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17521730 No.17521730 [Reply] [Original]

Give us some hints; we're all neets here, bro.

>> No.17521748
File: 802 KB, 1932x2576, 1581975473106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck your mom.

>> No.17521759

work hard, be the best you can be, and always give a firm handshake

>> No.17521768

Your portfolio should be 80%+ Bitcoin.
Never day trade, only swing if you must.
Use extremely low margin, or don’t use it at all

>> No.17521786

I've never felt this confident that i'll be a millionaire one day.
Also, why are dainty ladies so attractive?

>> No.17521791

Be born with a silver dildo in your ass.

>> No.17521797

You think there's a secret
There isn't

Learn a skill of value
Sell you time doing that skill for a salary
Look at what people who make more on a time basis doing your skill do differently and improve yourself or your skill so you make more
Spend less than you earn and invest the excess every month

Optional: if you are very good in your field and the existing firms are poor, start your own

Do the above and you will become a millionaire before you're old
Once you have enough to live on 4% of your nestegg annually, retire and spend your time doing what you want (and occasionally selling your time as above if the rate is very good)

>> No.17521805

Fuck a black girl every week.
They will boost up your self esteem.

>> No.17521819

If. Exclusively have sex with humans n don’t like having sex with apes?

>> No.17521868


I fucked a QT negress once and while it was new and exciting at the time, the novelty went away quickly.

>> No.17521952
File: 7 KB, 239x211, 5F7101B7-D789-4B07-B2A0-887C3047A7B4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No trapcode. Fake and still gay

>> No.17521976

To make aids gains?

>> No.17521988

Nice STD collection you are starting bro

>> No.17522051

how low?

>> No.17522065


>> No.17522080


I made a viral indie game and now I'm a multimillionaire.

Clueless about what to do with the money any tips?

>> No.17522094


>> No.17522115


>> No.17522154


No Notch is a billionaire. I'm a mere millionaire.

>> No.17522164

2x MAXIMUM, generally aim for 1.5x.

>> No.17522173

>not 80%+ Chainlink

>> No.17522177

>I'm a shit trader so dont do the things I've done
Nobody listen to this moonboy. Here's the truth; you NEED MONEY to make money. If you Zoomers casually have $500k to spot buy and hodl, then go for it. But the reality is that you need to trade to make consistent profits in these markets, specifically with margin


>> No.17522188

Just be consistent, patient, and front-load your energy into the needful. Dividends will pay off eventually, and if they don't, then hey at least you tried and can have a still mind that you made an effort

>> No.17522205
File: 17 KB, 320x268, BimRwrAm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pareto principle

>> No.17522228

Name of the game? I might buy it.

>> No.17522234

This is the truth but no one wants to hear it. People just want to go all in on some shitcoin and pray to god that it moons

>> No.17522261

Moonboy for hedging risk? Lol retard.

This thread is advice from millionaires, faggot of course I have more than 500K to play around with.

97% of you day trading, margin maxing faggots will go broke in a year. The system is designed to take from you and give to me.

>> No.17522278

My sweet RSR already made me a SHIT TON of money. You're just mad you picked FTM or VIDT or some other worthless shit.

>> No.17522293

Why do I get the feeling I know who you are?

Eric Barone. Fairly sure he was on here several months ago pretending to not be him while bragging about him.

>> No.17522298

You're all fucked, don't worry about it. :V)

>> No.17522310

yo big baller in the house. ima flex on some biz niggas

>> No.17522330

How long did it take you to make the game btw. Have you made games before and what aspect was the most difficult?

t. Solo game developer whose been working on a game since last year and art design is a bigger pain than coding.

>> No.17522368

just have money bro

>> No.17522446


I spent 6 years failing at making games. I realised my ambitions were too big and scaled back.

The game that went viral took 14 months to make but I would say all of the 6 years before were absolutely necessary to learn my limits.

I'd say the hardest part was art. There is just so much to make. It's not a skill thing but a content amount issue.

Design a game that doesn't need a high amount of unique art assets. That is my advice.

>> No.17522525
File: 31 KB, 327x181, s1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

biggets to smallest bag and you will make it anon. $UBT will give the highest returns. expect x100 in 2020. dyor cunt

>> No.17522550
File: 1.21 MB, 1400x1400, D84B221C-9510-46EF-9B41-2302A8FD2450.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related

>> No.17522609

>I spent 6 years failing at making games.
Quite a long time. But as you mentioned all the knowledge you gained from that was useful which I know to be true for my case as well. If I had to start over I'd likely catch up to where I am now in my games progress a lot faster.

>I realised my ambitions were too big and scaled back.
Lol yeah I noticed the same issue with me. But at this point I'm too far in. Most of the coding that is used has been completed. Majority of code left to do are only a few different one's: reworking characters movement and attack, ai movement and attack, saving of player data for unlocks. Majority of the ingame code is complete and just needs better tuning. My big hurdle now is art design as I had only done it for one area of many more I need. Even then I still need to rework some art to fit the scene better.

>a content amount issue
Yeah I noticed that as well for mine lol.

>Design a game that doesn't need a high amount of unique art assets
Was considering doing that long ago. For example if I change one aspect of my game that has proven the biggest pain, then I could cut out an aspect that is taking me the longest to design as it needs to be implemented well or it will just make the game look crummy or the scene will just look off. But removing this breaks the immersion a lot for one aspect I'm going for.

Looks like we have some similar thoughts on this process, cool.

>> No.17522700


The only way to break out into the upper class which isn't a form of gambling is to identify some kind of paradigm shift and either build or invest in it. Your tools are patents, exclusivity contracts, and occasionally technological network effects.

This is what middle class is supposed to be, and it's unfortunate that a million is hardly enough to make it if you are young.

>> No.17523002

Please tell a little about your marketing strategy. I have been developing games for ~7 years now and have yet to get any traction. Clearly I know nothing about marketing. Any advice?

>> No.17523130

I'm a millionaire from being around bitcoin since 2012

at some point in 2015 I found an edge at a casino
I used this mathematical error on one specific game one specific way to win about 15k (60-70 BTC at the time)
from there I just studied proper security techniques and made some more btc trading during the 2017 s2x hardfork scare

My advice is if you get lucky is to immediately study security risks and diversify
I saw a lot of people make a lot of money in 2017 only to lose it all plus more
Shitcoins are called shitcoins for a reason

>> No.17523146

Millionaire here from 2017
The next big coin starts with R

>> No.17523161

is it the rupee??

>> No.17523310

That's indeed a true millionaire advice.

>> No.17523360

It's Renminbi faggot.

>> No.17523380


>> No.17523383

If your family is not wealthy or well positioned the only real way is by selling drugs.