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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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17544581 No.17544581 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>work in i.t. doing server upgrades
>cruisy job, barely do any work, maybe 1-2 hrs a day
>mostly shitposting on the chans
>company reshuffle
>new manager hired
>typically anal type
>wants daily reports on what I do

Wtf am I going to do anons? They’re going to realise I’m not even needed around here. WHEN THE FUCK IS LINK GOING TO MOON SO I CAN GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE!?

>> No.17544637
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Make shit up on what you do. Go for walks throughout the facility to say you're performing cable inspections of wifi routers and computers while you shitpost on your phone. At your desk you can run some dumbass "tests" of the network and generate meaningless internal metrics about the hardware versus what you offer, type it up into your report, and recommend replacing random shit to make better performance on your tests. Turn that in along with inspection notes and the boomer anal boss will get scared and fuck off most likely.

>> No.17544662

literally more work than working

>> No.17544684

Going for a walk, looking at stuff, taking 5 minutes of notes, and running some batch scripts for 10 minutes at your desk is more work than being forced to look for a new job by some dumbass boomer?

>> No.17544724

Been through this before. Generate a shit ton of Powershell server checks, monthly, weekly, daily. Fill his inbox with them.

>> No.17544758

Jesus Christ am I glad I left IT to be a NEET, my heart goes out to you anon that sounds awful.

>> No.17544771


>> No.17544773
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Hah, I'm in similar, but better position.
>IT, doing 30 minutes of work a day.
>Look like I do 30 minutes a day. Rarely in the office, blatantly not working when I am.
>New boss Jan 1st
>Calls me into office
>Anon I have good news and bad news
>Good news is you're being promoted. New salary band, no job change.
>Bad news is I'm really busy and won't be able to meet very often at all.

My advice, spend 5 minutes thinking about how to eloquently tell him what you did that day, while at the same time trying to reduce how often you see each other. Cancel occasional meetings at first then propose you meet less often.

>> No.17544797

New grad, IT/CS is trash. Literally a glorified tech bitch for people who give no fucks.

>> No.17545423

the problem is that it doesn't sound like real work. they will ask him to explain in details what all of that means. eventually he will get more and more stressed trying to bullshit his supervisors. I'm been in a similar situation myself

>> No.17545438

Install cmatrix

>> No.17545473

Also this is why you inject yourself into certain processes that nobody else understands or cares about so that you aren't replaceable.

>> No.17546663

how to get comfy IT job? currently software dev and its too much work desu

>> No.17546747

how to get comfy IT job?

>> No.17547005

Get lucky, you either get a shit boss orna good one. I have a good boss and work at home.

>> No.17547015

Is sec+ enough?

>> No.17547032

Maybe to start help desk, it's where I started and worked my way up

>> No.17547035

Just lie about what you do, make it seem like it's more than it is.

>> No.17547073

This does raise a good point, the actual capacity of the new manager to even understand what Anon does is important. It would be much easier to "bullshit" somebody who wasn't technically inclined whatsoever vs. someone more knowledgeable

>> No.17547428

>it's where I started and worked my way up
>worked my way up

>> No.17547566

Actually put in effort. Moved from being a helpdesk grunt to management and it's easy to see who puts in no effort. People notice even if they're outside your department, my location was always chosen to test new infrastructure rollouts.

>> No.17548589

>Actually put in effort
for example?
Can you do some examples?

>> No.17548767

Helpdesk employees are one step away from the frycooks at mcdonalds. It's literally just showing up everyday and when your internal knowledge base doesn't have the answer you put in the 5 minutes of effort required to go on the technet or spiceworks to find a workable solution. The faster you work tickets but solve people's issues and not just turn and burn them will increase your stats and boom you're a tier 2/3/4 person in no time. Then you burn out, get some certs, and become an it engineer somewhere else. IT will always be underpaid and unappreciated so if you are still in school I reccomend you switch to something else that isn't electrojazz swim therapy.