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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17543332 No.17543332 [Reply] [Original]

How was your day? Care to share how you're life is going?

>> No.17543351

hey bartender, where do I buy kleros in the US?

>> No.17543391

I'm gonna punch this faggot in the face if you don't kick him out.

I'm having an old fashioned btw, and my day was busy as shit with the markets acting up

>> No.17543396

I just wish this whole clown world would come to an end. What's the point of being truly based if everything that results is isolation and loneliness.

>> No.17543397

Shorted the airlines. Give me something to relax this clench I got going.

>> No.17543599

Not great barman. Bit of a one step back two step forward type thing. Going through the one step back at the moment. Can I get a corona with lime.

>> No.17543602

Bought some silver. Commission cucked (sales). Had to have a wank at work just to pass the time. 6/10 day

>> No.17543607

Just take it outside if you guys are going to fight.

>> No.17543621

Sure thing fren

>> No.17543757

I'm torn between wondering if I should go off anti-depressants cold turkey so I can at least enjoy drugs again in my shitty life or if I should just go whole hog full lobotimization just to cope with the fact that I'll never be more than an obese autist stuck in a job extremely ill-suited to him.

>> No.17543776

just bought some more xtz, so life is good. The day has been successfull if I have inreased my bag

>> No.17543782

Are you able to quit your job? What are you doing for work fren?

>> No.17543801

alright geez, i'll leave; what's with the hostility anyways?

>> No.17543859
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Hey anon how’s everything today? I’ll just have the usual naked johnny walker....
*takes a sip*
So, have you seen her lately? I’m sure you’ve heard about us.

>> No.17543909

Call center pharm tech work. I'm really afraid of the response I'll get from family if I quit. I honestly only took the job to afford to replace my broken GPU in my computer, because I knew I'd hate it and quit after a month and I wasn't getting any other offers. My family doesn't care. They're really angry at me for buying the GPU because they think I deserve punishment for only being able to find delivery driving at Domino's tolerable so far. If I move back home they want me to get rid of nearly everything I own and care about, including my guns and half of my consoles. I feel like I'm being punished for having bad luck.

>> No.17543931

quit my shit job a while ago and started another one that is a much better fit for me. definitely have a more optimistic outlook now that I quit my shit job and have a decent one

>> No.17543962
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>$300k saved
>meet nice girl from wisconsin
>parents intact, cooks
>she has $300k in student loan debt

>> No.17544025

I'm sorry to hear that. How old are you? What skills and ambitions do you have? I always find that notion in America that living with family in your 20s is bad kinda fucked up, living in some slum and dealing with landlords while having no money is a pain in the ass for which I would not wish on most people.
Glad to hear fren here have one on the house

>> No.17544058


Date her but you're not bailing her out. If you get serious her file for bankruptcy, after 10 years get legally married so your credit isnt tanked. YW

>> No.17544081

thanks for the drink fren

>> No.17544087

used goods pass. Get a plane ticket to peru pick up an 18 yr old latina

>> No.17544101

Damn this hit hard.

>> No.17544107

I'll have some water bartender, thanks. I'm on my third week free from booze and almost two from coke and weed. I still vape the robocock bc nicotine is a bitch. First week of nofap and noporn but the brainfog fluctuates more that bitcoin's price. I've been on the warehouse so long that I'm scared to apply for jobs in qualified for. The area is still plagued with mentally underdeveloped retards but I had some good talks with anons here and a couple more boards. I also cried for a stupid reason after a long time. I hope some of the other patrons here are doing well

>> No.17544111


Student loan debt is not forgiven with bankruptcy.

>> No.17544115


My latest shitcoin just got a new ATH, life is good

>> No.17544150
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anon, for the love of God, do NOT under any circumstances. you did not make the poor choices that led to that financial hole. You made the good choices that cost blood, sweat, and tears along with the countless hours and smart financial management that got you $300k saved. No woman is worth that much, especially since she's likely to drain you and ditch once you're"broke" after bailing her out.

I repeat. DO. N O T. NO ROASTIE IS WORTH IT. Do not for on a cross for her mistakes.

>> No.17544179

Not too bad. 42 days sober. Interviewed for a job the other day and I think it went well, they said I'd hear back this friday. We're all going to make it lads.

>> No.17544239

This man knows.

>> No.17544276

I'm 24. It's been so long since I used any skills that I don't know what I have that's real and what I made up for the resume. All I know is that I'm pretty analytical and can pick up most things quickly. Right now my ambitions are just hoping that Chainlink moons in the next year or so because I genuinely don't know how I'm gonna get by for the next 5-10 years and I'm fairly sure I'm just going to end up another statistic of the 9x higher than average suicide rate of "high-functioning" autistics. I refuse to sell because it might be my only way out of this hell. Either that or somehow find some way to just barely subsist as a human being for 5 years waiting for my trust fund to kick in, if I don't get written out of it for "not trying hard enough."

>> No.17544304

That's amazing anon! Good job. Can I offer you a beer to celebrate?

>> No.17544375

Geez that's pretty rough. Odd suggestion but have you ever thought of joining the military? I know someone is going to pop up and say the military sucks but I've always thought of it as a hard reset option. It also forces you to be away from everyone else in your life (and thus you'll have time to reevaluate their place in your life and what you really want to do from a more outside perspective.) If you're a couple of years away from blowing your brains out already and your hoping on a miracle it wouldn't be a bad path to take. Hell if you have a college degree you could go in as an officer but if you're not up for it that's fine too. You'd at least have more opportunity to get fit and could even be one of the first men to join the space force. Just my 2 cents on the issue.

>> No.17544388

Didn't smoke weed today for the first time in I don't know how long after some frens came to my assistance in a despair thread I posted yesterday. Bought 25 oz. of silver today to add to my stack.

QRD so far
>32k 401k, 2500 in Robinhood, 0.8 BTC 1100 LINK 12 LTC 8 ETH, 6k USD in savings, 125 oz. silver

Only make like 40k USD before tax but I'm back in school to finish my bachelors. Owe like 15k on my car, owe 10.5k for school so far. Only back in school to finish my bachelors because some friends IRL can get me in to their companies if I want but I need the bachelors. Trying to get my shit together, frens

>> No.17544408
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>she has $300k in student loan debt

>> No.17544472

I'm in a fucking rut. I have a cat that I'm allergic to that sleeps in my bed, there's black mold in the kitchen that I need to clean up, there might be mold in the walls but hopefully my brother's ozone generator cleared that up. I work long days that physically and emotionally drain me, but if I ate better and lost weight then it wouldn't be so bad. I have a list of things I wish I had time to do, but if I had the time, I'd just sit here sick and unmotivated anyways. I'm tired of trying to fix it but I'm not quite ready to lay down and die. I'm taking 1 class and I'm failing it because I'm not putting in the required time to study (2 hours minimum per day). My work is an impossible situation where it feels like the only way through it is to put my head down and keep collecting the paycheck, but I'm in a position of leadership being the longest employed there and the most competent and there's a whole lot of babies who need a father figure, but the place only functions properly when the owner is around, I make it work when he's absent but everyone else fucks off, meanwhile I saw this happening years ago and tried to step out of any "management" position but I'm basically shoehorned into it and in a constant state of humiliation. My goal is to save as much cash as possible for the rest of this year and finally leave this job but there's that part of me that's nagging saying that I need to face my problems there instead of leaving the job. I'm drinking almost every day since about September and I've put on a lot of weight from it.

Whiskey neat, please

>> No.17544528
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Best time to find a job is when you have another job. Keep looking. The market is great.

>> No.17544584

Sure thing pal. Just tell me when it's enough.

>> No.17545172
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gib me one beer pls fren

>> No.17545211
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>> No.17545221


>> No.17545225

Waiting for LINK to moon is exhausting
Make it a double again

>> No.17545477
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I'm okay but life feels so slow. I'm 23 and a Junior in college for accounting but the only reason I'm doing it because I have no idea what else I would do. I'm too retarded for STEM so this is where I've ended up after jerking around for a few years. I'll be out of college with my bachelor's with only about 8k in debt which is cool but the prospect of eternally wagecucking insidiously lingers throughout and pervades my thoughts. I have around 1.3K LINK so maybe Sergey can save me. Haven't had a meaningful conversation with a woman since my ex from 3 years ago. The only vice I have is dumping my money into LINK in hopes that I make it. Will I?

I'm just here for the vibes, just get me a water with lemon.

>> No.17545552

Kek well you got me to laugh, so that's an accomplishment. I apologise, I had to take care of something outback, how's everything going with you?

>> No.17545629

pls dont ruin your life

>> No.17545633

Holy shit you're me but I finished my bachelor's in finance 2 years ago and finished my master in accounting last August. I wish you luck. I failed my series 7 today and just feel like absolute dogshit. here have a cold one on the bar for a kindred soul. Also here's the water w/ lemon if you still want it.

>> No.17545634

Easy if you're a dentistry or medical student. A lot of dentistry students never do pay off their loans, apparently the government is on the hook for 100 million now that dentistry student loans from 25 years ago are being forgiven.

>> No.17545650
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>> No.17545667
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I feel pretty similar to you anon. Just turned 25 yesterday. Graduated 3ish years ago in a STEM field. Been wage cucking ever since. I still live at home and I just got enough to buy a home but I still have like 20-30k in student loan debt. I have some hobbies like guns, motorcycling, skiing, stocks, and weight lifting but it's not enough to offset the 9-5. I even have a solid 5/10 gf that's a good cook and makes even more then I do. But all day at work all I can think about is being free. And it's not that I hate my job, everything about it is great all things considered except for the fact that I have to do it. I even realize I'm being a whiny faggot right now.

I just don't get how people people do it - how do people go to college, buy a home, buy a car and wageslave their ENTIRE life? There has to be another way. I feel like I'm being conned out of my life. I did "the right thing" for 25 years now surely there must be some sort of reward for it. not more debt. I feel like I'm not depressed because I'm not suicidal or really even sad but, fuck, WHAT IS THERE TO DO IN THIS LIFE? Maybe antidepressants would help me to work because it would just turn me into a key-punching math zombie computer for 8 hours.

>> No.17545701
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Things are ok. Rakin’ in the dough with no qt gf to enjoy it with. Not that’d i spend crazy money on her, im just getting tired of loneliness.

>> No.17545720

This is a good indication that you should have kids. Once you have established yourself, you should start working on something greater than yourself.

>> No.17545752
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I don't have enough money to give kids a good quality of life, but I also feel like I haven't even lived mine yet.

>> No.17545821
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>I'll take a monster zero please

Placed a buy order on Robinhood, didn't go through because of some platform-wide major fuck up, no worry on that because the stock just crab walked all day. Also sold about $500 worth of spare junk on eBay over the weekend, took the packages the post. Did some spring cleaning and hung out with my secret frens on biz.

>> No.17545842
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pretty good honestly.
my hands are getting good exercise holding this SQQQ

>> No.17545994

Ok cool

>> No.17546437
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>> No.17546495

You just need to arrive at the other end. True basedness results in real world gains.

>> No.17546919

I'm fucking sad all my friends are making money on PNK but I didn't know how to use Uniswap to buy PNK. Can I get a PBR? I literally can't afford anything else.

>> No.17546981

Got a raise today! That's pretty good.

I also discussed moving into a more business side operations/strategy role. I can't find many resources on what the day to day looks like in those roles though. I was thinking it's really about keeping teams in alignment, starting or directing team initiatives to match company vision, creating reports for the CEO to show progress, competitor analysis/market analysis etc.

Anyone have any experience with this? I'm loving the chance for an opportunity, and we're a small tech company so I think I can do a lot.

>> No.17547226

I'm happy for you congratulations!

>> No.17547871

Alright I'm closing down last call for drinks.

>> No.17547937
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I think I might kill myself. I was framed with over 15 complete horseshit charges about a year ago and the government more or less controls my life now. Beware of the fucking glowies, and those who abuse their power. My life is ruined. Everything written in the statements are complete lies, but you have to wait years just to prove your innocence.

>> No.17547962

>parents intact
why's it matter if her parents are circumcised or not? Kinda rude to even care desu.

>> No.17548013

>Double Jack neat please

got partially demoted at my wage-slave restaurant job. I host and am a server's assistant but got taken off the SA schedule because I couldn't remember half the shit on our menu. Irecently quit smoking cigarettes and haven't been able to get more than an hour or two of sleep a night so I've been super spaced out. Tried to explain it to my miserable coked up boss but he couldn't care less. I'd leave but I make good-ass money by my small cities standards. Moving somewhere else in the summer and gonna get a simple job at a bookstore or library and trade stocks on the side.

don't do it anon
leave that shit man, no job should make you feel responsible for it's success. Everyone is replaceable and the place will go on without you.
I'm sorry anon, I hope you find peace in something in life and become happier.

>> No.17548075

What irresponsible thing would you do if you had an extra $1,000 per month? I cleaned up my budget and found a lot of money I can redirect somewhere else. I'm already paying down debt & contributing to retirement accounts and could just put more towards that, but I want to do something selfish and shortsighted with it.

>> No.17548401

Thanks! Hope your day went well too.

Not sure, maybe I'd save for 3 months and buy an amazing PC?

>> No.17548492
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Wish I never started investing. Lost thousands and now I'm buying crypto on credit trying to make it all back. Student debt is making me stressed I guess and desperate for financial stability but instead I'm blowing it all on crypto lol I think this is what you call having a gambling addiction. Anybody else ktf and how do I conquer it

>> No.17548518

I wish, I failed my series 7 today by 3 points. I'm just bummed out by it and I'm sick of studying for stupid shit. There's part of me that intends to start a business in a couple of years, part of me just wants to buy a cabin in the woods and drop off from society and slowly transition to living off the land in hopes of a boogaloo or corona-chan pandemic. But thanks for the thought.

>> No.17548533

Lol how did you study? Those licensing exams are more about test taking than knowledge. Did you get a huge book of questions and just answer them over and over until you knew the reason why and why not?

>> No.17548541

A friend of mine blew 7 grand just on gambling on roulette every week.

>> No.17548616

Studied just about everyday for about 9 hours, both on just blasting though an online program multiple times, taking practice tests and reading the textbook. So pretty much.
I think I kinda just freaked myself out for the test too much the day before and this morning and thus it became a self fulfilling prophecy where I choked during the exam. Also got freaked out by the wording for a lot of questions and questions where 2 answers both sound good.

>> No.17548687

I recently got rich enough to quit my job and neet forever, and I just can't make myself quit. It's the weirdest thing, I just feel like I'm floating.

Ardbeg, with a splash of water.

>> No.17548777

I think you should film quitting then so you can relish it for years.