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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 788 KB, 1080x1896, Screenshot_20200228-210256_LinkedIn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17481704 No.17481704 [Reply] [Original]

I sometimes find the things that people post on LinkedIn are like dispatches from a weird parallel universe that I would never ever want to visit. The comments on these posts are even worse.

Can we get a LinkedIn cringe thread?
What is the deal with these people?

>> No.17481955

He wants to fuck her that's why he wrote all that shit.

>> No.17482096

he's trying to virtue signal and show hes a "good guy" who agrees with the roastie he wants to fuck, without specifically mentioning her. Hes trying to kill two birds with one stone but really just looks like a cuck.

>> No.17482152

>nir golan
Alternate reality indeed

>> No.17482169

I especially cringe at the paragraph long job descriptions where people are larping like they're the next Steve Jobs. Even though it's just some middle tier management function they lucked into and probably didn't have much too add, hence the over compensating with corporate buzz words.

>> No.17482207

If only she would accept his "brave entrepreneurial defense" of her and sleep with him. It's the world that is wrong.

>> No.17482223
File: 51 KB, 354x433, 1582463483205m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think these all are definitely plausible. Unacceptable behavior by Mr. Golan.

Not linkedin cringe but I'll share.
The people who consider studying or college as a job.
>be me
>go to youtube while eating bc 4 am
>watch a history of Tokyo video
>at the end of the video, guy days his job is a "full time PhD. Student"
>hasn't already got his PhD I'm assuming

Literal cringe. Some people are so concerned about what others think of them they'll do these social gymnastics just to save a little perceptive value. I get it. It's reasonable to *some* extent. But your "job" is full time PhD student? Come on dude.

>> No.17482599

It really is quite bizarre, would you recognise this person if you saw them in the street? Do they think about work when they are at home not working?

I have never had that flow of conversation go on in my head or anything like that. Do they think that what they are writing is important or that anyone will find it genuinely interesting? Is it just virtue signal 2.0 megacorp edition?

>> No.17482813

True OP
A weird parallel universe where who and whom are switched

Grammar lesson of the fucking day:
>Who is the subject pronoun, whom is the object pronoun; it's not that hard, just replace whom with "him" and see if the sentence works
Trying to use whom and failing does the double damage of making you look snobby but also FUCKIN DUMB

>> No.17482890
File: 493 KB, 589x2244, 1557968643406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best thing about people like that is they're not all-in on LINK.

>> No.17482997

I don't get the cringe. He makes a good point.

>> No.17483214

What a "nice" screenshot, "anon".

>> No.17483272

LinkedIn is a truly awful hell world. I once had to use to prospect when I had a job as an SDR. I've been thinking about making a fake LinkedIn account to try to redpill normies though. I get the feeling there is minimal moderation on LinkedIn because everyone is trying to be perfect all the time for career purposes.

>> No.17483465

You get paid for your research moron. More of a job than being a CEO.

>> No.17483473
File: 168 KB, 1236x1342, linkedincringe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's one I just found

>> No.17483561

The way that people act like "Inspired Business Leaders And Innovators Spearheading Diversity And Inclusiveness While Wearing Multiple Hats And Providing Deliverables" pisses me the fuck off. It's all soooooo fucking fake it's unbearable.

>> No.17483574

There's a man who puts a value of negative 6-figures on his time. In the period he wasted interviewing 1000 sales studs, he could've hired someone who checked half the boxes, and been selling shit for months; instead, he's hemorrhaging money to publicly stroking his dick with blog posts on wageslave facebook.

>> No.17483592

Former coworker had a resume that was an essay for each job she held. Ironically she had better odds at high paying jobs than me.

>> No.17483608

Ironic considering I unashamedly say I'm unemployed when asked. I dont mention that I'm working on a project to be self employed as I don't want to bother dealing with a bunch of questions. No my project has not yet earned me any money but realized I need to ramp up some aspects of it to get it speeding along quicker.

>> No.17483630

Being a Ph.D student is in fact a job. It differs from country to country, but here it's a salaried position. You get about $40k.

>> No.17483694

This guy sounds like a hassle. He'll call every single reference and if one doesn't pick up he'll hassle you for a bit before rejecting you.

t. Anon who got rejected because they couldn't reach a reference and weren't satisfied with being given HR's number (as if I'm gonna keep the number of every single place I worked). Unironically if a former supervisor was gone I'd probably get rejected as well. Some of them seem to use references as someone they can ask illegal questions while at the same time demanding it be an employer. Fairly sure a former employer is bad mouthing me (a former female manager who likely gets calls redirected to her and she has a lot of personality issues) but no evidence otherwise I'd sue.

>> No.17483734
File: 184 KB, 1161x1219, linkedincringe4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just some of the comments

>> No.17483741
File: 150 KB, 1246x819, linkedincringe2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I actually have respect for people who do sales. I simply cannot live in that kind of environment, it's suffocating

>> No.17483752
File: 171 KB, 1222x1170, linkedincringe3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more comments

>> No.17483797


fucking buzzword salad, i want to stomp that guys head in.

>> No.17483823

what upsets me isn't so much the buzzwords, it's knowing that a retard like that with moderately good looks is making well over 6 figures a year while I languish under $20/hr1

>> No.17483825

Yeah, that dude jerking himself off, and wasting sales people's time, was probably a phenom sales person himself. Great sales people make the absolute worst sales managers.

They're solitary predators always on the hunt for the big close. They don't know how to get out of other people's way and let them put some numbers on the board.

>> No.17483836


>> No.17483850

Finnexus (FNX) is based on DeFi tech supported by wanchain ecosystem they give back your money of token in USD after 3 months for exchange of token this is a risk-free investment.

>> No.17483860

As if /biz/ isn't shit enough. Fuck off loser.

>> No.17483907




This guy is chasing talent away 1000% guaranteed



>> No.17483912
File: 114 KB, 1203x1251, linkedincringe5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's some more, I think this is even better. Fuck giving your employee's a raise, just write words of encouragement on a starbucks cup

>> No.17483928

Did he hire her? If she's so special, sounds like he should snatch up that talent for his own firm.

>> No.17483974

What a system! I'm going to start putting gold star stickers on the paycheck amounts and thank you in the signature.

See you guys at bilderberg 2020.

>> No.17483977

>No food for us tonight honey, I didn't get the job
>Why not?
>My last boss had a Polish surname

>> No.17484012

checked, in this world there are sheeps and then there's sharks, which one are you?

>> No.17484020
File: 544 KB, 545x545, utikg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Linkden is the dumbest shit ever. I have one because "employers look for that" but my current boss didnt even give a shit. Everyone just jerks themselves off about some work bullshit when the reality is most white collar jobs you do ACTUAL work maybe 5-10 hours a week out of 40.

>> No.17484030

I don't understand what he's saying. What does being too entrepreneurial even mean?

>> No.17484040

Well if you hold LINK, you will come out ahead of 99.999% of these retards.

>> No.17484071

Myself Came here to post this. Somebody whom is a lawyer really should have a better command of the English language.

>> No.17484177

No one really knows anymore. At one point, being an entrepreneur meant that you were someone who has opened his or her own business, you were your own boss.

Today it seems like it's just a fancier way to say "go-getter"

>> No.17484234

Ok thanks. So she claims she got fired for being too pro active? Kek, Iooks like she got fired for being an annoying bitch roastie

>> No.17484257

Morherfucker is starting shit everywhere. Business after business, right there in the law office. Sometimes four or five a day, all fail, but she just keeps filing incorporation paperwork because she doesn’t have to pay a lawyer to do it.

All day she has those fucking AirPods in listening to You Wanna be Starting Something.

>> No.17484265

>Literal cringe. Some people are so concerned about what others think of them they'll do these social gymnastics just to save a little perceptive value. I get it. It's reasonable to *some* extent. But your "job" is full time PhD student? Come on dude.

It takes about 5-6 years to get your Ph.D. and your life revolves around doing research after you do your qualifiers and get your Master's. There's nothing wrong with what the guy said.

>> No.17484285
File: 359 KB, 858x821, 1548865311141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've interviewed 1000s of salespeople
He takes his job very seriously. Company's sales are suffering while this moron is wasting time.
>how are they GOING to rate your performance
How can you know that? What if you say 8 and your ex boss says 6.5 because he's butthurt you left the company because you think you were underpaid or whatever.
I never did sales but logically employee's worth is measured by the amount of stuff he sold in a certain amount of time. This can be quantified and then performance can be rated objectively.

>> No.17484318

That's so alien to me. Makes sense though if it produces.

Pretty based. Being employed nowadays for more than 10 years as a source of income barely makes sense anymore. Hope your project works out man.

>> No.17484360


>> No.17484379

Sales is full of delusional crooks. These guys lie for so long they end up deluding themselves. I had one guy that would come up with crack pot stories or theories, then 10-15 mins later he literally sold himself the idea and believed his own theory. Legitimate crackpot stories too.

>> No.17484502

He's literally asking people to write the content for his podcast

>> No.17484521


>> No.17484545

You don't see them in the streets because all they do is work and commute. Best you can do is see them in a restaurant or in a grocery store.

>> No.17484555
File: 746 KB, 810x2440, Screenshot_20200228-065602_LinkedIn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More from faygit

>> No.17484589


>> No.17484602
File: 747 KB, 810x2508, Screenshot_20200228-065803_LinkedIn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another one

>> No.17484608

I don't fucking get it. What is he trying to probe? If I remember my last boss's name, am I a sheep because I give a shit about my higher ups? Or am I a shark because I networked with higher powers? What the fuck is this autism? I've been working for six years in engineering and I never encountered this bullshit.

>> No.17484618
File: 533 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200228-065922_LinkedIn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boom, another one. I hate LinkedIn. His last name is literally goy. Linkedin is the e version of goyfarms

>> No.17484634

He wants to call your previous boss and have a detailed convo about your performance. he asks this question because he naively assumes anyone who squirms and doesn't answer confidently is a loser who can't sell

>> No.17484637

Haha this has to be a larp

>> No.17484660

So he just wants to verify that he doesn't hire a crapshoot? I don't see anything wrong with that. Most people lie on resumes and in interviews.

>> No.17484673

Lol what the fuck. His family was named by jews

>> No.17484709

>evaluating people is bad
>looking for the best gear packer is bad
it's like you guys still work in mcdonalds since age 16 and think your worthless ass should be in "sales management."

>> No.17484724
File: 96 KB, 632x752, 1579008152197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't even read these.

>> No.17484737

>implying I wage like a fucking cuck

>> No.17484738

Yeah, it's not a huge deal but he just seems like a douche. If you're gonna call someone's references anyway, why ask the prospective employee what you think their previous boss will say? I can see it being useful sometimes but people often leave a job for a variety of reasons not always performance related.

On an extreme example what if you were the best salesman on your floor but you literally fucked your boss's wife?! Do you think he'd give you a good reference? Probably not

>> No.17484781
File: 1.10 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200228-071247_LinkedIn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are ya winning son? No? Maybe you should get on linkedin and follow the jew gary vaynerchuck or total chad Grant Cardone?

>> No.17484817
File: 292 KB, 1112x1313, BA5028E3-C8FD-4D4A-9D24-D2B8543925A5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s a rare good LinkedIn post I just found on my feed.

>> No.17484829

This guy is horror show. My guess is he's responsible for managing selling sales tracking systems or sales personnel to other large sales departments. It's like meta sales speak for sales speakers.

>> No.17484904
File: 9 KB, 434x245, 35404AC0-EB81-4568-823F-6F26EDEFCCFB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people whom are business minded
>people whom are

>> No.17484925

Some cryptouy on twitter has a bio with "ex-law student" kek

>> No.17484959


>people whom are business minded

He uses whom just to be a pretentious asshole and uses it wrong.

>> No.17485007
File: 683 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200228-072931_LinkedIn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Correct, he is apparently CEO of this company

>> No.17485011


i know that feel bro. i hate asking my old colleagues to speak with hr wagecucks

>> No.17485017

>niggas whom’st hustle

>> No.17485032


he writes like a Q schizo

>> No.17485071


In his defense, working for a startup with no equity is the biggest cuck move you can make.

>> No.17485078

You wish pajeet

>> No.17485083

Uh yeah, being a PhD student is definitely a full time job, you dumb zoomer. Most get paid a stipend too

>> No.17485165

Fucking unbearable... So, at the end of the day his pretending to waste the time of 1000's of sales people and their references is just a stealth mode plug for how on-point (presumably with a capital P) his sales experts are, and that's the level of excellence they bring to people's retarded over-funded startups.

I died a little inside.

>> No.17485193


that's a lot of fucking work when you can pay like $10/month for hosting.

>> No.17485216

pls agree?

>> No.17485230

holy shit, that photo was unironically posted to be inspirational....but it's depressing and toxic as fuck. "I lost my whole life. that's why I'm winning now." for real? I hate this shit so much.
>just give up your whole life and be prepared to lose everything you love and maybe someday, you're win will be a little closer, but still out of reach.

>> No.17485662

I'm going to start putting gold star stickers over the entry wounds of the "elite" that all share a common "trait".

>> No.17485680

*in Minecraft

>> No.17485919

In Israel you fucking zoomnigger

>> No.17486007
File: 33 KB, 474x711, th (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You ain't gonna do shit. Shut up and post pics of negroes in cowboy hats.

>> No.17486046
File: 37 KB, 474x711, 9612e14bc8b959a046cbe1645489cc37--jessie-vard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17486228

free? AWS doesnt cost anything?

>> No.17486354

All of these services are freemium. Also, he says 6/year, practically free.

>> No.17486383

That’s not gonna cover things like compute and data storage

>> No.17486862

Technically no, practically yes. I've been not paying the fee for 4 years straight and yet Amazon didn't suspend my account.

>> No.17487228


He is right though. As someone who's very familiar with wageslaving, even a little appreciation can vastly improve morale. Keeping a positive atmosphere is important for productivity, especially in retail where your employees are dealing with customers and need to have a good attitude.

Of course it can't replace decent wages, but compliments and appreciation matter a lot. The best show of thanks is a raise, the second best is verbal encouragement.

>> No.17487903

He'd be correct if he didn't expose his shitty attempt at justifying giving shitty wages to employees at the end there.

I fucking hate corporate dickheads.

>> No.17488800
File: 28 KB, 551x323, 2020-02-29_02-38-37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a comment from the Techleads video where he talked about the difficulties men now face in the tech industry.

>> No.17488925

>Invokes occam's razor to advance a convoluted conspiracy theory

>> No.17489155

LinkedIN is a fucking hellscape, especially on the legal side.

It’s really funny because I know some Indian guy (literally lives in India) who was a totally hilarious weirdo when he lived here in the US, like he was borderline socially incapable of interacting with people, always making inappropriate comments, etc. and he absolutely crushes it on LinkedIN with his retarded buzzword salad meaningless bullshit posts. People lap it right up, every boomer attempting to out-do the next boomer. Pathetic stuff all around.

>> No.17489238

Both are fucking theories, the ACTUAL SCIENCE your autistic bitch ass went to get a Science degree to learn how to actually DO science, scientific method says that both views are only as worthless as the evidence and to know the truth you test both sides.

>> No.17489523
File: 154 KB, 524x768, IMG_20200221_104953_227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread reminds me of why I deleted my LinkedIn a few years ago. I made it right out of college because that's just what everyone did but it was not once useful to me. It was annoying to maintain, was a bigger dox/identity theft risk than zuccbook, and I would constantly get messages from faggot HR recruiters trying to get me to work for some gay company that was more boring and paid less than where I was currently at. Like nigger if I wanted to work there you aren't who I would talk to in the first place.

>> No.17489626

I’ve gotten two job interviews off of LinkedIn but they’ve both led nowhere. I think LinkedIn is mostly a recruiting tool for these guys to hit their required interviewee numbers. It’s all just meaningless bullshit.

>> No.17489648
File: 3.53 MB, 2048x1970, 1559747619238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine thinking the future of law is some kooky roastie and not fucking SMART CONTRACTS

>> No.17489653

verbal encouragement with no raises is deflating in the long-run

>> No.17489691

yep, but the rest of us keep a linkedIn profile for fear that the HR department we are interviewing at would see it as a red flag if we didn't. that's the only reason I ever created one. it's stupid

>> No.17489720

That's a stupid reason to have one. Nobody cares. Lots of people are ditching social media these days.

>> No.17489760

have you ever had an interview with HR at a mid-large sized company anon?

>> No.17489773

Yes, we didn't talk about linkedin.

>> No.17490114

>I died a little inside.
good you can go back now