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File: 389 KB, 2048x2211, 1582635631307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17458529 No.17458529 [Reply] [Original]

Will this really affect your finances?

>> No.17458535

No because i'm not a burger

>> No.17458543


>> No.17458560

Yes, because I make $220k

>> No.17458592

fuck mandatory empathy

>> No.17458618


>> No.17458631

So you'll "only" make $132k/yr

You'll be fine

>> No.17458695

>22% federal income tax
>not even counting state tax
Yes. Fucking yes it would effect me.

>> No.17458718

I changed my mind. Even if Trump fucked up on the virus, I'll still choose that kike over the super kike.

>> No.17458735

>just give away half your earnings so it can be redistributed to welfare queens in south carolina

>> No.17458751

I paid $45,000 in federal and state income taxes last year. Fuck this kike.

>> No.17458766

>22% tax on fucking slave income
imagine voting for this jew lmao

>> No.17458773

Wow another obliterate the middle class tax plan, yes it fucking affects me. If you aren’t making over 157,000$ especially married by the time you are 35 you shouldn’t even vote

>> No.17458778


>> No.17458849

Yes it would.
I currently make most of my money from capital gains and I keep my income under $12000/yr or whatever the standard deduction is so I don't have to pay any taxes. If Bernie get's elected, I'd have to pay taxes out of my measly $12000/yr. I thought socialism was supposed to be good for the little guys. Fucking BS!

>> No.17458938

No because I’m not American

>> No.17458965

I make $190k and so my rate doesn't change. But I won't have to pay healthcare premiums and hundreds anytime I get sick so that's a plus.

>> No.17458977
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Also I already pay like 45% tax

>> No.17459003

Inflation made 30-80k slave money but taxes remain high

>> No.17459046
File: 494 KB, 1513x797, bernie venezuela.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His financial transaction tax of 50 basis points would kill liquidity in the stock market overnight and absolutely destroy crypto, ruining most of /biz/'s chances to make it. It would also destroy the middle class by ruining everybody's 401k.

Fuck this retard and fuck any commie who supports them.

>> No.17459096


All it would do is kill algo trading and make the market a lot less volatile.

>> No.17459116

You already pay that now it's actually a lower rate than the Trump rate since those expire soon.

>> No.17459123
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>less liquidity means less volatility
fuck economically illterate bernout

>> No.17459144

Or people will just offshore all their trading activities. This will be great for places like Panama, Singapore, Hong Kong. Also, great for crypto as a cheap way to get your funds out of the US.

>> No.17459182

That's a best case scenario if Bernie wins.

Financial capital of the world will go back to being London and maybe places like Singapore will absorb the rest.

The USA turns into a socialist shithole as they give away all their soft power to pay for fat niggers' insulin shots. Cringe as fuck.

>> No.17459187
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I make $84k a year, so no changes XD

>> No.17459201

Richfags have more money than they know what to do with it. Deal with it. Bernie is going to be president.

>> No.17459219


Algo trading decreases liquidity. Every time you trade you are fucked by some algo. At least if its a fee the money goes to paying for better healthcare, infrastructure, etc. and not just some worthless leach algo trading firm owned by a 5 billionaires living overseas.

>> No.17459229

daily reminder that the american revolution was started over a 3% tax hike
if colonel sanders gets in you mutts have a job to do

>> No.17459231

What? I'm in new york. Income tax, state tax, medicare, and social security comes out to around 19.8% off my paycheck. Raising the federal income to FUCKING 22% is insane.

>> No.17459269

>Algo trading decreases liquidity.
Imagine being on this board and not fucking knowing what a market maker does

literally every time a financial transaction tax has been studied empirically, it has been shown to reduce liquidity and increase bid-ask spreads.

Bernouts are so fucking stupid and arrogant.

>> No.17459308

The government has no right to take half of someone's earnings, no matter how kikish they are.

I filed my taxes today and I'm paying almost 40k combined for state and federal.i basically worked for free for four months of the year to pay for the nigger and spic breeding programs

>> No.17459334

cucks like you will suffer regardless

>> No.17459350

It's not mandatory but it's not a good sign if you don't have any

>> No.17459360

>tax plan
Every single communist tells you their "plan" is to take from the rich, then the rich leave or get shot or run out of money, and then the communist takes from you. It happens over and over and over and over again. Total government control is never the answer and that's what Bernie wants.

>> No.17459435


Bernie's plan flat out shows you that the middle class gets fucked. It's literally right there in the OP. They don't even try to hide it anymore.

Basically doubles the income tax on everyone, but you get (((free))) healthcare, complete with rationing and death panels.

>> No.17459439


Algo traders are not makers, and a bunch of strategies involve eating up the order book to run the price up and down. Pretty much every study shows HFT increases volatility, and worse it causes irrational volatility driven by bots.

>> No.17459482

>Algo traders are not makers
And yet Bernie's retarded tax will tax market makers just the same. You are delusional if you think that won't have an impact on liquidity.

You are retarded if you think a FTT will only affect those predatory HFT strategies and not other liquidity-providing market makers as collateral damage.

Typical Bernout thinks he can regulate an industry he doesn't understand.

>> No.17459560

Oh and btw his plan has a lower tax rate on derivatives (5 basis points) than the underlying stocks (50 basis points)

if you don't think THAT will increase volatility then idk what to tell u. Bernie's plan is extremely poorly thought-out

>> No.17459566


It wasn't even until the last year or two major brokers even offered free trading without commissions higher than what bernie is spitballing, and stocks are now historically volatile. Not only that, in the last decade there have been multiple flash crashes caused by algo trading. So what you're saying is just flat out, demonstratively false, and its in fact the opposite.

And this is just a preliminary suggestion, the idea is to stop HFT which provides nothing of value, in fact it is a detriment to the market.

>> No.17459599
File: 71 KB, 594x455, us-revenue-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder that income taxes are an unconstitutional, globalist scam. They should NEVER go up, ONLY go down, they ONLY affect the working class.

Go ahead and tack on an extra 5-10% to each of these cute "projections", they will undoubtedly be higher. Statists deserve the fire

>> No.17459617

>Not only that, in the last decade there have been multiple flash crashes caused by algo trading
You state this like it's definitive. The academic consensus on the impact of HFT on liquidity and volatility is far from as clear cut as you would like to believe it is.

Doesn't change the fact that a FFT _does_ decrease liquidity and has in pretty much every country it's implemented. It also may not even produce more tax revenue, meaning it's completely fucking pointless as a tax.

>> No.17459626

>rise of income tax correlates with the great depression

>> No.17459628

how exactly will you prevent hft? make it obligatory to call in by phone to your broker to place orders?? haha delusional computer illiterates...

>> No.17459645

How about no income taxes.

>> No.17459649


Read bernie's plan.

>> No.17459656

Based, also fuck property taxes.

>> No.17459684

I would like for you to defend 50 basis points on underlying assets and 5 basis points on derivatives, which is part of Bernie's plan.

Do you really think incentivizing more derivatives trading will stabilize the market?

Were you even paying attention in 2008?

>> No.17459719

>commissions higher than what bernie is spitballing,
Can you even math?
My commission with etrade was $4.95 per trade or something like that. Bernie is proposing 0.50% per transaction. If I make a $100,000 trade, that's fucking $500. 100x the comission charged by etrade before they went comission free! As a day trader, I could make these types of trades few times a day. Day trading just becomes unprofitable. Fuck Bernie.

>> No.17459721
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>friendly reminder

>> No.17459729


For over a hundred years we had no HFT and broker's charged fees much higher than 50 basis points on average. Now a days we have massive HFT bidding the market left and right, free option trading becoming a normie meme, and the biggest indexes are being pumped and dumped multiple percentage points on a daily basis. So bernies tax, which is just an idea right now, would bring us more in line to conditions that existed in much less volatile times.

>> No.17459743

At least now the girl who’s cucking you won’t die from the fucking cocktail of HIVs you’ll never get the chance to catch from her

>> No.17459744


>> No.17459748
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Everyone is 100% free to start their own business. You aren't free to evade taxes, faggot. Don't you have some boots to lick?

>> No.17459774
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>you aren't 100% free to not pay rent

>> No.17459784


Day trading doesn't produce anything of value for the economy. And its just a preliminary idea. If bernie actually becomes president it would have to pass the house and senate and would be meticulously designed to take things like that into account. But you are just dissing on the idea of a per trade tax, which is not different than what would historically be the norm. Volatility as high as we have today is not the norm.

>> No.17459796

Communists should be forced to try starting and run a business.

>> No.17459801


You could buy your own property. Or build your own. Maybe set up a tent. You idiots have the worst false analogies but it makes sense, your entire ideology is built off of a race to the bottom, anti-meritocratic mentality, failure in a can.

>> No.17459809

>Day trading doesn't produce anything of value for the economy
Provide liquidity for the market and in none central banking/premined shittoken examples find inefficiencies.

>> No.17459810
File: 56 KB, 730x799, volatility.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You still didn't defend 5 basis points on derivatives vs 50 points on the underlying. That is a straight up retarded plan if you want to create less volatility...

>more in line to conditions that existed in much less volatile times.
BTW you are flat out wrong on this. Other than 2008, the markets have been far less volatile in recent years. And the plan you are advocating that incentivizes derivatives trading would create another 2008.

The 1970s, 1930s and 1920s were even worse by any metric, but obviously VIX didn't exist back then.

>> No.17459820
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>buy your own property on someone else's land
Suddenly property ownership isn't valid when it's owned by the company that is the government?

>> No.17459826

Day trading produces value by deciding the market value of an asset. The only thing taxes like that is going to do is obscure the actual worth of the underlying asset.

But like I said in my previous post, good luck implementing a tax like that in today's world. The world is more interconnected now than ever and it's not that hard to offshore your trading activities or move out of the US altogether.

>> No.17459837


Why are you even talking to me? Did you have anything to say about income taxes or are you going to be an annoying child?

>> No.17459854

why are the cups equal size

>> No.17459856

Start a business, build some wealth, and then become absolutely fucking merciless against these retarded anti-meritocratic types.

That's what I've done. I used to tolerate the shit when I was younger, I never liked it, but what could I do? Now if someone working for me exhibits these ideologies I just fire them and tell them to fuck off, get out of my sight.

Just shit on these people, don't be nice, yell at them, tell them they're losers (they are).

>> No.17459857
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>didn't immediately buckle to your autistic screeching about not wanting to pay taxes
>w-w-why are y-y-you even t-talking to me!?!??!?!???!?

>> No.17459873
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>Look I'm posting the "Dumb Wojak" and making snarky, ambiguous replies in lieu of a cogent counter-argument, am I finally 4channing??
>maybe the people of /biz/ will finally be socialists now!!

>> No.17459879

the water in each cup have different density, duh

>> No.17459896

If he forgives my student loans, it's all gravy for me.

>> No.17459898


Based, we need to Make America Hate Socialists again. They're cancer

>> No.17459907
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>snarky comments
>Did you have anything to say about income taxes or are you going to be an annoying child
> You idiots have the worst false analogies but it makes sense, your entire ideology is built off of a race to the bottom, anti-meritocratic mentality, failure in a can
>Don't you have some boots to lick?

Are libertarians actually this retarded?

>> No.17459912

>Everyone is 100% free to start their own business
How do you propose one competes with the likes of walmart or amazon?

>> No.17459914
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The real question should be will megacorps and other industrial elitists allow this economic overhaul in the US?

>> No.17459923


That is just an implementation detail about how derivatives are treated.


Reminds of another unregulated market, crypto. Crypto usually has a 10 to 30 basis fee per trade. And look at the exchanges with free trading, they are almost all scam wash trading and bot driven shitholes. The highest liquidity exchanges in crypto like coinbase often have up to 50 basis point trading fees. So fees actually correlate with higher liquidity due to discouraging bots, pump and dumps, etc that happen all the time in stocks these days.

>> No.17459925

What are they gonna do? Bluff and say theyll move away like Apple and Google did to the Australian government? That may have worked in a country of 20m but not in america.

>> No.17459932


the deep state won't let him become president and That's Unironically A Good Thing.

I love the deep state and megacorps.

>> No.17459938

If you really believe that will be enough to even put a scratch on the paint of the bullshit Bernie says he's going to do, I have another thing coming for you.

Try raising everything above $9,525 to AT LEAST 75% and you're getting closer.

>> No.17459963
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So say this faggot does get elected. How long before this type of policy gets put in place and nosefucks us (burgers) all?

>> No.17459970

>will megacorps allow the government to force more money out of the middle class and into their businesses via subsidization and more imported cheap labor


>> No.17459973


The way Wal-Mart and Amazon competed with Sears, Roebuck and Co. Jesus. Are you guys this myopic?

>> No.17459974

>That is just an implementation detail about how derivatives are treated.
That is his literal plan dude. You can't just tell people to "Read Bernie's plan" like a snarky piece of dogshit on Rose twitter in >>17459649
and then handwave things away as "implementation details" when people point out how retarded his plan would be and how it would create more volatility.

>> No.17459980

>bernie admits that medicare for all alone will cost 30 trillion
>plans to pay for it with wall street speculation tax
>won't work, because taxing every buy and sell order a small % would 100% end short term trading, including HFT

These taxes are gonna be so fucking big, it's going to be fun watching it safely from overseas


>> No.17459999


And then everyone realizes that better healthcare and a less fraudulent financial system was actually a great idea.

>> No.17460007


He's not getting elected. Trump's campaign is propping him up and giving him the kiddie gloves treatment for a reason. He has a very hard electoral ceiling that won't get the needle across the finish line in moderate states.

>> No.17460016

medicare for whites only is morally superior and financially feasible

>> No.17460020

Its 2020 now. Apple could be dethroned with every release, but they havent been. Even after the years of anti-apple slavery stuff.

>> No.17460031
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>can't address any of the actual concrete criticisms of bernie's proposed taxes and their impact on market microstructure, only snark about muh healthcare is a human right

you're out of your depth on this stuff Bernout. Run along and donate your student loan money to the conman from Brooklyn.

He has likely already conceded Florida to Trump judging by his recent full-throated defense of Castro. Democrats in that state are disowning him now cause they know that shit is toxic in a general election.

>> No.17460059

yes. Taxation is theft.
When more money goes to the government the government wastes money on more illegal wars, brown invaders, and shitskin gibs. That's less money the upper class has to start new businesses like Tesla that drive innovation, more people employed in useful occupations that benefit everyone.
When was the last time you heard the government being at the forefront?

Tax rate for everyone should be 0%

>> No.17460094

no need to panic he doesnt stand a chance of getting elected.

>> No.17460098

It doesn't, but I'll tell you who else it doesn't: people making 10M-infinity a year. Is there a single person that makes 10M a year that has their entire income classed as and taxed as normal income?
The billionaires will pay no more than they do today and the upper middle class (still regular people) will be sucked dry, increasing income inequality instead of reducing it.
The only option for helping the middle/lower class is abolishing income tax. This chart is a fucking joke. Imagine being a Bernie supporter, probably believing that 9,000 a year is not a "living wage" and trying to make it so that you have to be payed more than that, but celebrating when some politician takes away 10% of your income that won't even pay for housing and acts like it's a victory against billionaires.

>> No.17460106
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When you look at things such as megacorps like Amazon and Political figureheads promoting the rise of minimum wage along with free healthcare it starts to show the approach at which way the United States is heading and how numb the public has become.

>> No.17460112

A 10% increase between 38700 and 38701? Ye gods.

It's a moot point anyway. As long as Republicans control either house of congress, no meaningful Sanders legislation will pass.

>> No.17460131

yeah ironically, Trump increased capital gains 5% across the board to pay for the middle class income tax cuts. but bernie wants to go back to taxing the middle class.
wealthy people don't earn wages

>> No.17460132

Holy shit we're reaching levels of delusion I didn't even think possible. You just got absolutely demolished on such a fundamental level you can't formulate a response that even begins to seem like an argument. Wow dude.

>> No.17460143
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>politican builds up dumb candidate for an easy win but then collapses under their own hubris

Where have I heard this before?

>> No.17460154

Your sudden silence is orgasmic.

>> No.17460179

Trump has charisma and a populist appeal to counteract Sanders' populist appeal, Hillary Clinton didn't

>> No.17460227

Hillary had the Feminist vote which was strategically at it's peak in the mid 2010's

>> No.17460241

>He wants to tax the rich
He needs to cool it with the anti-Semitism.

>> No.17460253





>> No.17460284


Difference being Trump has actually popular policies and is presiding over a great economy. "Populist" isn't a thing, Trump won because people liked his message, the answer to a righter-wing message isn't a farther-left message, that's just distasteful. Only appeals to children and poorfags.

>> No.17460288

I'm voting for Bernie in the primary primarily because I think Trump will defeat him. I don't want Bernie to win simply because all the soibois who drink New England IPAs and majored in something stupid will have their loans forgiven. Meanwhile, I've worked my ass off and actually have a decent career. I'm two years away from being debt-free.

>> No.17460290

Libertarians are equivalent to liblefts assuming everyone who disagrees with them is a magapede or nazi.


If you don't like the terms of living in a nation, maybe you shouldn't be in one.
Oh wait, you CAN'T not be in one? Because nations have MONOPOLIZED all the land on earth?

>> No.17460292

This shit is false as fuck, the US takes in more tax revenue than corporations make profit. And we actually get something for profit, unlike tax money which just gets burned.

>> No.17460294

Is this an advanced troll?

>> No.17460309

doesn't matter, pay or go to jail piggy.

>> No.17460311

Tax revenue is the profit of the company that is the united states.

>Tax money gets burned
While there's plenty of waste,
>being this retarded and not understanding the circulation of money
>tfw he drives on roads every day
>tfw he uses government buildings at least once a month
>tfw he relies on government programs

>> No.17460325


You're the one who doesn't like the "terms" of living in a country that was originally founded on tenets of limited government, independence, and self-sufficiency you moronic monkey. If you want socialism move to Cuba or Venezuela and get fucked in the ass, leave the rest of us out of it.

>> No.17460339

the rope is coming

>> No.17460345

Repeatedly calling somebody who isn't a socialist a socialist is eroding my already poor perception of your intelligence.
>In order to help pay for its war effort in the American Civil War, Congress imposed its first personal income tax in 1861.[15] It was part of the Revenue Act of 1861 (3% of all incomes over US$800; rescinded in 1872). Congress also enacted the Revenue Act of 1862, which levied a 3% tax on incomes above $600, rising to 5% for incomes above $10,000. Rates were raised in 1864. This income tax was repealed in 1872.

>> No.17460348

classical liberalism was the foundation for america and it's the reason why it's the best country on earth

any commie dipshit that wants to fuck with my economic freedom can take a bullet in the face

>> No.17460361

u overestimate them

>> No.17460366

No, this was.
>Article I, Section 8, Clause 1 of the United States Constitution assigns Congress the power to impose "Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises", but Article I, Section 8 requires that "Duties, Imposts, and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States".

>> No.17460382

Bro we already pay those rates. Current federal income tax is 10% of 0-10k, 12% on 10k-40k, and 22% on 40k-80k.

>> No.17460394
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Thanks for sharing anon! Not sure how this applies to what I just posted whatsoever but I'm happy you're actually opening up a book and learning some history, I'm sure you could stand to gain some perspective.

>> No.17460397

its really sad how conditioned people are. muh roads is the only thing people can come up with when asked and they take in like $1,500,000,000,000 every year. Yeah with that much money I could build some roads too.

>> No.17460407

Congratulations you're wealthy. You don't need to play man-of-the-people here. You can afford this.

>> No.17460409

People in this tax bracket already pay more than that retard

>> No.17460413


The fed gets $4T/year. My state takes in additional billions. And yet the roads are still crumbling, and my state just passed another fucking gas tax for the "road emergency". How about you use the billions and trillions already apportioned to you you corrupt, rent seeking faggots.

>> No.17460433

Seriously, why are you so stupid? The ability to tax and the groundwork for taxation is literally in the first fucking article of the constitution. The country was founded on taxation.
Easiest answer that you smallbrains still are incapable of refuting.

>> No.17460465
File: 248 KB, 2760x689, Federal_taxes_by_type.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh huh. tell me more about how the founding fathers weren't classical liberals

>> No.17460471
File: 96 KB, 606x874, 1580342739551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your money is your money, other peoples money is other peoples money. Its not that hard, anon... or maybe you are one of those "special" kids?

>> No.17460473


I was talking about income taxes, anon. There are multiple other forms of taxation and revenue. I even posted a handy chart so you could visualize how the nature of federal revenue has changed over the years. Around 1890 the courts struck income taxes down as unconstitutional, in 1910 crafty globalist elites in government realized they could just ramrod it through with an amendment, Wilson promptly instituted a 1% emergency income tax for WW1, it was all downhill from there. They ramped income taxes up progressively and cut tariffs, effectively offloading that debt burden to the working classes. Now they can produce cheap bullshit in China, sell it to Americans, AND let working Americans foot the whole bill to boot. Was that a comprehensive enough breakdown for you? I didn't want to spoon feed it all to you, I was enjoying watching you actually do a little bit of Googling on your own. Probably the first time that has happened in years.

>> No.17460484

Wowie, more taxes became necessary as the government takes on more tasks and encompasses more goals. Groundbreaking.

Moving the goalposts doesn't help your case.

>> No.17460498

keep in mind
the blue liquid is dem semen


>> No.17460519
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>> No.17460543
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>It's just more taxes!!!!
>Tariffs literally disappear and are replaced by income/payroll taxes directly off the labor of working Americans

Fag what even are you defending in here anymore? Income taxes? For real? This is peak statie bootlicker

>> No.17460545
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The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

>> No.17460546

is bernie actually justifying taking 10% of someones income when they make less than $10,000?

>> No.17460557

literally the same rate I pay today. just got a raise from 111k to 131k, still at 24%. saving 4% off the obama rates was nice when cock smoking trump came in, looks like bernie is just based without being a cock smoker though.

>> No.17460585

That's the current tax bracket too. Bernie's a fag and a liar but people are looking stupid complaining about the stuff that's already in place.

>> No.17460592


Yeah those are totally going to be the final rates my man. We're going to enact massive, transformative new social programs and policies and all it's going to take are meme taxes on "le ultra rich" to finance them.

>> No.17460594

That's what I'm most concerned about. It's a tax increase on everyone from poor to the rich.
When I bring this up though, they are just like "huuurrrr duurrrrr free healthcare". If you are healthy and living fine for under $10,000/yr right now, this tax increase is just going to make you have to work more. Which is total BS.

>> No.17460595


>> No.17460601

you mean it would save regular people like us from the relentless unending gang rape of high frequency trading and sociopathic quant traders. sounds fucking terrible you fucking brainlet

>> No.17460631

No it's not. I adjust my income every year so I don't have to pay income taxes. Right now you don't have to pay income taxes on anything below $12400.

>> No.17460685
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thats not middle class, thats poverty tier with the current spending power of the dollar.

>> No.17460779

income doesnt mean youre wealthy. wealth makes you wealthy. a la do what ever you want because your wealth is producing income. get it?

>> No.17460835 [DELETED] 

how is this even an argument!?! even if they do (which they don't) that still doesn't make it right. fuck you filthy thieving jew.

>> No.17460932

>you actually being robbed way more than you think
Wait.... how does that logic connect with raising taxes though?

>> No.17460946
File: 96 KB, 720x320, feelthebern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

berniefags btfoed

>> No.17461154

How about NO federal income tax?
How the fuck did everyone get so socially engineered that they think people should be taxed on personal income???

>> No.17461190

>before state tax
>before sales tax
>before capital gains tax
>before estate tax

>> No.17461208

Oh and lest I forget, property tax as well because god forbid you ever own land without paying for the privilege every year.

>> No.17461222

consider it an enforced donation policy.

>> No.17461415

Valid point. Still, not the primary example of middle class. $157k+ is enough to rapidly save for an early retirement and quickly become wealthy.

>> No.17461441

Fuck off data miner

>> No.17461830

Tachyon IPX token will serve the purpose of identity verification necessary for the ordinary operations of the network.

>> No.17461880
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>> No.17461902
File: 74 KB, 1024x593, 1526063132811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hating scarcity of resources and monopoly of labor rights
>solution is MORE government

>> No.17461937

Bernie bros are the biggest beta faggots out...its a disgrace they are allowed on /biz...the irony of them being on /biz is palpable.

>> No.17461944

>inplying an argument for bigger government was made
>saying two unrelated things

>> No.17461960

I bought chainlink at $0.30 and im going to canvas for bernie
What the fuck are you gonna do about it bitch boy?

>> No.17461976

I bought ChainLink @28c with a $20k loan I took out. I would fight you if I lived in the US.

>> No.17461980

Pay your tax pussy

>> No.17461989

Americans hear me now!
we have this exact system in my country, but there are ONLY three cups. 20, 42, 52

it averages out to 31% and there are MANY ways to get money back on your tax return.

>> No.17461992


Faggot status confirmed

>> No.17462003

This Bernie hurts the little man. Bernie doesn't give a fuck at all.

>> No.17462004

I mean this with the utmost sincerity and concern: Socialist scum like you deserves to be hogtied to the trailer hitch of a diesel F-350 that will be driven at 25 MPH until there’s literally nothing left. You are human cancer. You serve to take from humanity instead of contributing to the human collective. You are not worthy of the air you are currently breathing.

>> No.17462027

that looks alright if it's total tax burden.
here in hungary the poorest pay up to 60% of their income one way or an other to the state to feed corruption and thievery under the guise of redistribution. altho official income tax is below 20% that's just utter bullshit.

>> No.17462095

no, it's 163k/yr
learn how brackets work

>> No.17462102

>let's just keep a system where the top 1% owns more than the bottom 90%

>> No.17462273

What's your country? How is it doing?

>> No.17462287

>taking away your money via force so that someone more crooked gets to own them
Even right wingers are brainwashed lmao.

>> No.17462299

This must be bait

>> No.17462315

I bet this 45% does not include VAT.
Eurofags usually pay 50%+ if they're middle class.

>> No.17462323

Work is a fact of nature, not capitalism

>> No.17462327

Usually I'd say this is obvious bait.
But having spoken to millennials I can't be sure.
So even if it is, it's still depressing.

>> No.17462335

>Every single communist tells you their "plan" is to take from the rich
Western socialists don't even hide the fact that they're starting with the middle class.
So even that does not apply here.

>> No.17462336

>I'm retarded so I deserve money from non-retards

>> No.17462339

the tax brackets are almost identical under 250k
even if you made 500K a year you would only see an effective 2.5% tax hike.

>> No.17462360

>hurr i stocked some shelves and bagged some groceries the store belongs to me now

Also >>17459046 50bp financial transaction fee is such a brainlet tax great way to kill spreads for the average investor

>> No.17462385

>rich people
>running out of money

They weren't very rich then.

>> No.17462389

No, people who have never run a business should not be eligible to vote, it's that simple.
Obviously this is never happening in the next 100 years, but if someone like Bernie destroys centuries of hard labour by millions of people, maybe people will become radicalized enough to try such a system.
That's one reason to actually support the old faggot.

>> No.17462409

Crazy Bernie's tax plans are just that - crazy.

I'm all for taxing the rich. But wealth taxes are proven to fail. European countries that tried them repealed them. And a transaction based tax will cause a huge amount of inefficiency in the market that ultimately damages retail investors with retirement money.

Real taxes on the wealthy would target their consumption. But for Burn Em Out Burnie it's too boring. He wants to destroy wealth, not redistribute it.

>> No.17462417

>people who have never run a business should not be eligible to vote

That's already the case though. Voting isn't even real.

>> No.17462427

>157k retirement
Maybe in thailand... Generally you need 20x your income to retire comfortably. For a low income family on $50k, that's $1m.

Its not the 1960s. Millionares aren't the wealthy - they're your typical retiree.

>> No.17462457

Imagine falling for the welfare queen meme.
Go look at how many subsidies Walmart gets.

>> No.17462491

>middle class gets fucked
No, you retard. People don't start to get "fucked" until 250k+ and that's almost double what the maximum the middle class makes.

>> No.17462565

>unironically being american
>unironically believing bernie will win
>unironically basing your hopes and dreams on government
ITT: the very reason you're not going to make it

>> No.17462605

you can make 12,5k a month and pay only 24% tax? In some scandinavian countries that would be up to 47,8 % tax

>> No.17462621

Lol I wish we would pay such low taxes in Germany at 52k you already pay 42% of income tax alone

>> No.17462631

I'll just make a list of my shitlib neighbors and rob them till the difference is made up.

>> No.17462639

>paying 42% tax rate while your government genocides ethnic Germans


>> No.17462657

Taxing the most valuable people still destroys the economy and everyone suffers.

>> No.17462672

Imagine paying taxes to people that hate you in your own country. Couldn’t be me.

>> No.17462915

>pension funds are taken away from your paycheck
>cca 533 euros of the rest of the paycheck is tax free
>24% tax on the remainder of your paycheck
>0-18% more of that 24% (so effectively 24-28,32%) depending on where you live (capital is more, rural areas less)
>under 25 years old get all of the tax returned
>25-30 years old get half of it returned
>VAT is 25%

>> No.17462932

In UK you don't pay taxes until you reach 14k a year. Berni hates poor people lol.

>> No.17463112

Yeah the brainwash is strong and all-encompassing