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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 27 KB, 512x344, money printer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17478303 No.17478303 [Reply] [Original]

Someone tell me if this is a legitimately bad idea or if it's just jew banks preventing this from happening. Why don't governments just print their own money for all of their expenses? Money gets introduced to the public sphere through government employees and government-contracted companies. Then taxes can be assessed to remove the amount of money from circulation that the government deems necessary, depending on whether it needs some inflation/deflation/stagnation. I understand the US can't do it because of the Federal Reserve's existence and how it operates at such a large deficit, but why couldn't a well regulated government do it? Obviously it doesn't need to literally print and burn bills every year, it can all be digital these days, just delete the taxed dollars.

>> No.17478377

It only makes sense to completely stop producing any fraudulent note to represent value. Value cannot be created out of thin air, to do so is fundamentally insane and dooms the future of any system that tries it. To "just print money for expenses" is insane. It has to be collected, it has to be a legitimate representation of value.

>> No.17478401

Private banks already print money out of thin air to loan to other banks though. There's nothing backing it up. At least this way, it'll be a representation of the value of labor provided through government services.

>> No.17478546

There isn't a chance in hell it will be distributed correctly or at a predictable rate. Hypothetically if the entire government was some kind of futuristic autonomous computer that actually worked and had proper regulations we'd all be in space colonies by now.

>> No.17478582

It would be distributed based on how much labor was provided through the government. To me, that seems as close to perfect as we're gonna get any time soon.

>> No.17478674

Wait. Bank A owns $100, and lends $1000 to bank B

Bank B now has $1000, and lends $9000 to bank A and pays off its debt.

So Bank A now has $10,100, and bank B has $1000 cash and $9000 debt

So the total money in the system is $11,100 compared with $9000 debt.

So if Banks A and B then decide to mutually pay off the debt, $100 has turned into $2100

>> No.17478806

Thanks for describing how fractional reserve banking works.

>> No.17478853

congratulations, you invented communism

>> No.17478872

>The government would never make a mistake or be corrupted

>> No.17478891

In what way? Governments need a private bank like the Federal Reserve to be in control of the money to not be communist?
There's nothing preventing them from fucking up the money supply as things stand today, so why not try to make a better system they could maybe fuck up later?

>> No.17479469

tell that to Chainlink bag holders.

>> No.17479551

They already do it, it's called monetary injection.

>> No.17479590

Isn't that just the government telling the banks to print extra money from nowhere instead of actually paying off expenses with it and circulating it by using it to pay workers?

>> No.17479600

*Weimar Germany has entered the chat*

>> No.17479608
File: 1.66 MB, 1920x1080, infinite money.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17479632
File: 51 KB, 1034x706, germany declares war on the world twice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would it have worked if they weren't, you know, at war with the whole world?
"Infinite money" is not what I'm proposing at all. It's limited by the amount of labor put into the system.

>> No.17479701

>Why don't governments just print their own money for all of their expenses?
because of das juden
>because of das juden
because of das juden
>because of das juden
because of das juden
>because of das juden
because of das juden
>because of das juden
because of das juden
>because of das juden
because of das juden
>because of das juden
because of das juden
>because of das juden
because of das juden
>because of das juden
because of das juden
>because of das juden
because of das juden
>because of das juden
because of das juden
>because of das juden
tl;dr because of das juden

>> No.17479725

>mfw babby discovers chartalism for the first time

>> No.17479739

MMT bro. They can just spend on whatever they want. This just happens to be on a bunch of shit to benefit ZOG.

>> No.17479750
File: 26 KB, 333x135, Screenshot_20200205-092345_20200205092706219_20200205092745680_20200205093028400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just devalue the money even moreso!
>yeah bro let's affect actual value even MORE negatively
>let's drive consumer debt up bro, haha
>literally can't go wrong when dealing with falsities

Never go into finance dude. Ever.

>> No.17479788

Your math is wrong, retard

>> No.17479859

That's literally how fractional banking works though. The fact that it's a norm is what's messed up. His math isn't wrong, it's the banking/government's math. Creating and inflating out of thin air.

>> No.17479868

The math is wrong. Learn math.

>> No.17479909

It is wrong. But it actually goes on. That's what I'm saying. This is how banks operate now to my recollection. Look it up. Banks are frauding at the expense of the American people.