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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17430398 No.17430398 [Reply] [Original]

No matter how much you FUD I'm still holding 50k.
>Muh Satsgang
>Muh scam
>Muh racist bullshit
Still holding. See you at $1

>> No.17430416

> dirty indian op
> praise vishnu

>> No.17430477

Are you really bragging about $1,300? Nobody gives a fuck, that is literally toilet paper money. You won’t get rich from 1,300$.

>> No.17430509

I bet you also started with less than $15k in crypto stinky linky

>> No.17430523

$1,300 is a lot of Mumbai rupees sir.

>> No.17430538

My initial $3k into Link at 20 cents did alright.

>> No.17430569
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>> No.17430606

I don’t own any premined shitcoins, and I have 7 figures in crypto. Keep throwing your allowance at garbage, you wont make it anyway

>> No.17430623

That is what 50,000$ now? Yeah, nice return, still not making it.

>> No.17430650


Yea yeah yeah yeah everytime you faggots tell how wealthy you are and what not and never post any proofs because "you're just pajeet" or whatever. hahahahah keep coping with your 50 LTC stack faggot.

>> No.17430678

What proof would you want?

>> No.17431123

finna dab on this dip and buy more

>> No.17431153

200k holder reporting in

>> No.17431175

I'm a legit PNK whale.
Takes nerves watching early price fluctuations, but it's pretty obvious looking even now, that this coin will amount to something.

IMO, at the very minimum it will be $1, at which I'll already have made it.

I expect a surge come Paris.

March 2nd bois.

>> No.17431189

Look guys he said the LINK thing but with the scam of the month

>> No.17431210

300k+ here, pretty much this. This coin has gov money behind it, not a single chink or pajeet in the team and the the platform is already viable. Been praised by vitalik and it's doing pretty well even tho it can only be exchanged on decentralized markets.

>> No.17431236

I'm never selling my SENT

>it's a scam!!!

Still not selling.

After the router partnership is announced, it will moon, and all you losers calling it scam will fomo. Screen cap this.

>> No.17431275

Fucking this!
You seem to care quite a bit about us losing money to this “scam”. Never seen a /bizlet be so empathetic.

>> No.17431294

500k PNK holder here. Here are some selling points why token is good and will go moon. Here's another selling point. I will be rich.

>> No.17431297

Considering the shit that had $1billion+ market cap during the last bullrun, $1 PNK should never be an issue.

>> No.17431315

You seem to care quite a bit about people buying into your scam, why is that? So nice of you to care so much about us becoming very rich. Thank you sir.

>> No.17431336

Based whale

>> No.17431346

2 million PNK holder here. Kleros is the future. Vitalik. Decentralized courts. Indian juries. Buy it now. Rich.

>> No.17431349 [DELETED] 

HAHAHAHA I literally have not even tried to shill, I just said “this”. Meanwhile you are writing out blog posts about our “scam”.

>> No.17431392

300k holder reporting in

>> No.17431405

I'm sure that's your only post in this thread ;)

1 million PNK holder reporting in

>> No.17431421

Hahahahaha I literally just said “this” meanwhile you are spamming the thread with your gay blog posts and being butthurt about missing out. What a pathetic sack of shit you are.

>> No.17431495

Is it really more pathetic than having no saleable skills and having to scam people to make money? ;)

750k PNK holder reporting in. Hodl strong marines.

>> No.17431596
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+1MM whale here. You poor kids have nothing clue whats happening..

>> No.17431601

3 million PNK holder reporting in

>> No.17431610

So tell us?

>> No.17432482

march 2nd comes, nothing burger, pnk dumps to zero.

>> No.17432521

most likely

>> No.17432523

700k hammerhead shark here, i dont know what the fuck he's on about either

>> No.17432531

154k here. May not fully make it with this stack but hoping to partially make it

>> No.17432587

500K Checking in

>> No.17432753

the idea for kleros is great. its execution is piss poor. when there are so many great investments out their right now. why waste your time with this one?

>> No.17432838
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>agitated monkey noises

so, I'm thinking ATH on Monday on PNK/ETG, atleast 12k GWEI

>> No.17432861
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>Says idea is great
>Kleros backed by industry leaders
>Hurrrr execution so badd
Sources: https://blog.kleros.io/the-godfather-of-online-dispute-resolution-speaks-with-kleros/

>> No.17433540

>zero liquidity exchange
>pajeet shills
>overhyped tech jargon
you're better off listening to the smelly OGN shills. at least their "decentralized e-commerce" is easier to understand

>> No.17433570

its pretty easy to understand desu

>> No.17433957

>OGN shill detected

>> No.17434760

600k reporting in for duty

>> No.17434776

350k marine reporting in

>> No.17434782

250k PNK holder reporting in

>> No.17434797

1.5m Kleros token whale holder checking in for duty

>> No.17434811

2m PNK whale here, reporting in. That's what you do when you hold a token you just go into the thread and report in.

Reporting in.

$1 soon

>> No.17434815

80k and still acooming

>> No.17434825

Hi I have 100k token. reporting.

>> No.17434852
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>Muh racist bullshit
You have to go back.

>> No.17434868

RACIST 4channers are not welcome to become rich from PNK token

75k PNK marine reporting in

>> No.17434961

Look at all the anons who are holding this good token. That proves it is good token. Do you want to be guy who not holding the good token?

Buy it now.

100k PNK holder reporting in

>> No.17435379
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Big boy pinkie holder here

>> No.17435715

200k here. If we do fall below 2c I plan to buy up 1m. Kleros is the best token I've seen since LINK. Sure Link was a simpler concept to grasp, but both tokens solve a critical issue to smart contract adoption.

>> No.17435765
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based kleroschads

>> No.17435947

Smart contracts don't need juries of Indians who bought an ERC-20 token to work, sorry

300k whale PNK holder here by the way