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File: 28 KB, 768x432, spce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17436405 No.17436405 [Reply] [Original]

Branson we have a problem

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>> No.17436414

Fuck tripfags

>> No.17436415


>> No.17436419


>> No.17436424

2.2% up all things considered not so bad
50% cash

>> No.17436425

SPCE earnings surprisingly not terrible?

>> No.17436426


Up 2.5%

>> No.17436428

Buy PUTS on Disney

>> No.17436431
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>> No.17436434

>Buy APT put
>Price goes down
>Lose money on put???

>> No.17436435
File: 86 KB, 1200x675, ELD42-NWwAEKVuH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tripfags contribute way more than you. Especially BigGuy5.

>> No.17436436

there are some dummies here with puts

>> No.17436437

Imagine still having money in the stock market lmfaoooo

>> No.17436444
File: 185 KB, 649x763, bobobo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking liquidated EVERYTHING.

It's happening anon. This is the beginning of the next great depression. Stock up, prep yourself for rough years ahead, food shortages, water shortages, global economic instability, war, pestilence, death. It's finally happening, this is the beginning of the end times. We didn't listen, we didn't care, and now we will pay the price for our greed and destruction. The whole system will collapse, society will crumble, knowledge will be lost forever and humanity will never recover.

>> No.17436448

>we're all gonna die, get to the bunkers!!
>better sell everything to get usd cash to sit in my bunker with when the US government collapses making my usd worthless.
Panic sellers are so retarded.

>> No.17436449

It was literally a bat out of hell. Hehe. Maybe my last chuckle before I fill my car with carbon monoxide.

>> No.17436455
File: 174 KB, 721x723, Compare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last week in /pol/, we were discussing the impending crash due to Chinese Bat Death. I identified a handful of stocks that had too much exposure to China.

I don't have a screen shot of their prices last week, but so far it's going (for the most part) like I would expect

>> No.17436459
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Imagine it not being in SNSS

>> No.17436466
File: 608 KB, 846x537, scrooge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this lmao.
either you were holding APT or you're sitting on your moneybags

>> No.17436467
File: 265 KB, 1566x881, 170604-irving-branson-v-bezsos-hero_gztgdx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get in fag, we're going to the moon this friday.

>> No.17436469


Virgin Galactic Holdings Q4 Net Loss $72.743M vs Loss Of $49.752M In Same Qtr. Last Year, Sales $529K Miss $1.78M Estimate


>> No.17436471
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>ee did literally anything?

>> No.17436474




>> No.17436476
File: 43 KB, 490x612, 490full-linda-cristal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its free money

>> No.17436486

You should learn about IV and the greeks, buddy. I didn't, that's why I liquidated EVERYTHING.

It's happening anon. This is the beginning of the next great depression. Stock up, prep yourself for rough years ahead, food shortages, water shortages, global economic instability, war, pestilence, death. It's finally happening, this is the beginning of the end times. We didn't listen, we didn't care, and now we will pay the price for our greed and destruction. The whole system will collapse, society will crumble, knowledge will be lost forever and humanity will never recover.

>> No.17436487

Still won't matter. SPCE is Tesla 2.0, (in the way that the price is totally detached from the financial reality)

>> No.17436493

>I fucking liquidated EVERYTHING.
meaning anything

>> No.17436496

bullish, probably going to jump on news like this.

>> No.17436497

okay redpill me on virgin mobile i dont know a single person who actually uses them
>inb4 you're the mobile virgin

>> No.17436500

lol it's still gonna pop off upwards isn't it?

>> No.17436516
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oh shit op finna get dabbed on?

>> No.17436524
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They just announced attendance for Cowen. The rides just getting started.

>> No.17436530

Sorry there haven't been more crashes bro, I'll call the Bogs about it later on. I'm still spooked though, which is why I liquidated EVERYTHING.

It's happening anon. This is the beginning of the next great depression. Stock up, prep yourself for rough years ahead, food shortages, water shortages, global economic instability, war, pestilence, death. It's finally happening, this is the beginning of the end times. We didn't listen, we didn't care, and now we will pay the price for our greed and destruction. The whole system will collapse, society will crumble, knowledge will be lost forever and humanity will never recover.

>> No.17436553

I have to admit, I'm not a big fan of the greeks. I get that a lot of people are, and they seem to be making money from it, but I don't like that IV is derived from the other greeks, and how they all seem to be reactive in nature instead of proactive. In other words... if you look at how they are calculated, there is a lot of circular logic involved. That being said, "Trading Options Greeks" by Dan Passarelli is an excellent book, even though the book is overpriced.

>> No.17436560
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congratulations SNSS anon

>> No.17436563

Spec reported earnings loss of 76 million on 500k revenue.

>> No.17436571

>implies average loss of -.15 per share
That's fantastic actually, MPstanley has been nagging on -.25 a share for Q4

>> No.17436575

just wait for the pump incoming once the call starts

>> No.17436587 [DELETED] 
File: 101 KB, 1439x1065, Screenshot_20200225-222157_Trade Republic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5% gain
>stupid me decides to go all in leverage 100x
>lose all gains today and more
man I seriously got problems

>> No.17436590

You're god-damn right, this guy is COPING so obviously hard it's hilarious.

>> No.17436594

You mean to type SPCE?

>> No.17436601
File: 419 KB, 523x604, viuvvi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that Cheryl Dragoo has sold me all of her Bowl America shares, the fat candle wick can begin

>> No.17436605


Can we fuck off with this already?

If it’s end-times, then no ones losses matter anyway. Just buy shit on credit because the dollar will either inflate to Zimbabwe levels or there won’t be anyone left to pay back.

Now stop spamming copy pasta like a faggot.

>> No.17436616

SPCE better fucking dump hard

>> No.17436620

Fuck off Chink MSS shill.

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.17436624
File: 1.39 MB, 294x359, dancy cat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw all cash waiting for the bottom out for cheapies

>> No.17436628

My bet is that the Dow hits 25k before this is all said and done. How low do you guys think it will go?

>> No.17436659

Did you see how fast and hard it bounced on that bear at 27k??? We're in for a gap and go day tomorrow. followed by more gains, then a slight pull back into another gap up and more gains on monday.

>> No.17436668

SPCE tanking kek

>> No.17436674
File: 63 KB, 663x663, 55,hfh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be careful lads, there was a guy having a nervous breakdown in the last thread and... *leans in and whispers* I think he's he might be in thread too.

>> No.17436679
File: 27 KB, 399x554, bwl a stats 2 25 2020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ratty what % of the float do smg members own? Is Cheryl gonna see how much we bought?

>> No.17436683
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>> No.17436687

wow i'm surprised normally shit earnings and losses mean great news for stocks like spce

>> No.17436690

My put bets this morning paid off, thanks zoomers

>> No.17436712
File: 45 KB, 551x771, cigardude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's still out preforming the market this week even with this after hours sell off.

>> No.17436725
File: 85 KB, 597x662, tfw made it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who here /cash/?
think i'll go shopping, for beans and cheapies.
don't mind if i do.

>> No.17436729

Bitched out of the market today at noon. Got out with +3% YTD.
Even if the market comes back 10% tomorrow, I don't feel bad about selling. Learn to appreciate what you've got.

>> No.17436730
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>> No.17436736

CEO's dropping out like CRAZY
Everyone rushing to get their bad news out while shits going down.
Disney and Mastercard announcing succession plans.
Salesforce announcing a resignation.
Some other shit I forget.

Who else is there?
What else is getting announced in the hopes it gets lost in the flow?

>> No.17436738

Doesn't matter. After-hours is thinly traded, and most retail investors never use after-hours. SPCE isn't about fundamentals or actual performance, it's about hype and irrational behavior. It will be back up either tomorrow or the next day, but certainly in the weeks ahead.

I hope you cashed out your profit. Never county your chickens by after-hours performance.

>> No.17436740

Okay mr. "bagholder extraordinaire"

I appreciate your optimism but frankly I think we'll break below 27k tomorrow. We went under 27k today and it bounced back but just barely. I'm not sure what good news will propel people to buy tomorrow

>> No.17436756
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The one positive to all this is an excuse to post bear girls.

>> No.17436764

Second half of >>17436738 meant for >>17436690

>> No.17436765
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>> No.17436771

Czeking trips

>> No.17436772

This, if you aren’t shorting or getting them sweet puts in your just a pussy

>> No.17436773
File: 294 KB, 700x560, yiiy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

70% owned

>> No.17436774

when are we buying back in on spce? 28?

>> No.17436781
File: 79 KB, 912x784, 11.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do we time the bottom?

Does anyone remember the 2009 bottom?
Did some event besides the index hitting *666* trigger the recovery?

>> No.17436783
File: 237 KB, 800x600, 1582134758765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back to back >3% drops on the s&p is rare. Quick check (on phone) shows most recent two day sell fest that came close was during the 2018 drop with two consecutive 2.5% red days. Will be home in about 30 minutes. I want to know how rare multiple 3%+ drops is and what generally happens after them. Hunch is rally squeeze day or two but we'll see.

>> No.17436791


>> No.17436796
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>> No.17436798

We're going to see further drops until Chinese bat-AIDs plays out. How badly will the markets be rattled if London or New York start having people drop dead by the hundred? It's not the end of the world, but there are more big drops ahead before this is over.

>> No.17436811

How much are people losing a day? I only have biomemes, so they only drop a few cents.

>> No.17436814
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told ya it would spread

>> No.17436817
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>> No.17436819
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I agree anon, that's why I liquidated fucking EVERYTHING.

It's happening anon. This is the beginning of the next great depression. Just kidding, you're a fucking retard bro. Stock up, prep yourself for rough years ahead, food shortages, water shortages, global economic instability, war, pestilence, death. It's finally happening, this is the beginning of the end times. We didn't listen, we didn't care, and now we will pay the price for our greed and destruction. The whole system will collapse, society will crumble, knowledge will be lost forever and humanity will never recover.

>> No.17436824
File: 3.64 MB, 2718x1592, Screen Shot 2020-02-22 at 2.31.54 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[TL: Bears are fags]

I think the fed came out and said some aggressively dovish thing that week.

show your work

>> No.17436834

Hard to believe, but a lot of the bottom was the result a man named Mark Haines, (a CNBC commentator) calling the bottom.

He was one of those crusty old dudes who always focused on the fundamentals. When he called the bottom, it WAS the bottom, and it went up from there.

Mark Haines is dead now. These days, the closest CNBC has to a honest face is Rick Santelli. I would trust him more than any other financial reporter, and probably more than most politicians or hedge fund managers. He works in a segment that requires bald truth daily.


>> No.17436838

guys i'm coming down with something... this cough keeps getting worse, and i'm all short of breath. oh fuck it's happening guys. I'm dying.

>> No.17436839

SNSS Anon do you know what kind of news will be dropped at this 3/3 conference?

>> No.17436842

Ah, 2009. I remember it well. I had to murder bums for food. We cooked the meat with the plywood from disassembled McMansions. God save us all

>> No.17436845

We will see green tomorrow. Probably Thursday too. I think we will be dropping again on Friday unless some good news or Fed steps in.

>> No.17436853

>the bottom was the result a man named Mark Haines, (a CNBC commentator) calling the bottom.
woh wait no
I don't think Haines CAUSED the bottom at all

>> No.17436855

I wasn't trading back then but i was durong 2016 and 2018. I don't recall a specific news event that triggered the 2016 recovery. It didn't happen immediately on Trump election. 2018 bounced without news at first, then Powell changed his tune in 2019 to fuel the continued bull market that followed. The final bit of that 2018 bearish trend was in reaction to Powell's completely unnecessary December hike.

>> No.17436860


We couldn't even time the top, let alone the bottom.

Everyone in this thread was frothing at the mouth wanting to buy Tesla and Apple one month ago.

>> No.17436862

That's called being fat.

Eat less and do cardio

>> No.17436871
File: 32 KB, 666x233, Annotation 2020-02-25 153916.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mic check 1 2 3
mic check


>> No.17436874

im not even fat bro. im 135 lbs and 5 foot 11

>> No.17436876

Thank you Anon, I really appreciate it. I was just a young guy then with little money to invest anyways, so I wasn't paying attention. I don't want to miss the next bottom (though I'll be buying in slowly to be conservative). If it's another big one, we won't get many chances like this again

>> No.17436882

2017 rally was caused by the corporate tax cuts

>> No.17436883

Gained 2% today.

Had a couple puts come through

The actual stonks in my portfolio shit the bed haarrrdddd

>> No.17436884

Is it really actually over? Canada is getting JUSTined hard today.

>> No.17436890

Haha, you're alright man, don't come to the stock market tomorrow.

>> No.17436891
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>> No.17436894

Ah I forgot to ask: Who are the Mark Haines of today, if any?

>> No.17436895
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I'm a brainlet, can someone tell me how SPCE is doing?

>> No.17436896

you have the makings of a kino tranny

>> No.17436898

-1000 tomorrow

>> No.17436904

>Trump's economy

>> No.17436906

We are headed towards a 10%+ decline in the market by the end of the week.

>> No.17436910
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Something much greater can be born from recessions

>> No.17436913

My guess would be 400mg data.

>> No.17436916
File: 2.93 MB, 313x499, 1568690908446.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know only the smartest guys post in smg. I have a off topic question that I need answered.

What religion/mystic belief system kinda sounds like kaf-alla-ism?

>> No.17436919

SPCE earnings in 17 minutes i'm freaking the fuck out brehs

>> No.17436920
File: 35 KB, 1108x603, Screenshot (549).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so far bad

>> No.17436921

from $34 to $30 in 30 minutes

>> No.17436936


>> No.17436939

Shoudf I hold the cola I bought at 60 dollars, I'm really scared anons are dividends still my frien

>> No.17436940

This, anyone who thinks it's going up tomorrow is simply delusional. Here's an idea, if it's gonna go up tomorrow, why did it decline today for a second straight day in a row? What's different about tomorrow that will cause a pump?

>> No.17436941
File: 503 KB, 828x549, B5EF2261-9DF7-4C3A-9184-5410798136D9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m up 14% today where’s my SNSS Kings at?

>> No.17436942



>> No.17436946

Ah! Thanks.

>> No.17436947

They haven't made shit and everyone knows

Calm down

Least exciting earnings call this week

>> No.17436951

Gonna be another red day tomorrow, especially at open. Probably won't be as bad as today though.

>> No.17436954
File: 56 KB, 800x804, 1547844821539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahaha I hope SPCE goes to 0. Fuck Richard Branson that pro EU cunt. Fucking globalist shill.

>> No.17436958
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>> No.17436962
File: 169 KB, 352x397, x1mz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah good, BGS earnings
totally worth it

>> No.17436966

A lot more people think it's over after the second day and buy back in to capitalize on those sweet dip gains

Bulls are on average 10% more correct than bears (5% gain average)

>> No.17436971

That's the funny thing about how the market works, he MAY have.

So much is based on outlook, perceptions, feelings about the future, and many things not even related to fundamentals or pps.

When FDR said "the only thing we have to fear is fear itself", it WAS a turning point because people knew that someone was going to fight back.

Haines was a strange sort of phenomenon. I mean, the dude would do his broadcast with his breakfast/lunch on his desk. He believed in numbers and analysis, and he kept his deepest opinions to himself.

So when someone like that says, "OK, I'm calling the bottom", he gives everyone psychological permission to be optimistic again and the money starts flowing in.

A better comparison would be the night that Walter Cronkite went on the air and said that the vietnam war couldn't be won. Johnson wound up saying something to the effect of "shit, well if I've lost Cronkite, I've lost middle America'

But, as I said, Santelli is still there. And he WAS the dude who inspired the tea party moment.


>> No.17436977

If you had his money, you'd want to be able to travel all over Europe without needing 25 different currencies also

>> No.17436981
File: 164 KB, 1245x958, 8232367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I reading correctly that they LOST ~211 million USD in 2019?

...of which they lost ~73 million USD in the last quarter. 73*4 = 292 million, meaning that their losses were at the highest in the last quarter???

>> No.17436986

It will be worse. Gold is actually cheap as fuck right now, it totally dropped off, and that cheap gold is going to draw investors away from anything potentially volatile. The dropping gold price was the only thing keeping investors in the market today. Tomorrow, all bets are off, gold will fucking surge and shit will collapse. I'm calling another -1000 Dow tomorrow, guaranteed, unless the fed does something crazy.

>> No.17436995
File: 257 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200225-164645_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like being an sperg prepper news junkie paid off.

>> No.17436998

We've already priced in 6 month pandemic, 4 years of Bernie Sanders, 2 rate cuts, 2 rate hikes and a 2% world population decline. Call me a massive faggot, but we've probably over reacted a bit.

>> No.17437004

FUCK Wall Street

>> No.17437006

Wtf did you buy and how much have you lost the past 2 years??

>> No.17437007

There aren't too many that I have found. The closest we have now is Rick Santelli. See >>17436971

Never trust Cramer, never trust Buffett on crashes

>> No.17437011

>if it's gonna go up tomorrow, why did it decline today for a second straight day in a row?
You need to look at the historical charts more, 1day candles. Index very rarely drops straight down, especially right off the ath. There is chop and jockeying around.

>> No.17437014
File: 71 KB, 678x381, 82C1FE05-FA57-4DD2-9CB7-2E8150921032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He is too political. Hell he started the republican tea party. Haines was not. You can be blinded if you focus too much on one side.

>> No.17437023

Seems /smg/ isn't really smart.

>> No.17437034

Jewish Kabbalah, why are you asking? Also, sauce plox.

>> No.17437038


Etc etc

>> No.17437050

I'd also want millions of migrants pouring into Europe to get cheap and exploitative labour. What's good for a rich shabbot goy isn't what's good for the continent.

>> No.17437057
File: 268 KB, 1200x1702, Robot+asses+are+heavy+trigger+large+stats+mentionlist+weebvidya_7f06b7_7372327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Up 10.5% King

>> No.17437063

People have been calling a miracle pump since fucking Thursday. The fact that we have had 4 straight days of decline and that they've been steep as fuck is a bad sign and we can't bet on anything miraculous happening.

BEST CASE SCENARIO is the markets are flat tomorrow, absolute best case. Also take note that the futures were up nearly a percent right untill shit absolutely hit the fan today, the futures are not going to tell you shit.

>> No.17437068
File: 182 KB, 598x783, sephira levels peroketh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think he was trying to say "capitalism", what a jokester :3
Capitalism is a mystic belief system, but it doesn't matter if humans believe in it, the demiurge does

>> No.17437078

>The dropping gold price was the only thing keeping investors in the market today.
mind explaining that to me?
doesn't the gold drop mean that investors are optimistic about the future?

>> No.17437087
File: 1.31 MB, 3600x1957, The Wolves of Wall Street I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

upgrade your image

>> No.17437088

True, he's political, but I also take into account the market segment he covers.

Politics is about hope. So if you're a politician, you can feed a line of horse shit every day and you're never called out on it because you're talking about the ether.

If you're a star fucker like Cramer, you will carry water for whoever gives you access, and you will be blind to the real problems due to the glow in your eyes of getting access (like his horrible call on Bear Sterns)

But Santelli works in the Chicago Mercantile pits. THERE, reality is the only thing that wins. In other words, he's got his finger on the pulse of one of the only locations in the financial market where bullshit doesn't work, and where the only way to succeed is to have an absolute wide-eyed glare on the truth.

So from that standpoint, he's in the best position to know what is going on, and what WILL happen. So far, his track record has been above average.

>> No.17437107
File: 10 KB, 271x376, qqq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not too bad, not too bad

>> No.17437111

you had 250 years

>> No.17437112

Cryptos are red, Markets are red, Metals are red. Did everyone just decide to pull out into liquid? Where is the capital going?

>> No.17437117


>> No.17437121

Legit was a silver chad since 2013 and have only started a demo account 2 weeks ago what the fuck is this fucking game holy shit. The broker of my demo acc won't let me put a stop loss in lower than my Dow Jones buys have lost. Forex-fags, why the fuck would people flee US / US stocks to JPY as if it was a safehaven from a disease it already has like 1000 cases of what the fuck?

>> No.17437124
File: 91 KB, 600x600, BF7096AB-1F04-4590-9546-94E8D2D82A31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It means that gold went up too fast so some other people took profits to either buy back in lower, or use the drop in equities to increase their exposure to the US stock market.

That’s my take.

Women truly are something else.

I shall reward you for your excellent coomerbait “IMAGINE LE THE SMELLE” post

You are most likely referring to the Baha’i Faith, or possibly Jainism.

Unless there’s something called Koala-ism that I’m unaware of.

>> No.17437126

This is the analysis I agree with. I just don't see a reason to believe markets will go up. Trump did tease the idea of petroleum sanctions on Venezuela, so I imagine something like that might help the big oil companies, but otherwise I see no cause for optimism

>> No.17437130

oh I'm a retard, answered my own question.

>> No.17437142

will SPCE drop below 30 in the next couple hours?

>> No.17437152

thread theme


>> No.17437155

>So much is based on outlook, perceptions, feelings about the future, and many things not even related to fundamentals or pps.
This is how I plan to time the market.
I know nobody thinks it can be done, but the average person is a myopic fool, that includes every boomer millionaire and millennial "day trader"

Thanks, greatly appreciated

>> No.17437156

>we continued to achieve key milestones in our mission to open access to space in a safe, innovative and affordable way

have only ever completed something like 10 powered test flights and one of those resulted in a fatality

same exact technology has been around for 60 years

$250,000 for a 15 minute joy ride is not affordable

>> No.17437157

GBP is up a little, but other than that? Beans, soap and ammo maybe?

>> No.17437162

my boi...................SPCElingz..................just needs more time bro

>> No.17437163

it's literally just a cold. you think the common cold is going to some how throw us into recession? get your shit together.

>> No.17437166


Stumbled onto something. Old interview about Jung and Freud. The way the guy pronounces it just seems really fucking weird where he was speaking normally otherwise.

No idea what the source is sorry m8.

>> No.17437167

Was i smart or just retarded? I liquidated my positions on friday, locked in my gains and then put it into crypto.

>> No.17437174

>San Francisco declares state of emergency to help prepare for an outbreak of coronavirus; there are currently no confirmed cases in the city - SF Chronicle

>> No.17437175

no, back to 34-35 tomorrow.
Did anyone seriously think earnings would make any impact on the hype?

>> No.17437178

You think they are quarantining people for the common cold?

>> No.17437188

Oh wait you're serious kekkies. If it was Jung+Freud could be Catharism, they were both mad into the gnostickies

>> No.17437190

just curious what the call will do.

>> No.17437191

preorders open at midnight, interest up 125%, pajeet chairman cohosting cnbc tomrw, not a chance

>> No.17437192
File: 433 KB, 360x408, 1549769131442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All this because a chink ate bat soup.

This semen slurping earth isn't for me.

>> No.17437195

and WALLAH, just like that, the futures turned green

>> No.17437196

Theyre quarantining because the chinese government got flak by their people for doing nothing about SARS. So theyre overreacting to it. Plus none of them wash their hands or practice any kind of sanitation so the government instead told them to just stay home because they know the population is retarded.

>> No.17437200

Go to bed Nick

>> No.17437205
File: 463 KB, 828x1792, A3F6094B-24C6-4C96-A561-757CBB7A8C1B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17437209

They were identical yesterday, in fact they were green right until the market plummeted.

>> No.17437211

State of emergency means they can access special state and federal funding. States do this for minor natural disasters all the time.

>> No.17437214

Loans are being called.

>> No.17437218

If we just KILLED everyone with Coronavirus, would the virus go away?

>> No.17437224

Media is just begging and hoping there’s a market crash to hurt Trump

>> No.17437226

This is just part of a larger plan by the CCP to remove any opposition to the single party system.

>> No.17437230

wonder what that girl looks like without filters

>> No.17437238

it can live on objects for a few days so no

>> No.17437239

>We couldn't even time the top, let alone the bottom.
I'm content with getting the bottom within ~3 months. Buying in over time.
I said up earlier in the thread but I sold what I had in December. Still have to see how close I got to the top. If the stocks rally for another year I'll look like and idiot, but I do think this is the top

>> No.17437241
File: 299 KB, 579x373, xowyx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the thing that bothers me the most is, why do they just throw the Bat into the soup, hair, bones and all? The chefs of China have 0 culinary awareness. At least remove the hair...

>> No.17437247
File: 140 KB, 700x990, 4b23be1a4ccc2c1cf316226975d893d4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17437251

Well yeah it would be fair to say currency in general is going up wouldn't it?.. If people are dropping stocks and 'demanding' currency?

I'm gonna have a shot at buying some southern hemisphere currencies against northern hemisphere currencies. Its not flu season downunder, our hospitals are good and people live in low-density suburban shitholes, its been here, in most cases people have already recovered.

>> No.17437254
File: 601 KB, 1200x1706, I+found+a+few+golds+for+trump+meme_292790_6944619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y'all can't say I didn't really try to get you to buy SNSS while it was below $1.

>> No.17437255
File: 239 KB, 430x539, 325.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guess everybody are so eager about getting onboard with SpaceX that they just jumped on whatever they could get

>> No.17437268

Maybe bats are tasty I mean they eat fucking dogs and cats and there has been wide spread cannibalism Chinese history

>> No.17437281

Already pumping. 0 debt. 500m on hand. 8k reservations. 20m partnership with Boeing.

>> No.17437291
File: 70 KB, 887x560, 876748765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.17437298

No! These xenosignaling chinks won't let me out of my heat-fucked crypt, libidinal 4::5 replicant territories are being evacuated outside. This teleoplexic-deteleogical time spiral of my nagging wife and trashed commercium requires an exit. Anglo-Dutch mercantilism finds it's security complex in /smg/.

>> No.17437299

20 million? wow that's like 10 boomer retirements worth

>> No.17437308

An important point. A lot of people either forget or never knew that it was the freezing of the credit markets that has cause nearly every crash in US history.

When the shit starts to hit the fan, it's always the same process...

> Company X
> relies on daily access to credit/debt to buy the raw materials they use to produce the products they sell
> uses the shares in their company as the collateral for these loans.
> the total value of the shares committed determines how much they can borrow.

> price of stock suddenly drops
> their collateral is not worth as much as it was
> they must come up with more
> but there is no more
> they lose access to their credit
> that prevents them from generating sales
> the company collapses

Now multiply that by about 500 and you'll start to see what happened in 1929 and 2008.

And then it starts to carry over into other related companies...
> the main suppliers, who no longer get orders
> the restaurant across the street
> the clothing stores and drug stores in the town where the factory is closed

The frozen credit markets create a chain reaction that wipes out everyone. This is why, in 2009, the only choice was to pump cash directly into the banks. It was the only way to unfreeze the credit markets.

The problem now, of course, is that the fed never stopped pumping. They no longer have that silver bullet to stop the next crash.

>> No.17437309


>> No.17437310

How big is your short position?

>> No.17437313

Im just saying I think they could make the plate look better. The chefs literally just throw a full bat into a bowl of water and looks ugly

>> No.17437318

>more time
Baha Elon said that 2018 was the year that the company would see consistent profits lmao. I reckon' he's stupid smart though, just get into as much debt as possible while interest rates are low then default on earth investments while in a private city on Mars.

>> No.17437320

You're a retard dude. The company I work for has our shipments from China INDEFINITELY DELAYED because of this outbreak. We might get our shit next week...might not get it til next month or later. No one fucking knows. This kind of uncertainty coupled with slower economic activity is not good in the short term imo

>> No.17437326
File: 21 KB, 423x245, dividends are your fren.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god god damnit damnit

>> No.17437330

Moar pump?

>> No.17437336


You don't think they'll be in line to suck the tit of SpaceForce? I think tourism will only be part of their income steam.

>> No.17437345

Economy is going to shit but the virgin galactic joyrides are looking healthy!

>> No.17437347
File: 165 KB, 989x1600, C02869CE-6F10-4D0B-8FDE-F1078F16A086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


how do I get marsupial-pilled?

They’re not selling the girl, they’re selling the cosplay. Weirdo.
Are you sure they don’t do any of that? All the bat soup images I’ve seen are obvious shops and memes.

>> No.17437348
File: 35 KB, 500x500, 373F5C5C-D5BB-40F8-9126-207DBC7848B7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17437350

Yeah man just put some parsley into the fangs and it would look gr8

>> No.17437351

>where is the capital going

Into commodities and household goods. People are stocking up for coronavirus. I've spent $200 on canned fish in the last week alone. People are liquidating and then using cash to buy tangible goods

>> No.17437355

Just bought 127 shares. We're back in for the long haul, fuck it

>> No.17437366

lmao, the mayor of the gay bay just declared a local emergency because of covid-19 even though those faggots don't have a single case inside the city. This is just libtard fear mongering to fuck Trump at this point.

>> No.17437371
File: 580 KB, 1280x720, rebecca ford warframe stain.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sold all when it hit a dollar

>> No.17437375

That's where you run into problems. The last time, they were only able to pump because China bought our debt. But China has their own problems right now.

The Fed could buy the treasury debt (which they have in the past and continue to do), but even now they're already bucking up against a hard stop on how much of that they can do.

They know (as many know) that at a certain point it stops being a debt purchase and starts being a devaluation of currency. The fed has limits, and they know it.

>> No.17437378

Fuck all of those liberal shitholes

>> No.17437383

i should've sold my fucking amd shares before close. i have no cash

>> No.17437392

they want sodom to fall into despair and go hard af with the degenerate drug abuse and multi-anal hoping to purge a few thousand in hopes rent goes down to maybe 6k from 10k a month for a cuckshed

>> No.17437396
File: 39 KB, 868x807, Doubleit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you implying that I did? Because no.

>> No.17437397

What kind of canned fish? Sardines, tuna, gefilte?

>> No.17437406


>> No.17437408

They had one outside of Oakland it was one of the first 10 us cases or something

And there’s a huge Chinese population and they do visit the home country.

>> No.17437414
File: 1.70 MB, 825x720, 2F9FD56F-D6B9-4BAB-9C61-3813351A47E5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks 3 star michelin to me

>> No.17437415

sir, please, this is a reality

>> No.17437418

No I did

>> No.17437436

based and SN(eed)SS pilled

>> No.17437443

aprogogy for poor engrish

i just ate china food, do i have pacifico bat flu??????

>> No.17437445

If you're eating a bat, you probably don't care too much about presentation.

>> No.17437446

Oh well... you're gonna be kicking yourself later for that decision

>> No.17437447
File: 2.04 MB, 300x160, ritsuka.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SPCE climbing back up after Wall Street publishes an article about them

>> No.17437453
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>> No.17437459

This thing is supposed to be like a crystal ball

>> No.17437462

SOXL is the answer. Face it. Semiconductors are crack in all but name. The desire for newer, faster, more is insatiable. Computers, GPUs, self-driving electric cars, AI enhanced smartphones, medical devices, microcontrollers, networking gear, machine learning, surveillance, infrastructure, military, the list is endless. No matter how many cores, how fast or efficient, demand requires bigger, faster, cheaper, better. The clamor for fresh silicon gives nary shit for national identity, creed, hue, gender, asshole virginity or other vain conceit; the multitude speaks in singular. The plea: semiconductor.
SOXL couples a single ETF entry point with the the best companies the space has to offer then pushes these already stellar returns to the limit with 3x leverage. With SOXL your economic interests are aligned with powerhouses TSM, Nvidia, Qualcomm, Intel, Broadcom, AMD, Micron, Texas Instruments, Applied Materials, et al. Real tech companies with innovative products people want, not """tech""" """companies""" pushing shitty ads. And like all leveraged ETFs, SOXL is rebalanced daily, deftly mitigating margin risks.
In the last 7 years, SOXL has exploded over 55x yet still we are early. Semiconductor growth will proceed exponentially until every viable space is saturated with it. This is a fait accompli; the sheer number of interested parties and compelling outcomes make it so. The injection of increasingly compact and efficient sensors, microcontrollers, information processing and storage into everywhere and everything will be this era's seminal revolution, a revolution with SOXL holders planted firmly at the receiving end.
Stop waiting for the "pullback". Where we're going, fretting over a few dollars is meaningless. The deliberation is over; waiting is a failure mode. Now. Buy it now.

>> No.17437466


>> No.17437469


I’m pretty spoiled though. Honestly we’re all so used to eating meat from the grocery store. A little fish-head stew isn’t going to hurt you but I’d still be put off.

>> No.17437470
File: 61 KB, 492x489, smug mythra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it too late to get back in bro

>> No.17437474

Sardines and Herring mostly

>> No.17437475

just invent money and economy with a new twist and start all over again

>> No.17437479
File: 137 KB, 400x388, tenor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm stuck holding $2000 worth of gold that might still be on the decline tomorrow. If it drops off hard I might as well kms, I will literally give up trading forever.

>> No.17437482

Take advantage of this market shit and buy the dip while you can. Cause the epic gains will be fucking huge once the virus shit is over with. I added a bit to my S&P fund how about you?
P.S: Who cares if your in the red. It only counts if you sell the shit. Long ONTX.

>> No.17437492

Anyone has a take on intelsat?
I wanted to buy back when it was 5 but didnt, rallied to 25. Hit myself in the head with a frying pan.
Now back at 4.2 and again rumors of bankruptcy.

>> No.17437493

No. We'll be $1.2 before March 3rd, I think, and when that 400mg data hits which might be what that conference presentation is, well... sky's the limit.

>> No.17437504

Bro people have been telling me to buy the dip since fucking Thursday, all the while I should have literally sold everything Thursday and bet against the market.

>> No.17437506

but when will the bottom be?

>> No.17437510

note to self: never invest in pharma again

>> No.17437513
File: 229 KB, 1268x1024, 1546833374928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least you have gold. I'm stuck holding 1.6k in meme internet tokens when I bought in for 2.2k

>> No.17437518

They have to pick their battles. This level needs to be slowed down so momentum doesn't take things lower as this gap is nothing but air but expect the real fight at ES 3040-3050.

>> No.17437520
File: 81 KB, 512x768, 20200129d0420c47a8410290b117d7bd4309dc89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im looking through a bunch of images from years ago and really it doesnt look like theyre shopped lol

>> No.17437526
File: 189 KB, 1200x800, drink coke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drink coke

>> No.17437534

true, invest in AMRS while it's on sale.

>> No.17437535

Just wait for the announcement that 97% of scientists agree corona virus is an existential crisis that requires an immediate response from humanity. That's when you know it's nothing to worry about and time to buy the dip.

>> No.17437542


The Fed is going to pump regardless. They'll extend the Repo purchases and outright cut interest rates again if things start slowing down again. It's what they do.

Really the only thing that would force them not to do that is if inflation of general goods and food started to shoot up.

>> No.17437543
File: 85 KB, 580x1024, BatSoup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got the fancy stuff. I have to settle for the generic canned bat soup.

>> No.17437547


>> No.17437573
File: 31 KB, 620x393, 43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not like United States Space Force will actually operate in space within the next 30 years

if you're just getting the price of the "cosplay" and not the girl you're looking at the wrong website

>> No.17437578


>> No.17437582

SpaceshipTwo delta-V is around 1.5 km/s
You need 9.4 km/s to reach orbit

>> No.17437588

WHAT DO I BUY PUTS F0R????!?!?!?!??!?!?!

>> No.17437591

I hope /biz/ isn't gonna miss out on buying some sweet MRNA. They are doing coronavirus vaccine trials and are in the green all this month. Use your noggin

>> No.17437599

Soon as foxcon forces its workers back into the silicon pits they'll lose n+c% of their workforce (where n is suicides + political prisoner deaths + camp faction rivalry deaths, c is corona deaths)

Buy on the even bigger dip to come

>> No.17437601


He's probably headed for a bunked in New Zealand.
Fuck stocks invest in rice and bullets

>> No.17437606

>Bro people have been telling me to buy the dip since fucking Thursday, all the while I should have literally sold everything Thursday and bet against the market.
Oh fuck bro, just get in your time machine and SELL SELL SELL. Or just sell it all now cuz surely you know what's gonna happen tomorrow just like you did last week when you sold. Wait, except you didn't and you don't now. You don't have a fucking clue but fuck it, it's dipped so now is surely the time to not buy.

>> No.17437607

Wanted to buy yesterday but managed to get some at 21 and 22. Looks good.

>> No.17437612

Big deal

>> No.17437621

9.4km/s is to enter the ISS's orbit. 1.5km/s is to enter 100km orbit.

>> No.17437641
File: 42 KB, 720x745, hit or miss anime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might cut my losses on some crypto and get back in then

>> No.17437660

>The delta-v needed to achieve low Earth orbit starts around 9.4 km/s. Atmospheric and gravity drag associated with launch typically adds 1.3–1.8 km/s (4,700–6,500 km/h; 2,900–4,000 mph) to the launch vehicle delta-v required to reach normal LEO orbital velocity of around 7.8 km/s (28,080 km/h; 17,448 mph).[11]


>> No.17437668


I'm salivating thinking about the dumb boomer tripfags hanging themselves. Just smoked a fat cigar after cashing the last of my gainz out.

Get the fuck out while you're still in the green. Don't get greedy and try to make back 5%, it's nothing. Just get out.

>> No.17437672

tfw u bought gold 2 years ago
This crash is the real deal boys.

>> No.17437673

1.5km/s will get you to the edge of space, not into orbit. Orbital velocity is ~7.8km/s

>> No.17437675

Yeah, it's not trying to maintain LEO. Doesn't need orbital velocity. It needs to enter the range, then exit it.

>> No.17437679
File: 570 KB, 1242x1112, 1582665828140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>disney taking a dive

He wanted to retire in 2021. He's cashing out his stocks before the company takes a huge hit due to Coronavirus for the next year (customers at parks, movie theater attendance, merchandise supply chains grinding to a halt).

You can't be CEO and divest a huge amount and keep your job. But he doesn't want to retire in 2021 with 25% less. So retire now. Simple.

>> No.17437684

Are you retarded...

>> No.17437685

I'ma get everything I lost today back by the end of the week.

>> No.17437686

1.5km/s is not even close to orbital velocity. it is suborbital.

>> No.17437695
File: 317 KB, 751x856, 91FAE42D-C7D8-45B5-9296-057430FD8865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my body is ready

>> No.17437699

Anybody who sells now, unironically kill yourself. You FAGGOTS claim you wanted a dip well here it fucking is. BUY MOTHERFUCKERS

>> No.17437703
File: 72 KB, 720x521, babybeardies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay I looked at the SPX chart. Back to back 3% drops are quite rare indeed, especially straight off the top like this. It's tedious to find precisely similar moves but ~6% over the course of two days is a handful of times per five years kind of scenario. My main takeaway is, if you're stuck riding this downwards, you should probably hold and cost average if you are able. The tendency to have a recovery bounce of two days or more is strong on these early drops. Use these bounces as opportunities to reduce your exposure to the market if you're overall bearish on this situation. Don't panic sell deep red days. Also don't kneejerk short coming off these moves either. The chart moves will be spastic all over the place for some time to come based on macro index tendency.


>> No.17437708

I wouldn't touch MRNA with a barge pole. The price of their puts, across every expiration date, show that no one is willing to bet on the long term value of the stock.

In short... they are marketing on the VERY small chance that they will develop the coronavirus vaccine that everyone uses. It isn't going to happen.

>> No.17437709

Yesterday I was called a schizo for warning the dumb tripfags.

I'm jerking off to these red numbers. Hope you got some puts.

Holy fuck you're losing it. I'm not looking so crazy now.

>> No.17437710

Feels good being a pseudo bear. It's like other people's losses are your gains. This must be how JP Morgan Chase felt like in 2008

>> No.17437717

They're launching tourists, not satellites.

>> No.17437721

>I want my profit since October to be wiped out
Yeah this is what everyone has been saying lately.

>> No.17437726

Sort of like how Wednesday wasn't the top and it will go up forever.

I'll stick around for another week just for you.

Never let a tragedy become a missed opportunity. Or some shit.

>> No.17437729

Anything that isn't a meme and has a large cap

>> No.17437730

Yup, this is another vixpocolypse scenario from people overleveraging. Buy The Fucking Dip before SPY heads to 360 this year

>> No.17437732
File: 182 KB, 1024x663, 1574702000084m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SDGR got fucked so hard today, it was stupid...

>> No.17437734
File: 89 KB, 805x513, Confess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopefully they have some funding news for GALT in early March. Dilution wouldn't make sense at this price.

Could rocket the stock a few hundred percent if they partner. I could use that right now.

>> No.17437738

>next year
next month.

>> No.17437740
File: 129 KB, 2560x1272, Screenshot (545).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17437742

It will be in space for a couple minutes

>> No.17437745

Correct but my point was that it's a dead-end technology as far as future space stuff is concerned. It's only good for going straight up to the edge and gliding down. It would need 3-4km/s even to do a suborbital hop from LA to Tokyo.

>> No.17437753

>>I want my profit since October to be wiped out
>Yeah this is what everyone has been saying lately.
JuSt TiMe ThE mArKeT bRo
Time in market beats timing the market EVERY time unless your name is Jim "RenTech" Simons and if it was you wouldn't be here. BUY

>> No.17437766

This thing isnt worth 1 billion.
I cant short it though because the market irrational me solvent shit.
How to profit though?
I am sure 5 years out this wont be a success.

>> No.17437767

Just wait until the algo bots get their trajectories re-adjusted. They've been behaving with the expectation of short term volatility up to now.

>> No.17437773

it was a decent shot, no corona exposure heading into an expo where it would show that its flagship had applications outside of medicine which would be huge news.
i was half in SDGR today and other half in KO and yeah got chunked.
don't get too much salt in your eyes tho, they still have potential if the overall market pessimism clears

>> No.17437774
File: 165 KB, 1024x936, koala2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unless there’s something called Koala-ism that I’m unaware of.
That's my religion.

>> No.17437776

Buddy that's easy for you to say considering you've probably been in the market for the past 8 bullish fucking years whereas I just entered recently and am losing real money really fast.

>> No.17437783

A 100km orbit is still practically the same as the 400km orbit of the ISS. Once your in orbit, the hard bit is done.

Orbit != crossing into space.

>> No.17437787

Uh, true Iger stepped down as CEO, but he's still the exec chairman till 2021. He's gonna be working on the creative part of the bis.

>> No.17437791

Basically buy and sell, buy and sell

>> No.17437794

Yes, a dip is when the price decreases which means that previous gains are erased.

>> No.17437795

and if it keeps plummeting?

>> No.17437801

Oh ok well if that's your point then yeah.

>> No.17437802

>SPCE missed """expected earnings""" by 95%

>> No.17437809

Step away from the charts and check back in 12 months you pathetic faggot.

>> No.17437812

yeah but for how long? If you're willing to hold all your investments for 5 years or more then yeah you'll probably be fine. If you want to realize at least some gains before then, well then you may be in trouble if you're not out already

>> No.17437815

Big if true. I want to see some loss gore tomorrow.

>> No.17437822
File: 23 KB, 409x408, 97ede8cbb839534f1eb73777ce8b6c7fb9ac7ed448b2728f29752a4528af970b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SNSS just went up another penny

>> No.17437823 [DELETED] 

>This is just libtard fear mongering to fuck Trump at this point.

You're a dumbass

>> No.17437829

Oh yeah 12 months before I can touch my money again, very helpful advice.

Literally kill yourself.

>> No.17437830

yeah but it was ATH today and holding which is uncharted territory.
might double pump if corona-chan is as bad as it might be. realize that those pumps and dumps were based on the previous viruses being nothingburgers.
Alpha ProTech is a legit company that actually produces shit and stands to have business increase.
it's not just a meme even tho it has a meme name of "ebola stock"

>> No.17437832
File: 246 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200225-164508_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17437841

You've lost it. Google what "novel" means in novel Coronavirus.

>> No.17437854
File: 57 KB, 302x340, mmmyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OH, looks like someones going DOWN town

>> No.17437860

yeah im salivating as SNSS keeps going up too zoomer faggot lmfao necc yourself

>> No.17437871

I bought the dip yesterday, now im all equities and no cash to buy the dip again. Standing by for instruction.

>> No.17437873

It isn't.

>> No.17437874

He's trying to help you. 6 months is more realistic.
If you can't afford to lose it CASH OUT NOW. This can and likely will get MUCH worse before it gets better.

NOVEL. Fucking Google that word.

>> No.17437876

Told you. It will still be bullish though, because it's a meme stock.

>> No.17437877
File: 372 KB, 2415x1400, SandP_support_resistance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the market continues to "plummet", you thank the gods for their grace in allowing you to buy more at a discount. If you are already all in you start selling valuables. If you have literally every single last dime in the market then you start rolling shares over to out of the money call options. If it "plummets" more roll more shares. If it keeps going roll the calls themselves until the inevitable rise. Then rest easy as /smg/God status is assured.

If you think you wanna try trading then see pic related. The green lines are past support. When the price plunges through the support, expect a retrace back to it before that previous support becomes new resistance. Buy when the price breaks through and sell on the retrace. Just make sure to keep some so when we do end up going back up you'll make some hefty profit. When the market acts like it does now you get massive easily tradeable volatility and where the retracements end up are usually quite predictable hence the lines. Or just buy and hold, up to you. You don't have to go all in at once but at least get a little and if it goes down more, pick up more.

>> No.17437878

They arent going to orbit.
They go suborbital.
They just go mach 3 to 4 just like a fighter jet, but since the engine isnt airbreathing and a bit stronger it can push it to 100km instead of tops 35 for a MIG.

>> No.17437879
File: 45 KB, 1191x1023, Screenshot (553).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SPCE bros, aren't you also ONTX bros?
have you learned yet?
have you learned what sell the news means?
do you know why people say that now?
why people say that a lot?

>> No.17437886

Watch as your equity as eaten away and we tumble all day again tomorrow while people insist you made a good call buying literally right below the peak as if that was a good move.

>> No.17437892
File: 589 KB, 638x478, vvooovvooosss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its so easy
You buy the dip, if it keeps dipping, you take out a loan and double down.

>> No.17437897

ty based anon for trying to education people dumber than a rock. this hasnt even hit america yet and were seeing sell offs. when SHTF and america's on lockdown thats when you buy your cheapies.

>> No.17437899

I agree with most of your posts but just because I insulted tripfags you're mad. Please contain your ego. I like you.

I've already exited is my point. No reason to buy back in yet.

>> No.17437900

It's your fault for thinking you could get rich quick. Go back to r/wsb niggerfaggot

>> No.17437908

>I've already exited is my point. No reason to buy back in yet.

>> No.17437909
File: 325 KB, 393x343, bogged.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y-yeah I'm sure.

>> No.17437919
File: 9 KB, 349x193, big think.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unironically how many zoomers will pull the plug on SPCE tomorrow first thing?

>> No.17437920

If down because nCoV fears: hlod
If down because malfeasant company (SPCE): get out nigger

>> No.17437931
File: 94 KB, 702x486, 1548731256569.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17437932


>> No.17437933

I would gladly lose half of my investments if it meant every tripfag here killed themselves.

>> No.17437936

I wasn't trying to get rich quick I was making safe, long term investments that are now in the red by a large amount. You retards assume everyone here has been in the market for a decade, we don't have the fucking cushion you have.

>> No.17437939

I don't mean to be too dismissive. You're actually giving decent advice.

>> No.17437942




>> No.17437947

Thanks, I'm going to keep holding at least until middle of March. If it turns out to be a total bust I will just consider it a very expensive lesson. This market has been brutal but it's also bounced back like nothing. This corona virus is such sensational bullshit.

>> No.17437948
File: 15 KB, 579x335, big.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"the dip" is going to be a rollercoaster nightmare to the bottom. look back on 2007-2009 please. if you think you can time the dips you're nuts. hide in the cave with your bear bros until spring 2021

>> No.17437954

Should have payed attention to the virus. It's been around since December. It's really unfortunate but if you got into the market at any other time you'd be fine.

If you can afford to, I guess ride it out.

>> No.17437958
File: 202 KB, 1280x720, A8cxzonjkn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good ol' Martingale strat. Fortunately on the market you don't have to keep doubling down until you run out of money or recoup. You can wait for the tide to shift.

>> No.17437964

>long term investments
Then there isn't a problem. Go make some tea and read a book or bake cookies or something and relax.

>> No.17437975

tHe MaRkEt WiLl NeVeR cOmE bAcK uP
u CaN tImE tHe MaRkEt
I humbly disagree and I have the account size to support my position. Most of it was made in bear markets which are much much easier to trade than bull markets

>> No.17438092

Disney going to tank, going all in on DIS puts, then when ill use the money I made to buy a shit load of DIS in a few weeks when the virus blows over and management stabilizes.

>> No.17438185

im in safe index funds and a bit in old KHC, I don't think daddy buffet had SPCE in mind when he said buy the dip and be patient.

>> No.17438867

In cash. Cash is king, always was, always will be. Also, cryptotards will soon learn that when shit goes down, everything goes down.