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17477781 No.17477781 [Reply] [Original]

>Hey Dave, my wife and I have separate checking acc...

>> No.17477799


>> No.17477802

>Dave, I bought a coffee from starbucks with a credi.....

>> No.17477810

Post Daveisms that are actually good

>Live like no one else now so in the future you can live like no one else

>> No.17477872
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guy means well but he is fucking wrong on so much.

like why the fuck is he still telling people not to pay down the highest interest rate debts first. or telling people to pay off sub 1% interest debts over investing in higher yield assets.

>> No.17477897


It's boomer finance. For people who walked out of high school into jobs that could support a family.

>> No.17477932

the most cucked call of all time, shameful the way he talked to this man:


>> No.17477934

The first anon is right. Anyone who has told me they listen to Ramsey are the lower tier boomers

>> No.17478082

>the most cucked call of all time, shameful the way he talked to this man:
I see no problem with Dave's assessment of that case.

>> No.17478094

I never heard of Dave Ramsey until this thread

Thank you /biz/

>> No.17478159

>Live like no one else now so in the future you can live like a king for your remaining 5-10 years before the cancer or Alzheimer’s gets you

>> No.17478199

>b-but he was stupid for leaving his wife to pay the bills! it's not poor her's fault that she cleaned him out and didn't pay anything

>> No.17478244

Watch again retard, he puts the blame equally on the two retards. She's a psycho and he's clueless and gullible.

>> No.17478268

incorrect its
>Live like no one else now so in the future you can live no longer.

>> No.17478280

go kiss your wife's feet smoothbrain

>> No.17478297
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Wait, what's financially irresponsible with this?

>> No.17478343

yeah the psycho wife and the “gullible” husband who was dumb enough to trust someone who is supposed to be his life partner, equally to blame

>> No.17478359

After listening to Dave for a while then expanding to other guys Dave is just advice for fucking idiots which is 90% of people. It's really dumbed down advice for people have shit habits basically. It works great for idiots because it works. Doesnt mean it's the best but it's not about being the best.

>> No.17478361

The philosophy of paying off debts before taking on investments is actually solid though. If you have an investment collapse while still in debt it means you could have had that money paying down your debt and instead you lost it in malinvestment. That said I have a mortgage and still invest.

>> No.17478454

This world is sick, you need to constantly have defenses up or you'll be eaten alive, even by the people you love.

>> No.17478678

>Dave, I have $200k in student loans. Should I sell my holdings in Chainl.....

>> No.17478765


Men and women are equally capable of cheating on and leaving each other, but I swear to God every time I hear one of these stories of one partner viciously fucking over the other before they leave it's the woman. Terrifies the hell out of me

I have a coworker who is the nicest guy to everyone, was going to school in the city an hour away to get a CS degree and get a job upgrade after being a factory worker for a long time, and watching the kids as well, as it turns out his wife plotted behind his back with a lawyer to drop a divorce on his ass out of nowhere, take everything, including full custody of the kids (even though he was the one taking care of them while she worked), so she could be with some new fling.

>> No.17478902

Personal finance is 90% psychology. Dave is about building behavioral habits that will keep you from making financial mistakes, like buying a new car for $30k on credit when you only make $50k. When we use debt we make financial decisions we would never make if we were paying cash. If you think you're not suseptible to these universal human psychological pitfalls, you are simply arrogant.

>> No.17479064

>Men and women are equally capable of cheating on and leaving each other, but I swear to God every time I hear one of these stories of one partner viciously fucking over the other before they leave it's the woman. Terrifies the hell out of me

>I know reality is this way, but I want it to be a different way!

>> No.17479082


No, I mean I really believe that there's something in women in particular that makes them see men as a tool to be used, they're capable of just destroying them without remorse should it become convenient where men can't stomach that kind of shit, even with a partner they hate

>> No.17479101

give duh jew his pay goy

>> No.17479103

Exactly. So why do you think they’re “equally capable” when that’s clearly not the case.

>> No.17479166

Everyone is literally exactly the same because that's what equal means and it's bad to notice patterns.

>> No.17479194

The soul of a woman was created below...