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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 49 KB, 379x800, bosch1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17484730 No.17484730 [Reply] [Original]

this dagshit of shitcoins is finished. if the chart doesnt tell you that there is no hope. this is NOT the bottom. flatline of death is, which is ground zero, soon to be reached.
BOSCH has given up on fantom and is slowly dumping on you. he knows this is headed to the grave. so much so, that he stopped staking when the penny dropped and gave up the staked dogshit becuase he knows the team would have exitscammed by then or all holders would dump before staking rewards were due. this is the problem with projects that simply dont work and tie up your tokens in the system promising big returns.
BOSCH was fantom's biggest fan and cheerleader. His FTM holdings put him #8 on richlist
It's over cunts.
top 10 wallet holder
bosch wallet dyor:

go visit ftm channels, unofficial and official. this is a clusterfuck anons. no i dont want to buy 'cheap'. i would buy and pump and shill if so. i just hate bosch and fantom and want to save you. get out now anon

>> No.17484744

sauce on this hot girl?

>> No.17484775

it's bosch the tranny anon

>> No.17484799

check the two ten million wallets. pulled early out of staking, months of time and energy and zero reward. some tests sent to kucoin and binance. ready for the dumping. bosch must have watched this thinking it gets turned around. he's normally a master at dumping at the bottom but this time he's gotta dump. something better than nothing anon

>> No.17485037
File: 9 KB, 220x147, cfacb9b2ef4ccc81e95474a4d75077ba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

14m in my motherfucking nano s

20m staking.

4m I'm playing with on Binance. I admit I'm a shit trader

2nd biggest holding is Zenon Network cause its beyond doubt funded and started by Jack Dorsey. I'm gonna be too rich in a couple of years.



Ps How is Quant doing?

>> No.17485249



>> No.17485259


>> No.17485284

Edmund....grow up dude.

Hey give me a link if you still have the chad tg going. I miss the book underlining.

>> No.17485356

Fuck, fuck, I have millions that I am desperately trying to get back from staking, hope I am at the front of the avalanche that is coming. The time-lag on this is insane. What is happening right now will explode on week later. Fucking scammers, should have known it with the absurd time-lock and bitconnect ponzi staking rewards. fucking.hell.

>> No.17485416
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bosch this is tragic about znn as well. you mean you are balls deep in two shitcoins? lool
the pivx like scam? even the website doesnt work. sure he would make sure crex24 and stex were the only two exchanges wit near zero volume., still no whitepaper even? maybe check the bitcointalk thread where members got scammed by zenon team and are taking legal action. sure... sounds like jack dorsey . not. man, even you can't be this dumb?

>> No.17485498
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Its absolutely true. Zenon joined twitter in 2018 and didnt post till the following year. A few hours later SQ made their first post. Then made cryptic posts about Zenon. It's being fudded to shit to stop low IQ tards mooning it too early. You kids need to be more patient.

>> No.17485511

What the hell is going on? Schizo was right about fantom, but now both Constellation and MTV are in the green?? And MTV double digit? What the FUCK is going on? Is this just pure manipulation or did schizo really time and look into the fundamentals on ALL his investment calls??? FUCK!!!

>> No.17485533

>he's normally a master at dumping at the bottom

>> No.17485536

lol, MTV has been such a fucking disaster XD

>> No.17485567

I made like 5x on Quant. I wouldnt go believing what @removed and the tg say. Half the TG bought the top and have been bagholding ever since. Yeah I could of sold later but then again the pump was fake led by Cobra. Got a good roi. Happy..

>> No.17485582

theyre trying to invent cryptic shit to make it interesting trying to make a link thats not there anon. you know. its a shitcoin and a scam. supply already higher than max supply. the worst of worst exchanges and team ahve stolen from bitcointalk memebers. SURE! dorsey is involved. this shit worked in 2017, but at least then they made a website that could be navigated and had a whitepaper lol, even if was copypasted. ftm and znn ultmate shitcoins. when btc starts pumping both will flatline. fact. get out while you can anons

>> No.17485606

we will not bankroll your surgery!

>> No.17485610

Whatever I don't care. There are contradictory informations like in every Fantom threads.

Jesus Christ, I would love to be admin to permaban fudard and moonboys. We can't have a single rational discussion on this board, only crazy emotional "debates", this place is full of weirdos.

>> No.17485633

Less than 1% has been burned from unstaking. Fake news.

>> No.17485688
File: 223 KB, 1061x504, 20200207_010956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really think you arent following this. Every fud thrown has been debunked. You are parroting the fud. I'm not a fucking idiot. I've combed over everything. The bitcointalk thread shows they were talking about pillars and satellites before the SQ tweets. Also IF you actually follow it and not be a non thinking pleb you would know SQ have constantly mirrored tweets connecting to Zenon. We didn't even know Jack had plans to develop decentrlized social media as we were wondering what a dapp platform could be for bitcoin. Then Jack tweeted this plans. How can you plebs ever get rich believing every fud that is designed to make you poor. Kek...

>> No.17485721

Also the bs ponzi fud is hilariously dumb as only 30% is being added and team is giving their tokens away to do it. 30% over 3 years and its Bitconnect. You got to be fucking kidding me that this level of fud works...but it did. We will bounce hard with btc soon now the truely dumb money is out.

>> No.17485755

bosch darling. you are so deluded dear. it's tragic

>> No.17485791

Let's see....

>> No.17486030

Team controlled more than 60% of total supply, how is that for tokenomics? Why the hell would you have 100% ROI on staking solely to secure the integrity of the network? Clearly those numbers are there to generate ponzi and has nothing to do with securing the network. I believed in fantom until I saw all that shit unfold. Now the idiots are trying to copy RSR mooning by having fantom as a "stable coin" in their roadmap. These scammers just throw out what's the latest trend in the market and claim with zero substance that fantom will do the same.

>> No.17486062

andre cronje left project in all but real sense, doing other stuff. team stole code, so they jacked whole team and got in a whole new team literally next day. no dissent taken on tg. both channels nothing works. staking, wallets, bridges. its unbelievable. dump it cunt

>> No.17486138

Fantom rank 286... Fucking.Hell.

>> No.17486175

Why don't you worry about your own investments instead of ones you think are shit? Sho shoo

>> No.17486237

Nice answer, fucking scammer. You KNOW this project is shit, that's why you can't answer. I am fucking trapped in this time-lock for unstaking shit. I should have known it when I was it, but blinded by greed I guess. YOU however, are just a regular swindler. Fuck you.

>> No.17486252


>Buying FTM instead of going all-in on $nCoV (Corona.Token)

not gonna make it


>> No.17486385
File: 163 KB, 1080x1107, 20200228_235252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smart money knows where Fantom is heading. We did the research. Imagine writing off a project due to short term price moves. Silly plebs. Lol. Clearly nearly 1bn staked and comfy knows you are stupid fucks. We voted with our money not gay little cringe posts on biz.


>> No.17486386

*) when I saw it

>> No.17486511

Bitconnect plebs also voted with their money. Much more so than your poor-man scam fantom. How is that even an argument, scammer?

>> No.17486692
File: 151 KB, 800x789, primary_YOda_900-thumb-490x483-58067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You and your so called opinions are beneath me.

>> No.17486802

Shinzo bro is so mad lol. And he’s the only one who is still bagholding dag on here.

>> No.17488009
