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File: 48 KB, 639x347, corona bear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17409163 No.17409163 [Reply] [Original]

no survivors edition

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>> No.17409170

how do you guys normally place your options orders during closed markets? do you just give a huge limit or do you wait until trading starts and buy live

>> No.17409174

Bear gang where you at?

>> No.17409176

let's assume that the virus is even worse than the pessimists think and governments are hiding the truth. would gold be the safest investment to make?

>> No.17409177

Post yfw

Leveraged 5x and every put or call is hitting big

>> No.17409182

i want to hug the bear

>> No.17409183

nasdaq futures broke through -3%
when was the last time

bunker + clean water + food

>> No.17409185
File: 47 KB, 267x401, aww.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post cute bears please

>> No.17409186

Gild calls
Gikd shares
Jpn puts
Spy puts
Airline puts

Annother bunch of random shorts from fri

Kek ez free money

>> No.17409188


>> No.17409191

Yeah im buying more.foood and water in an hour or two. Gota 60 gallons of water and tons of food alreeady

Want more

>> No.17409193
File: 56 KB, 480x360, iu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Operation COVID-19 is activated
>They bought the dip thinking the flu scare was over sir
>Good, now spread the virus to Italy and south Korea

>> No.17409196
File: 335 KB, 1280x1830, domesticated bear 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gold and silver have been printing for me.
Here. Joined on friday.
Its literally free money at this point and I enjoy option YOLO fags getting rekt.
I may actually go on Reddit for the first time and see some people lose it all and cry about it.

>> No.17409200

Pretty gay market. What is selling stocks going to do to stop a virus? What good does panic do?

We are gonna trigger the circuit breakers arent we?

>> No.17409201

Good time to buy. Just put another 1k each into:

Greggs, Games Workshop, and Britvic.

>> No.17409203

Do not be afraid, men. Buy more

>> No.17409209

Who else shorted ah on margin fri when news hit?

Fuckers.gave meunchanged prices lol
Fucking asleep bitches thx free.money

>> No.17409215

> booked a trip to Italy in april
> most of my cash is in index funds

How fucked am I?

>> No.17409216
File: 18 KB, 777x530, Screenshot (497).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3250 approaching fast

>> No.17409220

the bad news is you're poor, the good news is you won't live long enough to suffer the worst of it so...
not bad.

>> No.17409230

Refund asap

>> No.17409234

I'm supposed to fly into Switzerland this April...
fortunately it's not a big deal to cancel if things get too real

>> No.17409243

Get food
Get water
More the better

Also medicine will run out its all reliant on complex supply chains

>> No.17409244

RIP stonks 1817-2020

>> No.17409246

Just joined on Thursday so I'm relatively new to this but I'm understanding it
So seeing how futures is plummeting, would it be a good idea to buy SPY puts? What do you guys think?

>> No.17409249

I'm probably gonna buy some calls for tesla out to April or may. Gotta weather this out. Plus got battery day coming up. Elon can work his magic on that.

>> No.17409250

To put it in perspective hospitals wont be able to run any operations in a few monthd maybe

Prep now to survive this

Ppl in this thread will prolly die

>> No.17409253

>waited until bump limit before making a new thread


But to the rest of the bears, get fukt. If the s&p opens down 3.5% and you open a short... I don’t know what to say I think that would be wildly reckless.

>> No.17409255
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>c-central banks will just print infinite money and continuing pumping the market!!1
We're entering a global recession, central banks wouldn't be able to keep the money in the market while the economy in is decline. Capital would flow to Gold and into commodities (causing inflation).

Short Tech, buy Au and Ag, reenter stonks in 6-12 months when we're growing again.

>> No.17409264
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who me kidding -_-;
we will be 3410 by weds

>> No.17409267

Fuck /pol/ schizos kek. I can’t wait to see you btfo when the virus kills a few more subhumans today before being forgotten by Wednesday

>> No.17409270

Nikkei 1000

>> No.17409273

everyone in this thread will die eventually
all that matters is accumulating a huge pyramid of stocks to be buried in

how's your immune system doing lad?
ready to fight off a virus?

>> No.17409284
File: 804 KB, 1102x1200, E9860FB3-12F2-4171-A3D2-4E7613C0A4CF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re dead. What’re you doing here?

This, mostly. This is way too much panic and smugbears.

>> No.17409286

I give it to about Wednesday too before they all forget and we start pumping some more.

>> No.17409288

im looking at some call options with the greeks are all zero, what does that mean? its like the data is missing or some shit, but i look at other strike prices and they have normal greek numbers

>> No.17409289

Dont discount good advice because i sensational ized it

>> No.17409294


>> No.17409297
File: 2.35 MB, 1621x2402, every man and woman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4000 by 2021 unironical

>> No.17409300
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>> No.17409307
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I do not really. It worked like 2/3 times that I sold things the second before the big opening drop though. So if you expect a loss, put in the order and hope for the best.
It depends. Do you expect a further drop of US markets during the day beyond the initial spike down? Then buy puts.
I'd generally do not short the US market today (see >>17409077) but thats because I am overly cautious.

Maybe wait for the end of the day. Also buy gold calls and silver calls. Easy 10% a day return this week on some low-risk calls, independent of the stock market.

>> No.17409308
File: 787 KB, 1242x2688, A98419DD-8A95-46CA-8B13-B516AFB3BB1B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Down 2k+ today, will probably be closer to 4k once US markets open. I have 4k cash. When do throw this into the market?

>> No.17409313

Look at gild boys

>> No.17409326

Such a reuniting of quality posters this past week...

This isn’t even looks like guro or torture though, what’s up with that? Looks straight and consensual.

>> No.17409333

Lol, I thought it said "Functional country".

>> No.17409341

my man look at APT

>> No.17409346

sell now fuck fuck fuck

>> No.17409349

dont buy it though, it jumped super hight. just look at it.

>> No.17409351

we made it
3250 hit
no party hats until 3200 or 3300

>> No.17409352

reminder spce is your friend

>> No.17409357

>down 7% already

>> No.17409362
File: 55 KB, 622x227, rkg credit score.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't seen that image in full kekkies, baka knees used to post it frequently tho

>> No.17409367
File: 23 KB, 782x575, 2020-02-24 10_41_02-dax - Google-Suche.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Europeans markets are literally just melting
Not even a dead kitty bounce. Just dropping

>> No.17409372

>I'm going to buy calls for a growth stock, with massive growth already priced-in, for the first quarter of a recession

>> No.17409377
File: 892 KB, 743x1110, 6B659E72-E358-4C66-BA0C-B2364E79D0E8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KO might as well be gold at this point. WW3 could kick off and it wouldn’t go lower than 58.5 lmao.

>> No.17409381



300 how is that even possible? Credit scores are at record highs!

>> No.17409382

buy KO calls to hedge against inflation

>> No.17409395
File: 585 KB, 750x1334, D41DDAF7-CD25-4BB2-BFC1-00249E55B1F7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. I’m a bear now, I hope it keeps dumping so I can buy more.

>> No.17409397
File: 495 KB, 1957x657, troublesome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just because 100 people caught the flu. In Italy, which barely had a functioning economy to begin with.
this is real panic

fucc I want to stay up and watch futures go down and watch the market freak out on open but I have to sleep...

>> No.17409400

Kneegirl has mentioned maxxed credit cards on multiple occasions, YUCK
She's free to respond tho :3

>> No.17409412

Dow -1000 today?

>> No.17409416
File: 775 KB, 1474x2069, D9EF7BA6-7FEB-452D-9992-6B26D2F23AC0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Jesus Christ I really should be studying.

>> No.17409418
File: 697 KB, 868x935, smug food3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

China is producing shit all and the virus is spreading. Austria just canceled all rail travel from and to Italy.

At this point denying the effects of the virus mean denying reality and willful ignorance.
Im not saying wake up sheeple, but people who call it a "simple flu" are now just mad about their losses.

>> No.17409420
File: 1.43 MB, 1943x1440, 1573098727363.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>markets not open for retail
Ahhhhh I'm refreshing and losing thousands and cant do anything. Reeeee someone do something!! I dont wanna go back to work!

>> No.17409422

Nasdaq futures on the road towards a -4% open

They're going to need to call in the 5AM pump team
if boomers see the SP500 open 3% down they're going to lose their minds

>> No.17409424
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>> No.17409428
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already have one in foreign market

>> No.17409439
File: 1.54 MB, 1515x1312, ethics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets see how bad things can get

my positioning is as neutral as I can make it right now

>> No.17409447

>Gold reaching 1700 soon

>> No.17409449


>> No.17409450

Buy NEE, KO, T. These are such low beta (like you nerds haha) stocks that buying them basically acts as a hedge.

>> No.17409453 [DELETED] 
File: 607 KB, 3050x1538, my_time_is_come.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew my waiting would be rewarded now it's almost time to liquidate some coins and buy some of them semiconductors. Not yet but when SOXL gets under 200 I'm all in. Gonna pull everything off every crypto exchange, empty Metamask and electrum. If we go under 100 I'll mortgage my house. I'm gonna be rich boys. Filthy. Fucking. Rich.
I had no idea stonks were gonna be this easy

>> No.17409460
File: 3 KB, 284x38, 1572006572756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17409463

Has NCoV2019 made it to India yet?

>> No.17409465

hedging what against what?
a hedge without qualifiers is the thing in your yard that the servants have to trim every week.

what does "i ar" mean?

>> No.17409467 [DELETED] 

Im wanting to.do similar but into nvda and googl.

>> No.17409469

I bought the dip on NOKIA, based sauna jews are saving the day.

>> No.17409472

this year

>> No.17409478

Jesus christos I forgot I owned a bit of this shit too. God damn it


>> No.17409483
File: 639 KB, 3044x1527, bitcoins_to_SOXL_time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost time to liquidate them all and buy them semiconductors. I was hoping this virus thingie was gonna deliver and it's starting to look like it's going my way. Who knew stonks were gonna be so easy. This is my time

>> No.17409486

hey you know that they say
"If the candle is still green, light it"

at least, that's what they said back in my day

>> No.17409492
File: 29 KB, 288x239, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you are watching your money flow away in pre market and can't do anything.

Fuck its been bad news for a month straight, why the freak out now?

>> No.17409495
File: 192 KB, 1085x1080, 6E6876AA-E841-460D-BC16-D2A813E8628D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>THIS IS IT!!!!!!!!

>> No.17409500

50 dead iran
Dead in italy
Dead in korea

Korea sbut down
Xi jinping saying shit like its grim and complex today

>> No.17409503
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>> No.17409508

This is actually excellent kek

>> No.17409511

can they stop s&p going deep red?

>> No.17409515
File: 889 KB, 949x1628, happy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>futures only 2.5% down and rising
the market is recovering
we made it through the great crash of 2020 boys
the next great bullrun begins now

>> No.17409516

I was forced to exit my SPXU (3x S&P short) on Feb 11 when it was hemmorhaging from the S&P ripping upward.

I then went long on SPXL.

And now here we are.

I KNEW I was fucking right to short and that I should have just stuck to my guns.

Why did these retarded mother fuckers buy that dip so hard? Did they think this corona situation was handled? Couldn't just wait and go sideways for a couple of weeks to see how it shakes out? No? OK then, you get what you pay for.

God fucking dammit.

>> No.17409518

Sorry, pic wasn't quite right hence the delete

>> No.17409521

>50 dead iran
Oh no how will they ever recover. Indexes will open low and climb to end down 2% or less by closing bell.

>> No.17409528
File: 157 KB, 767x647, 1582515194588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feel you brother.

>> No.17409529
File: 61 KB, 810x455, 031019+crab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are u gonna flip short again on market open

>> No.17409533

Aren't semis made almost entirely in China? Why buy now instead of when things have settled a little?

>> No.17409536

Cash out at open while you still can, we’re hitting a new ATH by Tuesday.

>> No.17409540
File: 288 KB, 967x995, imperial_scum_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going long on semis on leverage was dumb. Luckily won't get rekt just yet, unless pre market goes down by more than 9% overall. All hail boomer bonds and boomer rocks.

>> No.17409543

W-wait no I wanted some cheapies


>> No.17409546
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>> No.17409563

Fuck chinksects and fuck jannies

>> No.17409568
File: 95 KB, 1280x720, smug 18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

European markets are simply following the US futures and markets though
Thats why it makes no sense to invest in Europe.

The US futures just bounced by .2% and so does the DAX. Once the US markets open you will see the DAX crash as well. Everyone knows this, but people will only sell once the Americans do. Its just... depressing.

>> No.17409570

We gonna make it such that 2017 crypto will look sick in comparison
>Aren't semis made almost entirely in China? Why buy now instead of when things have settled a little?
I'm still waiting a little while but I think the world is finally taking corona seriously. I'm hoping the S&P drops at least 20 or 25%. If that happens SOXL should be well under 200. I nibbled a little here and there especially when it got to 240 a week or so ago but was almost losing hope we'd get a real dip. I'm hoping this is the last good drop and chance to get in before semis take off with no turning back. And the beautiful thing is I'm ready with a few hundred thousand to drop in. It's beautiful

>> No.17409573
File: 124 KB, 1680x940, Screenshot_2020-02-24 Live stock, index, futures, Forex and Bitcoin charts on TradingView.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17409579

>Once the US markets open you will see the DAX crash as well
DAX is already "crashing"

>> No.17409588
File: 2.28 MB, 1883x1195, uuuuughhhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seeing dead cars makes me sad

be patient for the BILI
we're waiting for below $20

imagine being a europe ever

>> No.17409589

When do we buy SPXL?

>> No.17409592

Why not just use a broker that lets you trade premarket? Even Webull lets you trade from 4AM to 8PM eastern time and they have free trading and options just like robinhood

>> No.17409600

You think the chinamen will let it drop that much?

>> No.17409602

Look at the swiss index SPIEX,
-4% today. that's what is coming with the sp500

>> No.17409603
File: 26 KB, 647x288, Screenshot_2020-02-24 Moderna Inc .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmmm should have bought MRNA... oops

>> No.17409606

Schwab lets me trade premarket but I've still gotta wait another hour and 20 mins or something

>> No.17409610

Any GUSH short sellers? I thought it would've bottomed out already, but it seems that shitty dying oil companies still have some space to fall.

>> No.17409616

anyone else mad you cant buy options pre market? how the fuck am i supposed to know if my limits are enough to get the buy?

>> No.17409619

>see DAX literally fucking dying
>check my index funds
>barely moved

>> No.17409626

rent free

>> No.17409628
File: 2.14 MB, 1518x1557, FinalBattle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they don't let me get proper cheapies, I'll find my cheapies somewhere else
if they won't let it drop, you'll never see it truly soar
this is the way of things

except switzerland is on the border with Hubei 2.0: Mario edition and the SP500 is the most powerful financial instrument in this solar system
they aren't the same thing at all

>short GUSH
u mean long DRIP? (that really is the ticker)

>> No.17409630

i just want to go to bed but i know if i do im going to get fucked by robinhood and none of my option buys will go through

>> No.17409631

>shorting GUSH
Why not just buy DRIP?

>> No.17409641
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>> No.17409644
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>don't short Tech!!1 we've fallen 5% off ATHs, buy the dip!!1
Hubei haven't peaked yet, the independent clusters through-out China are just heating-up, independent clusters exist outside of China. Anyone that can't see that we're in the early days of a global recession, and still have 40-75% to shed, is a smoothbrain.

>> No.17409647


>> No.17409652

Tbh I don't understand who makes the premarket market
Do the transactions actually settle premarket or at market open?

>> No.17409659


I'm slashing some of my holdings and feel fucking bad about it.

NTDOY, SNE, and AMAT probably have more to fall though, don't they?

>> No.17409660

Stocks trade pre and post market on computers and settle as soon as an order is matched. Options trade in Chicago and only during market hours

>> No.17409664
File: 70 KB, 298x300, bobobear-298x300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fine post

>> No.17409666

My broker pays me a small % on the cash in my account, including cash from short selling. I kinda though that I would earn more instead of just buying a reverse etf.

>> No.17409667

wtf do i short brahz

>> No.17409669

>Europe already reversing
Piss off.

>> No.17409678

>I'm slashing some of my holdings and feel fucking bad about it.
Don't sell low just to buy high man. This thing could turn around on a dime so just ride it out. If it does keep dropping go donate some plasma or whatever you gotta do and buy more. Worst case scenario buy some puts to hedge your long positions but please don't attempt to time the market cuz you will get rekt even if you manage to get lucky once or twice it'll teach the wrong lesson

>> No.17409680

I’m waiting until people stop saying buy the dip to buy the dip

>> No.17409683
File: 13 KB, 210x240, randy-marsh-south-park-the-fractured-but-whole-57.1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


fuck you

>> No.17409684

who gets matched first to the good price before it skyrockets?

>> No.17409692
File: 436 KB, 538x1071, evacuate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're saying your broker pays you interest to short-sell stocks instead of charging you interest?
are you some kind of Australian?
what broker is it ?

>> No.17409698

guh but... japan... and semiconductors!!
and fucking japanese manufacturing in china!!!!

>> No.17409701

anyone else buying TECS? u ggonna do options or just straight shares?

>> No.17409703

This is the hard part of being bearish

You have to be a bitch and sell or cover out.way before your gut wants to and go long before you feel it too

Or you lose bigger

>> No.17409714

How pandemic proof is OGI?
Should I sell?

>> No.17409718


>> No.17409719

Aka ur looking to only beat by half the move both ways. Never time the bottom

>> No.17409728

This anon knows what's up.

>> No.17409737

I think he means his cash is automatically enrolled in a money market account even the collateral
But it pays like 0.002% a year

>> No.17409740
File: 270 KB, 850x400, 1573441998121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who gets matched first to the good price before it skyrockets?
It matches just like any other time. If you buy market then whoever has the lowest offer takes it. You sell market, whoever is on the order book with the highest bid. It works just like during market hours only difference is liquidity sucks and spreads are wider
It sucks ass but I like the saying in pic related which pretty much sums up my position on market timing. You don't have to pick tops or bottoms or anywhere near just find a good spot in the middle where you buy underneath your subsequent sell. You can always try to work your trade too. If you believe in the support/resistance hoodoo then next time you see the price hit some support buy a little and then sell a little on the previous support. If it dives down again buy it back then sell the next bounce. Wash rinse repeat until your average price gets better. If we get a good crash there'll be plenty of opportunity to play that game since volatility gets nuts in a bearish scenario

>> No.17409746
File: 770 KB, 1125x2436, 31D30437-FCDA-490E-9244-174B292F7729.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>likely to spread further
>no longer a pandemic
what did Tedros mean by this?

>> No.17409751

Seems like we're sticking above 2550 until open :o
On the plus side, this is my chance to join you holding bilibili. 20 though? You think it'll go that low?

>> No.17409752

Cope harder and stay poor, fffffffffffaggot.

>> No.17409762

Yeah even if emotionally happy as bear right now

Have tough decisions that require thorough reasoning. Very tough week ahead

>> No.17409764

>you were born just in time for the boomercide plague to initiate the greatest transfer of wealth in history
It feels good, bros.

>> No.17409769

>Gouvernment funded organization adheres to will of gouvernments funding it

>> No.17409771

Dont be a bitch. You can live the rest of your life waging at McDonalds then. Buy more.

>> No.17409773
File: 876 KB, 1280x1058, brain pickings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*3250 jesus christ

>> No.17409778

>works just like during market hours only difference is liquidity sucks and spreads are wider
So what even is the point then of premarket? Why bother with it all if its low liquidity high spread stuff?

>> No.17409784
File: 370 KB, 814x674, Demon(cute).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"no one honks a horn at the top"
the WHO didn't used to be clowns, but at this point it feels like their press releases are specifically written to have no meaning

I think I sold all my BILI already
I'll buy back in when it goes down down down
If it doesn't go under $20 I'll use my ultimate technique and BUY OTHER STOCKS

>> No.17409786
File: 210 KB, 522x747, 1549253843811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we don't use the term "pandemic"
>why have downgraded it from a pandemic?
Double digit IQ at work.

>> No.17409789

you arent understanding my question. so assume you are a seller and there are 2 buyers with the same bid, who gets it? timestamp from whoever created the order first?

>> No.17409795

Say its fri night and Italy announces deaths then xi says things havent peaked

You can take margin and short with all of it at 5 min to close because prices didnt react

>> No.17409803



I guess I don't NEED the cash...
But I've got ~28 different stocks in RH!
And two of the largest are japanese with chinese manufacturing exposure!!

Still, that account is 43% cash so... i SHOULD be okay

that pic is a good way of thinking

Goddamn... Kissy got some issues

It is kind of a bullshit distinction, it just means "disease went far, and fast" and freaks people the fuck out

>> No.17409805

It sounds like some semantics shit
They don't want to say pandemic (even though it was the second cases showed up in more than one country) because that implies TERROR LEVEL OMEGA ACTIVATE THE ADEPTUS ASTARTES ULTRA
However we should all be on high alert and start taking extreme precautions To prevent further loss of life

>> No.17409808

jousting was the historical tie-breaker, but since the advent of the "personal computer" they use a random number generator (it actually isn't random though hehe)

>> No.17409810


>gotta have that early day fearful bowel movement, anon

>> No.17409829
File: 75 KB, 2185x1368, 1554638134901.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So what even is the point then of premarket? Why bother with it all if its low liquidity high spread stuff?
Sometimes you get a great price. Remember a few weeks ago when that Iranian general got droned? It was something like 7:30 PM and the first thing I did was jump on my Webull account and all in on SOXL. The market had dumped SOXL like 20 or 30 bucks if I recall (pic related). I bought and the next morning on open the entire market had already gone back up like nothing had even happened. Anybody only trading regular hours wouldn't have known anything had even happened but if you caught it, the drop was basically free money. It only takes a few of those to make it worthwhile.
>you arent understanding my question. so assume you are a seller and there are 2 buyers with the same bid, who gets it? timestamp from whoever created the order first?
Whoever put their order on the book first even if the placements were microseconds apart somebody was first and that's who gets the prize

>> No.17409834
File: 67 KB, 822x544, 1579321134208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brother, this isn't "timing the market", this is "not being blind". If every single SARS-CoV-2 virion *poof* disappeared right now, we'd still be looking at a severe correction and 1Q MINIMUM of global neg growth from the damage already done.

>> No.17409844

The point is some people want to buy and some people want to sell and a third party is willing to make the market, that's the essence of brokerage

>> No.17409845

This, it is a misused term that makes conspiracy tards and brainlet normies freak out. Just look at all of the apocalypse posting in /biz/ lately lol.

>> No.17409856

>If every single SARS-CoV-2 virion *poof* disappeared right now, we'd still be looking at a severe correction and 1Q MINIMUM of global neg growth from the damage already done.
I agree

>> No.17409861

Kek you’re fucking delusional. All of China could quarantined until April and that still wouldn’t happen.

>> No.17409863

Unless the number of new cases starts to fall very quickly in all the countries around the world, they're going to have to say the "P word" sometime this week.
The longer they wait the more credibility they lose.

>> No.17409867

>extreme precautions To prevent further loss of life

It literally only kills the elderly though.

>For instance, in Hubei Province, the epicenter of the outbreak, the death rate reached 2.9%; in other provinces of China, that rate was just 0.4%. In addition, older adults have been hit the hardest. The death rate soars to 14.8% in those 80 and older; among those ages 70 to 79, the COVID-19 death rate in China seems to be about 8%; it’s 3.6% for those ages 60 to 69; 1.3% for 50 to 59; 0.4% for the age group 40 to 49; and just 0.2% for people ages 10 to 39. Nobody 9 and under has died of this coronavirus to date.

>> No.17409871


>> No.17409872

Nah, they still charge interst for short selling, they just pay interest on short sales proceedings. It's not big but it counts.

Read the AAPL example here: https://www.interactivebrokers.com/en/index.php?f=1595&p=secfinancing

>> No.17409873

>only takes a few of those to make it worthwhile.
Didnt realize we bull allows after hours trades. That makes sense then. You profit from initial reactions to stuff.

>> No.17409874

>17 posts by this ID
Get help brah

>> No.17409877

>sold a week ago but got back in because the markets recovered
fucking hate boomers.
At least I can still get out while I'm in the green.

>> No.17409883

I wonder how the doom prophet the original HAPPOONER is doing

>> No.17409887

That would be 50k dead young americans

>> No.17409892

>Didnt realize we bull allows after hours trades.
Yeah, I have a few brokers I use but I make sure to keep that Webull account funded since they let you trade all the pre and post market hours. It goes from 4AM to 8PM eastern time. One of the few brokers that gives you access to the entire 16 hour trading period every day

>> No.17409898

>mfw ate toothpaste as a kid because i was fucking retarded and my immune system gained retard strength
heh, checkmate coronavirus.

>> No.17409900

I'm only going to sell SOXL and UNG at the open...


what's so funny?

>> No.17409904

probably pretty well considering how much he likes gold lol. He's pretty old, I hope he's okay healthwise.

>> No.17409911
File: 70 KB, 569x720, OHMYGOD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ID: FATgym

>> No.17409915

This. The reaction from China to quarantine everything was due to their criticism from people over sars reaction. And I suspect China knows it's a bioweapon and are scared of it doing damage.

>> No.17409926
File: 33 KB, 814x294, Blowout_soon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Means buy water and food along with all that gold/silver/puts/shorts. Things are going to get a whole lot worse before they get better

>> No.17409930

hey that's pretty cool
but it looks like you have to have at least 100k cash in your account just to get any interest, and it's still way below inflation.
Still better than nothing :)

>> No.17409938

There's also some evidence that it's more deadly to asians. And healthcare in the west is better than in China so there would likely be even less deaths

>> No.17409941

>$262 limit buys for mastercard
WOW that's fucking old, and very optimistic
Never getting that price again unless the CEO says the N-word on a conference call
(Nai Desu)

You mean underreaction?
Thought SARS was a huge embarassment because they downplayed it and didn't manage it well?

>> No.17409942

so does it come down to the timestamp from the order the broker sends, or the timestamp from when the person ordered it.

like lets say buyer A puts in his super high bid price on saturday

buyer B puts the same super high bid price 5 minutes before premarket. they are the only 2 buyers at the highest price, both the same price. who gets the transaction completed?

how can people not realize how important this is?

>> No.17409943
File: 132 KB, 1000x669, 1581022356700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based retard strength immune system bro

eating dirt finally paid out

>> No.17409944

How long though

I guess china can just keep workers in dorms but the world cant just shut down until vaccine

If the solution is harsh quarantining how many countries can do so without riots. Usa youll get nutters with guns trying to break out

>> No.17409973

>The reaction from China to quarantine everything was due to their criticism from people over sars reaction.
Correct. China has been trying build it's reputation and act more like the respectable global power they so desperately want to be. This why they livestreamed the construction of hospitals, initiated quarantine quickly, shared genetic data on the virus with the world, etc. For them it is better to blow this out of proportion than to sit on their hands and embarrass themselves.

>> No.17409981

why greggs and gw?

are these defensive stocks?

>> No.17409985
File: 73 KB, 1024x954, 1582078108571m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek. Going to ride the crash down and gorge myself on the carcass of the new-new-economy
>yf as you baghold for the next decade

>> No.17409989

Well, that's where it gets messy cuz some brokers are shitty and sit on your order while others will send it straight through no matter what time of day or weekend it is. The upshot is whichever broker sends the order first to the exchange. The exchange then gets the order and puts it in their matching engine with the timestamp recorded. That's one of the main difference between, e.g., crypto trading and stocks, with crypto you deal with the exchange directly and with stocks your broker acts as the intermediary. So if your broker is sandbagging you and not sending your orders in immediately outside of market hours or if the exchange isn't accepting orders and your broker doesn't send yours immediately when the exchange opens and that's important to your strategy then it's time to look for a different broker

>> No.17410004

Had a nightmare last night about the recession. Woke up to red futures. today is gonna be a bloodbath.

>> No.17410006

youre delusional. china is 17% of global gdp. closed til april is a q1 write off. a quarter of china is -4% global gdp annually. and to think there would be no knock on effects is ludicrous. negative q1 global gdp is not only fesible but likely.

>> No.17410007
File: 73 KB, 653x648, 1505861658278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats the best way to be exposed to gold right now without buying the thing itself?


>> No.17410013
File: 671 KB, 1099x1445, IMG_8762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For them it is better to blow this out of proportion
Fucking HUGE if true
but somehow I doubt this, considering Xi did nothing when he knew about this shit months ago.

oh... so now I know the mental state of the people trying to shake my hands... Please post more of your predictions.

>> No.17410021

i have also had nightmares about crashing positions in the past haha. that trading shit is only for the psychologically strong.
btw, im in the green.

>> No.17410025

>30 minutes til schwab premarket
>too tired to remember if I wanted to do anything
Bros? What am I supposed to do again?
Buy more Mastercard?

>> No.17410038


>> No.17410041

>tfw its going to take around another 2 days to get funds into my account
hope it stays red

>> No.17410045

im green as well. i bet against the market today. my nightmare was more of a premonition.

>> No.17410056

>You mean underreaction?
>Thought SARS was a huge embarassment because they downplayed it and didn't manage it well?
Yeah that's what I'm saying. The overreaction to Corona is because of their under reaction to SARS.

>> No.17410057

long arbys

>> No.17410062

>if true
It is true. If you understand chunk psychology, know history, and look at the mortality data it is perfectly clear.

>> No.17410065

Um guys.... My futures say 800 down .... Is that a big on my end? Are question

>> No.17410066

you don't have to buy or sell anything if you are unsure.
your buys and sells actions should be used to achieve an overall position. this thing could go either way.
I don't see many likely outcomes where the market will just brush this off and power upwards. I'm not buying

>> No.17410067

What's the dumb fuck way to prep for this assuming it's not finished pricing in?

My thinking is markets underreact and then overreact and we're just at the beginning of the overreact stage.

Do I minimize my risk with deep ITM spy puts so I can execute if I change my mind and lose less, or do I do deep ITM spy puts so I can put less money in?

>> No.17410074

m sure there are nightmares for me to come. but you gotta trust in your shit.

>> No.17410081
File: 73 KB, 720x678, Screenshot_20200224-054227~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are planning to keep this fud going for weeks.

>> No.17410086
File: 117 KB, 1480x987, 1582096708485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The market is sub 80 iq today. There is literally no reason to sell right now. There is only two possible things that'll happen.

1.) Coronavirus gets cured/ becomes treatable and the market shoots up.
2.) Coronavirus doesn't get cured and humanity goes extinct.

Either way, there is no case for selling right now.

>> No.17410087

>800 points

oh fuck today is gonna be an absolute blast

>> No.17410088

>How long though
That is the big question. I suspect by end of month China will either adapt to production under quarantine or restart it. Could have quartained cities get air dropped parts and build stuff and decontaminate it outside the city. No idea.
>somehow I doubt this, considering Xi did nothing when he knew about this shit months ago.
He doesnt actually care to help people. It's this pivot to globally appear to be a nice helpful giant. Even in movies they're funding in Hollywood they want the Chinese to be a friend to the white man and world. It's a ruse to get people to distrust Americans.

>> No.17410094

>Coronavirus doesn't get cured and humanity goes extinct.

>> No.17410100

>There is literally no reason to sell right now
true, which is why i sold everything on thursday. gonna start buying shut back today

>> No.17410105

The chances of my amd recovering are increasingly remote now

>> No.17410106

Oh god damn it... I'm stuck with these bags

All the expert dip buying I did in some bullshit like FB and V is now bags to hold.

Well at least it's not fucking garbage companies like VIAC. Fuck Bob Bakish got me good that motherfucker...

>> No.17410108

Not until the bleeding stops

>> No.17410113
File: 69 KB, 1493x710, 32523523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys are still going on about this shit? Its already on its way out

>> No.17410123
File: 1001 KB, 640x480, 1462619770248.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SOXL: Financial instrument not available for trading

>> No.17410135

Isn't there a literal GLD that's tied to the spit price of gold?

>> No.17410137

Silent generation gold pill (must watch)


>> No.17410138

It will recover eventually, but next few weeks will be rough.

>> No.17410141

>amd below 50
>nvda below 280
>aapl below 300

holy shit lmao

>> No.17410146

>log graph

>> No.17410147

So I'm guessing that the 800 point wasnt a glitch

>> No.17410150

Oh my God

>> No.17410151

Going to save the market by buying sqqq calls, the bogs will fix the market immediately to fuck me

>> No.17410162
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>> No.17410164

thanks anon appreciate your sacrifice

>> No.17410169

It's going to recover eventually, but it's going to take a while.

Go long and dollar average. That's what I'm going to do once this shitshow shakes out.

>> No.17410171

apt running hard in pre market

>> No.17410176

3.) COVID-19 causes widespread economic disruption and a global rescission.

>> No.17410177
File: 195 KB, 1125x959, 4398730B-0F3D-4AF4-B2B5-E8E6C4ADD4F7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally bought the top after getting sick of waiting
>tanks 10% 6 days later

>> No.17410178

What effect on the economy would killing off 10% of pensioners have?

>> No.17410191
File: 173 KB, 449x401, 1580096158100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hes still holding SPCE

>> No.17410198

look on the bright side, maybe the economic collapse will be so bad, society gets replaced with mad max gangs

>> No.17410202

Only positive

>> No.17410203

I want in on NNVC

>> No.17410208

Anyone following MSFT news?
"Please file these forms to document the filings for the firm's you failed to previously file" kind of pales in comparison to PANIC LEVEL OMEGA news

>> No.17410209

Oh thank god
CNBC has papa Buffett on

Fuck I’m still not studying

>> No.17410211

Literally impossible. A weakened China just means more cheap chinkshit for us which is extremely bullish. Dead pensioners means social security is less insolvent and has little impact on consumer spending since they barely even buy the bare essentials.

>> No.17410217
File: 2.00 MB, 240x180, I'm retarded.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> AMD trailing stop triggers at $58.90
> buy the dip too early, just before Corona panic tanks the market on Thursday

Well, that one hurt quite a bit. Still green for the year, but it still sucks losing my gains like that.

>> No.17410218

Do you have DBPG available to you?

>> No.17410220

where do you guys see the earnings report of companies?

>> No.17410226

Why isn't there an NCOV murder index? Like for volatility but for human suffering

>> No.17410231
File: 6 KB, 290x174, D3CD5970-D702-40F6-AB5B-857F8D20F7E3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17410237

Oh hey that's me and the $11K i've lost on AMD calls. Dumped literally the next day.

>> No.17410238

doesnt look like it lmao. IB dabbing on leveraged etf memers hard

>> No.17410241



To evaluate the efficacies of lopinavir/ritonavir and abidol in the treatment of NCP.

The clinical data of 134 patients with NCP receiving treatment at Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center during Jan 20 to Feb 6, 2020 were retrospectively collected. All the patients received interferon-α2b spray and symptomatic supportive treatment, and 52 cases received oral lopinavir/ritonavir treatment, 34 cases received oral abidol treatment, the remaining 48 cases did not take any antiviral drugs. The efficacies at median day 7 among the three groups were compared by using Kruskal-Wallis or chi-square tests.

The 134 patients included 69 males (51.5%) and 65 females, aged 35-62 years with the average of 48 years. The median time to temperature normalization in patients receiving abidol or lopinavir/ritonavir treatment was both 6 days after admission, and that was 4 days in the control group, with no significant difference (χ2=2.37, P=0.31). The median time to PCR negative in the respiratory specimens in the three groups was all 7 days after admission, and the PCR negative rates at day 7 after admission in lopinavir/ritonavir, abidol and control groups were 71.8% (28/39), 82.6% (19/23) and 77.1% (27/35), respectively, which were not significantly different (χ2=0.46, P=0.79). Radiological worsening at day 7 was observed in comparable proportions of patients in the three groups, which were 42.3% (n=22), 35.3% (n=12) and 52.1% (n=25), respectively (χ2=2.38, P=0.30) . Adverse reactions occurred in 17.3% (n=9), 8.8% (n=3) and 8.3% (n=4) patients, respectively in the three groups (χ2=2.33, P=0.33).

This study did not find any effects of lopinavir/ritonavir and abidol on relieving symptoms or accelerating virus clearance. The efficacies of these two drugs in NCP treatment need further investigation.

Key words:
2019 novel coronavirus; Pneumonia; Lopinavir/Ritonavir; Abidol

>> No.17410245

go to a listed companie´s website > go to Investor Relations > go to financial publications (or something like that) look for the quarterly or annual results pdf files


>> No.17410247

Lol you wish doomfag. Look up the mortality rate for Corona. It's 2%, and that's in a country with massive poverty and low hygiene standards. Even if this shit spreads it'll hardly be different than the flu. It's all bullshit.

>> No.17410255

is it gonna dump back to 40?

>> No.17410257

rev up those 10-q's

>> No.17410262

At least they’re good companies...

>> No.17410263

The flu doesn't have a 2% mortality you blokhead.
Anyone bringing up the regular flu is low IQ

>> No.17410269

Guys how does a retard short this market in the least retarded way

Otherwise which 3 sector / industry ETFs would be likely to be worse off than the whole spy?

>> No.17410276
File: 44 KB, 560x463, full retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Look up the mortality rate for Corona. It's 2%
> looking at deaths/infected to determine mortality rate instead of deaths/cloded cases

That's not how it works.

>> No.17410277

gold pls go up

>> No.17410279

Bruh did you read what you posted? Says the drug doesn't work (written three different ways)

>> No.17410282

Imagine trying to reason with the market and argue stocks back up

>> No.17410283
File: 6 KB, 372x268, AHHHHHHHHH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hold me bros

>> No.17410284
File: 267 KB, 1280x720, thinking aqua science calculation math.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im thinking of buying even more gold

>> No.17410285
File: 37 KB, 755x583, fear mode activate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh fuck

>> No.17410289

Those aren't GILD's drugs.

The anti-HIV meds failed clinical

>> No.17410291

You're a nice guy anon I only hope that small child you just helped appreciates it

>> No.17410294

Like I said, it's 2% mortality rate in China, a country with horrendous poverty and hygiene standards. Their gdp per capita is only a few thousand dollars above most African countries. The people dying are poor, old chinese people who already had other health problems.

>> No.17410295

Just sold everything and bought a bunch of gold with max leverage. It's all or nothing. Do it.

>> No.17410299

>The flu doesn't have a 2% mortality
Neither does SARS-CoV-2. Outside Hubei the mortality rate has been 0.4%.

>> No.17410300


>> No.17410308

You should tell china to not overreact then, you could save them a lot of money

>> No.17410315

>$100 commission

i thought buying options was cheap?

>> No.17410320

>Case fatality rate, also called case fatality ratio, in epidemiology, the proportion of people who die from a specified disease among all individuals diagnosed with the disease over a certain period of time.

>> No.17410326
File: 368 KB, 1526x2171, Honk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reee... AAPL below 300 I want to buy...

Seriously? I'm thinking fading this rally is the better move, unless you think panic is going to get much much worse. Everything we know and more is broadly known to the big boys with the big money.

>Kaletra failed
WHERE WE AT?!?!?!???!?!

>> No.17410328

>being this clueless about the chink mind
This isn't about costs. Those are irrelevant. This is about saving face.

>> No.17410331

Yeah. So disappointed in msft. Almost touched 190 after months of slow creep up and then dumbs right back to 170s. Wish I didnt get greedy with my 190 calls and sold when I was up a ton. Going to lose 4000% gain in a single day.

>> No.17410338

>was up over $10/share in AMD last week
>now will be lucky to get out with $1/share profit

at least im not losing money but damn, this hurts. if it pops my $49 stop loss then im out, sorry but im not letting it drop more than that while i hold. when was the last time the SPY dropped this much in a single day?

>> No.17410341

It's literally in this thread retard. Scroll up. 3% fatality for entire demographic.

>> No.17410344

im buying back in today

>> No.17410349

"Stop trying to destabilize the market with your degenerate gambling you clod"

>> No.17410354

I’m not worried about dying I’m worried about my tech stocks losing value

>> No.17410363

Any news on JEDI (fucking literal boomer government acronyms) litigation?

>> No.17410364

$100 is pretty cheap for calls. Most expensive calls I've bought was in the 500's.

>> No.17410366

Seems like it's time for some puts on GILD.

>> No.17410368

Destabilizing the market is only for the big boys peasants aren’t allowed

>> No.17410370
File: 232 KB, 750x1334, 42FBEF32-E0A9-4105-B0B7-1177E7015B30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone, we made it! The decline is over. As you can see in this chart, we’re coming back! Buy now!

>> No.17410375

Yes, long term this of bullish, but short term this WILL (not may) cause a global recession

Don't miss out, this is a once a decade opportunity to get rich as fuck

>> No.17410387

Jesus fuck pre-market looks shit, i'm selling every fucking stock i own until this corona bullshit calms down
i've lost a shit ton of money right now i'm about to go mental

>> No.17410388

>except switzerland is on the border with Hubei 2.0: Mario edition and the SP500 is the most powerful financial instrument in this solar system
>they aren't the same thing at all
wrong they usually move together. look at SP500 futures.

>> No.17410407

Yes buy high sell low. A true /biz/nessman

>> No.17410413

5 dead in italy now
this shit kills fast

>> No.17410417

yes please gib cheapies

>> No.17410418
File: 32 KB, 400x400, TRAIN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should have sold when I was green last week, gonna buy more gold and masturbate till US market opens in 2 hours. wish me luck.

>> No.17410420

China very much care about their economy.
go and tell them it's not worse than the flu, they will probably reward you for your stunningly original take.

>> No.17410425

Not selling my KO that's my retirement syrup

>> No.17410427
File: 456 KB, 1920x1080, fever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17410431

I want to grab for along side my crypto some standard normie-tier portfolio (mix of index, some choice stocks and counter-cyclical assets) and sit on it without real active management.

Am I being overly risk averse if I don't want to touch the markets at all right now for something like this, but rather want to wait, perhaps for over a year, for a genuinely large correction?

>> No.17410433


Thank you superior western healthcare

>> No.17410434

Well if it really is corona that's driving this dump, you have a long time to ride it down seeing as it's just getting started

>> No.17410439
File: 28 KB, 720x703, 84827318_461580001392274_7275764798032183296_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yeah those classic flus that cause mass quarantines and destroy global economic structures . Nothing burger !!

what's the play today though fellas

>> No.17410440

Buy the dip. Bullgang


Yeah its just corona bro it'll blow over

>> No.17410445

If anyone wants to play GILD, I've talked about it for a long time on here since 66.40, it's still a buy.

>> No.17410455

>expecting anything good from pizzaniggers

>> No.17410456

WHO Briefing live updates

> https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/watch-live-who-team-delivers-first-report-mission-wuhan

>> No.17410463
File: 116 KB, 580x580, casu marzu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are people who eat cheese with maggots in it. They're not so different from chinks.

>> No.17410466


>> No.17410470

is there a stream where i can watch the bell ring at open?

>> No.17410473
File: 41 KB, 249x249, 1580610743495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger, are you retarded? SARS-CoV-2 causes severe pneumonia at a vastly higher rate than seasonal flu. Even if the mortality rate were 0 it would still cause massive, global, economic distribution. It's not the end of the world, it IS the start of a recession

>> No.17410482
File: 271 KB, 330x236, yipyip good.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only down 1.44% so far!

>> No.17410487

lmao imaging being so desperate for a trade deal you have to go speak to 100k smelly pajeets. this market is totally fucked.

>> No.17410489

If I get rich from shorting i'm just going to laugh at the ridiculousness of this world

>> No.17410493

>I think a bad thing will happen
>am I being irrational by waiting until after the bad thing happens?
I mean that's the question you're asking
Unless you want to know if a bad thing WILL happen in which case the answer to that would be a violation if the temporal prime directive (however cheeky memes are not)

>> No.17410496

italy is a corrupt trashstate tho
lmao how many of you guys are getting your news from ZH?

...can't tell if sarcastic

maybe but

>> No.17410501
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now it's 1.68...

>> No.17410502

>DOW recovering a bit already

That's no fun. I want chaos and disaster.

>> No.17410507
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This all fucking started because those goddamn subhuman chinks ate bat soup. Let this be a lesson, your degenerate actions can have global consequences.

>> No.17410514

SQQQ, leveraged (3x) inverse ETF of nasdaq

>> No.17410521

Tbh the only medical intervention that can be given is supportive (fluids, antibiotics, oxygen, temperature regulation) aka things that help your body to win against the infection by lessening the other burdens on it

>> No.17410523
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>> No.17410525

This isn't particularly related to any particular material event though, more so market cycles.

Unfortunately everyone seems to be expecting a recession to "come along soon" (since we've been on an uptrend for twelve years), including myself, the negative sentiment suppresses the prices of stocks below what they should be but my own share in that negative sentiment makes me wary that as soon as I buy the recession will come.
I've been waiting on this since 2018

>> No.17410537

If there's one thing i've learned, it's always priced in, until it suddenly isn't

>> No.17410545
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>bat soup

The three HIV surface protein sequences in the entry receptor of 2019-nCov say lab research strain ... some idiot chink research assisant did not know how to biosafety protocol properly.

>> No.17410552

>corona will blow over
dude its literally just getting started. imagine the amount of companies who will have their earnings impacted by this shit. its not just apple - apples one of the few you had the balls to admit it

>> No.17410553

>over a certain period of time
Key words there, faggot. It's n/x, but you're using n/x(of two weeks ago)

>> No.17410554

I hope HIV came from bushmeat instead of someone fucking a chimp

>> No.17410555

retrace incoming

>> No.17410561

Thank you for your expert opinion. I am sure the CDC and WHO anxiously await your formal report on the matter.

>> No.17410565

Thank goodness for SNSS

>> No.17410566

>/pol/tard uses words he doesn't understand the definition of

>> No.17410580

It is always in flux until it is over and the whole event can be properly analyzed you dumb fuck armchair epidemiologist.

>> No.17410593

>I've been waiting on this since 2008
There's nothing stopping you from buying a little at a time, and then buying a lot if it does suddenly go down big. But whatever. I like to always have SOME money in stocks. But I like stocks.

Kinda BTFO me right now though. One of my biggest winners in my IRA is about to go red.

>> No.17410598

>watch a rainbow coalition of old men try to simultaneously tell everyone not to PANIC but also understand nothing is under control and things will get worse
>while they also spill their spaghetti in several different approximations of English as they attempt to talk authoritatively but without losing everyone with less than three PhDs
No thank you the one press release from Coughy Annan (that's a joke) was sufficient

>> No.17410602

Dear bears,

If you're going to crash the stock market, please do me a favor and crash the housing market again while you're at it.


>> No.17410603
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There was a research paper on this already. Has been quickly redacted after being quite shoddily "picked apart" ... mostly by bioinformatics guys, not real virologists (kinda the equivalent of having gender studies people write a paper on economics). Doesn't matter in the end, it's in the wild now and does what it does. Wake me again when some madlad actually reconstructs smallpox in his basement ...

>> No.17410616

seconded desu but it won't crash for the next 4 years

>> No.17410619
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>futures recovering significantly
>AMD over $50 in the pre-market again

phew, maybe my $49 stop loss won't trigger after all, wouldn't that be nice. we may just make it after all lads, BTFD!

>> No.17410622

kek. You really are retarded.

>> No.17410629

Gold mining stocks are going crazy.

>> No.17410631

What's the best gold mining company to invest in?

>> No.17410639
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Kek, sorry, my fault ... "retracted" ofc. Not my native language ...

>> No.17410640

It came from local monkeys being used to manufacture the live polio vaccine in Africa. There's a good documentary about it.

>> No.17410647

holy fucking shit APT going sicko mode

>> No.17410650

Please bears

>> No.17410652

Barrick now up a solid 20+% from where I sold

Can't win em all, but damn can I lose em.

>> No.17410653

get fucked doomers, futures returning faster than you can buy more gold mines

>> No.17410655


>> No.17410656

this is only premarket, shit's gonna fall even harder at open

>> No.17410659

we might be due for a new bread

>> No.17410661

Kek I woke up to a message from a friend
>sold my SNSS shares at .87 will buy back in after the market crash
Lol ok

>> No.17410670

Bernie already won.

>> No.17410674

>SPCE up 100% for the month
>losing money on it

>> No.17410678

why is everything going perfect
what's the catch?

>> No.17410680

disagree. the market watches the premarket for guidance

>> No.17410685

I am getting a serious case of unreality right now

Every single trade is going perfect for like two months straight. I dont even comprehend it right now how green I'll be.

>> No.17410691
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Ok frens, give me one good reason not to buy a shit ton of TSLA puts?

>> No.17410695

Only thing he's winning are his stupid donator's money who didn't learn their lesson the first time.

>> No.17410696

Think it's got to be discussed this week. Heard Feb 27th. Not sure if msft needs to do something or Amazon needs to prove damages.

>> No.17410697

KL. It was a buy before this recent Coronavirus flareup.

>> No.17410699
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today's gonna be ugly. Everything is down and down by a lot. Never expected corona to damage the market this much.

>> No.17410701

now is a perfect time to go food and water shopping, join me in a little break and protect your most important assets.

>> No.17410706
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should have gotten AG while it was under 10 sempai

>> No.17410716


>> No.17410720




>> No.17410723

Did you sell at a loss or a profit? "I could have profited more" isn't a loss

>> No.17410745

The catch is we're in a simulation holographic theory proves it

>> No.17410759

If you don't comprehend it then it's dumb luck and you should watch out

>> No.17410817

negligible profit, but you're basically right

>> No.17411201
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Initiating CO Power