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17519087 No.17519087 [Reply] [Original]

Lads, you need to make it in honor of all of the frens who didn't make it.

>be me
>live at home, $200 rent
>work shitty job making $40k/year
>back in school to finish bachelors degree in business administration, owe $10.5k right now and only 65% done. Will probably cost between 30k-40k to finish
>owe 15k on my car that I need because my job requires me to drive 500+ miles a week and need something reliable
>32k in 401k, 6k USD in savings, 100 oz. silver, 0.8 BTC 1100 LINK 12 LTC 8 ETH
>very depressed, every day I'm met with anxiety and feel crippling sense of failure
>haven't KMS because I've got a very sweet gf. She wants to get a house and start a little family on a little land

I spent my early-mid 20s falling for memes like traveling and partying and then I woke up in September and now I'm here. Don't fall for the memes, frens. Stay your course. I may never make it now because even though I am returning to school I've no clear career directions and no career excites me because I don't want to be a wagie anyway. I don't want lambos or yachts, just to be free.

Don't become me, frens. The regret I feel now from being such a brainlet is crushing. I don't know what I'm going to do and feel that it may be too late for me. If anybody wants to talk I am here for my frens. If anybody has any advice for me I am all ears.

>> No.17519100


>> No.17519120 [DELETED] 

How the fuck do these absolute losers and worthless sack of shits even have girlfriends. I just don't get it. She's got to be busted as absolute fuck theres no other way.

>> No.17519133

Because IRL I'm charismatic and don't look like an ogre. People enjoy being around me IRL, they just don't really see the struggles within my mind

Yes, 28

>> No.17519152

stop being a little faggot and get your life together OP I was a broke drugged out loser at 28 and turned it around and now Im doing well so stop beimg a little bitch. would call you a sackless incel loser but apparently some poor femoid took pity on you so dont fuck it up.

>> No.17519169

uve got 6k and 1k link.... dude uve made it.

>> No.17519171

>>32k in 401k, 6k USD in savings, 100 oz. silver, 0.8 BTC 1100 LINK 12 LTC 8 ETH
you're literally in the 1% of all people in the world. sell your crypto and pay for college dumbass

>> No.17519175

Post a pic of your gfs body or with face blocked out. I would bet money she is busted.

>> No.17519179

How did you turn it around? How old are you now?

>> No.17519201

You make more than me and you dont hear me fucking cry about it you big crybaby

>> No.17519203
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>> No.17519239
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>complaining about being worth $50k at 28

>> No.17519280

Idk what the average is. I do know that many of my friends are much more successful than I and they know what they are doing. I can't even decide a career path, let alone what to do inside of one. I'm just very lost.

>> No.17519314

nice bait nigger

>> No.17519347

Good for you fag OP. Quit being a bitch and allin link while you figure out your shit life

>> No.17519358

Not bait, I promise. I think all the drugs have permanently broken my brain and fried my dopamine receptors. I'm pretty stoned now to escape the depression I felt when I made this post but perhaps getting stoned all the time is what's fueling my depression

>> No.17519368

Go into freelancing, stocks or learn how to start your own online business

>> No.17519373

>>live at home, $200 rent


Boomers: But then my 401k will go down!
Boomers: Mexicans are hard workers!
Boomers: Jobs americans wont do [for min wage]!
Boomers: Bootstraps, handshakes, eyecontact
Boomers: I worked hard. Only I worked hard! You are lazy!
Bomers: Those jobs were not good anyway. It is good we sent them to china!
Boomers: I paid for college with my summer construction job!
Boomers: You dont need college! I didnt have college and I am retired on a union factory job! Why arent you?
Boomers: Just move from your friends and family to the coasts where there is jobs! Pay the rent!
Boomers: You dont need college. Also boomers: You need college!
Boomers: When I was your age, I got paid $2.70./hr! The min wage! (23$/hr adjusted. $42/hr with real inflation counted)
Boomers: What can you do? If we speak out loud about these issues it FEELS BAD! We refuse to feel bad!
Boomers: What do you mean the economy is fucked? It's the best economy ever!
Boomers: YES our town needs a Walmart! I want my cheap shit!
Also Boomers: You work at a Walmart? Lol loser.
Boomers: I saved up for my first car by mowing lawns.
Also Boomers: We like the Mexicans mowing our lawn because it’s cheaper.
Boomers: Wow, dad. Thank you for helping us on our downpayment for our home!
Also boomers: Sorry, son. I have to save for my retirement.
Boomers: Son why can’t you afford to buy a home like I was able to at your age?
Also Boomers: Okay, son. Time to pay me rent because you still live here.

>> No.17519378

How much LINK to make it

>> No.17519408

I've been reading more about stocks and lurking in /smg/. Any useless resources you can point me to?

Also, freelancing? What types of work is freelance besides coding? I've seen the memes but am probably too dumb to learn it as I am kind of a math brainlet with anything more advanced than algebra

>> No.17519656

>Any useless resources you can point me to?
It depends on how knowledgeable you are but everything you need to know is in books or online.

>freelancing? What types of work is freelance besides coding?
Make a fiverr account or upwork account and look at the services people offer like graphic design, etc. Either learn the skill and do the work or setup a profile and outsource the work to other people

>> No.17519700

Did you at least travel somewhere nice

>> No.17519713
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You can make it fren

>> No.17519733

>$200 rent
>very sweet gf
>muh depressed
fuck you pussy, you can make it but you don't want

>> No.17519741

Yes, Israel was pretty nice

>> No.17519765

u can make it i believe in u :D

>> No.17519826

Over those years I went to states up and down Eastern US Seaboard and then internationally I went to Canada, Mexico, Jamaica, Dominican Republic, Ireland, Germany, Netherlands. Combo of trips where I can learn and trips to party

>> No.17519840

I do want, just need some type of guidance.

Thanks fren

>> No.17519894

You're much better off than the average 28 year old. How does your gf put up with the fact that you live at home? Because you have a 401k she just rolls with it and is buying time?

>> No.17519914

cute cats

>> No.17519920

I guess this is what it's like being white
> make 40k a year
>I don't have a career path lol
Many people would kill to be you. Dozens of thousands in the bank, job car gf

>> No.17519977

She also does right now, we are currently looking to buy a home. We don't want to rent to pay somebody else's mortgage when we can buy a home and pay the same for a mortgage in our area

Thanks fren

If it is doing well it sure doesn't feel it

>> No.17519995

Don’t worry about your friends OP. 9/10 they’re broke and running those credit cards up because they’re trying to look like they made it. Take up Forex as a hobby. Just learn it for a year and maybe throw a couple grand in it and if you can make a couple extra grand a month, you’ll be ok for a little while. Also. FUCK COLLEGE. College is wagie shit and you’ll never make it. Go get a trade. I do rope access for oil platforms in the Gulf of Mexico. I make 80k a year with insurance paid. Currently saving a nice stack to buy a few coins and get my forex up. Hang in their Anon. There are options out there. Don’t give up.

>> No.17520019

Most americans have a negative net worth. Even most "rich" people are actually millions of dollars in debt.

>> No.17520030

The only reason I'm even finishing my bachelors is because I've got some friends at finance and insurance companies that said they can get me in but I need a bachelors for HR requirements but they can handle the lack of experience etc.

>> No.17520044

Wtf that's retarded. How are they millionaires then? If something happens they'll be taken down by their debts

>> No.17520068

Well hang the fuck in there Anon. Don’t be like most people. Don’t be a fucking loser and bottle neck your life into 1 or 2 career options. Get that degree and go make some money there BUT DONT LET IT BE YOUR ONLY HUSTLE.

>> No.17520076

i'm turning 27 with 15k in debt and and 1 year from finishing my 4 year degree in software. My excuse however is not that I was partying it's cause i'm actually mentally ill. Severe depression since 22. Pretty much wasted 5 years being a depressed neet

>> No.17520101

KILL YOURSELF NORMALFAGGOT you have a fucking gf that is emotionally supportive of you and you are wallowing in self pity? I hate you idiot normalfags

>> No.17520128

What would you like to have some differently?

>> No.17520174

No, you're a pussy, what i read from your words is just self-pity.
There's people who makes 20k/yr and pays 3 times your rent and don't complain.
Are you depressed? Just face it first, solve it, if you don't fix your mood you can't think straight.

>> No.17520176

Saved more money
Gone to finish my bachelors sooner

Those are the two biggest items I think, I need to expand income and wish I had saved more instead of done as much partying as I did.

I have my real estate license but haven't done much with it but perhaps I can find a partner and get into investment properties?

>> No.17520207

I need to fix my mental health. Some anons suggest exercising more, better diet, and stop consuming so much weed and booze.

>> No.17520220

Your story is very similar to mine at 28. My gf left me at 29

>> No.17520225

you're gonna make it friend. software makes a lot.

>> No.17520226

Don't compare yourself to them. Everyone's path is different

>> No.17520258

>mental health
pick one

>> No.17520266

How are you doing now? Why did she leave?

I know comparison is the thief of joy but I don't know how to not do it

>> No.17520278


I know people that are in their 40s with 60k in student loan debt still. Stop being a pussy, your life is actually fine right now.

>> No.17520288

Is it really that simple? If not smoking weed will improve the depression and despair that washes over me then I'll gladly stop. I didn't know that weed could cause depression

>> No.17520312


Look up terpene profile and do your research, or go to a medical dispensary and ask what fits you best. It's literally medicine.

I bloomed off the medical marijuana industry.

>> No.17520338

Bro, too much weed is a bad thing and especially when things in your life are stressful and aren’t going right yet, weed can hinder you and keep you from being in the right state of mind. Smoke to sleep or chill on occasion but daily smoking is like trying to run in waiste deep water.

>> No.17520351

Booze will literally destroy any chances of being happy

>> No.17520356

Weed is still illegal in my state but I can get access to a decent amount of different strains. I thought it was as simple as indica and sativa, is it more depth than that? Have I using weed the same haphazardous way as if I just opened a medicine cabinet and grabbed a random bottle of pills, ignorant to the effects that each can do? When you say you "bloomed off the medical marijuana industry", what do you mean?

>> No.17520361

thx fren. Means a lot.

>> No.17520382

I've found I've been using both as cope. Have 6-8 light beers and perhaps a shot or two one night a week, typically Friday or Saturday. May have a beer or two sporadically throughout the week. I smoke much more often though, I'd say 4-5 days a week.

>> No.17520408

Fuck off Chad. You have a girlfriend. Your life is good.

>> No.17520438

Stop smoking, stop drinking, use that money to pay for student loans and car debts. Try to cut out a few other things, free up a few dollars to pay off debt faster. Good crypto portfolio, sit on that and you'll have a lot of wealth, maybe sell some non-Chainlink cryptos after they rise quite a bit to pay off debt. Your girlfriend seems nice, give her many children and stability. Maybe excersize more, mental health is connected to physical health.

>> No.17520446

Weed raises anxiety, alcohol raises depression.

>> No.17520467


You have hybrids in between indica and sativa, in my state all cannabis must be tested for potency and terpenes. Patients come in asking for $1 RSO for cancer, ask to see the terpene profile of a specific strain because some terpenes don't work well for them. I got my dispensary, grow, and processing licenses when my state legalized, me and buddies were driving to small towns and the city and making 30k-80k wholesales weekly, selling concentrates and pounds of marijuana we produced, LEGALLY. You indeed were just grabbing whatever bottle of pills, if you smoke a lot I know you notice some strains giving you anxiety, making you lazy, unmotivated, thats not just the strain, but the terpene profile that must be tested in a lab to bring out.

>> No.17520487

Lmao so that's probably why I'm an anxiety ridden depressed mess, or at least majorly amplifying the problem

Sound advice, fren. I could exercise more. I'm not in bad shape but it's been a while since I've had a steady routine

>> No.17520502

I'l never be 100% sure. I think because I kept putting off marriage/children, smoked weed, lived at home and spent all my disposable income on travel, partying and consooming. Basically a man child. Women get anxious about this stuff right before they hit the wall.
How am I doing now? 3 years later I'm struggling to find a serious relationship, browsing biz and gambling on shitcoins. I did quit weed and move out though. Quitting weed improved my mental health dramatically even though I'm objectives worse off right now. I would advise you to make that your priority. If you really do want a life with this girl start a family soon because you are at the perfect age. Hope everything works out for you mate

>> No.17520508

Is there a strain that will make me feel more energetic? I had a THC pen one time and I felt euphoric and whenever I used it I had immense motivation and confidence but that was a while ago

>> No.17520550

Thanks man. Same to you, I hope we make it together

>> No.17520639


If it isn't a legal tested cart, I wouldn't trust it. But, there are different methods of processing marijuana most pens, like the one you hit, are distillate carts, which actually don't have a specific strain or taste because it lacks terpenes. People extract using butane, CO2, etc. But I personally recommend a sativa dominant live resin cart.

>> No.17520692

This is not the way, even if you feel motivated on weed your baked brain will create farts that seem genius while stoned. Just drop the fucking weed, it’s the greatest hindrance of self development for chronic smokers and it’s stealing your money and time.

>> No.17520927

You're right.

>> No.17521241

Quit the weed and hit the gym. Soon you won't want to smoke that much. Occasional spliff is OK but only if you do it to reward yourself after somehing hard, not so that you can cope. Also you have a gf and loads of cash so I think you have what it takes to make it if you want to. I am 28, single and debt free, but I am only starting to gather savings and crypto. The path of self improvement can be a lonely one too so ive lost lost some friends.

Nice one on the 100oz silver by the way i am a 20oz stacklet. Started buying because of biz and I am grateful to the board for teaching me about it. Hope we all make it lads.

>> No.17521279

Thank you, fren

>> No.17521363

How did you meet your gf?

Honestly, that alone puts you ahead of 90% of the people here. lots of people are in shitty financial situations and have no gf or even friends to talk to in hard times.

>> No.17521432

She doesn't usually go out to bars but I stopped in one night and she had been there with her friend, who is the sister to a guy I know. Just happened to run into her on one of the rare nights she went out.

>> No.17521529
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Weed makes me lazy, unmotivated, and wrecks my quality of sleep, 0/10 definitely a big contributor to my 4+ year long stint of anxiety and depression, which I've slowly pulled myself out of over the last year and a half.

Anons here are giving you good advice- I'm someone who's prone to depression myself so I've cut out weed, alcohol (not a single drink or joint since the new year), and even coffee for the most part. In essence I've been actively cutting out the things that I know contribute to a negative mental state or fuck with my sleep (given that the two are strongly related).

As for the rest of my routine- I meditate daily, lift 4x a week, and take magic mushrooms once a month to keep me on the right path.

>> No.17521612
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I realize that recommending psychedlics might be controversial but I find that doing magic mushrooms on a monthly basis is huge for my mental health- in terms of providing me perspective on where I'm at in my life, what I value, what kind of life I want to build, and acts as a huge reset whenever I find myself inevitably in a rut of my own making.

If full-on tripping on psychedelics is not a possibility due to living at home or a general fear of it, I'd recommend reading up about microdosing (there's a pretty decent community on reddit if you want to take the time to read through some of the top posts to get a feel for people's experiences).

I know this is just n=1, but I can safely say that psychedelics have been a game-changer to my mental health.

Bit of a tangent, but ultimately I wish you all the best fren- awareness is the first step, action is what matters most. Don't lose hope, you have a lot of good things in your life and I believe in you.

>> No.17521671

I've seen psychedelics being suggested. What makes them helpful? Isn't it just another substance messing with your brain?

>> No.17521802
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has anyone made it after 32? im fukin dyin here

>> No.17522577
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Of the drugs that I've tried (alcohol, all kinds of weed, cocaine, GHB, LSD, shrooms), both acid and shrooms (magic truffles technically but same thing) are the only thing that help me become a better person. Everything else is a hindrance to achieving that clarity of mind that keeps you true to your purpose and mission in life- a momentary high for which you pay the price and more in the days after.

Psychedelics force me to question my purpose on this earth- why I'm here, what makes me happy, what I truly value as a human being- gets me thinking about what I want out of life, and how my actions in the present moment connect to that greater vision of the life I want to lead. Don't get me wrong- the other parts of tripping like enjoying music and nature on a whole nother level are also a lot of fun, but psychedelics are at the end of the day not something I do for fun- I do it to keep myself on the right track, to help me get back on track when my habits start to slip and I can feel the void of depression creeping back into my life- that abyss of despair and meaninglessness that sucks all of the joy out of life.

As far as the science goes, from what little I remember reading, connectivity in the brain between different regions becomes noticeably better after doses of LSD or mushrooms- suggesting that psychedelics play some kind of a role in neurogenesis.

In any case shrooms are just a part of my regime- l getting my mind straight has been a multi-year process of trial and error- in building awareness of the things that hold me back, make me lazy, sad, uninspired (alcohol, weed, fapping), and the things that make me feel my best self (quality sleep, excercise, meditation), and the occasional shroom trip.

I'm just a guy on a zimbabwean spearfishing forum at the end of the day- I highly encourage you to read up about it on your own and see what you think about it.

>> No.17522767

Been considering this even though I don't even drink or smoke anymore, just gym. These aspects alone have been a massive benefit, my life is much more stable now. However, I feel like the best I have been able to do is manage my situation, but the solution is not here. I have started to get a sense of how I have insane amounts of repressed emotions in me and its mutating into anger and depression that gets buried inward. This became clear once I cut all the distractions and consoooming. I believe in the mind body connection and I fear that this repressed affect will mutate into a cancer or a heart attack, not to mention I wont be able to really fully experience life until that happens because I am all clambed up.

Do psychedellics help with this kind of issue and facing negative emotions like anger, shame etc?

>> No.17522977
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In my experience psychedelics tend to get me to confront and mentally process a lot of the emotions or thoughts that my mind is repressing- and sometimes this can be a very tough process. I can remember a couple years back being confronted with the fact that I had become a shut-in weed-smoking, depressed loser- neglectful of my friends and family, wasting away the talents that I am lucky to have been born with, leading a life very much the polar opposite of what inspires me, makes me happy, gives me energy.

I guess what I'm saying is that yes, it can help, but only as much as you are able to give yourself a cold, hard look in the mirror- the more you try to fight the truth the more conflict it creates in your trip- that's how people get bad trips. In that sense meditation helped me a lot in being able to handle the journey that every trip is, because it can definitely be very challenging at times.

I'm tired and rambling a lot- but I believe psychs are an incredible tool to connecting with yourself- helping to gain perspective on life, realize and move on from the traumas of the past hindering you, and in inspiring you to be true to yourself and your needs and wants as a human being.

Wait for a nice day, have a quiet space where you won't be disturbed while you're coming up or if you want to be along, prepare a playlist with some great songs that you enjoy, go for a walk outside in a park, go back home when you feel like it, listen to your tunes, contemplate, and let the trip take you where you need to be taken, and simply let it happen without fighting it, even if you might be faced with some harsh truths about your life. If you have a friend who you can trust and be comfortable around, you can always ask them to trip-sit you.

If going on a full-on trip is too intimidating you can always start with microdosing- it's much more subtle, and plenty of people have great experiences with it as a slower-acting tool for the same purposes.

>> No.17522991
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Anyway lads i've gotta be up early for the wagecuck tomorrow- but i enjoy my work, and i use my savings to invest in crypto and hopefully bring me closer to financial freedom bit by bit.

Read up about it, make up your mind, maybe try it for yourself and see what you think for yourselves.

All the best lads, peace

>> No.17523026

Gn fren

>> No.17523260
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>stop being a degenerate and get your life in order
>find a better job or save at least 50% of your income in the current job
>learn to be frugal and reduce your expenses as much as possible, ask yourself if you NEED or WANT a thing when buying, only buy what you need, pro tip: you actually don't NEED a lot
>stay at home to save on rent or move to a cheap condo with your gf, actually move to a cheaper state like midwest, stop being a cuck living in overpriced cities
>sell your stupid car and pay off the loan, this should be your priority
>either move to somewhere close to work (why the fuck do you drive so far to a shitty job that pays so little)
>pull out of 401k and pay off all your debts immediately, use your savings to pay of all your debt too
>sell silver and all your cryptos and all in link at around $3.00 when we visit there and hold until 2025 at least and you'll make a lot of money

You can make it if you stop being a sad faggot, good luck anon

>> No.17523423

I don't drive to a location, I drive all over to check occupancy of houses for banks and insurance companies. I get paid for each property I go to. I have to drive all over to get to the properties.

>> No.17523492
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Put it all in LINK, Anon. Ride this wave with us to glory.

>> No.17523525


Find a better job then, that you won't need a car for. Car is the biggest liabilty there is. You can't afford this luxury.
>be frugal to the T
>save as much as you can, at least 50%
>your priority is to pay off your debt, cash out everything besides crypto to do that
>all in LINK at 3.00

good luck fren

>> No.17523709

Thanks fren

>> No.17524161

Different anon here, not the one you replied to. I really want to learn more about this way. Not only about the shrooms but also the life mindset. I'm on a similar path as you but would like to talk more about it, I feel like I connected with someone in a long while. Can I add you anywhere if you are interested?