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17458821 No.17458821 [Reply] [Original]


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>> No.17458829

>futures tanking again


>> No.17458839
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i pulled out

>> No.17458847

they went up the past days and it crashed the day after. so logic says if futures are down the market will be up.

>> No.17458848
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This came out right after the Trump "just a flu bro" conference

>> No.17458850

People are fucking sheep. This market is so volatile and it's so obvious everything is going to crash. That's why I fucking liquidated EVERYTHING.

It's happening anon. This is the beginning of the next great depression. Stock up, prep yourself for rough years ahead, food shortages, water shortages, global economic instability, war, pestilence, death. It's finally happening, this is the beginning of the end times. We didn't listen, we didn't care, and now we will pay the price for our greed and destruction. The whole system will collapse, society will crumble, knowledge will be lost forever and humanity will never recover.

>> No.17458851
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We're crossinh the Rubicon here people. It's time to wake up.

>> No.17458860
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>> No.17458864

I never pull out

>> No.17458868
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>> No.17458870

I'm not paying child support

>> No.17458873



DAY TRADE 4 LYFE!!!11!!!1!!!! LMAO'ING AT UR LYFE INVESTORS LMAAAOOOOOOOO!!111!!11!1!11!11!1111!!!1!!!!

>> No.17458874

Inverse ETFs still gaining. My only long position is NSRGY Nestlé but they have water so IDC.

I'm expecting a recession at this point.

>> No.17458883

>my crypto has lost 30% of its value
>my portfolio has lost 15% of its value

I have to be the most JUST post on here

>> No.17458886
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go bear gang.
buy some cheap puts.
and pray to the god of hellfire.

>> No.17458890

Oh my god. This market is so volatile and it's so obvious everything is going to crash. That's why I fucking liquidated EVERYTHING.

It's happening anon. This is the beginning of the next great depression. Stock up, prep yourself for rough years ahead, food shortages, water shortages, global economic instability, war, pestilence, death. It's finally happening, this is the beginning of the end times. We didn't listen, we didn't care, and now we will pay the price for our greed and destruction. The whole system will collapse, society will crumble, knowledge will be lost forever and humanity will never recover.

>> No.17458899
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>> No.17458903
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lol stupid cows, did you ignore the entire press briefing?

>> No.17458906
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>> No.17458908
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>bought a spy call at the end of the day

>> No.17458909


>> No.17458910

We've been due for a hard landing for five years, honestly.

Corona might be the trigger but the fundamental problem is completely different. Things are completely fucked and we still haven't paid up for 2008. The amount of inefficiency, misallocation, and dysfunction will mean multiple painful recessions for the rest of our lives. I expect we are headed into a situation like Japan at the end of this. A morass of debt, infrastructure, resource, housing, and social problems. You will look back on this horrible decade like it was the 90s one day and realize how far we've sunk.

>> No.17458913

a lil song about the weeks events


>> No.17458918

SQ gonna chum tomorrow
SNSS gonna chum by end of March

>> No.17458924

i wonder if anyone will ever share their secret sauce of indicators here? i know i won't and people usually say you shouldn't tell people shit because then it won't work, but that doesn't stop me from being curious. i figure at the end of the day it's just about determining the short, medium, and long trend, and trading accordingly, maybe that's just me.

>> No.17458925

for how much?

>> No.17458926
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>> No.17458928
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> If you are in a camp with a bunch of campers, and a bear attacks, you don't have to be faster than the bear.
You only have to be faster than the slowest camper

> The Federal Reserve is no more federal than Federal Express.

>> No.17458934

The futures timeframe is pretty much the 5 minutes right now. What will happen is that they will rise back to 0 before open and then the market will do who knows what because nobody knows anything.

>> No.17458940

yup, tomorrow is fucked

>> No.17458944
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god i can not fucking WAIT for the footage from all these liberal shitholes as their expiring in the streets cursing trump

>> No.17458949
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>> No.17458951

Good, but you need more memes to appeal to the zoomers here.

>> No.17458952

>bay area
100% guaranteed to be a chink who had contact with a relative or friend who recently came back from chinkland. Gas all chinks to halt the spread.

>> No.17458966

Define chum

>> No.17458975
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trading has changed me.
i used to just watch porn.
now i watch porn and see situations as a natural side effect of having money.
just lots of loose women think you're gonna pick 'em lmao

>> No.17458978

liberlols are so predictable, i'd day trade them all day every day if they were a stock.

>> No.17458979

Likely a slow drop throughout the rest of the week. We are entering "screw it" mode.

>> No.17458980

That’s why I trade based on what I think will happen months from now rather than day - day , I don’t have the technical skills to day trade

>> No.17458983

Nothing, I repeat nothing can repair my view on humanity after this. We live in a world of cowards and retards and I want nothing to do with it. The entire world is shitting themselves over the fucking sniffles. I genuinely didn't think I could have a lesser opinion on humanity until now.



>> No.17459001
File: 194 KB, 1535x862, CrashProjections.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Long term projections for possible market correction or crash. Key points of support are:
>log scale post-2008 trend ~$2750
>-25% from ATH $2550
>-50% from ATH $1700
>log scale looooooong term (since the 70's) trend line ~$1550 ish. Hitting this is boogaloo doom scenario and/or loan money to buy the dip with max leverage scenario.

>> No.17459002

If your taking prepping advice from the most protected person in the world, you deserve to be strangled to death in a walmart fighting over the last can of yams.

Theres no cure for this shit, the only thing the president can do is try to keep everyone calm. I'm calm as can be because I have the option of hunkering down in my house for several months straight without ever going outside because I've slowly been collecting a surplus of supplies and long shelf life food for the last few years. I'm installing a 500 gallon rain barrel this weekend so I'll no longer have to hoof it to the nearby lake if I run out of my bottled water stash in an emergency situation.

>> No.17459007

it's really not that hard. it's mostly just a matter of moving averages which you find a way to make even more accurate than they already are. the hull moving average is free and available on literally every major platform i believe, it's free to the public iirc. literally just use 2 of them and try to make that better with other indicators, that's it. 3 of them if you want to be really specific for long/medium/short term trends.

>> No.17459009
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>> No.17459010
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Real bobo hours. Who up?

>> No.17459011

I bought March 2nd spy puts for $0.97 at $302 strike today. Feeling pretty good about them, I don't have much money but I think it could yield big gains. Relatively speaking for me anyway

>> No.17459018
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So we are effectively going down the path of destroying the global financial system because of the downstream effects of a virus with a 0.4% effective kill rate?

Why not just infect everybody in one month, accept the 0.4% effective kill rate and move on with the survivors?

Seems easy trade-off to me and I am a 50 year old boomer with a much higher chance of being killed than all the NEETS here.

>> No.17459019

I would legitimately buy a call or just as a hedge, just in some meme magic makes the SPX springboard up kek.

>> No.17459024

SF is fucked, that city knows no such thing as hygiene.

>> No.17459028


>> No.17459037

This is honestly the only solution.

>> No.17459038
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Bobo gang reporting in. Expecting green for the next week or 2 on my inverses.

>> No.17459041
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>fastest runs left
>slowest runs right
>bear runs left
>>hurrhurr it’s ok cuz I’m running faster than the slowest guy

>> No.17459042

Sick people can't work. 15% of those infected with coronavirus need critical medical attention.

>> No.17459044
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>> No.17459047

kill rate is 2.0-5.0%

>> No.17459049

why are you on 4chan at 50 years old

>> No.17459051

This is like when a dying cell becomes cancerous. We never left the economic downturn of 08

>> No.17459055

>Virus spreads through fart clouds
>People literally shitting in the streets
Yeah they're dead.

>> No.17459057

How do we profit from diseased libs?

>> No.17459064
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>I am a 50 year old boomer
it shows

>> No.17459065

Couldn't happen to a nicer group of douchebags.

If this thing goes fucking ballistic in SF, I can't wait for the inevitable race war between all the gooks there and the no-vaccine hippy housewives who preached diversity is strength for the past 30 years.

The first photogenic white toddler who goes tits up is going to throw all that tolerance BS to the wind and reinstitute internment camps.

>> No.17459066

>65+ year old are critical members of the workforce

>> No.17459067

I think if it does reach reasonable points and prices, we'll realize it actually only got worse.

>> No.17459068

short onions

>> No.17459071




>> No.17459073

>weed stocks back to performing inverse to market
ok if WEED is negative tomorrow morning, then it's time to buy back into the rest of the market

>> No.17459075

well, they are. because sure as hell arent retired lmfao

>> No.17459083

Heavily biased towards those older than 70. Those older than 80 have a whooping 15% death rate.

>> No.17459085

Its a great website, and I have been using it for years. Made money off of /biz/ and crypto, got shredded and fit because of /fit/ and learned how the world really works through /pol/.

You Neets hate on 4chan, but you don't realize just how powerful this website really is.

>> No.17459087

This is the perfect time to make hefty weed plays

>> No.17459093

>Those older than 80 have a whooping 15% death rate.
if you're over 80 you get pneumonia and die if you go outside without an umbrella though

>> No.17459099

Allegedly weed is good to alleviate the symptoms of the coronavirus.

>> No.17459100
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breddy based tbhfam

>> No.17459101

The elderly dying is a literal stimulus package greater than congress could ever award

>> No.17459104

BYND probably represents the dem mood in general.

>> No.17459109


>> No.17459114

just dont smoke it if you pneumonia

>> No.17459122


>> No.17459131
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This is rapidly becoming the worst crash in 2 years, and the rate of decline far exceeds 2018's crash. This is a once a decade event. We won't see the market restored for years.

>> No.17459143

this really isnt the start either. the start begins once america loses control over new infections with CVD and are dealing with an overwhelmed medical system/shortages.

>> No.17459145

If it doesn't disrupt the US supply line it won't be that bad. If it does then rip.

>> No.17459147

>grandma lives in portland oregon
>she survived stage 4 lung cancer even after the meds crystalized her lungs from an allergic reaction
>a total bitch scandi woman that cant be killed
>she hates gooks to her very core

I'm worried for her, she got trapped under her furniture the other day moving stuff around because she hates asking for help, but shes also weary of asians.

If she gets corona her previous lung damage in my mind means shes the perfect candidate for death. I want her to be safe. Hopefully she stays inside. She refuses to retire. She built the circuit board that is in her fucking pacemaker. Shes harder than this virus by a long shot, but it still worries me.

>> No.17459151

This three day crash is almost the same amount as the entire month of december 18, it's happening.

>> No.17459154

Just wait until Bernie wins.

>> No.17459155
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But the market always comes ba-

>> No.17459158
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you guys have fractional shares on robinhood right

>> No.17459159

tell her to avoid public areas.

>> No.17459160

Reminder that this dumb fuck has a business degree and no medical background whatsoever.

>> No.17459163

hope she dies so we don't have to listen to you simp again

>> No.17459168

i switched to webull

>> No.17459170

Any kind of smoke is going to create an environment where your body produces more ace2 receptors which lowers your potential for being asymptomatic

Anybody with damaged lungs is elderly tier risk

I think this virus isnt anything to worry about, but miners and welders and whatnot are DEFINITELY at risk

>> No.17459172

right. ty for stating the obvious, its well appreciated.

>> No.17459176
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Your grandma fucked Rune Elmqvist? That's kind of based.

>> No.17459177
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doom doomy doom fud fuddy fuddruckers

>> No.17459178

Big oof.

>> No.17459181
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> History shows us that markets tend to melt up 100% or more before bursting in major bubbles.
>Timing melt-ups and their aftermath is extraordinarily difficult, but not impossible.

> Housing Bubble #1 wasn't allowed to fully retrace the bubble, as the Federal Reserve lowered interest rates to near-zero in 2009 and bought $1+ trillion in sketchy mortgage-backed securities

>> No.17459183
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do you guys think Pewdipie plays stonks?

>> No.17459186
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US economy is genna stagnant over the next few years. Prepare for the crab market.

>> No.17459189

You wouldnt even 1v1 my grandmammy irl let alone me, you faggot coward

>> No.17459193

It already is disrupting supply line. Just look at the numbers on how much business the US does with China. Margins are being affected in an economy where some companies literally cannot afford for them to be affected. The effects of this are exponential as time goes on. Q1 and Q2 will be proof of that if China doesn't have full production and imports soon. Mark my words people will lose income and QE will only trade short term easement for long term issues.

>> No.17459195

so this is sarcasm

>> No.17459197

kek I really enjoy when the medfags come in and completely shit on all of the autistmo faggots with creative writing degrees

>> No.17459198

>getting rid of the dumb coal miners of a dying industry that no one really wants to save yet nobody can bring themselves to tell them to fuck off
Yes please.

>> No.17459200


>> No.17459207

She does that well enough, shes old school hard

>> No.17459215


When are yall going to buy? 20K?

>> No.17459218
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>Government uses taxpayer money to lose money

Sounds about right

>> No.17459227

My main concern is countries like chile could lose their main economic force because they virtually survive only on mining

>> No.17459230
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true, though to be fair the nikkei is now near 22k unlike where that map cuts off
speaking of the nikkei
>down almost 2% already AGAIN

>> No.17459242

No problem. It is the least I could do.

>> No.17459247

If that's the case, it doesn't matter if I hold stock, gold, or shitcoins. It'll all be equally useless.

>> No.17459255


Reminds me of a story I heard when I was in Afghanistan. Platoon sees half the village going like a mile away to get water and the Americans decide to build a well in the village to save them the trip. Riots erupt because the half the village was employed to carry water.

>> No.17459260

Probably index and bonds if he was smart enough to hire an accountant. Nothing risky as he rakes it in like crazy without any market assistance.

>> No.17459264

ty, now please leave /biz so we can actually discuss business and how the current events potentially effect it without a drooling mouth breather who has a general arts degree interrupting us.

>> No.17459271


>> No.17459277
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Japan will be better off than most other places. They are one of the largest CREDITOR nations in the world right now, unlike US or China who are the largest DEBTOR nations. Plus Japanese citizens average 30-40% savings rate so in a downturn they have a good cushion. In the USA it's like 3-4% savings.

>> No.17459284

We aren't seeing banks collapsing yet. China will be back within the year, first of all other countries even and will start supplying things again. Unless some crazy shit happens like a Chinese revolution or the US being destroyed by Corona it's going to be a steep correction but not a super collapse.

>> No.17459285

I'm only in inverses and NSRGY at this point. I could run technicals and look at modeling but, the market is too volatile right now. I expect a slow continuous gradual fall the next month or two. The worse news we get, the more pull back and market exiting we might see.

Realistically if the market shows signs of bottoming and the economy stabilization as well as China reaching full import/export capacity again as well as all other countries I may lightly or somewhat expose myself but things are definitely in a downfall and will be until all countries are go again. Just look at all of the CEOs that stepped down. They know what's coming.

>> No.17459291

...what would happen of Japs dumped all their savings into the economy kamimaze style??

>> No.17459294
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If you compare the gains between /smg/ and /r/wallstreetbets, who wins?

>> No.17459295

Pulled everything today. Bought some Tsingtao and I'm about to go fuck an asian hooker. Hopefully I will appease Corona-Chan and we can return to the normally scheduled programing

>> No.17459297

Japan's population is old as fuck. If they manage to survive this, coronavirus might be good for them in the long term.

>> No.17459299

do you guys know any place where I could short stocks with crypto?

>> No.17459305

JPmorgan says theyre done being bearish and a hedgefund manager on fox business today says hes buying financials

I thought it was dumb, I think banks will foot the bill for a lot of people that cant pay but ya know, info is info ill spread it

>> No.17459309

I agree to some degree. The world governments don't want to lose their income sources and will probably have analysts all over this. They'll enslave the country financially for another 30 years as long as it protects their bank accounts. That's one of the real concerns.

>> No.17459310

Its a panic sell that's being manipulated by marker makers for discount stocks in a bull market. There are NO NEGATIVE ECONOMIC INDICATORS. The Corona virus is PURE FUD. Americans aren't losing jobs, or cars, or houses. Businesses aren't going bankrupt. Not everything is manufactured in China. This is a blip in the quarter, the market over adjusted.. This is your chance to get in the market at a discount.

>> No.17459314
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>> No.17459317

The duality of man.

>> No.17459324

Smg but only because we only have pennies to lose while the normies on wsb lose their entire 401k

>> No.17459325

Where do you go to get data on their import/export capabilities?

>> No.17459327
File: 40 KB, 462x480, B66C5049-CF75-4DD5-B165-F98ABB9B4F1E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn it.

Even if it literally is the meme flu, the memevirus might fuck shit up and cause shortages and shit.

I hate this. Such is the fate of the “long term” investor.

At least I took my DIS losses at 128

>realizing losses

>>17458791 #
No way...
Though MS podcast did say support at around 3040 would be a good place to start adding to positions.

Do you actually know anything about the Nikkei bubble? I think that’s an outlier.

I’m ready for cash management but I’m not sure if I trust robinhood with my info.

They can’t even protect themselves from redditors with terrible judgement.

>> No.17459329 [DELETED] 

Up until last week? them, it's easy to make boku bucks when you're a literal retard buying reckless weeklies in a bull market.
this week and into the future? us

>> No.17459337

Peter Schiff is beating everybody right now, it's painful but I'm going to start paying attention to him

>> No.17459341
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Is it too late to buy puts

>> No.17459343

These panic dips tend to delay The Big One. I think it's foolish to assume Corona dip is the The Big One at this time. All you've got is a panic sell off, you haven't seen what kind of bounce the markets are going to make along with what kind of buy volume comes in during said bounce. Inflation is low. Fed has some small room to cut rates if need be. They have not announced a QE plan yet or done an emergency rate cut.

A lot of things have to play out before a recession is better than coin flip chance from this point.

>> No.17459347

I’m not going to stop weed until I’m dead and if it gets me there any sooner so be it

>> No.17459353
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Just a friendly reminder that the US is uniquely positioned to weather this storm:

>7% of GDP is linked to global trade and more than half of that is within NAFTA. Rest of world could die and we'd be 93% game shape ready.
>Completely energy independent and an exporter.
>Largest and most ideal agricultural producer by a long shot in every category that matters (grains, produce, meat, monsoon crops, produce)
>Natural Gas waste product from fracking mean input costs for chemicals and fertilizer are almost cheat code like cheaper for us to produce than the rest of the world. Ditto for plastics.
>US Navy is 5 times larger than rest of world combined. Seas belong to us.
>Semiconductor infrastructure is one 5 year plan away from rivalling current South East asian infrastructure. So your iphone 12x with 13 notches and poop emojis is gonna skip a yearly update from Apple. Boo hoo.
>Manufacturing was already being relocated from China to Mexico / US. Coronachan is only going to accelerate this process.

Feels good to be almost completely invested in US stocks and producers. Have fun with your export based economies after Trump brings down the banhammer! I remember when you krauts were calling us Hitlers for liberating Iraq, or the Brits were popping champagne during Hurricane Katrina. All back of the bus now bitches!

/end rant

>> No.17459362

you guys are over exaggerating this "mass collapse" scenario. all we need is 2-4 months of stalled productivity and supply chain severance to have lasting effects on the world economy for 1-2 years at the least. people will get laid off in masses, people wont be hired because they'll be competing with a mass force of other applicants trying to get any job they can to pay the bills. most will go into bankruptcy, others wont be able to pay their bills and lost their houses, etc., which will lead to massing defaults that the banks are on the hook for, bad debt writes offs, etc. you dont need a prolonged collapse for it to fuck everything up. the economy is intertwined with everything much more today than it was 10-15 years ago. and people are more broke today than theyve ever. im telling you, 2-4 months of prolonged stalls and its in the shitter for the next 1-2 years at the very least. housing will tank with mass listings and banks foreclosing properties, credit card companies will lose a lot of business with bad write offs. travel industries will take a hit because everyone will be broke without jobs. its a cascading domino effect.

>> No.17459366

I just search around for it or have been stumbling upon it. I don't have a recollection of a link or anything. Sorry. Just interpret what news there is on the subject, weigh it for likelihood of trueness, factor that into their economy, so on and so forth. Interpreting news is a good skill to have, especially for investors.

>> No.17459367

My normie friend is down like 95% on weed stocks and hes just gonna hold until it pops

>> No.17459371

In any case the damage from corona can easily be calculated, it can be terrible, all your work force out for a month some never returning or super mild. The problem with 08 was things were breaking down before anyone realized what was happening, this isn't the case. As long as the virus doesn't bring something unexpected from what we know so far with it things will recover. Bernie as president has more chances to fuck the economy because of his unpredictability.

>> No.17459376

China is already scrambling to get production back up and running and business are moving to production to Vietnam and other places. China knows that every passing day results in the permanent economic risks rising exponentially because these businesses will not all just bring their production back to China when this blows over.

>> No.17459383

If anything you say is true the #1 thing you can do is be in top physical shape and the #2 thing you can do is have friends and the #3 thing you can do is have diversified skills and the #4 thing you can do is have a gun

>> No.17459388

Imagine if the US started war with China and took over. That'd be WW3 but interesting.

>> No.17459391
File: 38 KB, 550x374, saupload_Case-Shiller2-19a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> The problem now isn't one of liquidity or iffy mortgages: it's the generation that would like to buy homes, finds they don't earn enough, and their incomes are not secure enough, to gamble everything on an overpriced house that chains them to a local economy they might want to leave if opportunities arise elsewhere

Just the flu bro

>> No.17459393
File: 61 KB, 1000x800, 1529704455398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good job, /smg/. I'm proud of you. Fuck those normies up.

>> No.17459400

you guys didn't sell when the yield curve inverted last year? aka when the 100% accurate indicator of literally every recession in modern history happened?

>> No.17459406

>the economy is intertwined with everything
So is the supply chain. 2-4 months of lost productivity in China means companies move production elsewhere and China fucks their economy for decades. It isn't 1995 anymore.

>> No.17459412
File: 14 KB, 861x93, uhohnono.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If futures were green the last 2 days and everything went poorly, big red futures means we will finally be good?

>> No.17459414
File: 140 KB, 1272x1264, 1582069852258.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just a friendly reminder that the US is uniquely positioned to weather this storm:
Agree. Pic related

>> No.17459415

man i can't believe i bought ACB. If I hadn't "diversified" into WEED, I wouldn't have broken even and I'd be down like $5K.

>> No.17459420


This board is so volatile and it's so obvious everything is going to crash. That's why I fucking liquidated EVERYTHING. Shitposts? Gone. Quick rundowns? Gone. Big booty girls with crypto photoshopped on their asses? GONE.

>> No.17459423

you cant just "up and move" production lines. you cant just build factories in a week that are capable of producing at the cheap rate chinese are.

>> No.17459426

It also means a likelihood of rising production costs now that one of the cheapest manufacturers in the world is down. Less suppliers, more demand for suppliers. Double whammy of material price rise.

>> No.17459428

also why the fuck are you still here you inbred retard. i told you to leave so we can actually have a discussion here without a retarded general arts drooler interjection with retarded nonsense like "we'll just move the production lines in a few months". fuckin hick.

>> No.17459454

No worries, I thought there might be some economic data floating out there that I was not aware of.

>> No.17459455

There's a great delay on the inverted yield curve. The average is something like eight months to two years before a recession.

>> No.17459466

Cue Trumps epic welcome in India. Yeah, it's stagecraft, and it won't happen overnight, but it is HAPPENING

>> No.17459467

Kill yourself Reddit scum.

>> No.17459474
File: 574 KB, 1500x1480, 1568607731785.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, rally begins tomorrow

>> No.17459475

Thanks I don't keep a close eye on the market so I am content selling now and waiting. I can wait years... Not buying these stocks or these houses. Fuck no

>> No.17459477

It's going to be bad but it's one of the mildest recessions you can have, it's not from policy or war. It's a virus with specific time-frames. It will cost a lot of money but it's not changing how the world works.

>> No.17459479

Plans to shift production due to tariffs have been accelerated and companies that have been caught off-guard by this are currently looking to find other places to do business with. This shift obviously doesn't happen overnight, but it is already happening and the long China takes, the worse the damage will be in the long run.

>> No.17459486

>As long as the virus doesn't bring something unexpected

You mean like SARS AIDS ravaging the United States while the CDC follows "don't test, don't tell"?



CDC not testing:

>> No.17459487

I'm not saying we are perfect, but compared to the rest of the world.

>Check out the Non Performing Loan % category in Euroland buddy.
>Demographics in Euroland are extinction level at current and they thought the best tactic was to bring in hordes of culturally hostile Arabs. Sprinkle in a total collapse of export driven economies at the core and voila! you have anarchy.
> Your assumption is based on the fact the rest of the world is going to dump the USD. And put it into what bitcoin? Chinese Remnibi? Euros? The huge market selloff now is rich people cashing out and holding DOLLARS. We are at multi decade level lows for USD on exchange rates. Get used to it.

All the pension shit is true and tragic, but at some point somebody is going to just say "fuck you firemen and police" we ain't paying these 18% ROR pensions for you fucks anymore.

Still doesn't change the fact that the USA is the best piece of real estate on planet earth and the ONLY growth possible consumer market in the world for the next 40+ years.

Buy America Kraut. You'll be glad you did.

>> No.17459496


>> No.17459497
File: 82 KB, 540x720, cat2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're going to see a tapering off of sell volume as these consecutive red days continue. This will represent the initial wave of people who wanted out an no foolin. A bounce will occur, maybe some of these seller buy back in maybe not. Watch the volume on the bounce very closely. If volume starts to taper again at a double top or lower high: EXIT AND SHORT. If you're already short, you should have profit taking orders already in place and should be tightening up your stops at this time. Assuming this is a crash, which isn't clear yet but going on hypothetical crash thesis, the price action will still establish a range and distribution pattern. Nothing ever goes straight up or straight down. Bears thinking it will are being recklessly greedy.

>> No.17459500

The inverted yield curve isn't the only indicator. There's enough flags out there to make a grown man weep.

>> No.17459505
File: 2.85 MB, 240x180, 1411353464611.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the coming pandemic economy, how do you guys see jewelry insurance faring?

>> No.17459508

>have business degree
>manage to not learn anything about business or supply chains

>> No.17459510 [DELETED] 

How good is this return rate?

115% 2020
145% 3 months
240% one year

2019 risk/reward
32% risk
70% return

>> No.17459511
File: 105 KB, 513x511, 2020-02-26_18-14-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Solano County. It's probably already spreading among the San Fran homeless

>> No.17459513
File: 8 KB, 264x191, 1582416425222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw just found out that many hedge funds still in denial mode with their long positions
friday is going to be and epic meme

>> No.17459522

Watch the earnings reports. I'll still make my money. I'm not implying crash but I am looking at companies losing cash because of this.

>> No.17459527

not trying to troll. It's hard to tell and people on her have said with small spec money it's easy as fuck to go up huge for good traders.

I'm wondering if these are any good or not in the scheme of things.

>> No.17459530

Epic meme how?

>> No.17459533
File: 15 KB, 862x92, whatsgoingon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17459537

Not very well. You could become a jewelry buyer and lowball people and get PMs at a discount. I was considering sales myself but the economy was already tapering before the corona virus so that's a big ole no for me.

>> No.17459538

Those are expected. I'm more interested in what the Fed has to say in coming weeks.

>> No.17459545

It's fucking happening. Get the fuck out of this market if you value your money.

>> No.17459546
File: 35 KB, 550x527, saupload_AAPL-monthly2a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Parabolic moves end when the confidence that the parabolic move can't end becomes the consensus.

>> No.17459548
File: 985 KB, 967x1188, 7CE616A4-90AD-4F8C-92D4-30925C7E6CED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you’d have to transfer funds out of your crypto account to a bank account, and then from a bank account to a broker.

Most US brokers will front you the money while the bank transfer is still clearing, so you’d be able to start trading within 3-5 business days.

>> No.17459554

is going to cause panic selling tomorrow if it's confirmed as definitely being community transmission

>> No.17459557

Lol they're probably getting greedy. I cleared out my longs except for NSRGY. Probably won't see any considerable bounce back within the next 2-8 months on those best case scenario.

>> No.17459563

If everybody thought like you, we'd have no apples (not the tech company neet)

>> No.17459571

this virus could be a double whammy. crash the market so people cant pull their funds and retire. and the virus then kills you so you stop using up limited resources. if you survive, youre still broke because of the market crash and now need to work for spare shekels.

>> No.17459575

Good point. They're probably going to screw the American people even more long term because of this. Things were bad enough before the virus. We were just about reaching economic tapering but man. QE might mean a move of location for me. They better not bail out student loan debt either, or any debt for that matter.

>> No.17459577

No one knows. You can't find any good stats to compare yourself to. Some people here have done better than you, most have done worse. If that return is sustained, in a few years money will be the least of your problem. If it isn't, you know that it's incredibly hard to sustain that type of return for long periods of time.

>> No.17459580
File: 339 KB, 1058x2048, ERv0f5CWoAUqOEN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has been cross confirmed now by UC Davis Medical Center

The patient was "transferred from another Northern California hospital" on February 19th. One fucking week ago.

>> No.17459582

Unless it kills us all it will come sweep, fuck the economy for that time but not disrupt the US system. One thing's for certain China isn't going to face an unemployment problem which is what drives recessions everyone is waiting for the Chinese to start working again.

>> No.17459587

-.08% minimally EOD 2/27

>> No.17459594

pretty much re-iterates what my old college bros are saying

>> No.17459595

I literally can't wait for this shit to happen. I am making a folder full of ironic "just buy the index" memes so I can dab on you faggots after this is over.

Oh what is that? You just bought the index because you're a hodl tard and now don't have any money for retirement? What was that, it outperforms advisors by 7%? Was that statistic maybe calculated at the top of the bubble LOL.

Give me my 1.5% now bitch so I can manage your portfolio with my quant software and you don't have to retire on social security. Muahahaha. Dumb niggers, thinking the markets a casino and not math.

>> No.17459597

well, you cant.. especially now suddenly. unless i missed the memo where apple said they were opening up a new manufacturing plant in india or some cheap labour shithole, theyre on the hook for underperforming the next few quarters.

>> No.17459611

I'd be doing software dev for them but it's just a contract anyway. Pay's good but might not last.

>> No.17459621

>contact droplet
oh lol so all the staff were just using a facemask then?

>> No.17459622

I'm not saying Apple isn't in for some hurt, but this isn't organic loss of business or brand degradation (aka Blackberry). Once Apple pulls their head out of their ass and produces this shit locally, every pig ignorant Tom Dick and Harry (and every THOT on earth) is still going to line up and pay $1000+ per phone per year.

>> No.17459632

Manage my money

>> No.17459642

Bring in what you can. I had to work a pizza delivery job this past month just to somewhat meet my numbers. Sucks but you gotta do what you gotta do.

>> No.17459643

Where my divy anons at? ready to weather the storm and collect discount shares

>> No.17459644

apple will never move production of their phone back home. it would cost too much to manufacture it in the states. im expecting some biopharma to move back though, and maybe a few select other sectors that are vital for america but not manufacturing.

>> No.17459647
File: 410 KB, 221x196, 1582338861415.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They jewry will be just fine anon. The have a whole ethnostate to flee to.

>> No.17459651
File: 40 KB, 473x397, Feb 23, Anon bought calls at the top.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm making a compilation of retards here that bought the top. Folder is over 30 posts deep so far

>> No.17459652

I tried weed (stocks) once.


>> No.17459665

Apple will bleed cash probably if they do come local. Their margins will look like trash compared to what they were.

>> No.17459666

There's obviously a very high survivorship bias here, we never see the countless people that lost all their money and got out. The strange thing is, we rarely see people that have made a ton of money either. To me, that indicates that achieving a high return long term is very difficult and most people fail in the process even if they initially do great.

>> No.17459675

Fuuuuck man anybody who shows up at my hospital in Hawaii if they from asia they go in a airborne isolation room until we have a plausible diagnosis for their symptoms.

>> No.17459680

THe irony is that ALL the target date retirement funds from Vanguard, Fidelity with huge expense ratios are all getting equally or worse clobbered than dumb Index meme funds. When the smoke clears, very few Hedge fund managers are going to be able to explain their ridiculously high fees.

>> No.17459681
File: 122 KB, 1024x1024, 1580686875482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not only that, but when that transfer happened, the patient had already been intubated and was already put on a ventilator. From infection to that level of severity we know takes 2-3 weeks at least. So exactly how long ago did the community transmission occur?

>> No.17459685

I'm literally not allowed to, and it sucks considering the huge amount of information I've dropped here over the years.

If you honestly want a good recommendation though, go with these guys
Best performance of 2018, their information is god tier.

>> No.17459690

futures getting absolutely fucking wrecked here lol. jesus fuck i bet the normies who show up everyday to work at 9 and check out at 5 have no idea whats coming up.

>> No.17459692
File: 190 KB, 801x1118, Screenshot (625).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17459694
File: 7 KB, 441x107, retard uncovered VXX options seller (Jan 31, 2020).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How come I don't hear back from these guys? Huh?

>> No.17459697
File: 152 KB, 600x600, 1476235047489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>VOO 1% away from my first long term entry
Let's gooo

>> No.17459707
File: 9 KB, 1273x101, fucking retard on smg (coronavirus, jan 30, 2020).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le buy the dip faggot
yeah, faggot

>> No.17459711

Just like "Mark Baum" said in the Big Short. Nobody had a clue the kind of stuff going on but they'll still walk around like they're in some Enya video. To paraphrase. They were getting screwed BEFORE the virus. Imagine how bad it may be after.

>> No.17459713
File: 28 KB, 600x726, sadness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you realize the 10s were actually our Roaring 20s and the 20s are going to be the next Great Depression

>> No.17459715

whew he probably necc'd himself

>> No.17459716

Truth. I obviously don't trust it yet. It feels uncanny to go on a run like this. Every move works. It's incredibly dangerous to think that way though.

>> No.17459717

Yup. The big guys also like to make huge deals with brokers for kickbacks for their managers so they don't have to pay them as much but they will still make money. It's garbage, I feel so bad for people who aren't financially literate.

>> No.17459718
File: 42 KB, 477x187, retard jp poser (Jan 31, 2020).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your losses, cowards.

>> No.17459726

Yes. That would be typical. They obviously switched to airborne after. This was a transfer, but it is particularly bad in the emergency department because you don't know what is coming in, so you end up with exposure to all sorts of stuff that warrants more than standard precautions, but isn't obvious until you get into an assessment such as TB.

>> No.17459727

What do they charge? And what are typical roi? Will they even touch me if I only have 100k?

>> No.17459734
File: 22 KB, 441x167, retard soijack poster (Jan 31, 2020).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i am smart but i dont know why so i post le soijack

>> No.17459735
File: 29 KB, 750x742, 1579462889977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>almost $20 down from my average holding price

>> No.17459736

Stock portfolio is up.
Lost on playing BTC halvening though.

>> No.17459738

SNSS at $0.50 bro who is holding 15k
show me your SNSS folio for today bro

i live SNSS vicariously through you

me and my 200 stocks (bought at $0.88)

>> No.17459739

I bet y'all cowards don't even smoke crack

>> No.17459741

i dont even think my normie friends have any clue whats going on right now, kinda weird thinking it might be a catalyst for mass unemployment of these shitty low pay desk jobs that corporations fire in these times to preserve capital.

>> No.17459746

Apple is moving to Vietnam. Why the fuck are speculating on this shit if you don't follow the news?

>> No.17459755
File: 170 KB, 360x346, 28953789532.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BTC halvening

>> No.17459757
File: 565 KB, 1014x572, 1564977919502.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was me, lmao. I closed them out on the first pump and liquidated everything on Friday, kek. I've been buying and selling SPY puts ever since baybeeeee.

>> No.17459763


>> No.17459764

How come bearfags are nowhere to be found except when there is fudshit like this?

>> No.17459777
File: 272 KB, 1125x2001, 434B6286-DA6E-499F-B4F2-1580C0AD9201.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That should be baked in well before earnings, at least for the apples and Microsoft’s and MasterCards that are getting out ahead of it now.

Add me in there you smug bear fuck
>he bought?
I bought

>> No.17459786
File: 40 KB, 420x420, gild.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17459792

I AM one of those dumb financially illeterate index investors. I have the 70/30 stock to bond ratios plans. Current worth is around $1.9MM. I won't even tell you what I have lost these past few days, but I am sitting comfy overall. I have high income, am 10+ years from retiring in a job I love, my house paid off and contracts for my services for at least the next 2 years in writing. I have no reason to sell now and I believe a 10 year time horizon is not worth the risk of swinging into more losses. I am King Boomer HODL now and I firmly believe in the supremacy of the US market for at least the next 40 years (all my Index's are US tilted)

I am going to start looking into Crescat Capital for advice. I appreciate the link Fren.

>> No.17459797

I'm down like 14%

>> No.17459818

Their problem not yours. I've met enough careless people that are out of touch that their carelessness is theirs to bear. I'll probably end up managing their finances though.

>> No.17459822
File: 11 KB, 255x200, 1468445985921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I trust that AH action on REFR? It's down another 10% after hours.

>> No.17459831

Don't buy shit we are going down way way more

>> No.17459833

Because they're sad people, actually, it's mostly just one faggot. When the bulls are winning it's all lighthearted japes, when the bears are on top it's just faggotry.

>> No.17459843

Oof good question, I've never contacted them so I don't know what their minimum is. It probably is higher then 100k though unfourtunantely. In that case I would recommend finding a good local advisor that is independent in your area.

>> No.17459850

Anyone here use TD Ameritrade?

>> No.17459851

Post predictions:
>Thursday: AAAAA
>Friday: aaaaa
>Monday: we back?

>> No.17459855

I have the same problem, I don't know if it's luck or skill and I constantly worry that it's the latter and my luck will run out. I think most returns are rather inefficient since money managers cannot heavily bet on any one stock. Retail investors have a higher chance of getting in early on something like Amazon, Google, or Tesla and outperforming the market though making them a higher percentage of their portfolio, but it doesn't explain why professional money managers basically have a worse chance at selecting a good stock than if they randomly guessed. It doesn't explain why basic indicators seem to give a great advantage that doesn't translate well into the trades of professionals.

The whole thing is a mystery. I'm not going to pretend I'll keep making this high of a return forever. I'm going to set aside money and put it into ETF and other investments I won't actively manage. I won't risk my portfolio on what I think is a sure bet if I am already rich. If successful, I will make money, and mostly get out of trading. I don't need to be a billionaire, I just need a million dollars and normal compound interest.

>> No.17459858

yeah i know, its just interesting to think about it though, like what their perspective is right now. the older i get the more i realize that knowledge is real power. with knowledge/education you are allowing yourself to make better informed decisions with everything you do which compound to add up to large scale decisions. whereas if you plateau in your knowledge/education you are on a loop constantly only able to make basic decisions and not reaping in that compounding effect.

>> No.17459859


>> No.17459867


>> No.17459872



>> No.17459878

im down like $900 on $10K principal. I took out $5K recently to pay off my tuition. i might have to use a line-of-credit to pay off tuition for next year. The plan was to use 0% interest gov loans for the bulk of my tuition and use the rest of money to invest and double it so I won't have to use line-of-credit for 3rd and 4th year.
went back to school for a professional program after an deadend entry-level job for a couple years and i really should have thought more deeper on the opportunity costs of going back to school

>> No.17459887

yeah. It's tough

I want to be the freak organism in the ocean that looks like an alien with random appendages. Just beat the market in the weirdest ways with no competition.

Pretty much my entire strategy is to ignore all traditional investment strategy.

>> No.17459890

>Wednesday: Aaaaaaaa

>> No.17459900

Yup. Left RH a while back. TD is wayyy better.

Correct. Except not all knowledge is beneficial. Understanding is important too. Entire cultures have suffered due to the lack of these two. It's even in the Bible.

>> No.17459905

He lost about 3.5k today. Will lose the rest in the coming weeks

>> No.17459908
File: 308 KB, 483x515, derp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already sold last week. I'm 90% cash right now, but I'm still holding on to my memes. I don't even know why. Getting pretty JUST'd on GALT.

>> No.17459927

where is broke college boi anyway, haven't seen any galt shilling lately, did he finally admit to getting btfo

>> No.17459934

/smg/ getting real depressing bros guess we really are in a bear market

>> No.17459942
File: 34 KB, 680x591, 307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My company is split in 2 departments, the one doing really well now are land development and they're hyper cyclical. Right now they're the most arrogant POS on the planet, because they're making millions copying and pasting the same lines of text. I just want to see how they act after half of them get laid off. A bunch of them took stock options compensation instead of real money last month.

>> No.17459953
File: 183 KB, 620x1200, ERv0f5CWoAUqOEN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



7 days in hospital.

>> No.17459962

Nice, you're doing really good anon, just knowing proper portfolio allocations and having bonds at all in your portfolio to buy the dips is putting you leagues ahead of most people I consult. Crescat is fantastic, I hope you find something worthwhile for your portfolio out of their data. If you have the brains for it DIY retirement folio's can make you a lot of money, the one thing to keep in mind though is managers often have access to much better systems then you because they can afford them, personally we spend about 300k a year in overhead for tech costs alone because of all the systems and data we are using to better refine our models.

If i had to give you one piece of advice though, it would be to really consider looking into more and better bond holdings. Rotating into bonds is a great way to time the market without facing all that risk since it's just opportunity cost, and saving yourself that 10-15% on the downside even could propel you into a whole new income bracket by the time that 10 years is up. Retire with caviar and champage instead of wine and cheese.

>> No.17459965

I've had my own journey. Started just passive investing buying stocks. But I picked a lot of bad stocks for years. Then last year I started doing options, again I lost a ton of money. I lost 35% of my portfolio. Then one day I decided, FUCK IT and sold everything and redid my portfolio completely, based on research I had done over the years. Since then, my portfolio has out performed the market. I was doing very well until last week, until I got too greedy, I knew there was going to be a dip (not this big) but I still bought in a bunch of risky positions. Obviously those failed and I went from +20% YTD to +2%. However, I'm still net positive (even if barely) and my YTD is better than S&P500 which is at -3% now. I think this is a really good chance to buy the dip on some rock solid companies (like Coke and Apple). Sure, it could go down more, but if you hold stocks it will eventually come back. Or it means you bought the dip and made an instant 10% return with low risk.

>> No.17459971

The don't test dont tell policy of the CDC at work. Clusters are probably 5000 cases in USA right now. This was just one that was close to dying so it got caught.

>> No.17459977
File: 76 KB, 758x678, 1547588891861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-12% on oil. I exited everything else last Thursday and Friday. Except for a small position in Ritchie Brothers Auctioneers, which I expect to crush earnings tomorrow after close. Of course if tomorrow's feel is bearish enough it won't matter much. I got a sentimental feel for this particular stock and wanted to give it a chance for earnings.

>> No.17459985
File: 395 KB, 680x510, 12htl7utenc31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For one beautiful moment it looked like we'd close above 1.10 today.

We're still well positioned to keep climbing though.

>> No.17459987
File: 241 KB, 1072x1689, Screenshot_20200226-223225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always opportunity.

>> No.17459988

the best thing is feeling compounding returns in real time, trading day by trading day, on this insane run. A 3% one month is not a 3% the next month.

>> No.17459989

>"first" case originating in US had to be immediately put on the ventilator
so, if we believe the statistics, between 30 and 50 people are out there walking around the streets and offices thinking they have the cold or flu for each person like this.

>> No.17460001


That person was in ICU care since Feb 19.

That's 2-3+ weeks into a serious case

That means the person is early generation

It's more like 2500-5000 out there, with a lot about to join him in ICU

>> No.17460011

to elaborate

The R0 Value is MUCH higher before people know there is coronavirus in the area.

So this was spreading at 8+ R0 since Mid January.

>> No.17460014

>between 30 and 50 people are out there walking around the streets and offices thinking they have the cold or flu for each person like this.

30-50 right now? Or 3-4 weeks ago when this guy was infected from what might have been 30-50 people at the time?

It has been 1 week since this guy got into the hospital and it would have taken like 1-3 weeks for him to have any symptoms before that, right? What's the fastest be could have had it? Because he may have had it for 24 days without symptoms.

>> No.17460022
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>San Francisco mayor orders all citizens to self-quarantine in their homes
>"what homes?"

>> No.17460026

Also healthcare workers potentially at two hospitals. Even with precautions at the 2nd hospital healthcare workers would be at risk of making mistakes.

>> No.17460027

Its going to be fun watching people buy into false positives for a while.

>> No.17460034

It wouldn't be San Fran.. we are talking USA by now.

4+ weeks of spread. People travel. Even if you quarantine SF, any city pretending coronavirus isn't coming or there already will have high R0 spread.

>> No.17460039

Good point. RIP anyone (over 45) in city/urban zones with homeless

>> No.17460044
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Sounds like a buy signal.

>> No.17460045

Does anyone else own any shares of inverse etf funds?

>> No.17460046
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Doing good here

Don't know what I'm doing though I'm just shorting the spy plus throwing money at stuff people talk about like snss

>> No.17460052

This is known in pandemic literature but governments quarantine late, and lift it early.

The time to quarantine and create maximal social distancing is before you detect a cluster for obvious reasons.

AKA.. if you wanted maximum protection you'd alert entire country to begin social distancing, ending all public events, etc.

>> No.17460054

We’re technically oversold, and we never know when Powell will pamp eet or trump will announce that India is buying all our sick military helicopters and shit.

This looks to be a terrible time to make a bearish entry. Though an SH hedge to ride this down a bit is tempting.

>> No.17460062

I've been warning you for a week bro. This isn't normal conditions, the machine has STOPPED.

>> No.17460067
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>> No.17460076

You mean you wouldn't avoid testing people for literally weeks and forbid anyone from doing their own tests like the CDC did while refusing to test anyone who had obvious symptoms of the virus?

>> No.17460081
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>> No.17460082

I'm makings earnings plays underneath my market selloff plays. Screw off xoomer

>> No.17460093

Completely new to investing. I got 5k. Where should I start? Someone said index or mutual funds?

>> No.17460095

Link to this dude so I can read his document pls

>> No.17460100

LMAO are you guys telling me that me retarded smoking habit might actually save my ass if I get infected. This is epic.

>> No.17460104

The music is screeching like a demon right now. Not even stopped. This is not just financial pain we are going to experience.

If this goes towards worst cases, and it's heading there, it's millions of dead, in USA minimum 500k. Lots of young people too.

1/50 of young people dying is still a fuck load.

>> No.17460110

start by not doing anything for the next 2 weeks and watching the market

>> No.17460118

Well that's just another thing that made no sense. Not to mention test kits being defective. They should probably find a very painful punishment for the person in charge of that idea

>> No.17460119
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I bought TSLA at 300 but got cold feet like a retard and sold. However I got in SPCE at $7 and it exploded my portfolio. I 100% believe its going to hit $50 this summer when Branson does his flight. I also got back into TSLA. You NEED these companies.
Quick facts:

TSLA - Battery Day April, over 500k cybertruck orders, Model y production starting early, new gigafactories, new megapack power stations, the boring company. Semitrucks soon. Fully autopilot in a few years (ahead of the pack).They are not a car company, they are an innovation company that will invent many new technologies we will soon all be using.

SPCE - Space tourism + hypersonic flights (think LA to London in 5 hours instead of 20). They have 1 ship tested, a scond ship testing right now, and a third ship almost done. Massive booked clients, starting flights in 2021. Backed by Boeing, hires NASA scientists. Completely vertically engineered manufacturing system and modular design, TSLA for jets. First to market to a trillion dollar industry.

>> No.17460126

Macro voices is pretty sharp
I came to the same conclusions independently and listened to him talk about it. He was pretty spot on actually.

Hope he gained big too.

>> No.17460130

I think I may have taken bad boomer advice. I have a Traditional IRA and now I'm not sure if what I should have gotten in a Roth IRA or just stayed the fuck out until my debt was gone. Is it possible to get my money out of this thing without getting cucked? I put in 5k based on boomer advice 2 years ago. I am currently up to 5750. I just want to get my money out and throw it at something safer like my student loan debt. Do I still get tax cucked if I take out the 5k I put in and leave the profits for the jews?

>> No.17460135

No. No please listen to me. Avoid the market right now. Avoid the market until the Coronavirus fears are GONE.

it's not about the virus. It's about fear and uncertainty. Nobody can predict what's happening to the market, other than it's complete chaos. You won't time it, don't try to catch falling knives.

>> No.17460144

>Do I still get tax cucked if I take out the 5k I put in and leave the profits for the jews?
Yes, I told you this last time you asked
just don't make the same mistake in the future

>> No.17460147
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I'm putting 500$ into inverse ETFs tomorrow

>> No.17460148

kek, early withdrawal penalty
roth has no penalty on withdrawing principal after some time

>> No.17460153

I love Tesla
I'm not buying it until after Q1 ER in this world. 250->550 was my run.

It's an amazing company but the $700+ range right now doesn't make sense. I am a $5000 2025 bull though but I also want to trade.

>> No.17460161
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My body is ready

>> No.17460165

Put in 2k and it sat at 1600-1800 for like 2 years. Got out when I made 200 dollars.
Got Tesla at 300, got out at 600.
Got Tesla at 700 after spike and sold when it went back up at 830. Yummy in my tummy.

Tis a fun dance. Waiting for the next cheapy paltuea because I am a market timing degenerate.

>> No.17460167
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Go long when 90% of /smg/ posters are claiming they're short.

>> No.17460176

Ok sirs I will wait. But what do you guys use to invest? Any apps, or certain websites? Or do you go to a bank and tell them to do it for you?

>> No.17460187
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Is there a way with schwab to set limit orders that trigger both during and after hours?

I got fucked into bag holding half my Disney position because I can’t do this thriough the regular channels

>> No.17460196

I don't want to get into it but you're wrong about SPCE and if you hold it long enough, you're going to get burned. It's like Tesla if everything the bears were saying about it was one hundred percent correct. Talk to someone who really understands rocketry and ask them why Virgin won't be first to market with hypersonic flights. Ask them about the difference between reaching space and reaching orbit and if it's even possible for Virgin to reach orbit with their technology.

>> No.17460204

I use Robinhood myself. Honestly haven't frequented biz in a few years (until this month), so I don't know if that's what all the cool kids still use.

>> No.17460210


>> No.17460214


>> No.17460225

Street Edge sucks fucking dick but you have to do a conditional order with two seperate legs, I think. You might need to make the price different by like 1 cent or else it might not work. I dunno, Street Edge just really fucking sucks.

>> No.17460230

$20 3/6 put TRIP
Free money

>> No.17460231

Remember Remember the 3rd of Marchvember

>> No.17460232

>Or do you go to a bank and tell them to do it for you?
never do this

use a brokerage with no commission (schwab, ameritrade, robinhood, webull, m1)

>> No.17460247

is fine
is all green frm $0.50
is only smellz

>> No.17460258

We're going to drop below 3000 and then shit's going to hit the fan. It could be another 500 from there before the bleeding stops.

>> No.17460264

These companies will never be profitable and survive solely on memes. Not saying don't buy, just go into it knowing that.

>> No.17460269
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Mm, could use a mango lassi right about now.

>> No.17460271


Hey thanks, I’ve had no problems with Schwab, and I even like some features of their mobile app and web app. But if street edge sucks than all of the interfaces kind of suck.

I can’t believe fucking Robin Hood does that and they can’t

>> No.17460281

Yeah, hopefully with the TD merger they can bring the Ameritrade zoomers in to update their cutting edge 2003 interface kek. As a broker, I like them, I just hate streetwise

>> No.17460289

I was reading a risk guide for pandemic by experts.

It was fucking awful. The economic section had nothing about supply chains or other factors.

They predicted OIL would rise in price.

I don't think anyone had proper modeling for this.

>> No.17460291

But you still use it rather than the web or mobile apps. And haven’t switched brokers?

>> No.17460297
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Bear markets can last on average for 4-16 months, the everything bubble is popping right before your very eyes. Given the current state of our crumbling economy - its safe to say there is no good news coming over the horizon for at least some time, that's why I fucking liquidated EVERYTHING.

It's happening anon. This is the beginning of the next great depression. Stock up, prep yourself for rough years ahead, food shortages, water shortages, global economic instability, war, pestilence, death. It's finally happening, this is the beginning of the end times. We didn't listen, we didn't care, and now we will pay the price for our greed and destruction. The whole system will collapse, society will crumble, knowledge will be lost forever and humanity will never recover.

>> No.17460300

The oil thing is a recent change due to the Permian

>> No.17460313

Can I pay you to stop posting this stale copy pasta? It was never funny.

>> No.17460314

why would oil go up in price during a pandemic though? I guess they assume the middle east goes tits up?

>> No.17460323

They aren't Space X. They aren't going to orbit. They have a working system. Your impression is totally wrong, so obviously the company looks terrible. I explained why its good, but you didn't counter any of those points. I can give even more reasons like the fact their valuation is ridiculously low and that their volume indicates a strong floor over $20, even during this panic sell off.

So what if they are memes? They have massive REAL demand for their products. How many bears need to go bankrupt before you stop believing them?

>> No.17460335
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>mfw I bought the dip

>> No.17460346

This guy Zeihans. Absolutely based.

>> No.17460355

Down 5% total. Just throwing money into things I planned on longing anyway.

>> No.17460363

Post your face under that mask

>> No.17460369

Down about 12k since this shit started.

>> No.17460376


>> No.17460389


>> No.17460396

ill test her coviddies for a third time to make sure

>> No.17460408
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>> No.17460435

what did futures look like in december 2018, did we reach that level yet

>> No.17460448
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I'm so happy. Only another 20% drop before things are reasonably priced.

>> No.17460464


In late 2018 the US500 futures delta was about -600 in two months. Right now it's about -300 in less than a week.

>> No.17460469

Fidelity has no fees and no minimums for their mutual funds. I recommend them, but any of the no fee brokerages will work.

>> No.17460475

Anon you don't need to post screencaps of futures every 3 hours. We're all watching them.

>> No.17460477

How do I unload my calls that are declining in value without getting raped market selling them?

>> No.17460480

The quotes on the mobile and web apps are mega delayed. I was going to switch but it's too much effort, especially considering that they'll probably roll out SteetWise 2.0 this year or the next. I'm just lazy, is all.

>> No.17460481

We've now reached about 10%. That's half of the ENTIRE 4 MONTH 20% move from 9/16/18-12/16/18, in less than 1 week.

>> No.17460482

dow dropped 5k in the entire month of december, now it's dropping 3k in 3 days

>> No.17460488

you can't, lube up

>> No.17460491

It's happening anon. This is the beginning of the next great depression. Stock up, prep yourself for rough years ahead, food shortages, water shortages, global economic instability, war, pestilence, death. It's finally happening, this is the beginning of the end times. We didn't listen, we didn't care, and now we will pay the price for our greed and destruction. The whole system will collapse, society will crumble, knowledge will be lost forever and humanity will never recover.

>> No.17460495

I've literally spent hours of my time educating people on why SPCE doesn't have a viable business model and it doesn't work, I'm not going to keep doing it. You've received a fair warning and something you should research before deciding you're going to baghold it forever. It's unfortunate that most SPCE fans missed out on TSLA and use every move of mental gymnastics to try to justify why it's the next TSLA when the Tesla of space already exists, it's SpaceX.

Very quickly:
>Air flight tourism never worked out because the vast majority of people are tourists for a specific destination they can spend time in, they don't want to get on an airplane for a few hours and go home, even if it's an exciting trip and few people will spend a million of dollar to do that even if they get to spend 15 minutes in space. The true market for space tourism will always be getting into orbit. The people can afford to pay a million dollars for a flight will easily spend much more money getting into orbit.
>SpaceShipTwo is slower than a Concorde jet and literally a hundred times more expensive than a seat on a Concorde was. The problem is that Virgin's business model will always be slow because it has to launch from a high altitude using a rather conventional plane and it greatly slows down their speed even if the aircraft itself is faster.
>Boeing is a joke of a company in terms of spaceflight, they're only competitive because of government contracts and their small partnership with Virgin means nothing. Anyone can hire NASA scientists, the fact remains that Virgin has spent ten years building something that is going to be replaced by real rockets like Starship that will be made cheaper as well. Their client list doesn't matter when they can barely turn a profit on their flights, even if it was all profit, it will take years for them to get through their waiting list and the total sum received is not enough to warrant the valuation of the company.

>> No.17460502
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hella based, cheap shares soon and easy money on the way down

>> No.17460512

Second question, I feel like there's got to be a more efficient way to take a bearish position than sqqq calls. Is it better to just buy puts on stocks that are probably going to tank?

>> No.17460527

By the time they get through their wait list, Blue Origin and SpaceX will have already taken over the space tourism market and Virgin will not be able to compete with them without building their own rocket, which would take another ten plus years. SPCE is a meme.

>> No.17460535


>> No.17461143

you'll* cowards

>> No.17461213

Based Boomer

I'm 24 and I know this Weeb site has power, far more than retarded websites based on "likes" and upvotes.

You'll get the unpopular but true opinion.

Also, you'll get fuckin retards telling you to buy crypto that will ruin you financially.

It's a double edged sword

>> No.17461244
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Name :)?

>> No.17461256

Maybe their metros will thin out as well in Nihon