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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17446265 No.17446265 [Reply] [Original]

>Link goes up $3
>Drops $1 in price
>Everyone here is "ruined"

Are there actually people here who didn't buy at 25 cents? oh nononnononoo

>> No.17446279

Cope pathetic linker, you lost more than 30% of your money and will lose more

>> No.17446301

Nigga I'm still 1292% up on LINK. What's 30% to me?

>> No.17447196

they lap
also they swing
they are patetic when they larp as ''ruined''.. but this board is gem and trash.. you gatta accept both

>> No.17447269

The board has been overrun by newfags seriously thinking they can still make it just off link alone despite buying at 3.50+
Would be slightly believable if anyone here actually had a significant amount of capital to start with, but seeing as the desperation has become more palpable on this board by the year I’m guessing it’s mostly poorfags kek

>> No.17447305
File: 289 KB, 750x957, B932B1D6-FB79-4E91-9302-F883DFE815C7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blythe pls.

>> No.17447309

Yeah I bought at 4.30 after it pumped and people were talking about it on Reddit. Idk lol

>> No.17447494

Buy high, sell low u know. It is the way of /biz

>> No.17447513

maybe they're tired of holding.

>> No.17447529

What do define as significant amount of capital?

>> No.17447561

if you're up 1300% then a 30% swing is around 400% of your initial

>> No.17447601

It’s not a straight answer, depends where you’re from, how much money you actually need, etc. If you’re asking I’m guessing you might already be all in on link. I won’t be a dick but if you are then I seriously advise you to take wishful thinking completely out of the equation, stop thinking about what you’re future might be like when buying a crypto (what most people here do including myself when I was starting out) because that will seriously distort your assessment of things. If you don’t have a lot of money to your name to begin with then tread lately, putting a lot of money in crypto despite not having much liquidity or capital yourself is a shortcut to desperation and to panic selling

>> No.17447908

I’m unironically all on LINK in the crypto space but my NW is still in stonks and property. Crypto is a very small part so I’m not really stressing over it but it still a. Good chunk of change.

I have cushion for expenses for about 1 year.

>> No.17447968

Then you’re more or less good anon. Only problem would have been if you were a run of the mill “make it” fag all in (like properly all in) on any speculative digital asset

>> No.17448158

shhhh... don't feed the retards.

>> No.17448175

I got in at 0.18 kek

>> No.17448195

Lmao they aren’t worth it anon

>> No.17448198

No, we sold time ago.

>> No.17448201

If you lose 25% of your portfolio value, then you lose that.. it seems retarded to celebrate that you are still up on your initial investment.

>> No.17448861

I just want some more hopium. I couldn't tell if last night's LARPer had any decent info about next Tuesday or if it was 100% LARP

>> No.17448997
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I'm holding 80% cash. With 10% crypto and 10% silver. Ready to pounce on a major contraction in the global economy. Tell me I'm not the biggest chad you've ever seen anon.

>> No.17449046

well I def wouldnt use chad to describe you in the least. lol 80% cash and not 80% crypto... more like beta that looks at the ground as he walks tier

>> No.17449082

>80% crypto
Confirmed poorfag

>> No.17449115
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1292 - 30 = 1262

>> No.17449139

It's going sub $3, don't worry.

>> No.17449200
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I went all in here, but watching it since january

>> No.17449255

what was the larp? post?

>> No.17449366
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