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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17439749 No.17439749 [Reply] [Original]

We’re heading back to $1.5 linkies. You could have tripled your stack if you swinged like me.

>> No.17439763

I sold at 4.65 when it was CLEAR it was a double top. Looking at 3.10 to buy back 20%, and will dca from there all the way down if i have to

>> No.17439772

hodlers get the rope

>> No.17439814

hodlers still get to buy the dip and also don't expose themselves to risk of missing out in case of a sudden green candle

>> No.17439824

had swung*

>> No.17439840
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the funny thing about link is, even if those tech illiterate founders somehow did make their idea work, they're only providing data, and they're providing it without ID verification. it's impossible to determine who is using the data you gave them and how. only 1 entity will have to pay fees and distribute it freely and boom.
there's absolutely 0 utility for the token even if the whitepaper wasn't gibberish gimmick without the slighest hint of a strong technological foundation.

>> No.17439937
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>> No.17439952

God I wish.

>> No.17439992

Could be worse, could be tezos

>> No.17439996

>it's impossible to determine who is using the data you gave them and how. only 1 entity will have to pay fees and distribute it freely
Are you serious with this?
Your whole point is "why would someone use a trustless decentralized oracle when centralized oracles exist?"
Do you not see the value in the trustlessness of a decentralized system?

>> No.17440025

Imagine holding LINK through an ATH and having multiple chances to sell above $4. Fucking lol
>muh still up 100000% since I bought at 20 cents
No you didn’t and now you’re fucked once again.

>> No.17440039

the power of decentralization is free competition.

it can work if all players are forced to play on an equal field, but in the case of oracles, entities that pay for assuring decentralization will be outcompeted by those who don't pay, just use it.

>> No.17440073

eventually free oracle services will appear on ethereum where you won't need to pay fees to access the data. some of those might source their data from stuff like chainlink, but it'll nowhere near be enough to make token utilization a worthwhile usecase ever.

>> No.17440085
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this, every single time
link could go to $0.20, and i would keep buying all the way down
nolinkers and swingies see it as a meme, continuing to fail to realize whose gains are growing and whose aren't
op >>17439749, i'm just being brutally honest when i say that you're probably going to regret doing what you're doing, or at least the profits you take will be minimal considering how badly you'll stress over the markets
a green candle will probably go sailing through you when you least expect it—these markets are, and always have been rigged to all hell

LINK will condense in the hands of those who never sell, and in whales—but at least the whales will wind up controlling less because of "never sell"
and i can just feel the utterly BIBLICAL levels of hate that they have for these linkies through the charts; we are making our way into the financial elite just by throwing a good chunk of our wagie stipend into LINK every month, and this was NOT supposed to happen—but their options as to what they can possibly do about it are limited to fudding link on /biz/ or just standing back and getting cucked
get cucked, whales

>> No.17440126

Lmao such retarded posts. You're just stringing words together, your sentences have no meaning.

Stop trying to appear smart. Less is more, retard.

>> No.17440151

>but it'll nowhere near be enough to make token utilization a worthwhile usecase ever.
I mean just look at this retard.
Do you even words man?

>> No.17440155

Jokes on you senpai I got NuLink

>> No.17440188

nice counter argument, bro
it's okay. i don't mind if you lose it all on whatever shitcoin you decide to invest in. just try not to remember this thread when the founders dump on you again so you don't need to go into a decade long depression over how fucking stupid you were for not listening lol
just hide link threads in the future imo it's your best bet for a stress-free, albeit really poor life

>> No.17440190
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>im cucking the whales by never selling and always buying more!!
t.guy who buys $100 of LINK a month

>> No.17440218

>nice counter argument, bro
Lmao, there's nothing in your posts to argue with. It's all word salad you fucking mong.


>> No.17440233

In order to to triple your stack, someone else will need to forefit up to twice the stack you are swinging. It could happen.
But don't pretend that one day someone won't triple their stack off of your shitty trades too. If you work really hard they can scalp you for even more then.

>> No.17440262
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>My IQ is too low to understand so that means he makes no sense!
Yeah, you should be all in LINK.

>> No.17440282

1 PENNY!!!!!!!
Seriously, you sound fucking retarded. If you're swinging into anything but Tether and LINK hits $1.50, you've lost regardless. You're essentially going DURRRRR imagine not shorting crypto.

In this case (you're) is a fucking bot or paid poster, so whatever, but (you're) so fucking dumb it bears pointing out anyway.

>> No.17440284

Oh, sorry, I guess I'm just too low IQ to understand that anon's magnum opus:
>the power of decentralization is free competition.
I mean give me a fucking break. He's a retard and should stop larping as some expert.

>> No.17440322

I've held 200k since 0.30c, I can handle another dip.

>> No.17440324
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>you should be all in LINK
I hold zero LINK btw, I just don't like anons who pretend to be smarter than they are and try to fluff up their useless posts.

>> No.17440347
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>the power of decentralization is free competition.

>> No.17440378

Based and makes sense for YOU to hold but newfags should be swinging to make more. Any other people who tell them differently are being selfish.

>> No.17440388


the lightning network is a very good example. centralized providers operating over a decentralized asset, which means nobody have a say over who is allowed to operate a node and who is allowed to trust which node.

the reason why banks ended up so corrupt is that the asset (FIAT money) they operate over is centralized and there is no free competition amongst them.

>> No.17440397

Based I am in a similar boat.

>> No.17440410

eh, as long as you don't buy a local top, it probably makes sense to just buy and hold, most people won't time the market correctly and crypto is so heavily manipulated anyway. We'll probably go back down to $2.5 again and gradually work back up to $5.

>> No.17440426
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Lmao ok chief

>> No.17440472

Lol ya I'm sure jobless link NEETS have any money left to "invest". LINK is the only lifeboat left in the sinking ship that is your life and even that is rapidly deflating. Faggot.

>> No.17440513
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I would owe thousands in taxes if I did that

>> No.17440577

This. I have a moderate stack (50K Links) and whales can consider it forever out of circulation. I have my own business and I have been buying thousands everytime they dump it sub $2. I will change my strategy to sub $3 this time, I have the money already on coinbase.

>> No.17441122
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first of all, i'm throwing closer to $900 into link each month. second of all, i'm clearly not the only one doing this; let's assume that there's just 100 people that have been putting an average of $400 into link each month for the past year; you have $480,000 going into link per year at an averaged (badly) price of ~$1.50 per link, and you have—at an EXTREMELY LOW estimate of 100 people—320,000 link being added to the bags of linkies that are buying with the intention of not just never selling, but of STAKING THEIR LINK in pools that will inevitably compete with the whales' pools and bring down the price of data feeds at least somewhat.
starting to see the big picture here, brainlet? what do you call it when AMD lords over intel with the zen 2 architecture? you call it amd *cucking* intel.
now, what do you call it when a massive network of megacorporations the world over are made dependent on a product that is fundamentally rooted on priciples of honesty and transparency, all brought together by a philosophy major with a json parser? you call it megacorps getting *cucked*, because to not use this new, evidently honesty-prizing technology would be financial suicide.
so then, what do you call it when a group mostly comprised of fucktarded pump-chasing neets on a bhutanese incense rolling forum catch wind of this product, all buy a stake in it early as fuck, and then all simultaneously get their shit together and proceed to get jobs for the first time in their lives so that they can accumulate more without falling into your swinging trap, making it so that you have a harder time charging whatever the fuck you want in link for reliable data feeds?
you call it megacorps getting cucked by 4chan

yeah—i bet you'd like people to believe that throwing $100 into link every month will do them no good
i didn't know someone could be so sore from just watching

>> No.17441141

Its adorable how retarded Linkies are and how they still have absolutely no idea regarding how markets move. I think they've gotten even dumber.

>> No.17441166

how have your investments been holding up these past two years, champ

>> No.17441182

You don't see any value in "trustlessness of a decentralized system." You just parrot stupid phrases. It's hilarious.

Please, share with us some of your profound knowledge! Perhaps an infographic that tells me about how smart contracts are DEFINITELY going to revolutionize insurance! (created by someone who clearly doesn't know how insurance companies work). Or I'd absolutely love to hear about the decentralized Uber dapp with self-driving cars! That's a great, realistic use case of smart contracts! We're definitely going to absorb the derivatives market!

>> No.17441196

They've been holding up phenomenally, thanks for asking. I also don't have to worry about them quartering in value in a week.

I'm not poor, I know how to make and manage money...

>> No.17441222

Let's get a good Link discussion going. Come on, it's so entertaining. It's like watching high school potheads talk about their view of quantum mechanics or theorize about time travel.

>> No.17441252
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If it really is going to drop that low I will just buy more

>> No.17441279

Based as fuck, we are gonna make it. Just bought $100 worth of Link in your honour, sir

>> No.17441286

imagine the overreaction when the rest of the market is also down.

>> No.17441293

it's good that they're doing what you want them to do. everyone gets what they deserve—only through free markets may we hope to get what we earn.

>> No.17441318

Of course sweety