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File: 9 KB, 231x218, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17467519 No.17467519 [Reply] [Original]

what is the unironic truth of the coronavirus? what is going to happen and why? how bad will it be?

>> No.17467540

guns, ammo, food, water, gold, silver

>> No.17467555

its that bad?

>> No.17467557

It’s a nothingburger dude. 2% death rate, come on man

>> No.17467569

2% is high though if a lot of people get it

>> No.17467571

it is a bioweapon, the goal is to reduce the world population to around 500,000. That means only the elite will survive. The rest of us get to play Fallout irl.

>> No.17467602

Fear. It's working on you.

>> No.17467604

that sounds like bs conspiracy theory

>> No.17467607

The truth is somewhere between the two extremes of 'post-apocalyptic' and 'fuck all'.

>> No.17467646

Yeah, and how many people do you know personally, that contracted it?

>> No.17467655
File: 10 KB, 299x168, sars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coronavirus isn't a problem, it's lol-worthy flu strain with 0.2% fataility rate on healthy people.

It's the following mutation that you need to be prep'ing for, and is the reason for spooked governments.
You really think they'd be going so ape-shit at something barely worse than a common flu, at the expense of their own economies, if they didn't know.

>> No.17467661

so then it’s at a solid “it’s happening”

>> No.17467693
File: 20 KB, 474x328, nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

observable reality. But I gave you an honest answer, you choose not to believe. Good luck anon.

>> No.17467781


>> No.17467807

2% are old people.

>> No.17467834

but some places are reporting 50% death rate, e.g. korea https://gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6

>> No.17467871

It's going to be bad. The CDC was defunded and professionals fired. Response will be up to the states.

And there's this idea that with the stock market that the tail wags the dogs. But we live in a time of just in time shipping where practically the only warehouse space is on the cargoships themselves. Artificially boosted stock values can't change this. The administration believes that if we can just meme people to believe that stock values are stable, maybe they won't notice when they can't get a new starter motor for their car, when they can't get their prescription drug which has raw materials from china, when they can't get the thousands of products that rely on complex modern supply chains.

>> No.17467919

10 to 15% death rate for old people. 2 to 5% for boomers. 20% of total cases require intensive supportive medicine.

So when you go into the hospital bleeding to death due to a car wreck, every fucking ICU spot is taken by old sick fucks. Enjoy.

>> No.17467921
File: 99 KB, 1280x777, EPnQL48XsAEM0jU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feb. 8th
6:19 - 8:35
>49 crematories in Wuhan, working 24 hours a day
>1200 bodies a day
>working more than 17 days, later he says over a week
>250 million people quarantined across China
>over 50,000 DEAD
>CCP does not want world to know the truth
>CCP is shilling the media worldwide
>PLA admits it is a bioweapon

>> No.17467976
File: 30 KB, 416x400, doompaul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

350 million people are going to die, countries like Canada arent even trying to stop it. The niggers in Africa will bring it in unopposed anyway since we have no borders. Sleep tight.

>> No.17468024

It's biological warfare by the Chinese, intended to disrupt their economies and way of life, like 9/11 only without the airplanes.

So far, it's working as expected. Ultimately, no matter how many people actually die, the indirect impact is what matters.

When the Chinese are in conflict, it doesn't matter to them whether they win. What matters is that the other side loses.

>> No.17468031

Up until a couple weeks ago or w.e it was doubling every 2 days, 80k is total horseshit, if it was 80k 2 days ago its 60k today, but it wasnt 80k 2 days ago, it was more like 500k, or a million. Today its about 3 million, I roughly estimate.

>> No.17468064

China stole it from Canada and then accidentally released it on themselves. It has AIDS genes inserted into it. The reason this is happening is because white countries let non-whites into their bio-warfare labs.

>> No.17468103

CCP kept the numbers rising at a steady 2.1%, due to not wanting the truth to be revealed, and the bullshit way of documenting the cases.

>> No.17468114

The deaths and cases are both underreported say US health professionals, many multiples of what they are stating. Its all about avoiding market crashes, money>you.

>> No.17468142

why hasn't a disgruntled burger blown that thing up yet?

>> No.17468143

Due to the epidemic of Coronavirus, in Italy dozens of cities are quarantined, sporting events canceled, the Vatican itself has deleted certain meetings, theaters, museums and schools in the northern regions are closed, boats cruise lines have been blocked in Italian ports, making it impossible for passengers to get ashore, planes remain on the airport tarmac, but stowaways from high-risk Asian and African regions can land safely on the peninsula and then spread over the territory of the Old Continent.

Italian ports remain open despite the emergency of the coronavirus that is hitting the country. Sea Watch 3, with 194 migrants rescued on board in 3 operations, is heading for Messina. The scenario set up by the German NGO is now a classic: go along the waters of Italian jurisdiction by asking Rome and Valletta to be able to enter, thanks to the soft line of the Italian yellow-red government and the recent landing of Ocean Viking in Pozzallo.

Mission successful: after allocation of the safe harbor, the ship is expected to arrive tomorrow morning in the port of the Strait city, Messina. The team, enthusiastic about the goal achieved, exulted on Twitter:

"Sea Watch finally has a Pos. We are now sailing towards Messina, happy to bring the rescued people to the ground. "

#SeaWatch ha ultimately a POS.

Navighiamo ora verso #Messina, felici di portare le persone soccorse a terra. pic.twitter.com/2QL27JfqG2

- Sea-Watch Italy (@SeaWatchItaly) February 25, 2020

But the Sea Watch warned soon after:

"As Sea Watch heads north to save the 194 people on board, two other boats are in trouble off the coast of Libya. We call on all competent authorities to take immediate action. Don't abandon them at sea. ”

The signaling was launched last night by Alarm Phone:

>> No.17468154

>Its all about avoiding market crashes, money>you.
this x 6000000000

>> No.17468160
File: 61 KB, 524x542, coronavirus-israel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“A boat in danger with 85 people fleeing Libya called us. They were almost in the Sar region of Malta, but we have lost contact and we do not know what happened. All authorities are informed, but Malta refuses to intervene. We need emergency aid. "

In this case is grafted the problem of the coronavirus. In fact, Nello Musumeci asked that the migrants be quarantined on board the ship and not inside the reception center. The President of the Region of Sicily therefore appealed to Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte:

"So far, the Sicilian regional government has adopted a responsible attitude towards the unitary management of this emergency. But reciprocity is necessary. "

He therefore retained "a quarantine on board essential", and warned:

"If the authorities believe that the vessel does not allow it, consult with the competent authorities and head for other ports. "

Matteo Salvini espoused Musumeci's thesis:

"The governor is right, it is not possible that at a time like this the government will allow the landing of hundreds of migrants, that Europe will wake up and take care of it. "

In recent days, the head of the League had strongly reprimanded the government for having authorized the landing of 247 migrants:

"The Interior Ministry has authorized the landing in Sicily of nearly 300 illegal migrants brought in by the usual ship of a foreign NGO. Even in this serious national emergency, the government does not believe it necessary to close the ports. I’m speechless. "

And us with! Immigration humanitarianism has won: even this nasty virus from China will not have succeeded in closing the ports where migrants landed in Italy or the borders between countries of the European Union, as if in fact, despite the hype Anxious world media, he was not that bad ... at least with the illegals bound for Europe.


(google translated from French)

>> No.17468187
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>> No.17468196

I think someone tried to, and then a freemason logo was added to it.

>> No.17468328
File: 237 KB, 686x526, stevecat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also reminder that cases were announced in Brazil a few days ago. so according to that >>17468187 anon we're fucking screwed. not sure what to think about it all tbqhfam


>> No.17468483

>The rest of us get to play Fallout irl
But which Fallout? The good ones or the 4?

>> No.17468539

smart stuff you said

>> No.17468656

In Switzerland there are 2 cases, stadiums and carnivals and some events are cancelled.

>> No.17468657

you forgot tobacco, pharma and over the counter painkillers and antibiotics and hard candy. hard candy and aspirin are cheap right now and will be worth more than their weight in shiny rocks when the shit hits the fan.

>> No.17468701

Nah, we get to play Fallout 76

>> No.17468716

BUT. Hundreads of Italian from the north still go there EVERYDAY because "muh my country is puke and shit mixed toghether, and I have to work in yours to survive."

Fucking Italians just stop coming in our country infecting us because you can't run your own. People from Lombardia shouldn't be allowed to cross borders

>> No.17468725

Bro, 10% of the world population is in guarantine.
China shut down its economy.
It is a legitimate happening, even if nothing everyone was cured this instant

>> No.17468762
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>> No.17468803
File: 7 KB, 209x241, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have maybe two weeks worth of food and water on hand. Should I be planning for a longer timeframe of disaster?

>> No.17468824


>> No.17468982

Literally a nothingburger. Call me when there are 100s infected in Estonia.

>> No.17469026


>> No.17469431

Your low-balling it a smidge.
Call me when there's 100s dead in Antarctica

>> No.17470177

you should prep as if the power is going to be off for 6 months

>> No.17470214
File: 289 KB, 541x644, 1582815329890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that will be two weeks from now

>> No.17470221


Its gonna be very bad fren, its why you should grab some coronacoin and get dirty rich of this virus


>> No.17470237


less than 5% deathrate. the flu is twice as deadly and more prevalent. If you're not afraid of the flu, then you shouldn't be afraid of the new corona virus. especially since the common cold is a type of coronavirus.

>> No.17470253


>> No.17470288
File: 1.96 MB, 2896x2896, 1582812289464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

R0 0.8
death 0.2%

R0 8
death 15%; 50% (in elderly and sick)

here is a normie video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q0A0LyMru3I that i have not watched

>> No.17470442

>muh shtf

>> No.17470502
File: 70 KB, 608x529, 1582242338122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


1. coronavirus symptoms are like a bad flu, nothing more.

2. but the flu kills and the reason old people don't die is. A: flu isn't this contagious B: there's no vaccine

3. This disease will spread to every town in every country no matter what. It is already in your town and people who think they had the flu a week ago had coronavirus

4. You actually might have it right now, or have had it already. You might have thought it was a cold

5. 0.5% of the human population will die from coronavirus this year, which is roughly 35 million or three holocausts worth

6. The disease was released by America/Israeli interests. It may be a bioweapon, but that is irrelevant. The important part is that it was an extreme act of aggression

7. If this fact comes to light, it would be justification for a world war, but America is so powerful China can't do anything about it but play along whole their future melts away

8. Chinese power will be curved indefinitely now that they have burned so many of their clients

9. The stock market is going to correct to 50% of current value because our government created a gigantic bubble as a bullshit fix for the 2008 crash

10. They will pin it all on coronavirus and Bernie while the average person gets royally fucked and never figures out what is actually going in

11. America will remain in power for the rest of your life and the market WILL come back up after all the deaths and local panics that are coming.

12. Prepare for layoffs. Do not commit to a mortgage, a new child, car, or loan right now. Wait for the carnage

13. You will be getting mutations of the coronavirus for the rest of your life. The world is getting shittier every day and will continue to do so

14. America is in decline but it will be slow. The markets will never, ever, ever return to 90s or 10s level prosperity again. The retards here only think they're investors were paying tutorial mode

>> No.17470724


Why is it going to mutate in a bat in Brazil? That's the weirdest claim in the entire post

>> No.17470732

Boomers die and we buy the dip.

>> No.17470742


>> No.17470811


>> No.17470878

Putin said the man destined to hang will not drown. Think about this.

>> No.17471023

>image with meaningless communist propaganda
Comment goes directly into the trash.

>> No.17471037


Don't interrupt when the big boys are talking. This isn't youtube horseshit. this is the real mother fucking deal used by epidemiologists.

82,550 total confirmed cases. 2,810 total deaths. 33,252 already recovered. That's a 3% death rate which is less than 5%. How about you scurry along now and stop posting bullshit on a chinese anime board.

>> No.17471057
File: 84 KB, 1024x967, 1582432459567m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>image with meaningless communist propaganda
>Comment goes directly into the trash

>> No.17471077
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hey dumb fuck
can you count
recovered / dead

>> No.17471142

Buy bottled water, canned food, ramen, and some water purification tablets. Put whatever money you have saved into Bitcoin. Don't worry about the virus as much as the effect the virus will have on the global supply chain.

>> No.17471165
File: 1.82 MB, 320x640, 1582703538734.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we in for some shit
you can't eat crypto or metals
I am staying in cash for now like cash cash

>> No.17471225

Why hard candy?

>> No.17471286

The internet will stay active. The dollar is going to suffer a lot from minting during the crisis. Bitcoin or precious metals.

>> No.17471306

You can trade it to old ladies for gum jobs.

>> No.17471326
File: 200 KB, 1080x1058, 1580801736930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who will support the bags
when you need the cash
the blockchain will be fine even if there is no internet, it will just restart from the last valid block

>> No.17471463

not for the economy

>> No.17471488

bro don't

>> No.17471628

Imagine believing random larps from wh*toids on the internet.

>> No.17471629


>> No.17471644

2% for boomers, its basically the flu if you're under 50

>> No.17472022

Actually 15% for boomers, 2% for general population

>> No.17472059
File: 340 KB, 900x900, awoo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

15% for general
50% for boomers
soon moon

>> No.17472473


I can count. And I can use logic to inform you that you are retarded. The ones that haven't recovered and aren't dead are still sick. calculating the recovered/dead doesn't show us anything. the correct percentages are taken from the general population of confirmed cases. go back to your youtube shows. don't forget to like, subscribe and leave a comment.

>> No.17472559
File: 1.95 MB, 651x758, 1582833912895.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the ones that are not recovered are dying until recovered

in the beginning stage of any virus you will have very few dead

so you count recovered versus dead to come up with mortality

>> No.17472718


>are dying

your brain is dying right before our eyes.

>so you count

No. not even close.

>> No.17472760

>Basically the flu if you're under 50
Isn't that bad? The reason the flu isn't a massive issue is because we have shit like vaccines for it. We don't have any of that for the corona.

>> No.17472775
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poo pppp
peeee peeee

>> No.17472825
File: 33 KB, 484x458, 1582046449401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is not the flu
it is denge fever/HIV/SARS
and it is something NEW, no one has anti bodies

>> No.17472920

Could be true; I'm just putting it into perspective. A lot of people are saying "only 2% death rate!" and "only as bad as the flu!", but a lot of people don't realize that the flu used to spell death for anyone who contracted it before we developed vaccines, and they don't realize that if the flu killed 2% of people who contracted it we'd consider it a pandemic-level plague as well.

>> No.17472979
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corona chan will make us make it
it is actually good news

>> No.17473091
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>> No.17473106

I wouldn't worry about it. Buy RSR :3

>> No.17473128

It came from a bat cave in China

>> No.17473162
File: 534 KB, 585x543, 1582818741519.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

80% infected, hedge with $nCoV

>> No.17473188

join us new brother >>>/pol/cvg

>> No.17473211

It may as well be batman tek, it came from a fucking level IV biolab though.
they dont study "just a flu bro" at those places

>> No.17473240

10-20x more lethal than flu, 3-5x as infectious. It’s bad news bros. it just killed a healthy 23 year old soccer player from Iran with no preexisting conditions. I assume she has better lungs than 99% of the population, here or otherwise

>> No.17473498

/pol/ is on constant meltdown, every corona thread is full of pictures of their food/water/gun supply

>> No.17473600
File: 36 KB, 483x430, confusedscreaming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You actually might have it right now, or have had it already. You might have thought it was a cold
>mfw news was really ramping up when I had just gotten over a cold
I'm a pessimistic piece of shit but what if

>> No.17473602

its time to stop. epidemiology is not your field anon

>> No.17473654
File: 41 KB, 642x560, lolrip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checkd. I had it all last week. coughed up a lung but apart from that....
On a side not landing in Japan in a few days.
Shit might get interesting if they dont close the borders

>> No.17473672

side note*

>> No.17473718


>> No.17473902

It'll get about as bad as swine flu pandemic. It'll kill a lot of people, around 200k probably, but in 2 years almost nobody will remember it.

>> No.17474044


>> No.17474184
File: 42 KB, 1244x284, BANKERS NUCLEAR OPTION.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think of this?

>> No.17474221

2% is with a full ICU suite. Those beds are gonna fill up fast, and when they do, expect the death rate to skyrocket.

>> No.17474366

kek edited to make predictions accurate

>> No.17474402
File: 208 KB, 1210x806, 9608d990a5cf36df14668b1bb5c1b4172407d93f095907d51d0b6e1b48057e8b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


1. Governments are acting in the best interest of all.

2. Corporations do not have nefarious intentions ever. They care about profit.

3. There is no secret society running the world.

4. 6 Million Jews died in the Holocaust.

5. White people are the worst.

6. America does not care about Isreal more than American.

7. There is no evidence of secret pedo cults.

8. George W Bush was not a puppet.

9. The 2008-2009 crash was because of greed and the government took steps to correct it.

10. George Soros is a philanthropist.

11. Coronavirus is no worse than a cold.

12. The government is NOT Spying on you.

13. Google is NOT spying on you.

14. UN and WHO is focused on doing great things for you and for humanity.

>> No.17474405
File: 13 KB, 522x478, FB_IMG_1576917676738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you do if you buy all these dried goods and nothing happens?

>> No.17474420

I think a lot of pol tards have too much time on their hands.

>> No.17474469

Makes sense that someone who identifies with the symbol of ultimate evil would hate /pol/acks desu

>> No.17474492

'basically the flu if youre under 50' according to who retard?

you shouldnt take things at face value from government agencies ... especially when they're basing it primarily on chinese statistics.

>> No.17474503

I'm in this shit with all of you retards. I'd rather not have everything go to shit before we make it, I don't think the bankers want that either.

>> No.17474519

the corona virus is a blessing in diguise, fuck those chinks, they had it coming, and old people are just a burden to society with boomers soon to be aswell. honestly don't see the problem.

>> No.17474528

>American economy collapsing
>Trump still president

Pick one. The (bankers) will have to assassinate Trump to crash this empire. I'm not saying US won't reel from this but American isn't losing its superpower economic status to Corona.

>> No.17474538

feel like a retard because you trusted /pol/ basement dwellers

>> No.17474548

Bankers don't care so much about money as they do about control. If they still control key infrastructure they won't mind.

>> No.17474576

They are losing control though. Internet redpilled masses on zionists, Cryptos threatening their money control, and Trump despite being good goy vocally refuses to invade Iran for the Rothskikes.

>> No.17474591

>5. White people are the worst.
I don't think that's true, I think any people in power are generally shit. It's just a geographical coincidence that white people got into power, but if any other region turned out to be on top and ruled the world around 500 years ago, they would have been the "bad ones".

>> No.17474649

Okay, Yang

>> No.17474670

was this a reference to the former presidential candidate or just a general chink slur?

>> No.17474849

I see a fellow intellectual has read Guns, Germs and Steel. I hate how confuse domestication and tamable. AFRICA HAS NO BEASTS OF BURDEN Fricking idiots! And the crops! How can people not realize that going west to east and east to west is easier to farm. Africa couldn't transfer crops south to north it would make them unsuitable!

Europeans were so lucky with their ideally situated geography.

>> No.17475760


>> No.17475829
File: 67 KB, 550x550, 1582809220783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it will be

>> No.17475855

this isn't pol. go back

>> No.17475871
File: 228 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200228-002432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's going to be a fucking bloodbath

Buy puts and you too can eternally dab on brainlet NPCs that thought it was a nothingburger because the (((MSM))) told them so

>> No.17475878

You're officially in the party, buddy.

>> No.17475894

Morale boosting.

>> No.17475916

Then you have plenty of food to eat later.

>> No.17476121

>what is the unironic truth of the coronavirus?
Overreaction to a flu, LITERALLY 10% MORTALITY RATE, fucking mosquitos kill more people daily than this shitty virus.

>> No.17476490

After I inevitably contract the virus because of you uncleanly scum, I'll get over it and then be immune since I'm not an unhealthy piece of shit. After that I'll be free to go to the grocery store and purchase food items like normal instead of stocking up muh guns and gold like an inbred alabama mongoloid.

>> No.17477710

after you get the virus
the second time you get it again you die

>> No.17477832

why is this meme perpetuated here

>> No.17477866

>why do I keep coming up with two every time I add one to one
idk anon, must be a conspiracy or something.

>> No.17478637

Guys I’m legitimately scared

>> No.17478764

So says the DNC.
You demfags are shitting things up with your FUD, but you cant keep it up forever.