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17502417 No.17502417 [Reply] [Original]

What satsgang crews are: Discord organized pajeets, they hit during the bullrun phases
What pajeets do: They take a low market cap random coin, and they start spamming it everywhere, since it has low market cap it grows fast if shilled, so they can have a pump which is similar to legit alt-coins.
They convince as many newfags as they can to jump in, then they suddenly drop the shitcoin with huge gains.
The shitcoin comes back at shit-tier levels, and the newfags find themselves with useless bags and high losses.

So far there are several shitcoins that have been shilled on the board, this is a list of certain PND scams going on:

> ---- the former king of curry floating on a lake of boiling spicy liquid shit, more than 60 threads/day
> Kleros (exit scammed)

> ---- high shilling, more than 10 threads/day
>Nu Link

> ---- low shilling, less than 5 threads/day
> Chilliz
> Chromia
> Zenon

> ---- out from pajeet zone / not shilled anymore
> Hedera Hashgraph
> Grindercoin
> Arpa

If you jump into this curry garbage you'll lose your money.
Don't say we've not warned you newfags.

>> No.17502434

Hahahahaha literally go check out the Kleros telegram and watch them on boarding clients

>> No.17502437

sir pls

>> No.17502443

Kleros exit scammed
But ethCC March 4
Paris March 2
But bruh muh exit scam

You already missed the ICO kek

>> No.17502448
File: 513 KB, 1500x1004, pajeetPnd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does this chart ring a bell?

>> No.17502490

Nope, still up 150%
Not selling
Buy the news on March 4 sir, I'll sell you a trickle kek

>> No.17502515

If you can't recognize a curve you're dumb or just a desperate bagholder, since paid pajeets are gone

>> No.17502921

>> Arpa
Thanks for the reminder. Will make 3 threads today. Arpa is BASED

>> No.17502947
File: 1.53 MB, 1663x2023, 1582296219073.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thx just bought more Zenon

>> No.17503908

>no XRP

fake and gay

>> No.17504058

A pajeet pnd group tried to pnd ncov several days ago and got btfo with buy orders. The jeets call themselves "chiliz" because they are from india "curry". They also run coinpaprika.

>> No.17504072


Buy the news on March 4 you fucking losers lmao

>> No.17504099
File: 1.52 MB, 833x1071, unknown-4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol at pnk exit scam, get fucked retard

>> No.17504119

OP completely BTFO by my id and dubs

>> No.17504177
File: 120 KB, 1525x865, pajeet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bumping just cause, keep up the good work

>> No.17504191

>Price well and truly above token sale.
Are you brain damaged?

>> No.17504196
File: 472 KB, 1078x882, 1582871292794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pnk exit scammed

1 minute research will prove you wrong. You still can't find something to fud, bought 10k more

>> No.17504258

It's not our fault you didn't listen to PNK threads ALL YEAR in 2019 and are now priced out from a decent stack.

Buy some VRA and quit crying.

>> No.17504539
File: 85 KB, 1584x882, 1582974924127.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek doesn't lie Anon...

>> No.17504712

Kleros exit scammed at 85%

>> No.17505840

Really weak FUD anon are you even trying?

>> No.17505929

don’t forget VID-T and Holo early 2019. I can’t remember 2018 or 2017 very well, there has been so much curry shitted on this board.

>> No.17505941

the NoNuLinker cope is pathetic. There will be a reckoning one day anon, know that.

>> No.17506256

RSR is the biggest scam. Lol just kidding, you didn't fall for this FUD did you? It's the last fucking moonshot.

>> No.17506656

I know I'm a retard for buying 100k coronacoin

but this is going to be one hell of a ride

>> No.17506739

look at all these people trying to defend their pnd scamcoins

>> No.17506906

the most retarded are obviosuly kleros supporters, maybe there are still paid indians shilling since shitsgang can't fully go out from the pnd