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File: 71 KB, 458x322, Screen Shot 2020-02-24 at 10.12.20 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17423187 No.17423187 [Reply] [Original]

tomorrow 9 am EST

>> No.17423194
File: 20 KB, 1000x646, PREMINED SHITCOINN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17423225

Go on

>> No.17423251


>> No.17423261


>> No.17423277

nothing ever happens and if something does it won't be to your benefit

>> No.17423318

Google and Facebook was premined too ;)

>> No.17423325

Money gram announces earnings expected to be poor I'm thinking wall streets in for a surprise tomorrow good for my MGI stock and my XRP bags

>> No.17423339
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>> No.17423375
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>> No.17423838

wait, why would MGI announcing poor earnings be good for your XRP bags?

>> No.17424346
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The moneygram earnings report will do NOTHING. Only 10% of Moneygram's MXN - USD transfers are on ODL Its literally a small fraction of a small fration of moneygrams total costs. If ODL actually saved costs at all, it would be a 1% difference at most

>> No.17424372

Wrong, adoption is adoption. A success would show more room for future and positive speculation

>> No.17424443

ODL since 2019 has tippled since the start of 2020. theres just not much cost that was saved. Also, moneygram practically spoiled the earnings here and namedrops Ripple six times, but not XRP


>> No.17424462

youve been saying this for years

>> No.17424510

>it’s Valentine’s Day


>it’s uh tomorrow

>> No.17424525

See you on the moon frens. XRP is king.

>> No.17424575

This thread sucks. XRP fags know nothing

>> No.17424994
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>> No.17425184

as expected - it is a complete disaster


>> No.17425386

Our direct-to-consumer digital business achieved strong growth rates and international markets continued to outperform, which enabled us to return to transaction growth in the month of December. Importantly, we also delivered record online digital transaction growth during the 2019 holiday season and reported Adjusted EBITDA for the fourth quarter that exceeded our expectations."

Fuck off nigger

>> No.17425407

>-10% year on year
>strong growth

face melted
XRP is already on the moon

>> No.17425446

Net loss was $11.9 million compared with $12.5 million for the fourth quarter of 2018.
Adjusted EBITDA was $57.6 million compared with $60.0 million in the previous year's fourth quarter. Adjusted EBITDA margin improved to 17.8% from 17.4% in the fourth quarter of 2018.

>This is somehow a disaster
lul get rekt

>> No.17425460
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Total operating expenses were $311.0 million, an improvement of $21.1 million over the fourth quarter of 2018. This is an improvement of 6% from 2018's fourth quarter.

>This is somehow a disaster
Again get rekt fudder hahahaha

>> No.17425464

>nothingburger after nothingburger after nothingburger

>XRP price in the shitter as per the usual

I guess rippletards are already used to this by now

>> No.17425479

>This is a disaster

>> No.17425540

trust the plan am i rite? any day now, tomorrow, soon, you will see, this time its happening for real, you could have prevented this, its a big big burger

>> No.17425679

not, it is a major win - just see XRP price, or MGI stock price

face melted, everyone priced out

>> No.17425704

is 5 k enough to make it? my idea of making it is 3 mil minimum after tax
nice car nice house 3 or 4 properties to rent out and spend that as i travel and fuck hookers and sluts until i find the one if such a thing exists a mil in a separate bank growing with interest as back up

>> No.17425726

Who cares if the XRP price is low right now. Only fucking niggers like you that dont have any foresight and cant see into the future care about short term price movements, nigger.

Yawn. This is all so tiring, lul

>> No.17425966

>right now
>in the shitter for years
>no reversal in sight, every miniscule pump gets squashed

in it for the tech, are you?

>> No.17425990


>> No.17426002

Get out of crypto if you can't handle multi year bear markets. Why fud the coin if you don't hold it? Retard. You've made up your mind it sucks. So why fud? Got nothing else better to do?

>> No.17426007

dude, just hodl for two or three decades, LMAO

>> No.17426022

why shill shitcoins on an obscure mogloian marmot cooking forum of all place? Got nothing else better to do? Lemme guess - you are an evangelist bringing the light to the lost. And you are calling others a retard...

>> No.17426030
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Yeah but like, no one cares bro. Hodl till we die.

>> No.17426042

If it triggers you so much, then I guess I'll start shilling it too


>> No.17426049

so you are in it for the tech, good for you

>> No.17426062

No I just believe it will go parabolic. Hodl till I die. Nothing you say will make me change my mind. And I'm going to shill it even more just to trigger you LMAO

Hes so easily triggered

>> No.17426078

>can't handle the truth
>calls others retard
>everyone else is triggered

hey look, your shitcoin just dropped another 1%

>> No.17426082
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>I gotta get him!
no one cares if it drops HAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.17426094

like every other crypto. actually it doesnt drop as much as other bullshit

>> No.17426099

If you hold till you die you will get exactly fuck all out of it mate, so you are obviously not in it for the money

Shill your shitcoin to your heart's content, just don't expect not to be called out on bullshit. This isn't reddit, just so you know

>> No.17426106

So mad, so angry
sold at bottom
so angry
keyboard warrior

>> No.17426124
File: 344 KB, 1534x394, 23413432424.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

utterly fucking rekt ahahahahahahah

>> No.17426135

You realize every time you post you bump the shill thread? You're being trolled so easily you fucking dumbass. Your emotional hatred over xrp has blinded you so badly

Fucking retard, you're being played like a fiddle

>> No.17426139

utility and partnerships is the best thing a crypto can have. XRP and ODL is already being mass adopted by banks and institutions throughout the world- it has reason for the value to go up. Shit like chainlink, eos, and or any coin has no reason to go up at all. No one is calling for the mass adoption of Bitcoin cash or XLM. There is no reason for it to go up.

XRP's growth wont be determine by the name drop of some major partnership like
it will be the market waking up to XRP being the only crypto at all with any sort of commercial use

>> No.17426156

>what is sage?
>you are a retard and I am smart

good for you sweetie, no go back to your safe space

>> No.17426168

Bumpity bump ahahahahah

get rekt, bump the shill thread

>> No.17426181

you can't believe that shit yourself, can you? I'm all for some hype, part of the fun here, but this is the kind of thing that would make a strung out tinfoil hat blush

>> No.17426210

>imagine thinging that hyping your shitcoin on a burmese basket weaving forum is going to make any difference whatsoever

just keep calling others retard, just keep saying that

>> No.17426212
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Dont buy it. Just dont. Look at this dummy post so much hahahahahah
He hates xrp and wants to "call it out" yet he cant help but bump the shill thread he hates so much
hahahahaha what a dumbass he clearly sold at the bottom and is second guessing himself HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA


>> No.17426261

do you not get what ODL even is? Yes, XRP is being used commercially by all types of money institutions. here is the amount of XRP being transferred a day for commercial use


no other coin is being used commercially nor probably ever will be used commercially. No one is using Bitcoin Cash for payments because its better. no one is using a EOS or Tezos for any practical advantage over cash. not even ETH will be used a for a long while

Price goes up as soon as the market realizes XRP is actually the only fucking crypto in the world with any use cases at all. The speculation for how much ODL will rise is so much greater than any speculation ETH could do. The only reason why XRP isnt $5 right now, is because very few people in the world even know what ODL is. They literally invest in shit like Tezos and EOS for memes and not practical use. But if anyone had any idea how ODL works and how it would affect the price, XRP price would surge.

>> No.17426264

link tier coin

>> No.17426277

Dont bother reasoning with him, he bought at the top and sold low and lost money. He just hates XRP and cant let it go. He stalks all XRP threads and desperately fuds them.

>> No.17426323

XRP. in 2020. lol. better off with FRM.

>> No.17426366

hey, don't tell them


>> No.17426401

Bumpity bump