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17521716 No.17521716 [Reply] [Original]

ITT we discuss of history related to fiscal policies from ancient egypt to modern times.

Videos that you might find helpfull:
And all the videos on that playlist, ofc



Personal opinion: fuck fiat.

>> No.17521757

Feel free to add material to the thread (videos, links, etc).
And to bet on whatever the future will hold.

>> No.17521815

For example, any opinion/info/material on the Jacksonian Movement in the USA would be greately welcome.

>> No.17522009

Sad but stubborn bump.
Come on faggots, no one here have some good feelings about talking about this?

>> No.17522331


>> No.17522344


Do you knwo about the Jacksonian movement in the USA back in the day?

>> No.17522381


>> No.17522408

Anything about the jews in there?

>> No.17522415

>fuck fiat
this should literally be the biggest takeaway by anyone who spends even a minuscule amount of time studying the history of fiscal policy and economics in general

>> No.17522417

That's modern.
And i guess it's fine.
But i mean, it was a nice journey from egypt, right?
And i'm interested in talking about the Jacksonian movement, and what they did in the specific.

>> No.17522460

But there was a lot of systems.
Like the bimetal, the gold standard, and there was a lot of difference in how the banks behaved.
I would like to discuss about that.

>> No.17522462


forgot where i read this, i think it was on some yearly crazy predictions that my broker releases every new year, but the prediction was that in the coming years, countries the world over will start returning to the gold standard.. also tax cuts would occur... could be nice, I guess

>> No.17522476

Dude, it's not the jews, it's the comunists (aka those who support government expandind and fiat).
Also no, not in those videos.

>> No.17522479

even gold was debased by the Romans and others
only Bitcoin can fix things

>> No.17522491

>but the prediction was that in the coming years, countries the world over will start returning to the gold standard
I think we ll get there too eventually, but not before a lot of milions of people will die.
After all, War is politics by other means, and politics is economy by other means.

>> No.17522508

Well, the danger will be with the supeorcomputers that those comunists fags created.
If there is a quantum-proof encription on the wallet it will be secure.
Also, they could take bitcoin and create their version of it, an infaltionary coin that they can control, like Lybra, and enforce it with a gun.

>> No.17522526

Let’s talk about tally sticks. Made with a certain willow, the grain allowed the sticks to be unique. The stick would be split in half in a zigzag pattern depending on the amount of debt the stick represented. One half would go to the creditor, the other, the debtor. This was one of the first distributed “immutable” ledgers. The system was used as a money for over 400 years IIRC, and was done because King Henry was tired of jews manipulating the prices of precious metals.

>> No.17522540

Ain't that like fiat tho?

>> No.17522545

SHA256 is quantum proof, the only thing that is a problem is ECSDA. Quantum computers may be able to crack into old wallets which have been dormant for years, but they will not be able to mint new coins.

>> No.17522553

any sources on jews manipulating pm prices?

>> No.17522569

Yes and no, sure there was no inherent value to these sticks, but they could not be created at will because you needed two parties to agree to the transaction, a debtor and creditor. If someone tried to “print” them solo theyd be left with the credit and the debt which = 0

>> No.17522576

>they will not be able to mint new coins.
That's actually surprisingly good to hear.
Still, i think that governments will steal those coins ofc.
That will make the value of bitcoin fall for a bit.. Or will it be the opposite?
What do you think?

>> No.17522595

The problem, i guess is: what happens if i get a willow and make a piece like that?
I am legit stealing, right?
So you are back at the beginning, no?

>> No.17522612

If you think about it Satoshi has also created a bounty incentive for somebody to create a quantum computer if he leaves his coins untouched. I think it will happen one day but it is not a big deal, we will never go over 21M Bitcoins and all active coins will be safe, only dormant old wallets that have been lost will be at risk. It gives incentives for people to keep developing things that would actually help Bitcoin and keeps attention on it. It is pretty brilliant.

>> No.17522632

Well you won’t be able to make a piece that matches an existing pattern because of the grain, and if you created an entire new piece your left holding the debt too. There were some anti counterfeting measures in place too and IIRC the King also kept a log of all the sticks. It worked surprisingly well, for as silly as it sounds

>> No.17522641

Yeah, but I believe they were referred to as the (((goldsmiths))) I’ll see if i can dig it up

>> No.17522663

Oh, i agree, and i love it.
It forces socialists to improve things for us all if they want to keep humanity enslaved.
At least our sacrifice will be worth to the last second for future generations.
Quite poetic, if you ask me.
And not the worst way to go.
Still, i think that when that happens, Bitcoin will pay a price.
Not it's fault, but what can youy do, you know how people are.

>> No.17522676

>Well you won’t be able to make a piece that matches an existing pattern
>because of the grain
That's actually brilliant!

>> No.17522723

Also mega deja-vu lol.
You see, i think i was here years before, but i forgot cause of depression induced alchoolism.
I assume you are and oldfag with that reference, right?
If so, tell me: if one day we start to produce gold out of thin air thanks to tech, and bitcoin and criptos like that becomes the only apex predators for the store of value, what will it happen?
Will we ever have minarchism again?
A form where governments won't be able to steal, lie and kill cause they don't have the resources no more?

>> No.17522808

I believe Bitcoin and other decentralized blockchain based currencies are actually going to cause a lot of pain for humanity, at least in the beginning. Weak governments around the world are going to start failing because their citizenry no longer has to use their fiat currencies to trade amongst each other. Countries like Zimbabwe, Argentina, Turkey, India, etc with massive inflation are going to implode because their governments cannot compete with Bitcoin. This will cause them to lash out against their citizens violently to try and maintain power, it won’t work but many will be killed/jailed. Only thr governments which adopt this technology and embrace it will survive, and they will have less power of their citizens monetarily, but We will have far less privacy if the current blockchains do not make privacy enhancements. In the end I think it brings a golden age, but the road there will be bloody.

>> No.17522866
File: 77 KB, 883x344, edison on interest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Appreciate you making a thread that will make people think. Good effort. But no, it is the jews.

>> No.17522871

shoo pajeet

>> No.17522878

The communists were all Jews anyway, communist means either Jew or useful idiot.

>> No.17522896

On that we agree.
But man, you need to realize it's the only way.
Our enslavement is so deep, so powerful, so strong, so insidious that only our death will free us.
The fucked up thing is that the socialists will use the third world people and the developing world to utterly break us, in the hope of staining their hands, for then elsave them utterly.
So the question is not how to avoid that pain, and our probable death, i don't think it's in the cards.
The question is: will they be able to take the knowledge of bitcoin and one day free themselves?
And will they be able to restore freedom for themselves?
I mean, think about it: immagive a world where really governments HAVE to stay put and follow their consituttion cause they lack the resources to corrupt, steal, lie and kill.
A world where good, honest men and women are forced to live morally on direct contact with the clensing flame of reality.
Will we ever get there in your opinion?

>> No.17522922
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I mean, i look at Peter Shiff, and he is a jew, and a libertarian.
In my opinion the very tool for enslavement (government) is and always will be in the hands of socialists.
Fuck, i mean, look at pic related.
Nothing ever change till they will be able to abuse power.

>> No.17522963
File: 232 KB, 590x880, SmartSelect_20200301-210600_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only book you'll ever need on the matter.

>> No.17523558

Interest is important though. It allows a fairly low-risk low-return investment style, which is an important baseline for the majority of investors, for example your parents, whose retirement income would basically be 0 without interest, actually negative if you factor in inflation.
the fact that interest is currently 0 in my country is part of the reason why retirees who've worked their whole lives are collecting cans in train stations

>> No.17523637

>whose retirement income would basically be 0 without interest

> interest is currently 0 in my country is part of the reason why retirees who've worked their whole lives are collecting cans in train stations
And that's actually what makes me mad about the socialists: they don't understand that it's their fault.
And even if it's this bad already, they want MORE state, MORE control.

>> No.17523721

Make UK Company law into your Anubis

>> No.17523906
File: 178 KB, 1302x1530, IMG_20200208_193304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did I know your first vid would be the Supreme Based Mike Maloney? Fuck, this exact playlist took me from an autistic everyday shitcoiner to ragged-looking doomer in the space of about a week or so of watching through it.

Yup thought about this way too much, also based

>> No.17524020

Care to elaborate? I was assuming that the average boomer is holding mostly treasury bonds and mutual funds, which again, are mostly treasuries. So interest payments aren't important only for da joo, but also for every investor from Warren Buffet to the retired construction guy with a 401k.
>And that's actually what makes me mad about the socialists: they don't understand that it's their fault.
I'm not sure who you're calling a socialist, and who you're trying to pin blame on for what exactly. But we potentially have a very serious problem with growth. 30 years ago, you could lend your own money to governments and corporations, the most powerful institutions on the planet (by buying bonds), and they were happy to pay you 3% interest, because they could take your cash, build new factories with it, new roads, increase revenue, pay you your interest, and still have money left for themselves. You could have made more by buying the stock directly, but that would have been more risky, with the bond, at least you had your 3%.
in today's market, it's becoming difficult to find a trustworthy government or corporation willing to pay that kind of interest, because no one is so sure anymore that they can continue growing like they could before. Which is a problem, because population is still growing, faster even than agriculture iirc, which could be a really big problem in like 30 years.

>> No.17524150
File: 872 KB, 1417x859, fordMakeGet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree

You do realize jews are literally trying to enslave humanity through economic subversion, right? Youre over here crying about "socialists" like a fox news drone.

>> No.17524935

> I was assuming that the average boomer is holding mostly treasury bonds and mutual funds, which again, are mostly treasuries
I think that pensions are gonna become a "fluid" thing.

>I'm not sure who you're calling a socialist
Well, everyone who support growing the government (any government) and deficit spending.

>Youre over here crying about "socialists" like a fox news drone.
Bush don't look like a Jew to me.

>> No.17524971


>> No.17525853

Cool idea for a thread

>> No.17526100

the masonic secret societies are a way to make the goyim proxy jews.

>> No.17526218


>> No.17526299

Rise and Fall of the Medici Family

>> No.17526809
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Fiat is the only thing that can work

>> No.17526883

Gold is a stock, something to speculate. Jews use gold, outlawed silver in late 1800s because gold is easier to manipulate 15x more so. They were the goldsmiths that started fractional reserve banking. Only a 100% fiat currency can work

>> No.17527317
File: 229 KB, 500x500, 1579003854697.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incredibly based thread.

>> No.17527377

This one is very good too.


>> No.17527385

My favorite piece of economic history was the time a guy bought 98% of all onions in Chicago, then shorted onion futures and dumped his stores to fulfill the contracts. Onions were worth less than the bags that held them.

>> No.17527476

OP, your frequent misspellings and cluelessness on technology behind crypto along with his ramblings in Jacksonians and "comunists" leads me to believe you need to go back to /pol/.

>> No.17527501

OP, teach me about fractional reserve banking.

>> No.17527535

"The Truth of All Monetary History"
The Jews have controlled everything
The End.

>> No.17527539

damn, comfy thread anon

>> No.17527606

Mandatory viewing:

>> No.17527611

I'm not understanding this. if a quantum computer can crack a wallet, they have access to everyone's wallets then as they can crack all of them. How are we going to determine which transaction is true and which was hacked? 2ndly, if a Quantum computer can bruteforce the encryption, why it can't it lend that power to mining for the next header? Then that would mean they have complete control over all future transactions after that point, where they can deny and double spend at will, in addition to having to control over any particular wallet.

>> No.17528367


>> No.17528988
File: 105 KB, 325x319, You Win with BTC_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
