt-meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the market doesn't crash by Friday then I lose shekels.

>> No.17551040

you should consider buying when price goes up on average and selling when price goes down on average instead, anon. i hear it's pretty profitable.

>> No.17551050

>I'm in med school
really? you're taking in a lot of shit advice for a productive member of society.

>> No.17551057

Buy SNSS and also buy WORK call options before earnings next week, you don't want to buy it the day before.

>> No.17551068

The two leverage extremes you're bounded by are 1x (all in SPY) and 2x (all in DBPG) and the closer you get to 2x the more gains you stand to make which is ideal but the more risk you are taking so the question is how much risk are you comfortable with. The worst that can happen is a greater than 50% drop in a single day resulting in liquidation and the lesser risk is volatility decay leads to you underperforming the S&P due to the daily rebalancing. A synthetic 2x leveraged instrument with the S&P as the underlying has been backtested to the late 1800s and has never came anywhere close to liquidation despite going through the drop in September 1929, Black Monday in 1987, the Great Recession and many lesser recessions in between. There are very few periods where volatility was extreme enough that a 2x ETF would significantly underperform unleveraged S&P and those times were very short lived so I would suggest the risk of it being a sustained enough issue between now and your retirement to be of miniscule probability. If the ETF you were looking at were 3x it might be worth worrying about but 2x not so much. The probability of the S&P dropping over 50% in a single day is also miniscule but it is non-zero so if you are at all concerned about it I would suggest not being all in the leveraged ETF though you definitely want to have enough of your account in to take good advantage of what it can do for you which is a lot over the long run.
I think it's responsible to split the account down the middle. Half in the unleveraged ETF and half in DBPG. A naive opinion from some observers would be horrified that you would even contemplate going in a leveraged ETF for a long term investment. You've read enough of my shilling to know I disagree. I can see their argument against 3x and especially 3x sector based stuff like SOXL and TECL but 2x leverage on top of the S&P? Get those gains, anon. Half DBPG and half SPY. That's what I would do in your shoes.

>> No.17551088


maybe i shoulda listened

>> No.17551095

why do you guys try to predict the future, instead of just studying the past and the present? "buy this stock dude, it's gonna moon someday! maybe! hopefully!" that's just gambling.

>> No.17551101

literally this:
stocks 50%
bonds 30%
commodities 15%
cash 5%

>> No.17551124

Why the fuck these threads move so fast now? Used to be just 3 in a 24 hour period

>> No.17551128

Note that being half in unleveraged and half in 2x leverage gives you effective 1.5x leverage on the entire account which, again, in my opinion is a responsible amount for somebody who just wants some extra gains going into retirement and despite the modest amount of leverage the added gains will be significant as in you'll end up with much much more than 1.5x the money when it's all over due to the leveraged account being rebalanced every day.

>> No.17551130

>buy stuff on amazon
>others do to
>carton containers overspewing with amazon packaging
>amazon moons
No way to saw that coming bro

>> No.17551131

Show some respect faggots

>> No.17551132

>even considering buying the DCB

>> No.17551137
File: 45 KB, 331x252, 1576911011222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>These futures
>That DAX
We all agree that this is a scam and possibly a giant bulltrap, right?

Lots of new people.

>> No.17551143

Thank you for your advice. I have an "urge" to drop half in the leveraged S&P right away. But that feels a bit impulsive. I might slowly DCA in over the course of a few months.

kek, well I feel like biz has both the worst and best advice. I do my best to try and pick the best.

>> No.17551146

what's the next amazon then, oracle?

>> No.17551160

>I might slowly DCA in over the course of a few months.
Definitely this. I'm doing the same since timing the market is as close to impossible as you can get so DCA-ing at least gives me a chance at getting some in low even if at other times I buy "high"

>> No.17551178

Imagine thinking a sitting POTUS will let the markets crash when its an election year. He will get the fed to straight up buy assets from your portfolio directly at a mark up if he can.

>> No.17551190

>I do my best to try and pick the best.
based on what? who sounds the most confident? what would you tell a person trying to find medical advice from some other board on 4chan?

>> No.17551206
File: 12 KB, 788x294, deadcat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I for sure believe this is a dead cat bounce. There is literally no reason the market should be pumping right now, fundamentals are shit, corona is still spreading, election coming.

>> No.17551210
File: 37 KB, 329x437, 1393802369580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can still get in, just do it early.

>> No.17551222

I've gotten fantastic life changing advice from some of the most unlikeliest places. The advice itself stands on its on merit no matter the source and somebody with the brains to get through med school should have the critical thinking ability to see through bullshit and there's a lot of that from so-called professional money managers. Not that Euranon shouldn't talk to one of those too just don't get too caught up in credentialism.

>> No.17551225
File: 30 KB, 500x500, 1582710157556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go short on wednesday

>> No.17551229
File: 147 KB, 340x391, _er.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

robinhood gave me 3 months of free gold pogchamp dab on the haters

>> No.17551243

fuck credentialism. endresults are the only thing that count for me.

>> No.17551259
File: 107 KB, 1024x816, 8823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just put in several buy orders for 21500 USD in total.

Wish me luck.

>> No.17551277

I sure hope it was for SNSS

>> No.17551283


>> No.17551287
File: 34 KB, 631x514, snssretard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks man, I needed the market to go red today.

You felons and your retarded pnd snss campaign isn't working retards.

>> No.17551289

I'm on the verge of being liquidated bros, I'm scared shitless. I went in too deep this time; please tell me that dump is coming

>> No.17551299

Imagine thinking the world economy would crash because some chinks got a runny nose.

>> No.17551302

Imagine caring about the long chart on pharmas. Sad.

>> No.17551307
File: 706 KB, 700x700, 1556748941652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same, dude. I fucking liquidated EVERYTHING.

It's happening anon. This is the beginning of the next great depression. Stock up, prep yourself for rough years ahead, food shortages, water shortages, global economic instability, war, pestilence, death. It's finally happening, this is the beginning of the end times. We didn't listen, we didn't care, and now we will pay the price for our greed and destruction. The whole system will collapse, society will crumble, knowledge will be lost forever and humanity will never recover.

>> No.17551319


>> No.17551325
File: 30 KB, 220x260, ok_boomer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>liquidating your positions after a dip
/biz/ - Buy High & Sell Low

>> No.17551331
File: 57 KB, 302x340, mmmyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that TSLA premarket pump

>> No.17551332

lmao, get fucked

>> No.17551348

Sold my TSLA position Monday morning... Is it too late to jump back on?

>> No.17551349

>largest single day drop in djia history
>letting gains disappear and not living to fight another day
you do you

>> No.17551352
File: 121 KB, 830x738, 1521407707678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bought calls on Friday.

>> No.17551354

no it'll probably pump today.
i wouldn't hold it overnight tho

>> No.17551362

I'm buying TQQQ betting that the stock market will go up today.

Am I retarded?

Not holding, I'll sell before close, and I have a stop-loss.

>> No.17551364

Pretty much
Wednesday? I actually thought about buying some puts later. But today might be another green session.

>> No.17551371

Dont forget, robinhood mass selloff today

>> No.17551372

I will admit that confidence gets my attention, even though it does not necessarily mean knowledge. The main points that made soxl shill convince me into leveraged S&P, is the fact that leveraged s&p has done great even when you got in right before the 2008 crash, and that if the markets goes to absolute hell, then money might not even be worth much in a world like that.

>what would you tell a person trying to find medical advice from some other board on 4chan? It's obviously stupid with regards to an actual medical issue. If you refer to diet advice, well then the classes I take are not much better than 4chan. As a matter of fact, someone on 4chan shilled the ray peat meme to me. After finding out about ray peat, I wrote a research paper on the damaging effects of PUFA on immunity. My professor was enthusiastic about it.

>> No.17551378

>somebody with the brains to get through med school should have the critical thinking ability to see through bullshit
I assure you this is not the case. there are "fund managers" that specialize in exploiting medical professionals that are apparently disproportionately over confident in their intelligence. scams in general only work because people think their confidence in one area qualifies them to judge another.
>The advice itself stands on its on merit
investing is mostly a mathematical pursuit. it's not something you can judge on gut feeling or without objective verification, which none of you are providing. not to mention more than basic investing technique should be the last thing on a med student's mind.

>> No.17551380

GILD tanking

>> No.17551382

fuck, went retarded with the green text

>> No.17551390

Can you only buy options with cash on TOS? I’m really confused. My options tier is standard margin, but my options buying power is 0. I made a deposit about 5 days ago, so it being unsettled is another issue. But I’m mostly curious, when those funds settle, if I buy an option and then close the position, will I need to wait for the option funds to settle before I can use it to trade again?

>> No.17551401


>> No.17551425
File: 62 KB, 590x314, trump.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder: stocks are only allowed to go up.

>> No.17551434

if you puy at the top of the pump you might be fine, but I fully expect today to be green

>> No.17551441
File: 105 KB, 718x345, Screenshot_20200303-073735_ProtonMail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont worry goy, we will do the trading for you

>> No.17551448

I get the impression you want to argue recreationally and I'm not interested. As far as objective numbers I've conversed with Euranon, the "med student" in question, in this and quite a few other threads and I've laid out the rigorous arguments for my positions a number of times so he's familiar with them hence why I'm not reposting them now. And if you don't like my shit that's cool but if you want to have an actual debate you'll have to be more specific

>> No.17551451


>> No.17551453


>> No.17551461

what the FUCK was that. literally blink of an eye

>> No.17551476
File: 315 KB, 659x606, 1577214057280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What was that?

>> No.17551477

According to /smg/ yesterday morning, if you weren't short you were the biggest retard. It was the "most obvious" dead cat ever. I'm glad I did the opposite of what is said here. Always pay out.

>> No.17551485

Buy lpcn. It will run up too

>> No.17551486

why stonks go down

>> No.17551493
File: 41 KB, 1024x640, 1.002-SPY-and-SPXL-Shorting-Leveraged-ETFs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you refer to diet advice, well then the classes I take are not much better than 4chan.
yeah, because that's your field. I'm drawing an analogy to someone who doesn't know what they're looking for going through a resource that screams every possible opinion at random volumes.
I don't understand how you're not getting this. how to separate signal from noise should be core to medical science education.
>is the fact that leveraged s&p has done great even when you got in right before the 2008 crash
it's not that simple. if it was everybody would be doing it. it's not hard to look up what the best practices are for this stuff.

>> No.17551494

Retard. This is the golden bull run.
>He didn't buy the dip

>> No.17551504


>> No.17551505


>> No.17551510

fake and gay

>> No.17551513

It is an obvious dead cat but you don't short before the bounce

>> No.17551522
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>> No.17551539

europe already crashing

>> No.17551544

emotional. Not really a big move.

>> No.17551551
File: 63 KB, 500x468, 1582648754138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And it keeps dumping

Hope you spergs are ready for the rollercoaster again.

>> No.17551570

> if it was everybody would be doing it.

What's not so simple about it (serious question)? I'm aware of volatility decay, but is that not incorporated in the long term chart? Furthermore I don't agree with "if it was simple everyone would be doing it". What about the regular S&P, if someone with a little cash invested everything 5 years ago, he would have great returns as well. Very simple and not that unthinkable. Yet not everyone has done this.

Also, going to med school maybe requires a slightly above average IQ, but it's mainly just doing your stuff and being dedicated. I'm honestly not that smart. I know I should probably get informed on a platform other than 4chan, but I believe that as long as I'm mainly invested in the S&P, I'm pretty safe. I don't think I could beat the market even if I knew a bit more about trading.

>> No.17551580

Its also futures but if you hold calls right now you are retarded. That market may go tits up any second. Or not. Its unstable as fuck at least

>> No.17551601

>>is the fact that leveraged s&p has done great even when you got in right before the 2008 crash
>it's not that simple. if it was everybody would be doing it. it's not hard to look up what the best practices are for this stuff.
Accounting for The Great Recession being one of the worst economic environments of the last century and a good real world acid test, if you had bought 10k worth of SSO at the top of the market in October 2007 and an equal amount of SPY at the same time how much would each be worth today?

>> No.17551603
File: 7 KB, 1141x118, 1572281061548.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How dumb am I?

>> No.17551613


>> No.17551620
File: 120 KB, 850x1261, _original_drawn_by_konbu_wakame_samplea23abe25c4724b7290226a16f0aada83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think you might get bogd short term

>> No.17551641
File: 106 KB, 204x251, 1562979131748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm hoping for a cautious morning bump, sell at the top, and then let it crash in the afternoon.

I'm playing with baby funds at the moment because I'm just trying to learn. I'm going cuhrazee on the leverage because it really doesn't matter if I get wiped out so might as well maximise the gains.

>gotta have money to make money

>> No.17551643
File: 41 KB, 365x377, 40574315_10103206193609661_584754669159448576_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>europoors about to become eurodestitutes

>> No.17551653

Good play. I bougth SSO on Friday and I'm already up 10%, no extra levvy.

>> No.17551656


>> No.17551661

What selloff? They only trade options and their puts are worthless to sell.

>> No.17551660

Why not just get calls or turbo-warrants or something? Turn 5$ into 50 with a 2% change

>> No.17551669

My broker doesn't trade anything other than stocks. No options, no calls, no puts allowed.

I would if I could.