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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17439000 No.17439000 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.17439034

>onchain mixers
>decentralized liquidity pools
>defi protocols
just the beginning anon

>> No.17439092

it already went up 1000x

>> No.17439118

>biz hates it when it's low then sell
>biz loves it when it's high then buy
that's all

>> No.17439175 [DELETED] 


>> No.17439286

So two big things that I thought I would share that I learned from spending time on crypto YouTube and crypto twitter

Even in people who are bullish on Ethereum and advocate it, they don’t know about eip 1559 and it’s potential effects on supply. Many reference the lack of a supply cap making it worse as a store of value than bitcoin.

These same people don’t realize that our inflation even without eip 1559 will be lower than bitcoin in a couple of years.

These are people who are bullish on eth so people who don’t even have eth on their radar are probably completely oblivious. I believe this information asymmetry will lead to people who are heavily investing in eth to become pretty wealthy once these things become common knowledge.

>> No.17439312

I heard the theoretical cap was something like 120,000,000 ETH, does that line up with what you've heard/read?

>> No.17439371
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sssshhhhh let the kiddos think they are outsmarting the market ;)

>> No.17439511

37,3%?? This is crazy high. ETH will fail hard.

>> No.17439517
File: 174 KB, 1522x936, issuance_graph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, due to the inflation rate after Phase 1.5 of the transition to POS:


>> No.17439556

Look down retard

>> No.17439598

ok thx ;)

>> No.17439685

None of that matters because ethereum has proven over and over that it can and will change the protocol on a whim. There is no way whatever monetary policy they come up with will ever be stronger than Bitcoin

>> No.17439845

oh yeah well i fucked your mom last night

>> No.17439869

guys i think i just found the formula how IDs are generated from the combination of the thread ID and the IP address.
i can predict my ID with pretty good accuracy.

for this thread, it should be yellow, start with 1, end with L and have at least one other number in it

how do i profit off this?

>> No.17439886

Premined infinite supply shitcoin.

Cope moar tranny.

>> No.17439894

I just sold my ETHBEAR for ethbull, ready to moon now plz

>> No.17439899

That chart screams reactive central planning. Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.17439918

So based sir

>> No.17440639


>> No.17440661

HOLY SHIT this is fucking based

>> No.17440698
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this shit is so fucking hype, seriously.

$40k eo2022

>> No.17440714
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How many ETH to make it and live off comfy staking gains? Like $6,000 per month rewards?

>> No.17440737

it isn't a good idea to actually try to live off of crypto dividends any time soon. try in 10 years.
rn it's all about the sentiment cycle. fuckin idiots thought they could retire for life if they bought a shit ton of gas. look where they are now...

>> No.17440738

eth 2.0 is literally never going to release you dumb fuck hopium addict

>> No.17440751


>> No.17440759

You profit by having sex you virgin loser

>> No.17440784

premined double digit shitcoin

>> No.17440913

she's my dirty girl.

>> No.17441424

will roasties get wet if i show them my formula?

>> No.17441483

>Ethereum's minimum necessary issuance policy is enforced by a wide range of stakeholders within the ecosystem - including:
> Developers
> Community members
> Ecosystem spokes/projects
> Miners and other network participants
>As Ethereum is a decentralized network, the Monetary Policy cannot be successfully modified unless there is overwhelming consensus from the aforementioned stakeholders. Ethereum follows an off-chain governance process meaning that any and all decisions on changes to the network happen extra-protocol.

Intelligently managed systems always beat stupid ones. ETH will replaces BTC as a store of value.

>> No.17441610 [DELETED] 
File: 53 KB, 512x512, ETH2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't listen to the retards using its max supply as an argument.

>> No.17441611

>get id

Yeah that’s tough

>> No.17441687


>> No.17441747

What do you mean?

>> No.17441783

based and screencapped

>> No.17441810

based & G0Y-pilled

>> No.17441811

Great work G/0y

>> No.17441841

Mine should be black and have at least one symbol

>> No.17441846

Should be back to 10-20$ max.

>> No.17441875

Ah yes of course, forgot to recalibrate, obviously my predication would have been correct if I hadn’t made a simple calculation error. Red and no symbol

>> No.17441913

>fuckin idiots thought they could retire for life if they bought a shit ton of gas.
Spoonfeed pls

>> No.17442004

I think I figured it out too. Mine should be green, start with a U and end with a W

>> No.17442070
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>> No.17442615 [DELETED] 


>> No.17442671
File: 487 KB, 543x600, 1512942913399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My ID will be cnm5YGiv
Sell all stonk

>> No.17442706

easy go to "le greens id will maek it" threads and fool gullible retards into buying ur bags

>> No.17442708

My id will be hjtjnxqO

>> No.17442865

im not gonna go comb through the archive, but there were people that bought NEO gas and thought that they could live off of the dividends. people would get enough for the calculator to say a big number (30-70k, etc) and then they would say that they made it.
GAS is down like 99% from 2018.